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New guy on the block - 'cept I'm a girl


Your posting that made for a somehwat humorous moment.

I understand you might you feel you get to determine whether or not I am taken seriously as a poster. You can feel that way. That, to me, is more that a little funny ! :roflmao::hysterical::roflmao::hysterical::roflmao::hysterical:
BTW, Do you really think I care at all whether or not you read - or believe - my posts ? :duh: I don't. :happydance: I skip most of yours and figured you'd do the same for mine. :confused2:

:omg: I did not sign on to educate ( LOL ! ) you. Please refrain from that sort of intellectual laziness and kindly do your own reseach and / or searches here on ESMB as I have neither the time nor inclination to do either for you. :biggrin:

I do regard posting on ESMB as most serious thing in my life and certainly do not regard myself ( in terms you seem to like ) any sort of an OL around here.

You can make your 'demands' as if you have some ( shades of you know what -->)altitude, but, alas, with me you darn sure don't. :dieslaughing:

This will be the last post of yours which I will ever answer. Above. you wrote a blatant lie which I highlighted in bold print as follows: I skip most of yours and figured you'd do the same for mine.

Almost every post I write, you immediately reply to with negative innuendo's, usually attacking me personally. You have responded to every one of my posts on this thread and no matter where I post, you immediately respond with an attack. One thing about you, I always gave you credit for telling it as you saw it. I never agreed with you but thought that at least you were honest. Now, I catch you red handed making an outright lie which concerns me. Also, making wild claims and then refusing to give references to back them up is unacceptable. Why bother reading your stuff?

I had you on my ignore setting for 3 months last year and finally took you off but this time I am puting you on ignore for good. Have a nice life! I won't be in it.


Somehow this lovely thread in which our new member Mich introduces herself got sidetracked into a discussion of "tech" and "techs" that has nothing to do with her arrival, or her experience, or what -- as I understand it -- she came here to learn and to share.

I'd like to apologize for my part in that derail -- I really only meant to nip in the bud a gross misconception about members of this board, not to get into a big thing about it. I'll ask, even plead with, those interested in that "tech" discussion to start a new thread for it, and if it matters to anyone (it doesn't matter much to me, frankly), to take that discussion from here to there and let this one get back on track with a ...

WELCOME Mich! to the world of ESMB, where I hope you will enjoy your stay and continue to share with us your journey -- past, present, and future.

Okay Olska, you are back to intelligent posting. You make an excellent point above; you are 100% right. The thread should go back to being about welcoming Mich. I do think that Mich got something positive out of the heated discussion which took place but it is time to move away from that and return to the original purposes of her thread. I will do my part and not write any more off topic stuff here.

Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud
Okay Olska, you are back to intelligent posting. You make an excellent point above; you are 100% right. The thread should go back to being about welcoming Mich. I do think that Mich got something positive out of the heated discussion which took place but it is time to move away from that and return to the original purposes of her thread. I will do my part and not write any more off topic stuff here.
Gosh ain't it nice
to have the blessing of none other than Lakey that one is "back to intelligent posting"? What higher compliment could would imagine than to have Lakey post they are "back to inelligent posting"? What an acknowledgement !

Gee and then he goes on to determine the direction of the thread ! Isn't that wonderful?

We should all feel so blessed that among us there is a giant like that !

Golly gee whillikers.

Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud

I had you on my ignore setting for 3 months last year and finally took you off but this time I am puting you on ignore for good. Have a nice life! I won't be in it.
Gee , there is a God after all ! Thank you God !


[ Now watch him " Disconnect " from me - LOL ! ]

See, as predicted in post # 114, like a good little scientologist, he " Disconnected " from me :duh:

;omg; What a blessing !

Is that too funny ?
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Nobody owes you their attention.

When you spend your chances attacking a person, don't be surprised when they aren't interested.

If I spent my chances with my kids attacking scientology or them, I doubt we'd be where we are today. Disconnection is not ended by hatred or blame.

Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud
Nobody owes you their attention.

When you spend your chances attacking a person, don't be surprised when they aren't interested.

If I spent my chances with my kids attacking scientology or them, I doubt we'd be where we are today. Disconnection is not ended by hatred or blame.

There are some very very few people I'd rather that they do the scientology " Disconnect " from me. It isn't a matter of 'wanting' their attention it is I'd rather they find something else to do.

Obviously, there are people one cares about that one prefers to remain in contact with.

Claire Swazey

Spokeshole, fence sitter
As time progresses on this (or any other) forum, people are going to find that there are those with whom they like to converse or even be friends- and those whom they don't like so much.

That's the way life is. And it's fine.

