Your posting that made for a somehwat humorous moment.
I understand you might you feel you get to determine whether or not I am taken seriously as a poster. You can feel that way. That, to me, is more that a little funny !
BTW, Do you really think I care at all whether or not you read - or believe - my posts ? I don't. I skip most of yours and figured you'd do the same for mine. :confused2:
I did not sign on to educate ( LOL ! ) you. Please refrain from that sort of intellectual laziness and kindly do your own reseach and / or searches here on ESMB as I have neither the time nor inclination to do either for you.
I do regard posting on ESMB as most serious thing in my life and certainly do not regard myself ( in terms you seem to like ) any sort of an OL around here.
You can make your 'demands' as if you have some ( shades of you know what -->)altitude, but, alas, with me you darn sure don't.
This will be the last post of yours which I will ever answer. Above. you wrote a blatant lie which I highlighted in bold print as follows: I skip most of yours and figured you'd do the same for mine.
Almost every post I write, you immediately reply to with negative innuendo's, usually attacking me personally. You have responded to every one of my posts on this thread and no matter where I post, you immediately respond with an attack. One thing about you, I always gave you credit for telling it as you saw it. I never agreed with you but thought that at least you were honest. Now, I catch you red handed making an outright lie which concerns me. Also, making wild claims and then refusing to give references to back them up is unacceptable. Why bother reading your stuff?
I had you on my ignore setting for 3 months last year and finally took you off but this time I am puting you on ignore for good. Have a nice life! I won't be in it.