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Need help with inflow/outflow to answer boss


Patron Meritorious

Your boss is getting too worked up for what he/she considers what he/she wants to hear as proper wording of your answer. This may very well be a warning sign.

Unless your sales/marketing deals specifically with vats of water, I would stick with the concept of increase in outflow will increase inflow. That pertains to just about everything.

An example could be a shoe store. Stay with me here...

In order to increase traffic into the shoe store and increase purchases (inflow) you would need to increase your marketing (outflow). Direct advertising, coupons, whatever is needed to increase the number of people going into the store.

You need to gear the marketing and promotions to your potential clientelle. Surveys can help with that. Survey what the people want to see in your store. Could be low prices, high quality, trendy styles, upscale atmosphere, friendly/attentive sales people, animal friendly, etc... There are many things that encourage people to want to buy whatever you are selling.

Promote and market in droves and those types of potential customers will come in and purchase. Good ARC (affinity, reality, communication) increase purchases as already stated in a previous response. Get into good communication with the customer. Talk about something that they have reality on. Get into agreement through communication.

Maybe the customer wants shoes that do not contain animal products (no leather). Great! Talk about how manmade materials are of the same quality and do not harm cattle (those poor big-eyed cows). By having the reality and communication in place, you can score a sale by getting the agreement that non-leather shoes the best. Do you get my drift here?

But it all boils down to getting the increase in customer traffic in order to apply the ARC technique to score the sale, which increases sales.

So use an example of your own that applies to the line of sales you are in and you will see the same effect. It works wonders as stated in a previous response. But how I learned it is all based on LRH management tech.

Forget the vats of water unless that is the line you are in. Wow your boss by answering based upon your line of sales. What can YOU do to increase sales and make yourself an invaluable part of the team. The vagueness of your bosses questions just don't cut it if he/she wants a specific answer.

He/she is ambiguous at best but that is why we post anonymously!

See if this helps and good luck!

Start your own metaphor. Ask your boss if Einstein and a baboon were trying to figure out how to get more bananas
and the baboon insisted on speaking swahili, when they were both adept at speaking English, how would that affect the efficiency of conveying the relevant information.
You could also offer a banana if he gives you an answer you approve of.


Patron with Honors
Without the whole story, and relevant context, I doubt you'll get a perfect resolution to your issue.

If he's Scn, maybe he has an M/U. Since when do you *explain* anything to a Scn? Or is he covertly trying to take you into session (is that on-policy?), pulling his TRs out, waiting for some spontaneous cognition on your part to fall into his pre-determined notion?

I, not being in your quandary, might also disagree in that inflow does not equal outflow. The big rave as of late is "Web 2.0," "viral marketing," "social media." Other forces provide a replacement for your outflow, leading to inflow - many outbound letters per week will do less marketing good than a few well-targeted letters. Think of the history of a company like Google - their only "outflow" was to provide a service better than anyone else. "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Look at the history of Book One - was there some huge marketing push? No, it was a new idea, and people beat down a path to LRH's door.

Maybe you are supposed to cog that you should drown rats in a vat of water.


Gold Meritorious Patron

IF you are really going through what you say you are then your boss is a douche bag (also known as an asshole). Do you want to work for someone who asks questions as metaphors and gets you to solve riddles to keep your job? Really? And you have a family to support? Better look for another job now and protect yourself and your family and stay the hell away from scios who use the green volumes to run a business.


Silver Meritorious Patron
What Angelo said!

Quote from the original post:
Boss: Why?
Me: Because the inflow/outflow are equal.
Boss: I am not sure I understand this answer. Can you explain it more to me.

Boss: How does this equate to us and our inflow of people into our offices? Me: At this time our inflow is very low. Our outflow needs to increase in order to fill up the "vat".
Boss: I am not sure I understand this answer. Can you explain it more to me.

Answer to #2 is wrong.
Correct answer is the air/gravity pressure on both vats of water becomes equal.

Question #3 is the wrong question leading for a wrong answer.
Answer, it does not equate at all.

Correct equation: If we have a bunch of horses in one corral, how can we get them into an empty corral with the least loss?

Question #2: What can you do to make that happen for our business?
Question #3: What can I as your employer do to make that happen?
Question #4: Are there any other ideas that can assist in this objective?

Moral: You can lead a horse to water...


True Ex-Scientologist
True, you have no reason to care about my job. But, your presence in this ESMB indicates that you "care" about the influence of Scientology overall. Otherwise, why bother reading or posting anything here? You are not a passive observer, but an active participant. Unless, of course, your motive is that you just need someplace to vent your negativity. If so, perhaps you could pick someone else's post to reply to?

