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Patron with Honors
I think that OT VII may very well have a lot to do with their having cancer.

With the levels before S/NOTs, you could do a level or two, then "drop off the radar" for a while. While off the radar, you could be far away from reges and "mandatory meetings". You could even move, change your number, and neglect to tell Scientology about it.

In short, you could have a chance to rest.

On S/NOTs, you seem to be continually harassed non-stop. You have to stay in comm with Flag (or else). You get all these reg calls (and visits), and incessant demands to contribute money for this or that.

It adds up to YEARS of non-stop STRESS, which can be a major contributing factor for health issues.
Mr. Thetan,

I think you are spot on. Here is an Interview with a biochemist and his take on this.

He also tells the story of how he cured his prostate cancer.

Biochemist Dennis Hill interview with Natalie Mazurek part1

Biochemist Dennis Hill interview with Natalie Mazurek part2



Patron with Honors
That is true my friend, Scientology is over. I was Christian before knowing Scientology. I made the whole circle from pubic Auditor cl5 ot7 to Sea Org Member and my conclusion is that i have been betrayed by a Cult.:angry:

Now, i am back to the beginning.

There is only One God.

And that is the One i respect.

Hi Michel,

Thank you again for your wisdom and courage.

Anyone can communicate with the one god.

You don't need a go between or someone to represent you.



Squirreling Dervish

I totally appreciate your candor, courage and honesty. My hat is off to you.

You are told by Hubbard you have a reactive mind. So you mock it up.

After spending time and money you find out how stupid you were for mocking it up. You have a good chuckle at yourself.

Then, you figure if clear was that good of a laugh the OT Levels must be even funnier. So why not.

On OT III Hubbard says you have body thetans so you mock them up. Then after spending more time and treasure you find out how stupid you were for mocking them up. Another chuckle and onto OT VIII.

We have all been there attesting and writing that "success story" with the fake indicators and the dirty needle. The examiner has seen one too many to even bother reporting it anymore.

We should all write that Knowledge Report so as many people in and out know the truth.

Isn't that what we are trying to accomplish.

"We should all write that Knowledge Report so as many people in and out know the truth.
Isn't that what we are trying to accomplish."

The ESMB is one big Knowledge Report.


Master of Disaster
Follow LRH standard policy and write the god dam Knowledge Report. Please save somebodies life.

Anyone on the OT Levels that gets cancer needs to write Knowledge Reports on their Auditor, their Case Supervisor, the Snr Case Supervisor and on up the line. The lie needs to be exposed. Don't be guilty of perpetuating it.

Disconnection as brutal as it is (I know personally) is nothing to losing a loved one to premature death.

Write a KR, addressed to who?

If they write it to org HCO (or even to Miscavige), and it's seen to be blaming tech terminals for cancer, the KR writer is just going to be assigned to a hundred hours of sec checking.

The only effective places to put that KR, would be either here (or other ex-Scn sites), or with the reporters at the Tampa Bay Tribune who have been doing the Truth Rundown series


Patron with Honors
Write a KR, addressed to who?

If they write it to org HCO (or even to Miscavige), and it's seen to be blaming tech terminals for cancer, the KR writer is just going to be assigned to a hundred hours of sec checking.

The only effective places to put that KR, would be either here (or other ex-Scn sites), or with the reporters at the Tampa Bay Tribune who have been doing the Truth Rundown series
Send them to the appropriate state and government agencies, the local county sheriff, the BBB, Consumer Reports, the various non-denominational religious groups the cult has used, the appropriate UN agencies, the media, buy some billboards . . . Just don't be shy.

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Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Follow LRH standard policy and write the god dam Knowledge Report. Please save somebodies life.

Anyone on the OT Levels that gets cancer needs to write Knowledge Reports on their Auditor, their Case Supervisor, the Snr Case Supervisor and on up the line. The lie needs to be exposed. Don't be guilty of perpetuating it.

Disconnection as brutal as it is (I know personally) is nothing to losing a loved one to premature death.


