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HP Aradia

HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

DullOldFart: Oh darlin..change this name... terrible postulate! LOL

I have no idea what a freezoner is "supposed" to sound like. I guess I'm just one self-determined Babe In Total Control of Herself (acronyms can be fun too!). Auditors of the past were thinkers and doers. Those that came up with all the techniques of the Bridge: I APPLAUD YOU! They could and would never have done this if they had not been operating in a Free Zone of self-determinism and validation.

I changed the title at the top. Is there any way to change the original title on my first posting? I'd prefer to find the auditors rather than be a Newbie Target...lol.
Re: HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

DullOldFart: Oh darlin..change this name... terrible postulate! LOL

I have no idea what a freezoner is "supposed" to sound like. I guess I'm just one self-determined Babe In Total Control of Herself (acronyms can be fun too!). Auditors of the past were thinkers and doers. Those that came up with all the techniques of the Bridge: I APPLAUD YOU! They could and would never have done this if they had not been operating in a Free Zone of self-determinism and validation.

I changed the title at the top. Is there any way to change the original title on my first posting? I'd prefer to find the auditors rather than be a Newbie Target...lol.

that is no hindrance.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
Re: HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

I have no idea what a freezoner is "supposed" to sound like.
A FZer is a Scientologist. A Scio thinks Scn is where it's at, pretty much. Someone who has moved on from the undifferentiated blob called Scn is no longer a Scientologist, even if they use the more useful parts of Scn in their auditing.

I changed the title at the top. Is there any way to change the original title on my first posting? I'd prefer to find the auditors rather than be a Newbie Target...lol.
Not after 30 minutes. But new threads are cheap.

Anyway, after 10 posts you're no longer labelled a Newbie. You can be a Patron Target instead. :biggrin:


HP Aradia

HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

A Patron Target.... how sizzling. LOL Reading so many of the threads on this site brought tears from laughing so hard.

After having moved two humans through my body many, many moons ago, there is not much crap left to take SERIOUSLY within the ole MEST game.

I adore the sense of humor of you all-- it's all giggles and shits in here!


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

I changed the title at the top. Is there any way to change the original title on my first posting? I'd prefer to find the auditors rather than be a Newbie Target...lol.

I rather like "Newbie Target" as a thread title.

"Fresh Meat" might work as well.

Many of us use ESMB for entertainment and senseless venting.

Serious discussion of workable Scilon methods?...

I don't think it's impossible to find auditors eager to share auditing tips on best methods/practices, but many of us focus on lost family members, lost careers, destroyed credit, and wasted decades when evoking Scilon memories. We also share war stories, not dissimilar to your initial ethics handling. Had you been involved longer, your ethics handlings would have become even more memorable. Check out LRH's 100% standard special handlings from the 1968 Class VIII course for a deeper understanding of why your supervisor sent you to clean the bathroom.

Good luck and keep your sense of humor intact.

Keep reading.

HP Aradia

HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

Boojuum: I've been laughing all morning at the things I've been reading.

Not to negate those that have undergone pain-- just the wryness that others share.

Perspectives can become illuminating if shared within a new unit of time.

Put yourself in a room of 25 five year olds every day--- one cannot help but see through their eyes: pain, death, love, giggles, etc. But then a wondrous thing happens: they come to present time in a heartbeat and become ONE with the moment. It is truly marvelous to behold.

Is exteriorization extinct in here? LOL


Silver Meritorious Patron
Welcome, Aradia. You'll probably find what you're asking about in the Scientology Technology and Evaluating/Criticizing Scientology forums. Look for posts from Dulloldfart, Roger B., and CarameloOrchards as three that come to mind immediately as having both knowledge and experience in continuing with the tech after the church. There are others, of course, I just find these three posters are often as witty as they are informed so their names are easy for me to recall. :)

Best of luck to you.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

Boojuum: I've been laughing all morning at the things I've been reading.

Is exteriorization extinct in here? LOL

Glad you're laughing. Here's a squirrel process that you can do right now which I find extremely effective and stolen from Leo Buscalia, a pop psychologist.