I am here because I sincerely need the assistance of someone who is familiar with Scientology beliefs and teachings with regard specificially to marketing and sales. My boss is a Scientologist and although I may not agree with Scientology dogma, my boss does. I also believe that there are many things you can take from various beliefs, religions, etc. that can help you improve your outlook, vocation, personal life and so on when applied strategically and prudently. Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim, Judaeism, or what have you can provide moral and ethically sound priniciples.

I appreciate that you are not interested in helping me with these physic/marketing examples. Please do me the courtesy of allowing someone who is interested to respond without your vitriol.

Thank you.

You are not a Jedi Yet,

Update your resume and get a new job. It's that simple.

As Master Yoda once said, "Do or Do not... there is no 'try' ".

P.S. When a boss throws a ridiculous "curve ball" like that... it is a deliberate "set up".
They already know you are not likely to provide a satisfactory answer. Then they can terminate you for non-performance.
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Silver Meritorious Patron
Been scammed boys n girls.

This person has no need for the answers other than to tie up a piece of this board on something as stupid as this. If indeed there is a "Scientology Boss", which I seriously doubt, he/she should simply sack this person on the grounds of being a dumb shit.:omg:


True Ex-Scientologist
This person has no need for the answers other than to tie up a piece of this board on something as stupid as this. If indeed there is a "Scientology Boss", which I seriously doubt, he/she should simply sack this person on the grounds of being a dumb shit.:omg:

Yeah, I thought it was a bit too weird also.


New Member
This person has no need for the answers other than to tie up a piece of this board on something as stupid as this. If indeed there is a "Scientology Boss", which I seriously doubt, he/she should simply sack this person on the grounds of being a dumb shit.:omg:

[Well, thanks James. Of course, never having been in Scientology before (Yeah for me I'm not THAT stupid) and having to respond with multiple stupid answers to a stupid boss who is a Scientologist and writes the checks pretty much wrecks my day. I tried to make her happy with logic; didn't work. So, this dumb shit went to a valid source of Scientology ex-be's, wanna be's or whatever be's thinking since they had the experience and knowledge, they would be able to interpret what another Scientolgoist is looking for in these answers. I think it's stupid, too. I don't want to do it. But, my man, there ain't a lot of jobs out there right now and I was trying to make this one work. Had no problems working with the Scientologists that let me be the 3rd man hired with Earthlink. Turned that into a monster and made serious Washingtons when it went public. This business owner is cut from a different hat cloth, though. Must micro-manage because the other Scientologists she let run the business ran it right into the ground. I'm having to start from scratch. New job, new boss, just trying to understand the motives and get along. Thanks for the votes of confidence.

BTW, this is totally real
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New Member
You are not a Jedi Yet,

Update your resume and get a new job. It's that simple.

As Master Yoda once said, "Do or Do not... there is no 'try' ".

P.S. When a boss throws a ridiculous "curve ball" like that... it is a deliberate "set up".
They already know you are not likely to provide a satisfactory answer. Then they can terminate you for non-performance.

In California, there is no "non-performance". All employment is "at will". You're right though. I'm not a Jedi yet and my resumes are flying out the computer. Perhaps I'll get lucky and Obi One will suddenly appear in my living room with the right advice for a working married with children schmuck like me. Thanks for the support.



You should admit that you don't really know what she is talking about and that maybe you've misunderstood the purpose of the questioning.

You said yourself YOU WEREN'T LISTENING. Expecting us to somehow magically fill in the gaps of your boss' logic when we don't even know her is a bit beyond the realms of possibility don't you think?

If you really want a "jedi mind trick" that will work on her, just say that you think you MISUNDERSTOOD what she was saying (key word there), and that you went blank during the meeting. If she's well indoctrinated she'll take the responsibility and attempt to explain it again in more dummy-friendly language.


True Ex-Scientologist
In California, there is no "non-performance". All employment is "at will". You're right though. I'm not a Jedi yet and my resumes are flying out the computer. Perhaps I'll get lucky and Obi One will suddenly appear in my living room with the right advice for a working married with children schmuck like me. Thanks for the support.

Whether this is legal or not ... I don't know. Anyway, a manager or supervisor has to prove to Human Resources as to why they want to terminate one's employment at their company. They have to give a reason. If they do not have one then they will set up a reason. The real reason that they have will not "stand up" so they manufacture one. This can be called a "set up". This is sometimes, also called, "office politics".

I've seen it happen.