So they can be 'handled as you once treated these people when you were an Ethics Officer?

Its real easy to start barking 'what to do's' once one takes the step to start speaking up... but if you were smart, you would focus on recovery and redemption from the past by reading all you can that has been written by exes on the internet. We were part of a madman's game, the hard part is realizing that we made the choices we made and every choice has a natural consequence. Michel's thread was important not only for us but for him. Leaving Scientology is a process, an evolution out not unlike peeling layers off an onion. Better to peel away than bark know-best advice, just saying.


Patron with Honors
So they can be 'handled as you once treated these people when you were an Ethics Officer?

Its real easy to start barking 'what to do's' once one takes the step to start speaking up... but if you were smart, you would focus on recovery and redemption from the past by reading all you can that has been written by exes on the internet. We were part of a madman's game, the hard part is realizing that we made the choices we made and every choice has a natural consequence. Michel's thread was important not only for us but for him. Leaving Scientology is a process, an evolution out not unlike peeling layers off an onion. Better to peel away than bark know-best advice, just saying.

Please see my PM.

I can neither verify or refute the accusation at the above link. I am sure I am guilty of much worse after a 20 plus year career in Scientology, much of it on staff.

If by my past actions, in or out of the cult, I have harmed anyone here please let me know. I give permission to post anything you want about me publicly if based on your personal interaction with me.

If hearsay, it is bad manners and nothing more than a not so veiled personal attack.

Bruce MacKenzie


Diamond Invictus SP
Here's part of a FB post made by Karen#1 several years ago. I'm going to use it to bump this thread as there's some newbies here who haven't yet seen it:



New Member
Hello! This thread is to answer Tommy Davis’s glibness.

I met Tommy during my second EPF in the Sea Org (actually a 2 months Boot Camp type of EPF), he was eating beans and rice every day, washing our clothes, doing the worst MEST work you can imagine, doing pumps up for hours...because he fucked up a "VIP" cycle.

At that time he wasn’t so proud to be a Sea Org Member, I can tell you.

Now, let’s talk about cancer and suicide on Solo Nots. Here are some data for you guys.

There is a tag status for each Solo Nots auditor:

Green tag: audit 4 to 6 sessions daily and comes on time for his 6 months check.

Grey tag: audit less than 4 sessions daily and doesn't come on time for his 6 month check.

Orange tag: Not allowed to solo audit because of out ethics situation.

Purple tag: Not allowed to audit because of illness or sickness.

Black tag: Disaffected with the church.

See the way it works? One starts the level with a Green tag then, depending on his "ability to be Cause over Life" one keeps his Green tag or, follow the dwindling spiral to Black tag.

There are about 5,300 Solo Nots Auditors worldwide and about(depending on their current status):

1,000 Green tags
1,100 Grey tags
900 Orange tags
800 Purple tags
1,500 Black tags

The 10,000 on Solo Nots is just a dream. There is only 1,000 of them auditing regularly.

I was Solo Nots D of P Europe and i personally met the following Solo Nots Auditors. They were all with advanced cancer:

• Roberto B. – Italy
• Antonella B. – Italy
• Beppe G. – Italy
• Sonia B. – Italy
• Pierluigi G. – Italy
• Bernard C. – Switzerland
• Jo R. - Switzerland
• Tasa D. – France
• Helene M. – France

There is more, but I do not remember their names.

Before I blew the Sea Org in November 2006,two of them died of committed suicide; Jo R. and Beppe G.

I don’t know if the other ones are still alive.

The majority of the 800 Purple tags and 1,500 Black tags are with cancer, HIV, diabetes and non optimum physical conditions.

The majority of the 900 Orange tags committed financial irregularities to be able to “pay for services and/or donations” to the Cult.

Rex Fowler is a typical Orange tag product of the Cult.

You all know the PTS/SP tech “theory”, right?

How many of them had to disconnect from their family and friends because they where the ”SP”?