Here goes:

Get the idea that you're standing on a stage and an audience of thousands is laughing at you. And the audience isn't just tittering, they're howling at how hysterical you are.

I use the above process when trying to get a grip on my very important issues.

Exteriorization is frequently discussed at length on ESMB. Probably with much more honesty than any other place on line. Just plug it into the search engine and you'll find a range of stories, typically at the "never happened" end of the spectrum but there were a few who apparently achieved what LRH claimed--if that's what you meant by asking if exteriorization was extinct.

I think the only way you'll keep using the board is if you can keep your sense of humor. There are many, many, many on ESMB who are not serious and look at posts as a means to sharpen their skills at ridicule, thread killing, petty fights, gentle teasing, and vicious teasing.


Remember that line from Alice, "Let's fight 'til six and then have dinner."


NOT drinking the kool-aid
I think you're gonna do just fine on ESMB. There's a myriad of viewpoints here, and yes it can get a little wild with torpedoes firing. Of course I've never fired any myself. :whistling:

^^^^^^^Me too !!^^^^^^^ :omg:

Oh, BTW, welcome!

Is there a Ron Ginzler in your ranks? :coolwink:


NOT drinking the kool-aid
Re: HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

A Patron Target.... how sizzling. LOL Reading so many of the threads on this site brought tears from laughing so hard.

After having moved two humans through my body many, many moons ago, there is not much crap left to take SERIOUSLY within the ole MEST game.

I adore the sense of humor of you all-- it's all giggles and shits in here!

Something to keep in mind here - there are people here who want for the demise of the c of s because in present time it still practices fair gaming and disconnection.

Imagine your daughter in the sea org and disconnected from you - won't give to you or receive from you any comm because you've left the church and have been declared for something like refusing to buy into the GAT retreads at your own expense. You make noise about it by posting articles in a newspaper.

One day you notice PI's following you. Neighbors have been given flyers filled with lies that discredit you. You are on the enemies list.

That is the Scientology some rail against here. The Present Time Problem it creates takes the glow right out of their past wins at times.
Re: HP Aradia Seeks Auditors To Share Workable Tech!

A Patron Target.... how sizzling. LOL Reading so many of the threads on this site brought tears from laughing so hard.

After having moved two humans through my body many, many moons ago, there is not much crap left to take SERIOUSLY within the ole MEST game.

I adore the sense of humor of you all-- it's all giggles and shits in here!

Workable tech to **me** is all about following your dreams, letting what crops up, in your way, come to view, then taking care of **that**.

As far as I'm concerned, auditing went off the rails, around 1964, when auditors ceased asking, at the beginning of each session, what goals the PC had for that session (and at the end, how well did we do on those goal(s) set).

If you are helping the client be, do, and have what they want in the jungle of life, you are performing a service.

If you are running the client on a pre set program from the C/S, who "knows best," you are only running in robotic behavior.

Real life is more important to me, than anyone else's agenda.

These are examples of my real life:


















It should be noted that Thursday, when Jimmy Buffett was performing at HP Pavilion in San Jose, instead of being at the show, like I am usually each time he comes around, I was taking two 5 year old grand children to their swimming lesson on the other side of town. Life is about choices. We choose kids.

Tonight, however, instead of our usual, every Sunday, barbecue and family dinner, we are going to see William Shatner's one man show at the Orpheum Theater in San Francisco.



Right on, Carmelo. Running out implants the a person hasn't voiced as part of his case (asserting that they should look at something other than what they are currently saying their "item" is), including things like the space opera stuff, but also including attempted abortions, birth, "the Rock", etc.: all are really bad examples of how to bypass a person's charge.

Run what's there.
The Story of S&D John Mc Master

The Story of S&D John Mc Master

I would like to discuss the development of S&D for the implications it had in the subsequent development of scientogy technology. Had it not been designed the way it was, things might have gone a little differently.

Late summer 1965. The message read: Ron wants you to bring six of your best review auditors to his office at 5.15 pm today and would you get it all organised? When we were all there, he said that he had gotten us there for a specific reason, and the reason was to evolve a particular process which he wanted to call "Search and Discovery."

Now, in the processing that we were doing then, which was mainly the power processes and power plus, we were getting some cases moving magnificently fast, others sort of medium, and some cases moving very slowly.

