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My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprisonment


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

:hug: I know the pain of losing a brother. I'm so sorry you lost yours under such absurd circumstances :sad:


Thank you so much Maria.


Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Hallo Markus, deine Lebensgeschichte ist so ergreifend, dass mir die Worte fehlen, um zu beschreiben, wie leid es mir tut wegen deines Bruders und deiner Mama. :bigcry:
Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft und Liebe.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Hallo Markus, deine Lebensgeschichte ist so ergreifend, dass mir die Worte fehlen, um zu beschreiben, wie leid es mir tut wegen deines Bruders und deiner Mama. :bigcry:
Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft und Liebe.



Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison


This aspect of "blaming individuals" always irked me. In Scientology. the view is that the Church of Scientology can NEVER do any wrong. In every case where an individual is CAUGHT acting in a unsavory manner to "forward the goals of Scientology", he or she is THROWN UNDER THE BUS, and even declared if necessary, to continue the illusion that "Scientology is good and never does any wrong". It always also irked me that Scientology NEVER accepts any responsibility for ANY BAD EFFECT that it created or caused. And, people applying Scientology exactly and directly under the auspices of the Church of Scientology and/or Hubbard HAVE VERY MUCH created "bad effects".

It is so contradictory. In Scientology the individual will always be blamed and held responsible for any bad effect created, and also for ANY bad effect that happens to him or he (you pulled it in, it was a motivator, your own out-ethics set you up for the bad things to happen to you). But the group, this elusive third dynamic, the Church of Scientology, NEVER accepts any responsibility for any bad effect it has caused. In fact, it is built deeply into the philosophy of Scientology that a correct application of Scientology can ONLY bring about "positive effects". That is such a stupid and incorrect FIXED IDEA that many Scientology adherents share.

And, think about this. When any individual has bad things happen to him or her, he or she "pulled it in". There is no corresponding view for the Church of Scientology (which always struck me as extremely ironic and nuts). When the Church of Scientology gets attacked, or has bad things happen to it, IT NEVER takes the view that maybe it has its own out-ethics that directly brought about the motivator. The C of S cannot ever entertain the possibility that maybe it itself, through its own unethical actions, CAUSED the MOTIVATOR. When the Church of Scientology experiences a motivator (attack, failure), it blames SPs! Always.

For the individual, it is viewed as your own fault and responsibility, but for the Church of Scientology, it is always the fault of some Suppressive Person or Group. My church right or wrong - always. Though, it is worse than that - it can never be viewed as being "in the wrong". KSW makes that impossible. If Scientology fails, then the question and attack becomes, "what did you do wrong"!

One of the nuttiest fixed ideas and flawed assumptions of Scientology (and held by many fanatical over-indoctrinated Scientologists) is that there can never be a bad or negative outcome if one correctly applies the correct Scientology technology. That notion, of course, comes from KSW. The ONLY acceptable attitude and which is also another assumption and flawed fixed idea, is the notion that "any failing of Scientology must be due to some individual who has failed to apply it correctly", and this turns into ATTACKING THE INDIVIDUAL ALWAYS - "what did YOU do wrong"?

In a crazy way, the dedicated adherents of Scientology will even allow themselves to be thrown under the bus, so that Scientology's image and welfare can be protected. That is what many GO members did when the GO was blamed for what Mary Sue and others did. Their biggest crime was getting caught "stealing the xerox paper". If they had not been caught, the GO never would have been disbanded. Nobody would have gotten in any trouble. The whole tearing down of the GO was a distraction and a contrived illusion to forward the view that some "renegade branch of Scientology" was responsible for the criminal activity, and NOT any "legitimate part of the Church of Scientology". This was all just more make-believe fiction, to protect and forward Hubbard's Church of Scientology.

They are such scum bags. Even most Scientology staff and public were duped by this disbandment of the GO - which then simply reformed as OSA, and kept on doing the same nasty shit it had been doing before.