Why, after an entire bridge people are still sick, ill, criminal, commit suicide, etc..?

Maybe they didn’t find the real SP yet..... or, if they did, they invalidated the read.

At one point every body on Solo Nots had to do or re do the PTS/SP Course GAT.

And the SNR C/S FSO Richard Reiss (pushed by RTC, of course) was constantly harrassing the Solo Nots C/S "because they didn't apply the PTS tech at 100%" during their C/Sing.

Well, a cancerous tumor is not detectable by a SN C/S as far as i know!

I can attest! Beppe G. had a cancerous tumor the size of an egg in his brain while at Flag to "Attest to OT7"! I went with him to the Clearwater Hospital. He was sent back to Italy right away by RTC....

Imagine the Flap if Beppe died in the middle of the Solo Nots HGC!

These data should be widely disseminated. It’ s not a joke. These guys are really in danger.


PS: the medical associations should be aware of this data. Scientology technology doesn't cure cancer....when a cancer isn't detected on time, it's too late. Unfortunalely, from a Scientologist view point, a doctor is considered a charlatan.

Helena Handbasket

Gold Meritorious Patron
At one point (unfortunately after having to endure the "Basics" marathon call-in), I realized that I could get an additional cell phone on my family plan for just another $10/mo, reassign my home number to it, get a new number for my home phone, and just tell my new number to people who I'm certain won't blab it to org terminals.

If I had just changed my number, org terminals would look up who my friends were (they keep track) and badger them to cough up my new number. But as long as the org terminals get a voicemail message that says it's me, it won't occur to them that they are calling a phone whose ringer has been turned off, which is only called by people I'm not interested in talking to.

In clearing the mailbox, I only listen to messages long enough to determine if it's somebody I might want to hear, otherwise I just hit "delete".

If anybody reading this thread has a friend or relative getting harassing org calls, it's something to keep in mind.
(Note: I just discovered this thread in Aug 2019).

One thing I did, years ago, was get two phone numbers, one connected to an answering machine (without a phone) for the C of S and one for everything else (including my roommate). That way, if a reg called, I could not answer. This was important at the time because I had difficulty resisting the urge to answer calls from the C of S -- but if I couldn't, I wouldn't.

Also (as I've said before) when I moved I forwarded my mail to a "box" in the neighborhood I was moving from, and gave my new real address to everyone except the C of S. In a while, there was no more communication at all from them!

And while I'm at it, I never gave them a credit card number. Enough said about that.


Helena Handbasket

Gold Meritorious Patron
Hi Allen,

There is one thing i do nots understand. When requested to locate a BT/Cluster the Solo Nots Auditor gets a read from anywhere; in the body, on the body, outside the body.

Then, the SN Auditor must write down the location that read and keep his attention on that area until a "blow".

Then, the SN Auditor must locate another one in another area of the body and "blow" it.

Then, how do you explain the read if the current is only located in one hand.

"The e-meter puts a tiny current ONLY through the parts of the body connected to the cans - in a solo session that means JUST one hand, in an audited session it means the hands, arms and chest."

A read on the meter (fall, etc.) is reading on the attempt to NOT THINK OF SOMETHING. If you have a pain in your zorch (;)) it will read even if you don't have your cans on your zorch.

There were times (before I left the C of S) when I didn't want something to read -- because then we'd be sidetracked on some minor issue that would take me away from what I was wanting to handle (no to mention burn up my paid auditing hours). So I thought "YES!!!" inside my head while saying "no". Worked every time.

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Helena Handbasket

Gold Meritorious Patron

I've posted a fair amount of info on various threads on cancer. It is a subject I have researched in the medico-physical universe sense . . . not just in the spiritual-mental-physical body relational sense.

