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Learning how to converse normally again...

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
Scn is riddled with jargon, or, as LRH described it: nomenclature. Now, I personally don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that he created terminology- and in this I may be in the minority- but one thing I think most of us would agree on is this:

Scn’ists- particularly CofS Scn’ists- get too dependent on the terms. I’ve seen it and I think most of us have seen it. AND, when someone’s trying to move on as an ex, then they’re going to need to be able to speak plain English (or German or Spanish, etc). They’re going to need to express themselves in the workplace, among friends and acquaintances who’ve either never been in Scn or who have no desire to ever go back to it. They’re going to be living in normal every day surroundings.

Now, I always tried to not use the lingo too often when in everyday society and for the most part, I succeeded. But even so, I know there are times when I’m casting about for a plain English term instead of a Scn one that popped into my head. With this in mind, I’m starting this thread about substitutions for Scn terms. Now, I will say this- some of my substitutions are not precise. They aren’t exact synonyms for the Scn term in every case. This could be something to pay attention to, but anyway here goes:

“reality” -- could use “Frame of reference” or “context”

“postulate”- “decision”

“1.1”- “Backstabber” “dishonest”

“PTS”- “severely stressed out” “under stress” “suffering from trauma/PTSD”
(this one is one that will depend on what was said)

“suppressive: - “Sociopath” “psychopath” for everyday kind of destructive person “Toxic boss/spouse/etc” “headcase”

A non Scn term that doesn’t fully corresponde to 1.1 or SP but which is probably very helpful and which contains/refers to some of those elements: “Frenemy”

“psych” – use the real term for whatever that person’s practice is: “Psychiatrist” “psychologist” “therapist”- be precise. Churchies tend to lump them all in under the banner of “psych” which does that set of professions and its various practitioners a great disservice.

“Dev’T”- “time waster” “needless delay”

“Out 2d” – “adultery” “he/she cheated on me”

“dynamic” – area/arena of life

“on my lines” – “in my life”

And sometimes we tell people about our past experiences and would want to phrase it in a way that’s easily understood. To this end, I usually refer to “auditor” as a “Scientology counselor” when I am telling someone about that.

In referring to someone (when conversing with someone who was never in the church) who was OTVIII and a classed auditor, I usually just say “Oh yeah, that guy did almost everything that one CAN do in Scn.” That seems to get the point across.

I’d like to see if anyone has any Scn terms they’d like to put into plain speech and if they thought of better ones for the terms I redefined above.

I realize there are Scn glossaries on line, both cult ones, FZ ones and even a couple critical ones. And some are really good. But I think an informal approach might be nice and that also we might enjoy discussing this.


Gold Meritorious Patron
I still use the scilon jargon every once and a while when I talk to my Mom or Dad, maybe Brother. I cringe when I use it, sometimes when my Mom does but it's easier sometimes with them and demonstrates (to them) my respect for her choice.

But outside of that - I worked it out the opposite direction Fluff. Instead going about it by "replacing my scientology jargon with "wog" words" I got used to using the "real" language to express myself.

I am fully out, don't "believe" in scientology any more. I think the scientology lingo developed was part of the indoctrination and installation of our being submissive to the cult. I also thin it was established to give scientologists a superiority complex - or to minimally facilitate this type of feeling for the newly indoctrinated member.

So rather than ‘replace the scientology lingo with different words that would mean the same’ – I chose to walk away from scientology and learn to use the English language. It took some getting used to but when I was able to do that for a certain length of time I felt more of the cult peel off of me and that was a good feeling.

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
I like that a lot, FF. Your approach seems quite sensible and sound to me.

For me, it's funny, most of the time just plain ol' English is what pops into my head but there are times when I just am ITCHING to use Scn parlance... I suspect that it can vary from person to person.

Wisened One

We still use some of the jargon here and there for brevity, but like the 'regular english' terms you've suggested Fluff, thanks!