Miss Pert

Silver Meritorious Patron
I was with Mich at Flag and I can tell you that she meant the blowing apart type of exploding. :biggrin:

I need to amend this statement, it was actually exploding both ways. The stats were exploding but only because, as Mich mentioned earlier, they were importing public from the Class V orgs so they could quickie them up the Bridge. They were also pushing people onto the Basics and I truly believe most public agreed to come in one night/day a week just to get them off their backs. All this gave the appearance of exploding stats. At one point ALL staff, SO and OOTs, were ordered to do the STCC (Success Through Communications Course) regardless of whether they had done it before or not. Right there you have a over 2000 completions in about a month. So on the face of it things were going terrific at Flag with the "greatest expansion ever."

On the flip side, there were a shitload more ethics cycles occurring and quite a lot of whispered dissent, especially with OOTs. We were all subjected to meter checks, looking for dirty needles and rocks slams, after staff meetings a couple of times within a few months. I heard of a couple of people that had written up KRs or Things That Shouldn't Be Reports, on real and valid out points, only to be routed to ethics for being CI to "Command Intention." There were probably 3 OOTs that blew in a matter of months toward the end of my stay, I could have been one of them but I did it by the book because thought that I would have to disconnect from my friends here in Sydney if I blew, not knowing that they had already left themselves. Anyway, its really hard to blow inconspicuously when you arrived with 3 suitcases.:duh:


I give Mich a huge hug :bighug: for bearing with a shitted up thread, well somewhat crapped-up. ARRRR, it do happen, loves ya no less!


Semper Phi

Patron with Honors
I agree with Miss Pert's analysis of the different kinds of "explosion" happening at Flag in recent years. Add to the OOT (outer org trainee) explosion the huge "ideal" org push that really got going during 2009. To prepare for each org opening, large groups of tech recruits are brought in to get thru their training line-ups, sometimes in just a couple of months. It was impossible to do that within the usual structure of the program, so enter the unusual solutions.

I was there until mid-2010, and at that time, to get the ideal orgs trainees thru in time for their org's opening, they were put on study from about 8:30am to 11pm every day, with no personal time at all. Non-"ideal" trainees were taken off of their own training to be the coaches/twins/pc's for the ideal org trainees, who were one-way-flowed thru everything and forbidden to help anyone else. (So much for fair exchange and the "twinning" policy...) A friend of mine from the DC org did Level 4 in 5 days, including reading at least one Basics book. Her designated helper actually built her clay demo figures and made the labels, so all she had to do was assemble the demos.

Meanwhile, the other trainees had their training stopped, or were significantly hampered by the difficulty of finding their own coaches or pc's with so many resources being directed to the "ideal" org trainees.

So yeah, the training program at Flag is exploding. You decide whether it is "good" exploding or bad...
I need to amend this statement, it was actually exploding both ways. The stats were exploding but only because, as Mich mentioned earlier, they were importing public from the Class V orgs so they could quickie them up the Bridge. They were also pushing people onto the Basics and I truly believe most public agreed to come in one night/day a week just to get them off their backs. All this gave the appearance of exploding stats. At one point ALL staff, SO and OOTs, were ordered to do the STCC (Success Through Communications Course) regardless of whether they had done it before or not. Right there you have a over 2000 completions in about a month. So on the face of it things were going terrific at Flag with the "greatest expansion ever."

On the flip side, there were a shitload more ethics cycles occurring and quite a lot of whispered dissent, especially with OOTs. We were all subjected to meter checks, looking for dirty needles and rocks slams, after staff meetings a couple of times within a few months. I heard of a couple of people that had written up KRs or Things That Shouldn't Be Reports, on real and valid out points, only to be routed to ethics for being CI to "Command Intention." There were probably 3 OOTs that blew in a matter of months toward the end of my stay, I could have been one of them but I did it by the book because thought that I would have to disconnect from my friends here in Sydney if I blew, not knowing that they had already left themselves. Anyway, its really hard to blow inconspicuously when you arrived with 3 suitcases.:duh:

pardon my ignorance, what is an OOT?
Here is some lovely caek for Mich! :biggrin: Big hugs! :happydance: All is well!

I agree with Miss Pert's analysis of the different kinds of "explosion" happening at Flag in recent years. Add to the OOT (outer org trainee) explosion the huge "ideal" org push that really got going during 2009. To prepare for each org opening, large groups of tech recruits are brought in to get thru their training line-ups, sometimes in just a couple of months. It was impossible to do that within the usual structure of the program, so enter the unusual solutions.