There are of course, "purely physical universe" causes/reasons for cancer . . . but even in the physical universe arena, it comes down to the fact that the energy level of and produced in a cancerous cell is less than that of a normal healthy cell.
"Stress" will screw up the body . . . not the least of reasons being that the system is flooded with the "stress hormone" cortisol.
Just what is cancer anyway? Cancer is abnormal cell growth, but what is it exactly? Defining cancer is like asking an electrical engineer what voltage is -- you'll probably get an answer such as "it's like pressure" but that's really not a definition.

The RogerB quotes above give some idea of how cancer forms. If not enough energy is available to the cell, it goes haywire.

How come there's so many types of cancer? The "types" of cancer are just a matter of what part of the body succumbs first. If the disease progresses, other parts become cancerous as well. This is called "metastasizing", as if cancer cells ooze out some sort of substance that causes more cancer. But then how does the first cancer form? The additional cancer must be the result of the original difficulty, not the result of cancer "spreading" from somewhere else. The second (third, etc.) cancers to form just happened to develop more slowly, that's all.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that cells have to be "fed" to remain healthy -- let "feeding" be a proxy for all the cells' needs. If not fed properly, it will become sick. If I had cancer, I would never consent to radiation and chemo, because that's just additional poisoning to the cells. (I might condone surgery, but only for the actively cancerous part [a lumpectomy] without extracting lots of surrounding healthy tissue "just to make sure no cancer cells are left".)

Having said all that, how come so many SOLO NOTs auditors are getting cancer? First of all, there have been no scientific studies proving that (although I'm not saying it isn't so).

Second, if auditing makes it less likely that someone will have other diseases and accidents, then of course the proportion of those getting cancer will go up (particularly as pre-OTs get to "cancer age"). If you live longer, as many people do these days, you are more likely to die from a degenerative disease. I'm not defending the church here; I'm just saying the hard data doesn't exist.

But there ARE a lot of SOLO NOTs auditors getting cancer. Call that anecdotal if you will, but there they are.

SOLO NOTs consists of getting rid of BTs. There is no distinction between "good BTs" and "bad BTs"; just get rid of them all (and let God sort them out? ;)). But I've read things that suggest there are "good BTs" that actually help the body, and if you strip them all away, it's like running a construction site with no workers -- nothing can get done. (Perhaps "good BTs" keep the immune system going?) Overdoing it on blowing BTs could be why so many pre-OTs get cancer.

Also, I fully agree that the C of S can be a stressful place, and that that can increase susceptibility to disease. If there's an obvious threat in your environment, and you fight wholeheartedly against it, the fight (and the stress) is soon over (even if you lose). But if you're torn between fight and flight (or staying and blowing) the stress just continues to build up.

A more sinister theory is that a mechanism within the body deliberately triggers cancer when people go up the bridge -- to discourage others from doing the same, or to destroy someone before they become strong enough to challenge the powers-that-be.

I myself have a few conditions that I worry could be pre-cancerous. I'm trying to deal with them medically.

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Helena Handbasket

Gold Meritorious Patron
Having said all of that above, I'm adding one more thing to this "Cancer And Suicide" thread.

I just learned that someone -- well known in the Freezone in Europe -- has advanced cancer and is going to an assisted suicide facility to end cycle. The cancer is very painful and not curable, and in my opinion, assisted suicide in this case is very justified.

I'm not going to name names, but this is someone who's name anyone in the area would recognize.

I wish them the best for their next lifetime.



Diamond Invictus SP
Having said all of that above, I'm adding one more thing to this "Cancer And Suicide" thread.

I just learned that someone -- well known in the Freezone in Europe -- has advanced cancer and is going to an assisted suicide facility to end cycle. The cancer is very painful and not curable, and in my opinion, assisted suicide in this case is very justified.

I'm not going to name names, but this is someone who's name anyone in the area would recognize.

I wish them the best for their next lifetime.

I read a remarkable book last month by Anita Moorjani entitled Dying To Be Me. Anita had cancer, and after several years got to the point where the doctors told her family she wouldn't make it through the night as her organs were shutting down. She was in a coma for 30 hours, had an NDE, and left the hospital weeks later (six if I remember correctly) cancer free.