He said there be some factor that was sort of impinging on these cases that were moving slowly, and this process was to be called Search and Discovery simply because it was to search for that which was impinging on the slow gain case and the no case gain, to search for this and then discover it.

And he wanted us to evolve a technology whereby this could be done

Our Job

We got together and decided that it would be a good idea to have a listing
process to start off with on the search side of it, and then we would
discover an item.

We decided the listing question would be something along the lines of :"
Who or what is causing difficulty?":

We made a list and then we'd get whatever the item was, and then put the
item into a Represent (Who or what would the item represent), and then list away. If the item on the first list had been a person, one blew the charge off that person by getting the Represent our of it.

And on this "Who or what would item represent?" The PC invariably found a "What" in relation to his own behaviour or his own conditions of existence that got restimulated by the actions of the other person and caused what appeared to be the symptons of a "Potential Trouble Scource" as it was later called.

It was something the person had in his own makeup, his own behaviour
pattern, his own mental mass, that had a sort of magnetism for the behaviour of a certain person.

The other person did something, and this particular thing, in the whole
pattern of the PC, would cause an upset and prevent the PC from looking as clearly as he or she might look, from wanting to win, from doing whatever one was expecting the person to do.

Our Results

So we ran this listing process and the represent process, and we got what
we got , and took the results to Hubbard. And as I said, invariably it was a "What". And you cant declare a "What" that exists in the magnetic field of the PC to be a supressive person. There was a tremendous improvment in the PCs because they found out that in actual fact when they were so-called "being the effect" or "being supressed" by some one else it was because of themselves and something that they had that had compelled them to become the effect of the other persons behaviour.

But there there was another thing some of them found out. Some people found out that in their behaviour patterns they did things and behaved in such a way that they compelled the other person to commit suppressive acts towards them.

For instance , here's me. And, not during the auditing session but in my
every day life, I am doing something with a regularity that compelles another, who also has something in his magnetic field that my behaviour restimulates, to be suppressive towards me, and I am in actual fact causing it.

So there were two aspects that people began to find in this auditing:

1) they had something in their own space that got restimulated by another persons behaviour, and when they found that and blew it , they were no longer the effect of that persons behaviour, and

2) they were unknowingly doing something that was compelling the other
person to act suppressively toward them.

And everyone run on this process, with the listing and the represent, had
far more gain than is gotten from running up to the ethics officer and
disconnecting from a so called suppressive person.

We were really thrilled, because these people immediately after having had this kind of S&D process run on them , moved magnificently on the power processes.

Ron’s Response

We took the results to Hubbard, and he kind of hemmed and hawed and told us it was a little bit long winded and we could do it faster another
way. Eventually he changed the thing down to:"Who is suppressing you?", and it had to be a person. And when that person was spotted the PC had to go to the ethics officer with the folder.

The ethics officer then had to find out wether the person would "handle or disconnect" and in most cases the ethics officer decided of his or her own volition that the person was incapable of handling and compelled the person to disconnect.

Now if you look at the history of scientology from that point onward, late
summer-autumn of 1965, what was happening?

Suppressive people were becoming a reality and the ethics officer was
becoming an absolute necessity in any organization in order to safeguard
your technology.

Well nothing can safeguard technology better than perfect auditing. If you take the process and audit it perfectly, your technology is established. Having this via of darting around the corner to the ethics officer just gives the auditor an out. If he can't quite manage the PC or he can't quite manage the process, or he can't quite manage putting the two together, he always knows he can say"Well its OK; if I cant quite manage this then it becomes an ethics matter."

When a person was not moving as quickly as the person ought to be moving, they then had to have this S&D process, and then automatically it went onto ethics lines.

So then standard technology was very much involved with ethics; you
couldn't have standard technology without an ethics officer to handle these particular situations. So the supressive person became a reality and the ethics officer became an absolute necessity in order to have the tech working and standard.

The Result

So now the PC disconnects from this "Who"the ethics officer regards as a
suppressive person and yet still intact is the "What" that predisposed the
suppression in the first place. So the PC is still vunlerable to supression.