Anyway, get out soon, while you can... please, before any damage can be done to you.

urnotajediyet said:
Thanks for the support.

Yes, I am giving advice in the intent of support. :)

Get Out Now!

Soul of Ginnungagab

Patron with Honors
... snipped ...

Boss: How does this equate to us and our inflow of people into our offices? Me: At this time our inflow is very low. Our outflow needs to increase in order to fill up the "vat".
Boss: I am not sure I understand this answer. Can you explain it more to me.
"End of email"

Outflow is communication going out. That includes delivering your product. The quality of your product is part of your outflow. Working hard in itself says nothing about the quality. You can work hard and get overworked and therefore decrease your quality because of lag of energy and thus your outflow is low quality. Do a very good high quality job and your great work could very well be known by word of mouth inspiring more customers to arrive so that is really something.


Silver Meritorious Patron

Really? I don't think looking for answers on the internet in a semi-logical place is too weird. I think the fact that the boss is asking these questions is weird. And that's because she's Scientologist. Now, that's weird.

You are right, get out now that you understand how weird it is, it won't get any better no matter how you go about it, this person you work for is a nut.
You already have too much disagreement to work in any sort of harmonious relationship, it sound like you are a capable person who is being made to look stupid.

If you are not careful the next thing you will be told is that you have a "ruin" and "in order for you to continue working here you must attend some training"....now you are really for it, because it will be scientological training leading to you going into a church.... no job is worth that not with this church...do yourself a real favour and run. Jobs being plentiful or not...run!:run: :run: :run: :run:




Patron Meritorious
I have worked for a scientologist before.

Yes, the product must be of a high quality, but I have no idea what the valuable final product is for your company.

Once you know that, you will need to market to the target audience. Mass marketing works because you can get people in the door. Surveys work because you can see what these people are searching for. Make improvements that are tangible for getting your product out and recognized.

Does the company have a marketing department? Do they have an organization board? Are you specifically in marketing?

Sounds like your boss is not adept in her roll. Other Scns drove the company into the ground? Find out what they did or did not do and work from there?

If you question and look into it, the answers will start to emerge. Use your experience and tools to make this happen.

A note from experience here, I have personally seen many Scn bosses look for the quick fix and they lacked patience. It isn't always that easy, especially in today's economic climate.

Best of luck and keep looking for another position as a backup! Best advice of all from everyone who posted is to not get sucked into Scientology!!!!!!!


Patron Meritorious
Really? I don't think looking for answers on the internet in a semi-logical place is too weird. I think the fact that the boss is asking these questions is weird. And that's because she's Scientologist. Now, that's weird.

Well, you've been given lots of answers (not a one of which you acknowledged as helpful in any specific way or posted a follow-up question about but instead have been carrying on in a trollish fashion, engaging with the people that won't help you rather than those that will) so are we done here?

Here is another thought. Tell your boss that you must have an MU because a lot of what she said has gone blank in your mind and would she or someone else please help you find your MU so that you can answer these questions correctly. No Scientologist can resist that approach. And if you really were daydreaming during a lecture that, according to Study Tech, is because you passed MUs. So quit trying to game her and ask her for some help.

I'm done here.


Patron Meritorious
That's the first mention you make that your boss is a Scientologist; nice save :)

And, I not only don't care about your job, I don't think it's very valuable to feed trolls, whether Scientology-based or just run-of-the-mill. At the very least it encourages them.


You prolly had it right but I am a bit of a sucker anyway and don't really mind that. Better a bit of sucker than a lot of a cynic and I made a conscious decision long ago to try and not be a cynic. It's not like he wants my money.


Patron with Honors

I wouldn't touch that container's of water scenario.

I would go with the odd's approach. Let's say one out of every 10 people are going to stay or bite or buy. If you want 3 new one's you have to get 30 people in the door.

That is something a wog can accept.



Patron with Honors
They have to give a reason. If they do not have one then they will set up a reason.

Unfortunately, not in CA. As stated, it is an "at-will" employment environment. I feel it benefits the employer most, because all they have to say is "This isn't working." It is to the employer's benefit to *not* tell you why you were let loose, as there is nothing to defend.

On the other hand, in CA, if you are fired or quit, your agreed upon vacation is to be cashed out as unpaid wages. This is before unemployment is considered. I left a position in CA several years ago and had several weeks of vacation saved up... I didn't have to worry about another job for a while. Where I live now, this is not the case. It's a state-by-state gig.

This is still a giant troll thread, but other people than the OP can be introduced to ideas here, thus it's not worth completely abandoning.