Like I've said in other posts, some terms I just couldn't find a suitable replacement word for so would keep using the lingo for it.

ie: 'Solid' ( ex: 'He's so solid'. means to be too serious or too gravitic about something, etc.)

I know Paul's suggested some other good terms for it but I find that one I still use...:confused2:

Once in a while hubby and I will still say 'casey' (being too mental, I guess you'd say?).

Other than just a few of the words, we don't speak Scn'geze. We used to like to do it when in public and wanted to talk 'privately' in others earshot, :p


Gold Meritorious Patron
I like that a lot, FF. Your approach seems quite sensible and sound to me.

For me, it's funny, most of the time just plain ol' English is what pops into my head but there are times when I just am ITCHING to use Scn parlance... I suspect that it can vary from person to person.

Totally gotcha there. I was struggling too but I noticed it was only when around other scientologists. I think surrounding myself with people who don't know the scientology jargon and being around them for a long consistant time helped too. :p

Arthur Dent

Silver Meritorious Patron
I tried replacing scn. words with normal language words but I found that was a substitute havingness (oops!!!) for the real world as well. It has taken some time to break the scn. thinking habit. Simply replacing the words almost got me in trouble in my workplace. Fortunately, I began to see how crazy I looked before others realized that I really was! I had to back up and rethink all that. I found that addressing the thought process by not just replacing the words makes for a better re-acclimation into society. It's not easy learning to be a woggy wog!!! (ooopppsss!!!! I keep doing that!!!!):faceslap:


Patron with Honors
How about real words that LRH has just taken and changed the definition of the word to suit himself? The word "upset" would be an example. I always thought that my mother-in-laws improper use of the word was because she never formally learned English, she just had to pick it up (she is not a native English speaker). After learning more about Scientology I later realized it's LRH that gave her some bad definitions for English words. :eyeroll:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Redefining words is a common control tactic used by cults.

The following is from an excellent essay called "The Cult Test":


5. Cult-speak.
The cult has its own language. The cult invents new terminology or euphemisms for many things. The cult may also redefine many common words to mean something quite different. Cult-speak is also called "bombastic redefinition of the familiar", or "loading the language".

"Loaded Language" is one of Dr. Robert J. Lifton's Eight Conditions of Thought Reform — an essential part of any effective brainwashing program. The cult-speak may include a bunch of well-worn slogans, which Dr. Lifton called "thought-terminating clichés. The special words constrict rather than expand human understanding, and the slogans stop thought.

Beginners have to learn all of the new terminology in order to fit in, and understand what is being said. Then, the new language has the effect of separating the newcomer from his old world, and from his old circle of friends. His new cult friends will tell him that "Only another cult member understands", and it will be true. When he babbles nothing but cult-speak, nobody but another cult member will be able to understand.

Loading the language and redefining words has a long history. Lewis Carroll described it very well in the Alice in Wonderland sequel, Through the Looking Glass:


"... and that shows that there are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get unbirthday presents."
"Certainly," said Alice.
"And only one for birthday presents, you know. There's glory for you!"
"I don't know what you mean by 'glory,'" Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't — till I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knockdown argument for you.'"
"But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knockdown argument,'" Alice objected.
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master — that's all."
Alice was too puzzled to say anything, so, after a minute, Humpty Dumpty began again. "They've a temper, some of them — particularly verbs, they're the proudest: adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs. However, I can manage the whole lot of them! Impenetrability! That's what I say!"
"Would you tell me please," said Alice, "what that means?"
"Now you talk like a reasonable child," said Humpty Dumpty, looking very much pleased. I meant by 'impenetrability' that we've had enough of that subject, and it would be just as well if you'd mention what you mean to do next, as I suppose you don't mean to stop here all the rest of your life."
"That's a great deal to make one word mean," Alice said in a thoughtful tone.
"When I make a word do a lot of work like that," said Humpty Dumpty, "I always pay it extra."
"Oh!" said Alice. She was too much puzzled to make any other remark.
"Ah, you should see 'em come round me of a Saturday night," Humpty Dumpty went on, wagging his head gravely from side to side; "for to get their wages, you know."
(Alice did not venture to ask what he paid them with; and so, you see, I can't tell you.)
Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll, p. 238.