He disconnects, has a bit of relief, and mabye until the end of that
auditing intensive the PC is free from the impact of that other.But within
the makeup of that person, that which predisposes the PC to being supressed is untouched.

And the overt act of disconnecting from another, blaming another for ones own inadequacy, and the fact that one has this predisposition towards supression, compounds the felony.

The felony of whatever one has done that makes one vulnerable or
predisposed is still there, and that is compounded by the disconnection, which creates a heavy ARC break perhaps not only with the person being disconnected from, but with all the people to whom that person is connected.

So now you have the compounded felony. That auditing that should have been run out right there and then, is now being covered over by another overt act, the act of disconnection. And what does that do? It causes the
prolongation of that condition which predisposed the PC to supression in the first place.

S&Ds, such as they are run now, do not give the permenant relief or release from anything. What they do is prolong the agony of potential supression. So far from setting a person freer, they are in actual fact burying, and therefore prolonging the condition that predisposes and precipitates the supression.

This "standard technology" is in actual fact ruining the whole potential of
our aims and goals and purposes, because it is pressing out of sight that
which we were fortunate enough to have surface, that thing that is
predisposing the PC to feeling suppressed.

Suggested Procedure

It is a very healthy sign when some one you are auditing suddenly has
problems. So they say they're not making gains. So what? This indicates to you that something is in restimulation that prevents them from making gains and achieving their goals. This means you've got something right there and then, right at the surface, ready to be handled.

So you can do an S&D, but I suggest that you do it the way we did it
originally, before it was changed to a "Who" You might get this thing which has come into restimulation on the first listing, in which case it's gone.If you have to put it into a Represent list, well you'll get a whole lot there.

Now I didn't do this at the time, but it seems to me that you could then
put in a third question if you do a represent out to another item and you still haven't blown everything.

You could say "Now how do you use so and so to make yourself vulnerable to supression?" or a question of that nature. Then you have removed the predisposition to the suppression because that which was in the magnetic field of the PC that enabled the suppression to happen will never be there again, unless thePC puts it back. But it won't be the same one; it'll be another one.

So I hope this sheds a little light on the way an S&D could be run that
could give gain for all time, rather than this temporary relief by
committing an overt act on a fellow being on this planet at the same time
one is. It's not always such; sometimes one disconnects people out of
another time.

The Reality

However, this is just a vast Q&A with reality. The reality is that
somewhere in one's makeup is this predisposition to be suppressed, and when it is precipitated one behaves like a potential trouble scource. So, get out what's in restimulation and remove completly and forever the chances of being suppressed in that particular way.

That is how we started out on Search and Discovery, and how I feel it could be done even now. It's not too late, for Heavens sake! and we could get in and do the job properly.

Reprinted from The Free Spirit Dec 1990 Vol vii issue 4.
From the desk of Alan C. Walter: circa 2000

From the desk of Alan C. Walter:


A most optimum level fun life game would include:

1. This chosen game is what you really want to do, with the people whom you want to do it.

2. This chosen game has an extremely worthy purpose.

3. This chosen game has an optimum vision that contains and allows you to expand your honesty, prosperity, knowledge and happiness.

4. This chosen game has an optimum, doable plan that allows you to gain more honesty, prosperity, knowledge, abilities, skills, and happiness.

5. This chosen game can be played at very high optimum levels of knowledge, fun and happy actions with able teammates.

6. This chosen game can be played at the locations of your choice.

7. This chosen game has plenty of freedom.

8. This chosen game is very portable.

9. This chosen game is self-enhancing (causes expansion and a gradient upgrading of your skills, knowledge, communication lines, and contacts as you proceed to play the game.)

10. Your fellow players are knowledgeable and big winners.

11. This chosen game is FUN!

12. This chosen game can be very profitable.

13. These chosen games, targets, outcomes, results and products are very much what are wanted on the power carrier lines of the world and, as such, take a minimum of marketing once good results are produced.

14. This chosen game gradiently puts you in a winning causative position over the direction of your life and environment.

Many games fit the above criteria, but being a coach and being able to coach and process others enabled me to greatly enhance all my games of life.

