Boson Wog Stark
Patron Meritorious
PART 1 of this thread can be found here:
Moderator 3375
Thanks to the mirrored YouTube site of Marty's attack-the-critic series, I've watched a few more.
In Marty's take down of Rinder, he goes into hair splitting about what Rinder said on Leah's show, what he said was his "biggest regret," and what he said on another show years before was his biggest regret. After finally getting what he was talking about, I thought his point was trite and presented in a way that was confusing.
He's talking about what was said on Leah's show as if everyone who watched it has a perfect memory of everything that was said. And the way Marty talks about it, it would be incomprehensible to causal viewers of the show, let alone people who did not watch the show.
First of all, in the context of a discussion, whether on TV or in person, one's "biggest regret" is libel to change, depending on what is being discussed. Also, over the years, a person's biggest regret might change.
When you're trying to make a clear point about something, or maybe a little emotion is welling up about something, a person might exaggerate and say something is their biggest regret when they have other bigger regrets, and that's natural.
When Marty shifts to things Rinder did or said in real life, about jobs he got through Rathbun or his relationship with his two kids who are still stuck in Scientology, Marty goes off on tangents about various minutiae and again, it becomes confusing as to what point he is trying to make.
In Part 7, he drops the understatement, "I have been no friend of the Church of Scientology," to legitimize his criticism of others, like Rinder or Remini, who have, of late, also not been a friend of the Church of Scientology. He needed to expand on that.
Yeah, Marty, that will really lend weight to your rambling pile of incoherent hair-splitting nonsense, but perhaps you should expand on the myriad of ways you haven't been a friend to the Church of Scientology and do a little explaining why you seem to be doing the cult's classic dirty work now, maybe?
A funny throwaway line about Karen -- "I don't know how she makes her money..." Got to be something shady, like collecting original TK paintings, and selling prints of the "painter of light," Thomas Kinkade? Since no one's ever died of kitsch, it's not exactly like she's been running a child prostitution ring out of an ASC-run pizza parlor.
Marty talks about Karen's desperate attempts to give him money, and be his "matron," but with strings attached about what to criticize. I bet none of it was in writing, like the agreement he's hammered out with CoS. And, uh, Marty, no, "matron" is not the female form of "patron." You need to do a little word clearing on that.
The legitimacy of the way Karen earned her money is at the opposite end of the spectrum of what she's been accused of by CoS, abusing animals or children. I guess we're supposed to be relieved that Marty didn't go there?
The words which keep springing to mind when I'm listening to Marty in this series are petty, trite, and above all, confusing. I've been following Scientology criticism for over 10 years now, and it's often hard for me to figure out what Marty is talking about, or what point he is trying to make. Sometimes, it sounds like he has a touch of Alzheimer's setting in.
And when Marty would speak on TV programs criticizing Scientology, I was often impressed with how articulate he was. I could never speak that well on TV. I thought Marty's speaking ability was always way above his ability to express himself in writing, and that was probably something he got out of Scientology, in part.
So I have to chalk this up to Marty needing to follow certain guidelines, which would on the surface please Miscavige, and part of it may be meant to confuse. That's what Miscavige may have wanted, so that Scientologists who see this will just zone out and think critics bad, Scientology good, Marty WTF. Scientologists need to focus on the road to clear and the bridge to total freedom, which would seem clear compared to this mess.
Besides creating confusion and a diversion, and giving Marty a chance to dead agent himself, it seems the point of this is to sow distrust among critics of Scientology. What Miscavige seems to have missed is that, especially lately, no one trusted Marty anyway.
The damage Marty did to CoS by speaking out about Miscavige beating his underlings, encouraging a culture of violence, which Marty admitted he was caught up in, that can't be undone. Fans of Leah's show are not going to even watch Marty's unintelligible videos, and if they do, they won't understand what he is talking about.
Moderator 3375
Thanks to the mirrored YouTube site of Marty's attack-the-critic series, I've watched a few more.
In Marty's take down of Rinder, he goes into hair splitting about what Rinder said on Leah's show, what he said was his "biggest regret," and what he said on another show years before was his biggest regret. After finally getting what he was talking about, I thought his point was trite and presented in a way that was confusing.
He's talking about what was said on Leah's show as if everyone who watched it has a perfect memory of everything that was said. And the way Marty talks about it, it would be incomprehensible to causal viewers of the show, let alone people who did not watch the show.
First of all, in the context of a discussion, whether on TV or in person, one's "biggest regret" is libel to change, depending on what is being discussed. Also, over the years, a person's biggest regret might change.
When you're trying to make a clear point about something, or maybe a little emotion is welling up about something, a person might exaggerate and say something is their biggest regret when they have other bigger regrets, and that's natural.
When Marty shifts to things Rinder did or said in real life, about jobs he got through Rathbun or his relationship with his two kids who are still stuck in Scientology, Marty goes off on tangents about various minutiae and again, it becomes confusing as to what point he is trying to make.
In Part 7, he drops the understatement, "I have been no friend of the Church of Scientology," to legitimize his criticism of others, like Rinder or Remini, who have, of late, also not been a friend of the Church of Scientology. He needed to expand on that.
Yeah, Marty, that will really lend weight to your rambling pile of incoherent hair-splitting nonsense, but perhaps you should expand on the myriad of ways you haven't been a friend to the Church of Scientology and do a little explaining why you seem to be doing the cult's classic dirty work now, maybe?
A funny throwaway line about Karen -- "I don't know how she makes her money..." Got to be something shady, like collecting original TK paintings, and selling prints of the "painter of light," Thomas Kinkade? Since no one's ever died of kitsch, it's not exactly like she's been running a child prostitution ring out of an ASC-run pizza parlor.
Marty talks about Karen's desperate attempts to give him money, and be his "matron," but with strings attached about what to criticize. I bet none of it was in writing, like the agreement he's hammered out with CoS. And, uh, Marty, no, "matron" is not the female form of "patron." You need to do a little word clearing on that.
The legitimacy of the way Karen earned her money is at the opposite end of the spectrum of what she's been accused of by CoS, abusing animals or children. I guess we're supposed to be relieved that Marty didn't go there?
The words which keep springing to mind when I'm listening to Marty in this series are petty, trite, and above all, confusing. I've been following Scientology criticism for over 10 years now, and it's often hard for me to figure out what Marty is talking about, or what point he is trying to make. Sometimes, it sounds like he has a touch of Alzheimer's setting in.
And when Marty would speak on TV programs criticizing Scientology, I was often impressed with how articulate he was. I could never speak that well on TV. I thought Marty's speaking ability was always way above his ability to express himself in writing, and that was probably something he got out of Scientology, in part.
So I have to chalk this up to Marty needing to follow certain guidelines, which would on the surface please Miscavige, and part of it may be meant to confuse. That's what Miscavige may have wanted, so that Scientologists who see this will just zone out and think critics bad, Scientology good, Marty WTF. Scientologists need to focus on the road to clear and the bridge to total freedom, which would seem clear compared to this mess.
Besides creating confusion and a diversion, and giving Marty a chance to dead agent himself, it seems the point of this is to sow distrust among critics of Scientology. What Miscavige seems to have missed is that, especially lately, no one trusted Marty anyway.
The damage Marty did to CoS by speaking out about Miscavige beating his underlings, encouraging a culture of violence, which Marty admitted he was caught up in, that can't be undone. Fans of Leah's show are not going to even watch Marty's unintelligible videos, and if they do, they won't understand what he is talking about.
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