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London Feb 20 Protest.

Sharone Stainforth

Silver Meritorious Patron
I have just listened to Scooters speech, I thought it was a brilliant speech.I guess if you're a scientologist, it would make sence.

What got to me more were the ladies speeches, whether that's because I am a woman, and a mother, I can't really say. It's just how I feel.

LRH was an extremely cruel man, David Miscavidge is also an extremely cruel man, but then he would be, LRH trained him.


Patron with Honors
twas fun aye as always.

I spoke to terril that it would be nice to have more exes with us now as the issue is telling those inside CoS that it's ok to leave all is well.

We average 4-7 protests per month so anytime you are in london let me know or other anons.

Postgames are fun aswell don't forget:p


Patron with Honors
I spoke to terril that it would be nice to have more exes with us now as the issue is telling those inside CoS that it's ok to leave all is well
That has always been a problem in the UK. 'Ex-members' is what the media automatically ask for first, despite religious experts having conclusively proved decades ago that they cannot be trusted.

Ex-members have as yet not banded together in the UK. There are enough to do so, but the will isn't there for any cooperative action. In the end, it's up to them.


Patron with Honors
I understand hartley.

The mini-protests are midweek or at weekends(Sat or Sun) either side of the main monthly. If crowds of strange anons are something that worries them those mini ones might be a good starting point for them.

In london as you guys know we get little confront except from stress table moments and again these are going to be more often now.

A picture you might enjoy:


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Sharone Stainforth

Silver Meritorious Patron
Hartley wrote:

That has always been a problem in the UK. 'Ex-members' is what the media automatically ask for first, despite religious experts having conclusively proved decades ago that they cannot be trusted.

Ex-members have as yet not banded together in the UK. There are enough to do so, but the will isn't there for any cooperative action. In the end, it's up to them.

From my understanding having spoken to quite a few exes that I have never seen protesting, but have spoken to me at protests in London, Brighton and Hastings, they are afraid. They are afraid of loosing their jobs, their family and numerous other issues. Some, like my Father are in no position to go protesting. Some, I have spoken to are mentally unable to cope with what scientology has done to them and their families, let alone stand outside the very orgs that have dealt such a vicious blow to their survival.

I can understand that, I know how hard it was for me to make those first steps. The biggest issue is one of trust. Once trust is broken, it is very difficult to trust again.Whilst I personally would like to see a lot more exes at protests in the UK, I do understand why many don't.

I have lost my family twice now because of Scientology, once I was forcibly cut off from my family as a child. As an adult. I have lost most of my family again, because I chose to protest, and suffered some fair game, I was labelled mental. Those people that know about cults, even if never having been in one are extremely afraid. Fear, is a terrible thing and a very difficult thing to overcome.

I can only hope more of these people who have spoken to me, will loose that fear, shake of those shackles and take those first steps forward. Being true to oneself, despite what shit is thrown your way, is liberating. I'm surrounded by the biggest poop pile you ever saw, but I'm still here.


Patron with Honors
Thankyou for replying Sharone.

All of what you say is valid and completely understandable, we speak to dozens of public everyday and they ask this series of questions:

"Are you a scientologist?"
"Have you left the church?"
"Why do you protest so often?"
"Are there any ex-members here?"
"What made you come and protest?"
"Why is it still here?"

We make the usual excuses and try to make the public understand all the subtle elements that effect those who have left over the decades, but the impact can be limited for those who only see the Co$ as a "Group of wierdos".

I use that quote because they have thier own views and forget that those within the church are people like you and me. They may not see or experience all that you have seen or suffered but we know the undercurrents are still there. It is the most difficult part of a conversation to explain as it involves the emotional attachment of the person who experienced it.

An example of good impact was the LA megaraid press conference where you physically saw exes stand up and try to explain what happened to them. That hits home and starts to make people think even more.

Anyway i'm just another one of many still there everyday I regret not helping sooner and for that reason I will always admire and respect those before me, no matter what they do after a few pints:p

Current projects in discussion/implentation are an "incident" database and collection of the video interviews such as yours, we need more of that as public don't always follow up reading more text and like being broadcast at.

Many hugs to all
P.S. My favourite police quote is still "Are you all students then?"
1. Current age range of protesters 14-63.
2. Professions range from Students-Hedge fund managers.
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Now all you need to do is convince anonymous that the real problem is that, "Tech is out in Orgs," and your work will be done.:yes:

Anons qouting LRH, in the new church don't be suprised if your Ethics officer is wearing a V-mask lol.