I observed my income jump many thousand percent, my mediocre football career blossomed to stardom, my relationships began to take on a quality of romance that I would not believed was possible. As time went on and my skills increased, I found thousands of great prosperous life games opportunities were available for me to pick and choose from. The world opened up for me as an exciting adventurous fun filled playing field.


Almost 45 years ago I had a realization that produced a profound positive effect
on my life.

It was a key to understanding the basic fundamental operating basis of what
we're doing, when we're doing it.

This realization was and is that each of life's games is composed of
an on-going series of composite processes.

Inside any game of life, many activities and events are occurring
simultaneously. They may appear to be random and uncontrolled, but in
actuality they are all being caused by someone.

To fully understand what is taking place, you need to understand that each
participant is engaged in a series of processes.

Therefore, we can deduce that all games are a composite of processes.

The games of life are complicated by the fact that not all the rules are agreed
upon. In addition, the goals and the method of scoring are often not spelled out
and agreed upon.



1. A system of planned sequential step-by-step operations in the production of

2. A series of actions, changes or functions that bring about an end result.

3. Course or passage of time. 4. Ongoing movement; progression.

For our best use we take the definition:

A series of actions, changes or functions that bring about an end or result.


Knowingly implementing a known goal, with full three-dimensional, holographic vision,
with a planned series of actions, changes or functions that bring about a needed or
wanted end or result.

EXAMPLE: The process of raising money for a new product. Several years ago an
inventor developed a new personal computer. He did this while working out of his
garage. Feeling sure it was a much needed and wanted product in the market place,
once he had a working model (solid three dimensional vision), he began researching the
areas from which money could be obtained. The research led him to the area of venture
capital. He was told he needed to formulate a business plan. When this was complete,
he presented it to the venture capitalist. After much discussion and negotiation he
received the money.

The result: Money to market computers, which turned into an international multi-million
dollar company. He also, in the process, becomes a multi-millionaire.

Processes are what lead to the attainment of one's dreams and aspirations.

Dreams and Goals are Prime Processes.

There are three laws that are vital to the understanding of processes. They are:

1. For a process to happen, someone has to make it happen.

2. For someone to win, someone has to use a series of processes to make the win

3. For someone to lose, someone has to use a series of negative processes to make
the loss happen.



POSITIVE PROCESS: 1. Someone operating knowingly implementing a known goal,
with full three-dimensional, holographic vision, with a planned series of actions or
changes or functions that brings about your o]positively intended end or result.
2. Ongoing, upward movement in the direction that you intended.

Continuous usage of positive processes will tend to take and maintain you and your life
into Green Zone levels of existence.

NEGATIVE PROCESS: 1. Someone unknowingly dramatizing an unknown goal,
without a vision or a definite destructive vision of causing harm to an opponent, with a
hidden-from- view planned series of actions or changes or functions that counter or
prevent you or others from reaching yours or others' intended end or result. 2. Ongoing,
downward movement that takes you away from the direction that you intended.

Continuous usage of negative processes will tend to plunge and fixate you and your life
into Red Zone levels of existence.


Anytime one starts a game, he or she begins a series of processes.

When a person starts a new game, there are the processes of learning the skills and
what is wanted and needed for his role. In addition, the person needs to produce the
products required of him.

As he sets about on these processes, many variables go into play.

If he has a bad manager or leader, the manager or leader can negatively process him
into believing he cannot do the role. Conversely, if a manager has a bad staff they can
negatively process the manager into feeling it is hopeless to get his products.

The reverse is also true, great managers or leaders positively process their people to
greater heights and levels of accomplishments.

When an individual or group intends a goal or purpose, that individual causes all of his
available attention to focus on that process and all of his attention becomes trapped in
attempting to continue the process to its fulfillment.

The Process Cycle is the vital area to zero in on.

Many people like the game but hate the process. The reason for this is too many losses,
too many incomplete processes and pain on doing the processes necessary to achieve
the end or objective of the game. But the major cause is many of the person's attention
bits get stuck in and on a past process.

When a person's attention is stuck in and on a past process their memory fails, they
have poor concentration, their mood level drops and they begin feeling weak and
overwhelmed. If this goes on too long, the person can become quite sick or
predisposed to sickness and accidents. The person feels old.