The Church of Scientology will never accept or acknowledge responsibility for ANY bad deed or negative effect created. It is impossible. This is one of the many very nutty aspects of Scientology. Think of the irony and hypocrisy. Hubbard and Scientology will talk endlessly about responsibility, out-ethics and motivators, yet has set up KSW so that Scientology itself can NEVER exist within any such framework. Of course, ALL OTHER GROUPS will suffer the consequences of motivators due to THEIR out-ethics.

It can't make sense - it is Scientology.

I just happened to be checking out what Markus was up to and found Gadfly's post. This post is excellent and covers nearly all of the basics. However, I saw a related point which ties in nicely to what Gadfly wrote.

As Gadfly says, they never look within to see if they have done anything unethical to cause an upset. Combine this attitude with the fact that many S.O staff, including former top execs are leaving COS in droves on a regular basis. Those leaving are then declared suppressive and take the fall for the organization. The big problem with this scenario is that many of those being kicked out and declared have been there for 20 to 35 years without being detected as SP's! This fact should lead to several conclusions as follows: First, maybe their PTS/SP tech is not as good as they say it is, Second, people serving in top executive and technical posts in the Sea Org may turn out at some future date to be detected as suppressive but they are currently fooling all the good Sea Org members and by the way, some of them are currently achieving high stats.

These facts alone are sufficient to send up several huge red flags but then, perhaps even more importantly, it reveals the bigger red flag when dealing with the arguments in Gadfly's post!

What all S.O. execs should see right away, but of course they don't, is that if a crime occurs and the S.O. is damaged, the real SP culprit could well be an undetected suppressive person, one that has been on staff for ages, seeming to do a pretty good job. This approach is never taken and instead some person in the area of the damage but who has nothing to do with the damage is picked to be the alleged SP. They are punished harshly and are told that they pulled in this treatment upon themselves. They may work back up to being in good standing or more often they will route out or be kicked out and declared suppressive.

Instead of the above simplistic procedure, those investigating should consider that there may well be undetected suppressives on key high level posts who have been there for years who are have not yet been detected as being suppressive. Maybe Org top management deserves to be punished for not using SP/PTS policy sufficiently well to detect these undetected SP's that have been on staff for ages.

An Org and its staff are not allowed to think in that manner and if someone were to do that, they would either leave on their own or be kicked out and declared suppressive. That type of more complex thinking is not allowed of staff members in the military heirarchy of COS management. The only allowable option is to declare COS totally innocent and pick on some staff member, usually well intended and innocent, and punish him/her, "put their head on a pike" and blame them for all sorts of crimes which they had nothing to do with. Meanwhile, COS, the S.O. and top management always get a pass while some staff member, sometimes high level and sometimes lower level but usually innocent, takes the fall for the organization. Real justice is almost never done because, as Gadfly states, the Hubbard policies are designed to almost always prevent real justice from taking place.
Last edited:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

I just happened to be checking out what Markus was up to and found Gadfly's post. This post is excellent and covers nearly all of the basics. However, I saw a related point which ties in nicely to what Gadfly wrote.

As Gadfly says, they never look within to see if they have done anything unethical to cause an upset. Combine this attitude with the fact that many S.O staff, including former top execs are leaving COS in droves on a regular basis. Those leaving are then declared suppressive and take the fall for the organization. The big problem with this scenario is that many of those being kicked out and declared have been there for 20 to 35 years without being detected as SP's! This fact should lead to several conclusions as follows: First, maybe their PTS/SP tech is not as good as they say it is, Second, people serving in top executive and technical posts in the Sea Org may turn out at some future date to be detected as suppressive but they are currently fooling all the good Sea Org members and by the way, some of them are currently achieving high stats.

These facts alone are sufficient to send up several huge red flags but then, perhaps even more importantly, it reveals the bigger red flag when dealing with the arguments in Gadfly's post!