Back in the "real world", because leaving the cult is one of the worst crimes that a member can commit (according to the cult), most cults have a special term for leaving, like "going tai-tan", "backsliding", "leaving the fold", being "lost in maya", being "trapped in samsara", "straying from the path", "falling from grace" or simply "going out". When that dreaded phrase is uttered, everyone knows what it means.

Sometimes euphemisms or redefined phrases can take on truly evil dimensions. Adolf Hitler's "special handling" of the Jews, and sending them to the "final solution", are classic examples. And this one is really gruesome: the poison gas Zyklon B, with which millions of Jews were killed, was called "material for the resettlement of Jews".

Likewise, Mao Tse Tung sent his enemies and critics to slave labor on remote farms for "re-education" so that they would learn to "blossom properly".

When Rev. Jim Jones gave the order to murder the 276 children at the Jonestown People's Temple commune, he didn't say, "Kill those kids" or "Give them the cyanide." He asked, "Would someone help those children in crossing over?"

Throughout the entire second half of the twentieth century, various United States Presidents used the term "police action", rather than "war", to get around limitations on Presidential powers, and to avoid having to tell the public that we actually were in yet another war. President Nixon would not say that the U.S. and South Vietnamese armies had actually "invaded" Cambodia; it was only an "incursion".

"An important art of politicians is to find new names for institutions which under old names have become odious to the public." — Talleyrand.

Carl Sagan called such terminology "weasel words".

There are plenty of contemporary examples of loading the language, or bombastically redefining words:

In many cults, "You must have faith" really means, "You must believe what I'm saying."

"The Lord will reward you" really means, "I'm not going to pay you."

In one cult, "Sharing the love of God" means practicing prostitution to get money for the cult, and "Allowing God to bless others" means cheating people out of money which then goes to the cult.

In David Berg's "Children of God" cult, "FF" means "Flirty Fishing", which means women members practice prostitution to get more money and new male members for the cult.2

Likewise, in The Children of God, "forsaking all and following the Lord" means giving all of your worldly wealth, including your house, to the church, and then obeying the orders of David Berg,3 which often includes the women practicing prostitution, and their husbands pimping them on the streets, to get the cult more money.

And David Berg redefined "true spiritual freedom" and "perfect love" to mean that all of the women in the Children of God cult, even his own daughter, should freely have sex with him.4

To the Moonies, "heavenly deception" means misleading, deceiving, and lying to nonmembers to promote the church's goals.

Scientologists are actually supposed to read Scientology literature with the Scientology dictionary in hand. Any time they read something that they do not understand, or disagree with, they are supposed to look up the words in the Scientology dictionary to get their new official meanings. Thus, the members allow Scientology to redefine the whole language, and actually, to redefine reality.

In Scientology, "EOC" — "End Of Cycle" — is church jargon for suicide. Scientologists have actually been sent out as assassins, with orders to kill critics of Scientology and then EOC after the target was terminated.6
Another aspect of loading the language is constant redefinition or reinterpretation of anything and everything, whenever it is convenient. For instance, you may be reading the teachings of a phony guru, and find errors and logical inconsistencies in his teachings, and point it out to members. The true-believer cult members will answer, "Oh, you don't understand. What it really means is..." And then they will explain and reinterpret the guru's words until he sounds like a genius who deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Eventually, it seems like everything means something else, and nothing is as it appears...

Another twist on that constant redefinition game is that some groups let words have two very different definitions, simultaneously. Which definition will be used at any given time depends on the circumstances. Thus, the very same sentence can have different meanings at different times. This is especially true of cults that hide the truth from newcomers. An innocent-sounding saying may have an entirely different meaning after you learn the real meanings of the words.