It is quite remarkable how a person recovers his well being when the "errant process
problem" is handled. Working in conjunction with proper medical, nutritional and
exercise consultants can produce some miraculous physical recoveries.

When one is negatively processed, one experiences getting older, smaller, being lower
on the mood scale and having little or no money, time or interest in life. He feels very

When one is positively processed, one experiences getting younger, more causative,
rising high on the mood scale and having an abundance of space, time, interest, and
money in life.

"Before January 2002, several
hundred people will each
become a masterfully trained
processor and coach.

YOU can be one of them!"

Here is your chance to become part of the great team of winning
adventurers and fun players in the Games of Life!

This is a major opportunity to obtain the knowledge, skills and abilities to play a
worthwhile, exciting, bigger game. Make the whole world your playground!

Did you know that most people fail at running their businesses, their relationships, their
friendships and careers because they lack the vital fundamentals of what goes into
creating and maintaining a winning happier life?


Understanding that one is engaged at all times in a process of some kind allows us to
isolate exactly why one's life or relationships often end in failure or why there is so much
conflict in most people's lives.

The reason for this is: You are running the wrong process for what is needed.

The above often stemming from: Someone running or having run the wrong process on


There are several signs that denote that you or your company is running the wrong
process or processes. The most basic signs are:

Not enough or no time,
Not enough or no interest,
Not enough or no money,
Accident proneness,
Drug and alcohol abuse,
Inconsistent behavior: highs and lows,
Bad Luck: Always at the wrong place at the wrong time, and
Chronic low mood levels such as anger, fear, sadness or lethargy.

As you can observe, this fits the majority of people and companies. You would be right
to deduce from this that the majority of people, managers and leaders are guilty of
running wrong processes.


Nothing traps attention worse than a failed or stopped goal, intention, creation, or

These are prime factors in all processes and are responsible for directing and causing
the futures of a person, relationships, partnerships, companies or nations and even

When a person, group or nation decides on a future goal, intention, creation or vision, at
the time of the decision they focus all available attention into the area of making that
goal, mock-up, creation or intention become an actuality.

Should that goal, intention, vision or creation fail or become stopped, you will find that
the person will be stuck in time. All his attention will be tied up in the incident where the
failure or stop occurred.

Because all of the attention is tied up in this incident where the failure or stop occurred,
the individual, group or nation will continuously dramatize the exact mood level that
occurred in the incident.

For example:

Several years ago while in London, I was staying at the Dorchester Hotel on Park Lane.

After I finished my workshops I would spend a quiet hour or so at the small bar. The
bartender was a sour bitter man named Sam.

One evening Sam was bitching and moaning about no one ever giving him any respect
and how he could run the hotel better than the management. He went on and on in this
manner for a while.

Sam had a nasty sniveling whine to his voice and it wasn't what I wanted to be listening
to while I unwound from the stress of teaching and coaching British executives how to
be better executives. Sam's mood level was not very well masked rage.

Sam paused in his whining and I gently asked, "Sam, what are you really interested in?"
Sam looked at me startled, his eyes glazed over and he thought for a while and finally
replied, "Mr. Walter, I ain't interested in anything".
I gently probed and asked, "When were you interested in something?" Sam's eyes
instantly filled with tears.

I prompted him, "Come on, you can tell me".

Sam paused and said, "Well, it's been 25 years since I've been interested in anything".

I asked him, "What happened?" Sam answered, "Well, I owned one of the largest hotels
in Brighton and one night it was burned down to the ground by an arsonist and my wife
was killed. The hotel was not adequately insured thus I lost everything. I was so
devastated I had to send my two children, a boy and a girl, over to my brother-in-law's
in Germany.

"I haven't seen or talked to them in 25 years."

I consulted with Sam on what process the arsonist had run on him. He was able to see
how this process had ruined him totally and went on to tell me of the goals and plans he
and his wife had had and how they planned to expand into London and the Continent.

Sam and I communicated for about an hour. The more he communicated about the
incident 25 years ago, the more alive he became in the present.

