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My (Limited) Introduction To The World Of Scientology


Gold Meritorious Patron
:whip: Is this the response you've been waiting for Dull Old Fart? :confused2:

Oh God don't you two start! I'm having such a blissful time sitting here anticipating stroking Pixie's Pixie locks and hugging half of Spain. Don't spoil it for me. :D

Cat's Squirrel

Gold Meritorious Patron
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

You know klidov, The Cof$ has been doing battle with Psychs since the early '50s. They truly lost their way in that battle and attacked the drug prozac with the full force of their (black) PR machine. The PR worked best on the Scilon public, as you saw.:omg:

It had little or none of it's intended effect, which was a lame attempt to end Psychiatry. I kid you not, that was the goal!

To be fair to the CofS, some of their criticisms of psychiatry were well founded, especially back in the '50s when ECT was commonly used to treat depression and even such practices as lobotomies were employed freely compared with today. My clinical psychology lecturer in the '70s told our class that he was trying to stop a surgeon performing a lobotomy on a school age girl.

Even now, they're probably right to say that Ritalin is overprescribed and used to paper over the cracks in a dysfunctional school system which in many cases allows energetic boys little or no outlet for their energies.

The mistake they made, if it was a mistake, was that they promoted the idea that the whole profession (apart from Thomas Szasz) was united in its advocacy and defence of these practices, when in fact many people professionally concerned with mental health condemned their use.

They were also IMO guilty of wrongly imputing bad faith on the part of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, most of whom were and still are engaged in trying to help the patients in their care to the best of their ability.


Gold Meritorious Patron
To be fair to the CofS, some of their criticisms of psychiatry were well founded, especially back in the '50s when ECT was commonly used to treat depression and even such practices as lobotomies were employed freely compared with today. My clinical psychology lecturer in the '70s told our class that he was trying to stop a surgeon performing a lobotomy on a school age girl.

Even now, they're probably right to say that Ritalin is overprescribed and used to paper over the cracks in a dysfunctional school system which in many cases allows energetic boys little or no outlet for their energies.

The mistake they made, if it was a mistake, was that they promoted the idea that the whole profession (apart from Thomas Szasz) was united in its advocacy and defence of these practices, when in fact many people
concerned with mental health condemned their use.

They were also IMO guilty of wrongly imputing bad faith on the part of psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, most of whom were and still are engaged in trying to help the patients in their care to the best of their ability.

I agree with you on this CS. I read an excellent paper which gives an interesting view on this by W. Vaughn McCall: Psychiatry and Psychology in the Writings of L. Ron Hubbard Journal of Religion and Health Vol. 46, No. 3, September 2007.

He concludes:

"Hubbard's writings mirrored the times in which he lived. His views that mental health practices are inherently anti-religious, freedom-inhibiting, and brain damaging do not reflect the modern-day practices of mental health."

Like many professions psychiatry and psychology do some harmful things. Just like scientology.

I'm not sure if this paper is freely available on the internet. PM me if you'd like a copy.

Kathy (ImOut)

Gold Meritorious Patron
When I heard about Anons plans to protest in front of the Ft.Harrison Hotel, I was going to go. I had a mask, and I already knew to cover any scars (or tattoos) that could ID me. But, I didn't go. And I'll tell you why:

I do NOT scare easily. I have gone toe-to-toe with many groups, my former church/cult......and other groups. It is the nature of the beast, as the topics I write about most often (and sometimes publish) concern the pararnormal, religion, and I LOVE political debates. (I am a stinker like that):thumbsup:

But the only time I felt even close to "threatened" was back in 2000 when a crazy fundie tried to stalk me for being a "Witch". And even then, I wasn't scared, just annoyed.:melodramatic:

But knowing what the CoS put Atty Dandar through?? (And reading about the "Fair Game" on xenu.net?) I am a bit too close to what would be ground zero.

I do understand "being to close" to the source of Fair Game. When husband and I left the church, we also moved to a new state. Just so they couldn't show up at our door.

Wisened One

:drama: :welcome: klidov! And I'm glad your health is better, now! But DO continue dear....:drama:

Edited to add: I'd posted the above after only reading your first post, since, scrolled and read the rest of your story, and :omg:!! :no:

What your son went through!

Good thing you left them crazies, huh?
My son told me, that they told him, because of these "demon-like" things that I had, they made him (my son) kill the dog:angry:

The End.

Sorry, I don't get this part. They told him that he was responsible for psychically killing the dog b/c you are possessed by demons? Lol, this whole thing is pretty bizarre. Your son owes his mom $10? Wow. I don't think I know any Scns quite that nutty.


Patron Meritorious
I have a similar history myself. I had cancer and my mom died not long after I was dead filed in the church. My kid was never into it much so that was not an issue.

So I know how it is and the timing for me is the same. late 90's but I am just fine with no cancer. It was found early enough to get rid of it.