When it comes to sheer density of incomprehensible psycho-babble or techno-babble, Scientology is hard to beat. This quote comes from someone who quit Scientology, and is now criticizing it, but he still hasn't quite "cleared" his language yet:

I sec-checked a new OT VIII completion from Spain on the subject shortly after he completed OT VIII (I was ordered to sec-check him despite that I was OT VII and he was OT VIII because I was the only OT 7 Nots auditor there was...
I had given him his whole upper level bridge from OT Eligibility to Solo Nots EP check. ...
Three people who were in their early 50's died of cancer, months after completing new OT VIII. As a result, the New OT VIII C/S was RPFed (Laura Wolfe, wife of Milton Wolfe who was jailed on behalf of the GO and later ended up as CO FSSO (FSSO: Flag Ship Service Org, The service org on board the Freewinds.) The replacement C/S, Sue Walker, wife of Jeff Walker, one of the original Class XII who was Snr C/S Int at the time (and who later blew and got declared I'm told — If he got declared he should be contacted, he was a very good friend of mine and we had much respect for each other. ...)
Wow. Can you believe that they talk like that all of the time?

"Sec-check" means "security check" — a process of questioning a Scientologist while he holds the lie-detector tin cans, to see if he is loyal enough and has the right beliefs. It's a kind of inquisition, not unlike the Catholic Inquisitions of the Middle Ages.
That quote also reveals the extreme beliefs of Scientologists. Scientology claims that when someone's mind has been properly processed — they call it "auditing" — that he will get mind over matter powers, even immortality. Hence Scientology also teaches that dying of cancer is just lazy immoral behavior. When those three very high-level Scientologists (OT-VIII, Operating Thetan Level 8) died of cancer, Scientology punished their trainers — — called "auditors" or "case supervisors" (C/S) — for "unethical" behavior — for having failed to fix the clients' minds properly, and for having failed to teach the clients how to be immortal.

RPF means "Rehabilitation Project Force", which means torment and torture, even getting sent to the Scientology prison camp at Hemet, California. Strange but true.

And notice the shifting of blame: When someone dies, it means that their case supervisor has failed, not that the Scientology teachings are really all a pack of lies from a paranoid schizophrenic. The Scientologists continue to believe that nonsense even though the nutcase leader of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, up and died of a stroke.

Oh well, better luck in the next lifetime.

I highly recommend reading this whole essay, scientology fits every single category listed here.



Ordinary Human
I monitor myself for use of Scino terms and mostly manage not to use them, but every now and then I slip up and use one with with someone who was never in, and then I get this reaction:


Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
Learning to converse abnormally

I shouldn't say this, maybe, but I will anyway- after all, most of you know me pretty well...

There's a Scn expression I've sort of changed around a bit for my own use...I'm wondering if anyone else here has used it this way, and that is:

"EP"-- used as "did you come?" or "cum" "ejaculate", etc.

I mean, let's face it. It's so neat and elegant. "Let's take this to EP." "He EP'd inside of me..."


I shouldn't say this, maybe, but I will anyway- after all, most of you know me pretty well...

There's a Scn expression I've sort of changed around a bit for my own use...I'm wondering if anyone else here has used it this way, and that is:

"EP"-- used as "did you come?" or "cum" "ejaculate", etc.

I mean, let's face it. It's so neat and elegant. "Let's take this to EP." "He EP'd inside of me..."

I know lots of super Scinos that use it in that sense! A few are on OT 7. This one lady used it when she was too embarrassed to say orgasm and was being euphemistic when talking to me. Ha! So much for being able to communicate freely about any subject.

Well, now that we have cleared that word, let's use it in a sentence shall we?

"Look out El Ron or I will EP on your face."

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
wasn't their some written porn in the OT levels

I like the kind with pix, movies or stills. (See? I've now confirmed some of the worst accusations made about me by some who seemed...ummm...concerned. Yes, a heterosexual woman over the age of 21 likes penises. Get over it.)