Sharone Stainforth

Silver Meritorious Patron

On the Brighton forum I myself termed the word WOW as "World of Weirdos".
I said this because everytime I tell a scientologist I was a commadores messenger working directly for Hubbard, that is always the reply "WOW". I used to use this word myself, but have come to hate it. It is the glazed "WOW" that gets me every time. I know everytime, there is not a lot that will break through that armour.Hubbard - :bowdown:

I know scientologists are human beings just like you or I, and I fully appreciate that not all scientologists are vicious bullies like LRH or DM are, unfortunately there are a great many who have and will follow LRHs policies to the letter. That is frightening.

Watching the live LA conference reinforces just how frightening Scientologys sea org is. Listening to some members of this board in Sydney, shows just how frightening the sea org is.

I told Hartley the last protest I went to I would make some videos, and I have every intention of doing so. Unfortunately, my circustances have been very difficult of late, without going into details, I will be doing some videos soon.

Somewhere knocking around are another couple of videos of me talking about the Apollo. Don't know what happened to them, I haven't seen them. One was at a cult awareness gathering. I had never stood on a stage and spoken before, it was nerve wracking, back to that place of trying not to show any emotion,only on that day, I failed miserably,some days are like that. My heart goes out to Will Fry and Maureen Bolstad as they looked like I felt when I spoke on stage. I will see if I can find out what happened to that video.

I would have liked nothing more than to have been at the London protest, but for the time being that is not possible.

Love and hugs to all.

PPS:2. Hedge fund managers - thats not raising money to put hedges around all the ideal orgs, is it? :D

Sharone Stainforth

Silver Meritorious Patron
Some great pictures there.

Love the sign.

You have just passed the
church of scientology
please check for missing
money or loved ones.

YOU all did a fantastic job!

La La Lou Lou

I am very upset. I see that the one thing I loved about the London Org has gone, not just the oversized smirking picture of LRH that kept people away, but the ice cream place next door! Christmas pud ice cream was my favorite.


Patron with Honors
Christmas pud ice cream - hmm I know of a few restaurants that do it over the winter/xmas period. So perhaps if your in town and want to protest I could bribe you with some, they think we get paid anyway.


Patron with Honors
That has always been a problem in the UK. 'Ex-members' is what the media automatically ask for first, despite religious experts having conclusively proved decades ago that they cannot be trusted.

Ex-members have as yet not banded together in the UK. There are enough to do so, but the will isn't there for any cooperative action. In the end, it's up to them.

The press and general public probably operate more on the principles of our legal system, which concluded centuries ago that statements by persons with first hand knowledge of their subject are nearly the only ones worth listening to. And, while one ex may not be persuasive, an ex whose statements are corroborated by the statements of many other exes, is extremely credible. Hence the OSA panic induced by the SP Times articles, and the LA press conference.

I agree completely with Sharone's statements about exes being intimidated. The older generation of exes who have been out a long time tend to have a lot to lose, and little interest in ever thinking about scientology again. The older ones who are more recently out have a hard time coming to terms with having wasted their entire lives. This has left the younger generation of exes to say what their parents won't say, or are too afraid to say.

In California, I can think of a couple of protest groups that have very significant ex involvement. The South Bay group, for example, has had 8 or 9 exes protesting in the last month and a half, out of a peak attendance of around 15. This is not very different from the attendance they were having two years ago; as anons have tired and fallen away, exes have stepped forward to take their places. (It's not a clear line, I know of some exes who protest in masks, and identify with both camps.)

I'm not sure why the UK has such poor support from exes, but I hope that you'll get it figured out. It's mind boggling to think what things would be like in London if every protest had been as well attended as was the one two years ago.


Patron with Honors
Well the invitation is open and all are welcome.
I myself have family, friends and colleagues and am not as young as the Met seem to think i am which is nice. They all support me, know what I do now and fully understand.

To be honest the smaller protests are much more manageable and friendly.

The effect they have due to the frequency has already shown itself recently on two occasions:



Again these smaller ones consist of 7 people max, normally 1-4 and cheese scones will be bought to them.

Another 50+ will happen this year along with the previous 25 in 6 months.
