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Leah Remini to film episode in Clearwater’s oldest Baptist church


From the Bunker.

This is delicious. And big! :)

Thank you Pastor Willy Rice.

In a letter that Pastor Willy Rice sent to his congregation, the Clearwater Baptist minister revealed that Leah Remini and Mike Rinder will be filming an episode of their A&E series, Scientology and the Aftermath, at the Florida church on July 22 at 12 noon.

Excerpts from Pastor Willy Rice's letter to his congregation:

Dear Calvary Family:

Many of you may be aware of the A&E series Scientology and the Aftermath featuring the actor Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. Both Remini and Rinder are former Scientologists who have shared their own stories and spoken out about the cult’s dangerous, deceptive and abusive practices. The series, which first aired last season, has received great attention.


We believe this represents an important, perhaps historic, opportunity to expose the cult of Scientology and the harm it has brought to our community and to many thousands of people.



Patron Meritorious
Can't wait to see this! Filming in a church next door is brilliant!

I wish they could get Hubbard's daughter Alexis on the show I'd love to hear that story!

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Oh dear.

Pastor’s ‘premature’ announcement of July 22 event causes A&E to cancel ‘Aftermath’ taping

It now appears that the dissemination of the letter caught A&E flatfooted, and the legal and logistical issues around a public forum in Clearwater quickly got out of hand.

“The response was overwhelming,” we’re now being told. “But the event on Saturday [July 22] is not happening.”


Little David

Gold Meritorious Patron
CLEARWATER — In an unprecedented public condemnation by a local religious organization about the Church of Scientology, Calvary Baptist Church Pastor Willy Rice declared Wednesday that the "community has been tormented by this Goliath for far too long."

"Someone has to pick up a rock and a slingshot and trust God with the results," Rice wrote in a blog post that has since been removed from the Calvary website. "We believe we are in a unique position in this community and should try to help."

To expose "the cult's dangerous, deceptive and abusive practices," Calvary Baptist had committed to allow A&E's Emmy-nominated Scientology and the Aftermath series to film a public forum in its worship center July 22. However, on Thursday, A&E senior vice president Dan Silberman said the network never arranged for such a town hall and none will be held.

Silberman said the show's producers talked about filming private interviews at Calvary, but not in a public format. Silberman said, to his knowledge, A&E was not pressured by Scientology.



Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Written with dignity and truth, well done.


We would like to make it clear that this decision to cancel was not made by Calvary and it certainly did not come as a result of any outside pressure on us. Calvary has a long history, as Clearwater’s oldest church, of standing for the gospel and countering what we believe are the false and destructive teachings of Scientology. We will continue to faithfully defend the gospel and expose what we believe are the dangerous errors of Scientology.

While we regret that we will not be hosting this event on July 22nd we will continue to explore opportunities in the future that will help the people of our community better understand what we believe are the erroneous teachings of this cult and shine a light on its harmful practices.


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
July 22 Aftermath Event at Clearwater's oldest Baptist Church has been cancelled.

Tony Ortega: Pastor’s ‘premature’ announcement of July 22 event causes A&E to cancel ‘Aftermath’ taping



Statement by Clearwater Calvary Baptist Church on cancellation of Scientology community forum announced for July 22nd


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Pastor Willy's Blog - Complete Post


July 22nd Community Forum Cancelled

Earlier this week, after several weeks of conversation between Calvary and the producers of the A&E series Scientology: The Aftermath, Calvary announced that we had agreed, at their request, to hold an open meeting for the public in Clearwater featuring Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. Late this afternoon, July 13th, we received word that the producers of the series had decided not to hold this forum. Therefore, we regret to announce that the event we had announced for Saturday, July 22nd featuring Mike Rinder and Leah Remini will not be held as planned.

We would like to make it clear that this decision to cancel was not made by Calvary and it certainly did not come as a result of any outside pressure on us. Calvary has a long history, as Clearwater’s oldest church, of standing for the gospel and countering what we believe are the false and destructive teachings of Scientology. We will continue to faithfully defend the gospel and expose what we believe are the dangerous errors of Scientology.

While we regret that we will not be hosting this event on July 22nd we will continue to explore opportunities in the future that will help the people of our community better understand what we believe are the erroneous teachings of this cult and shine a light on its harmful practices.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
An important message from Pastor Willy Rice of the Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater.

If you are on Twitter, I respectfully suggest you follow Pastor Willy Rice - @WillyRice.



Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater, Florida.




Diamond Invictus SP
Here's a link to a video recording from July 23'rd from Calvary Church in Clearwater. Pastor Willy addresses the Scientology issue from 3:41 of the video to 11:28

Tony Ortega wrote about it as well this morning:

He even addressed the Scientologists who might have been sitting there amongst his congregation.

Some of the stuff he says is hilarious.

The congregation laughed when Pastor Willy said:
"Somebody asked me why did you call them a dangerous cult?

Well, that’s because they’re a cult and they’re dangerous. That’s why I use the words “dangerous cult"

Here's one of the comments cross-posted from the Bunker this morning:

Jon S10 hours ago
I'm a committed atheist, but also a fair minded person. I believe we should acknowledge achievement -- whatever the source. I loved that sermon. He nailed it. A truly great statement of truth that absolutely cut to the core on so many important points. He and I profoundly disagree on probably any other issue you'd care to name -- but, you know, fair is fair. He hit a home run there. Thank you for speaking out, Pastor Willie.

The Pastor announced that they WILL be having an event there in the future with regards to Scientology. This may or may not be in coordination with Leah's show "Scientology and the Aftermath", and he discusses this all in the video linked to above.