Cat's Squirrel
Gold Meritorious Patron
Going back to 2010, Ted and Roger made a couple of posts in the "Apollo" thread which relate to the work of Larry Dossey, M.D.
The discussion wasn't taken up from there but I think it deserves to be seen again;
and here's a link to Dr. Dossey's website;
See what you think.
The discussion wasn't taken up from there but I think it deserves to be seen again;
Entire article here: Remote Human Functioning
Although Dr. Dossey believes premonitions can be an invaluable tool within the field of health and medicine, this may not be the most important take-home message from this phenomenon.
"Over the years, I have come to believe that even though these practices -- such as prayer, meditation and so on -- can give us a health advantage… I think the messages that are most important are what they imply about the destiny of human beings, and the nature of your own consciousness.
… If you have some non-local quality in your mind which says that it is infinite in space and time -- which I firmly believe is pointed to by the data -- that's a way of saying that there is some quality of human consciousness that's immortal, that is eternal; that is not located specifically to a point in time…
I think these studies in remote human functioning, psychologically speaking, point like an arrow to immortality.
… I think it totally turns around the old materialistic notion we've lived with for the past 200 years in science, which says that when you die; when your brain dies and your body rots, that's the end of everything.
These studies say that's not the end of everything. That's hardly the beginning. There is no beginning. There is no end… because we're not local with respect to time.
In some sense, we have an immortal quality to our consciousness. I think that's the biggest lesson we can gain from this work."
Very good info to see some in science are getting it right and embracing some higher level truths.
Dr. Mercola is one of my favourite, honest science people.
Good to have posted this Ted. It gives more validity and a more acceptable reality to the things we here see that some are wont to put down.
and here's a link to Dr. Dossey's website;
See what you think.