What all S.O. execs should see right away, but off course they don't, is that if a crime occurs and the S.O. is damaged, the real SP culprit could well be an undetected suppressive person, one that has been on staff for ages, seeming to do a pretty good job. This approach is never taken and instead some person in the area of the damage but who has nothing to do with the damage is picked to be the alleged SP. They are punished harshly and are told that they pulled in this treatment upon themselves. They may work back up to being in good standing or more often they will route out or be kicked out and declared suppressive.

Instead of the above simplistic procedure, those investigating should consider that there may well be undetected suppressives on key high level posts who have been there for years who are have not yet been detected as being suppressive. Maybe Org top management deserves to be punished for not using SP/PTS policy sufficiently well to detect these undetected SP's that have been on staff for ages.

An Org and its staff are not allowed to think in that manner and if someone were to do that, they would either leave on their own or be kicked out and declared suppressive. That type of more complex thinking is not allowed of staff members in the military heirarchy of COS management. The only allowable option is to declare COS totally innocent and pick on some staff member, usually well intended and innocent, and punish him/her, "put their head on a pike" and blame them for all sorts of crimes which they had nothing to do with. Meanwhile, COS, the S.O. and top management always get a pass while some staff member, sometimes high level and sometimes lower level but usually innocent, takes the fall for the organization. Real justice is almost never done because, as Gadfly states, the Hubbard policies are designed to almost always prevent real justice from taking place.

Well said Lakey. I will try to explain the main outpoint in the COS and especially in the SO with a few words: Hubbard managed to erade common sense and humanity completely by implanting his evil and insane so called Ethics and PTS/SP Technology into the heads of his followers. This is what led to the cruel inhuman suffering and death of my brother Uwe.




Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Well said Lakey. I will try to explain the main outpoint in the COS and especially in the SO with a few words: Hubbard managed to erade common sense and humanity completely by implanting his evil and insane so called Ethics and PTS/SP Technology into the heads of his followers. This is what led to the cruel inhuman suffering and death of my brother Uwe.



Nice summary Markus, very well stated (except for your typo - I'm assuming erade is supposed to be erase). Hubbard did build this into his system and that is very unfortunate.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

I doubt that I am unique here, but I have been lurking since last summer when Katie Holmes' story hit the media, and interested in why she left Tom Cruise, I started researching online, reading about her story. What happened next was that I became astonished at a world I had no idea existed, and Scientology became more than just a curiosity to me and I have been researching the cult here and at other sites everybody here knows about.

I've never registered or posted on any of these sites before today; an outsider who is curious and learning, I never felt that I was in the position to communicate with the brave people who have escaped the cult and are picking up the pieces of their lives--sometimes for so many years that I am amazed by their bravery and tenacity. But, after reading about Markus' story, I have to say that I am in a stupor. And, Markus, I hope that someday you are in the position to pick up where you left off in this thread, and give the rest of the story if possible. I've grown to admire and love you, and I wish you all the best that life has to offer. Your eloquence and honesty and deeply moving story brought me out of "hiding" on this site, so that I could tell you that :eyeroll:

Thank you so very much.



Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

This part of my story in Scientology is almost fitting in here chronologically. I wrote it down in another thread of mine here on ESMB:

"A warm gentle wind is blowing in a wonderful starry night. Just a few minutes before midnight. I'm standing on the sun roof of the Fort Harrison Hotel looking down at the flickering lights of the city. I can hear the light sound of the sea in the distance. She is standing beside me. We are all alone and it is so quiet that I can listen to her breathe. I feel that she is excited. My heart is beating like hell in my chest. My thoughts are running - could it really be that she likes me. Is it possible that she is feeling more for me than just liking. How can I tell her what I feel. Should I simply say "I love you"?
I turn my head to the right where she is standing. I realize that she has moved closer. I'm looking into her deep blue eyes and we need no words. I smell the scent of her body, then suddenly I feel her lips and I'm in heaven.

