Thankyou for replying Sharone.
All of what you say is valid and completely understandable, we speak to dozens of public everyday and they ask this series of questions:
"Are you a scientologist?"
"Have you left the church?"
"Why do you protest so often?"
"Are there any ex-members here?"
"What made you come and protest?"
"Why is it still here?"
We make the usual excuses and try to make the public understand all the subtle elements that effect those who have left over the decades, but the impact can be limited for those who only see the Co$ as a "Group of wierdos".
I use that quote because they have thier own views and forget that those within the church are people like you and me. They may not see or experience all that you have seen or suffered but we know the undercurrents are still there. It is the most difficult part of a conversation to explain as it involves the emotional attachment of the person who experienced it.
An example of good impact was the LA megaraid press conference where you physically saw exes stand up and try to explain what happened to them. That hits home and starts to make people think even more.
Anyway i'm just another one of many still there everyday I regret not helping sooner and for that reason I will always admire and respect those before me, no matter what they do after a few pints
Current projects in discussion/implentation are an "incident" database and collection of the video interviews such as yours, we need more of that as public don't always follow up reading more text and like being broadcast at.
Many hugs to all
P.S. My favourite police quote is still "Are you all students then?"
1. Current age range of protesters 14-63.
2. Professions range from Students-Hedge fund managers.