I was there until mid-2010, and at that time, to get the ideal orgs trainees thru in time for their org's opening, they were put on study from about 8:30am to 11pm every day, with no personal time at all. Non-"ideal" trainees were taken off of their own training to be the coaches/twins/pc's for the ideal org trainees, who were one-way-flowed thru everything and forbidden to help anyone else. (So much for fair exchange and the "twinning" policy...) A friend of mine from the DC org did Level 4 in 5 days, including reading at least one Basics book. Her designated helper actually built her clay demo figures and made the labels, so all she had to do was assemble the demos.

Meanwhile, the other trainees had their training stopped, or were significantly hampered by the difficulty of finding their own coaches or pc's with so many resources being directed to the "ideal" org trainees.

So yeah, the training program at Flag is exploding. You decide whether it is "good" exploding or bad...

thank both you and miss pert for the clarity and intelligence of your answers. is flag actually delivering "quickie grades" where less than all processes of the grade are run? i know so little of flag. how are the hotel and restaurant run? do chambermaids and waitresses and cooks receive market wages or staff "pay"? are non scientology people employed for some functions?

anyone with a more current report?

Arthur Dent

Silver Meritorious Patron
thank both you and miss pert for the clarity and intelligence of your answers. is flag actually delivering "quickie grades" where less than all processes of the grade are run? i know so little of flag. how are the hotel and restaurant run? do chambermaids and waitresses and cooks receive market wages or staff "pay"? are non scientology people employed for some functions?

anyone with a more current report?

The hotels and restaurants are run by sea org members. There is no such thing as market wages, to be sure! It is sea org pay units. And there is really no tipping them either!

Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud
I think it is obvious that more and more are fleeing the fleecing from the corporate Co$.

Some of us have gotten all the way out, many are somewhere along in peeling scn off of them and some few remain dead center in the Church. So be it.

It gets into a tickle of sorts when those who still have a foot in the door of the church ( and don't believe they still do ) and are trying to say " what works " and, of course, what they think doesn't work ( according to them i.

Sort of reminds me of Boble Thumpers who scream about the evil doers being an abomination unto the Lord as they munch on lobster.

You know, the pick & choose Christians. laying with a man is an abomination ubto the Lord but 2 lines later where eating shellfish is an abomination unto the Lord gets ignored.

Why ? Nothing to do with the Bible and everything to do with personal preference.
Don't like homosexuals but do like lobster? That works for some !

We have some pick & choose scientologists ( whether or not they have yet to face that they are still VERY much thinking as a scientolgist with all that cult mumbo-jumbo meaningless but closely defined talk) who could trade places with the pick & choose Christians? Why? Same closed mindedness that got them stuck there in the first place!

We have on this thread a few clowns trying to define the world of Xs into neat little categories which they try to put all others in. And that is just a MINOR variation ( if not bastardization ) of scientology "technology" ( <--that looks so silly, doesn't it?)

Nobody stays in the attempted cram in the box.

Speaking of not working - LOL !

Looks like people get out at their own speed and recover at their own speed.
Is that not as it should be?

Semper Phi

Patron with Honors
thank both you and miss pert for the clarity and intelligence of your answers. is flag actually delivering "quickie grades" where less than all processes of the grade are run? i know so little of flag. how are the hotel and restaurant run? do chambermaids and waitresses and cooks receive market wages or staff "pay"? are non scientology people employed for some functions?

anyone with a more current report?

First, about the grades at Flag... I don't really know what changed, but in 2008-2009 or so, there was a top-secret "pilot" program on the grades. A bunch of auditors and C/S's in training (mostly OOTs, I think, oddly enough for such a top-secret project) were put into it. After it had been piloted, they started doing a big PR push to get people to Flag to go through their grades really fast. There were all these promises to public that they could come to Flag for a month and get through all the grades. They started an auditor apprenticeship program, typically done after the Class IV internship, and they started calling C/S's from all over the world back to Flag to learn how to deliver the "new, improved" grades. Supposedly all the improvements were a result of all the "lost" tech that was discovered while they were researching and restoring all the Basics and ACCs. I was a supervisor trainee and was done with my auditor training by the time this all got into full swing, so I don't know any details of what changed, though the word "quickie" always occurred to me when I heard how fast everything was going now.

As for how Flag is run, all the work is done by SO members, along with OOTs who have to do "work/study" when their orgs can't or won't pay for their room and board. The only hotel that OOTs do not work in is the Fort Harrison, which is manned entirely by SO. The housekeeping and wait staff are "tipped" by--what else?--survey cards, on which the customer "grades" the service with a number that then counts into the staff member's weekly stat to determine their post condition.