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My Life Story in $cientology


Patron with Honors
That's one helleva shitball story.
It seems to me though that out of the bunch, that you have the superior powers of observation and depth of character.
So even though you may feel the pain more than the others, it's better to be like that than to be blinded.
As someone else said earlier, just keep loving them.
And get some good friends--you know what they say about that: You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family.


Thank you Anonycat for posting Antisci's story!

Thank you ANTISCIOBOT, for your story! It was hard to read and hard to believe, but that is the type of shit that goes on with people who have been deluded by the "deadly serious game" of Scientology. More people need to stand up and say what goes on. (Thanks anonycat for posting it.)

^^^Pretty much sums up my thoughts too WK.^^^

So many of these stories, so much pain and grief caused by this Cult of Tears & Fears, its just frikken sickening and I truly hope that LRon's stint in the hells of karmic justice are eternal and all the agonies he has caused/causes are channeled to his pathetic excuse for a soul ad infinitum. That goes for the ones who continue to perpetrate this most destructive of frauds too :angry:

Short ranty thingy :grouch:

('You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose ~ but you can't wipe your friends on the couch.')
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New Member
MY BAD for not setting that up with the proper notes on top.

I just returned from a trip, logged on, and saw the misunderstanding I created. Pardon me all, and thank you/welcome AntiSci! I owe you one!

:) hope your trip went well.

Thank you for posting this here for me. I (at the time) had not yet made it over here to ESMB.



:) hope your trip went well.

Thank you for posting this here for me. I (at the time) had not yet made it over here to ESMB.


All the love to you. As an Ex/Anon I do float between fora and post what I feel are copy-posts of interest here.

Your story - and your presence here are of great value. Glad to see you here!