I'm in heaven for two more weeks at the Flag Land BASE in Clearwater. We are going to the beach swimming side by side in the ocean on a very stormy day. The big waves are rushing in. We are holding each other, kissing each other in the churning sea. We are spending every free minute together. I spend every night in her room - telling her made up fairytales. She is my princes. We are in a heavenly dream. Then she is telling me that she has to leave soon. She has to fly back to Hamburg. I'm full of despair. I just have started the EPF so I have to stay here in Florida. I have signed the billion year contract - I have to clear the planet, to save all mankind. So I must let her go. It is breaking my heart. She is sending me wonderfull letters. I long for her I'm missing her so hard that I can still feel the pain today. So I decide to leave this place. I will travel back to Germany - I have to see her again as soon as possible. And with the help from my mission and my mother in Germany I find a way to flee from this place.

This was my first but most important step away from Hubbards soul strangling tentacles.
That kiss and the love of this wonderful woman saved my life. It helped me to move into a DIRECTION where the control of Hubbards brainwashing system was not strong enough to hold me back. 6 months later I managed to blow and I started a life in freedom.

Thank you Cornelia - thank you so very much - you saved my life with this wonderful kiss and the incomparable lovely time we had then.

I am thanking God for creating Love.

I am thanking God that I was so lucky and Hubbard was not able to use my love to hold me back."

It fills my heart with fear to realize what a perfect marionette I was at that time. Some weeks after I escaped from Copenhagen it took them only one hour - in Mission Ulm - to convince me how important it was to travel to Flag to get some basic Auditing. Of course the Mission was forced to meet a certain target here. So I traveled to Florida. When they found out that I allready had signed the Sea Org contract in Copenhagen they forced me to join Staff and I started the EPF in Flag. Does anyone remember the great 33 rd anniversary of the Dianetics Book at the Flag Land BASE? This was the time when I was on the EPF there cleaning Rooms in the Fort Harrison Hotel all day long. I remember that I shared the room with two guys – one of them was from England – I do not remember his name. The other one was from München. Shame on me that I prefered to be together at night with Cornelia most of the time. What an unnatural unethical thing to do for an 18 year old man.

This scary power they had about me then. This scary Power they still have over my dad is frightening me. It was and is stronger than his love for me. It was and is stronger than his love for his only daughter Heike. It was stronger than his love for his eldest son Uwe.


Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Thank you so very much for sharing your story with all of us. It's a tragedy what happened to you and your mother and what continues to happen to more families around the world.
Keep telling your story until people stop going ne
ar the so-called Church. But more importantly, Markus, survive and be happy.


Patron with Honors
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Anon here who rarely posts.
I just want to say that this story has been in my heart since the day I first read it. I will never forget.
Much love and respect.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Thank you so very much for sharing your story with all of us. It's a tragedy what happened to you and your mother and what continues to happen to more families around the world.
Keep telling your story until people stop going ne
ar the so-called Church. But more importantly, Markus, survive and be happy.

Thank you for your true compassion Emiko.

Best wishes



Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Anon here who rarely posts.
I just want to say that this story has been in my heart since the day I first read it. I will never forget.
Much love and respect.

Thank you so much Pebbles,

people like you gave me so much strenght in this long and rough path over the last 7 years. I bow and raise my hat to you and the Anons all over the world.


Patron with Honors
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Thank you so much Pebbles,

people like you gave me so much strenght in this long and rough path over the last 7 years. I bow and raise my hat to you and the Anons all over the world.

Markus, I have few words, right now. I am humbled, because I raise my hat to you.
I do.
Some really good people in this world and you are one of them.


Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

:bump2: For newbies, lurkers and those who want to read this thread again.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison


I've been thinking of Markus lately. Markus - are you here?

:bump2: for the newbies.


Big List researcher
Re: My family in Scientology: child neglect, fraud, slave work, trafficking, imprison

Last Activity 9th February 2017 02:42 AM