As I had an evening workshop, I had to leave. The next evening Sam greeted me with a
smile and he joked and laughed as he served his customers.

The next day I continued on to my next location.

I had a series of lectures to do in Copenhagen, Zurich, Rome and Paris. It was almost
three months before I returned.

I went into the bar and noticed a different bartender. I asked him "Where's Sam?"

The new bartender looked startled, "Haven't you heard? He went to Germany to visit
his kids. While he was on the ferry going across the channel he met this company
director who owns a large hotel in London. Sam's the new manager." He then said in
awe, "Who'd ever believe it. Sam, the sorriest bloke I'd ever met, a bleedin' manager of
a big posh 'otel."

In the hour when we talked, I had released Sam's attention from the tragedy. He
recovered his skills, his mood level improved and he regained his former position.

He came back to life!

Another example:

While in St. Louis in 1968, I was interviewed by a sportscaster, Jack Buck. He asked,
"How does this technology work?" I answered, "Jack, do you remember the first time
you ever went on the air?" "Yes", he replied. "What happened?" I asked. He went
on to say, "Well, I was a nervous wreck. Boy, was I glad when that was over."

I asked, "Was there someone in the background that was making less of you, your
abilities or what you were doing?" "Yes. The station manager said I'd better improve or
I'd be out of a job. That really made me nervous." (He laughed) I consulted with him
on what process the station manager had run on him.

While doing this, Jack was able to spot a precept he'd made at the time, which was:
"Maybe I won't make it". He went on to say, "You know, I've always been amazed at
how far I've come." Several weeks later, Jack Buck was promoted to national
prominence with his own show, Grandstand.

I had unfixed Jack's attention from the fear of failing and he was able to focus it into
achieving what he wanted.


The simple fact of life is when a person is in his natural state and being himself, his mood
level is at high interest or higher moods. If your mood level is lower than interest,
someone or something is or has negatively processed you down scale.

You know someone has processed you downscale if:

You are unhappy,
Nothing seems to be going right for you,
You can't study,
You are not producing,
Your dreams are not becoming actualities,
You are success reluctant,
You are call reluctant,
You are lonely, and
You have money problems .

The secret to having a prosperous and happy life is to run the right process at the right
time. If you do this you will be a superb parent, friend, center of influence, manager,
executive or leader.


As you can easily observe, you are a processor. Whether you are a negative or positive
processor is a whole other matter.

To be a Positive Processor, it is vital that you know the VITAL FUNDAMENTALS


One of the many keys to being-doing-and owning, and thus living your life to its fullest
and most fun level, is having the most important aspects in alignment and in full optimum
operating condition.

To achieve such a condition requires that the coach or processor handles and helps the
client maintain certain vital areas in alignment and in an optimum operating condition.

The biggest problem that most inexperienced leaders, coaches, executives and parent
processors have with their clients is: What to do to achieve this, and when it should be

There are specific, fundamental actions that must always be handled. Any time one of
these fundamentals is violated, the client will begin to get worse and will have troubles in
life, their training and processing and will run into difficulty continuing to maintain their

Violations of any of these vital fundamentals in life or in session can cause the being to
violate their Codes, Virtues, Integrity, Honor, Honesty or Principles.

Maintaining these vital fundamentals in alignment and in conjunction with your dreams
and aspirations will allow you to operate at near maximum potential in an area.

Optimum technology requires exact truths - that is the exact, precise, correct who,
what, where, when, why, and mood. When this is evident on a client or in an
environment, you get expansion and confidence.

Sloppy or poor implementation of the technology of running processes means that the
practitioner is putting untruths into the client's life, thus causing the client to degrade and
the practitioner and client to contract and lose confidence.

A vital end product of processing is TRUTH IN ACTION. Consequently one is
continuously in the right place at the right time.

TRUTH, when found, permeated and owned, is the top of the Green zone. Thus your
client soars to the high Green or Gold Zone states. The less truth in the session or life,
the lower the client will be in the zones.

It is very easy to observe incorrect technology or wrong processes in an area. There will
be too many untruths. Consequently too many things go wrong. People do not trust the
technology being used or the technologists using it. They will not take the services, or
will refuse to take the necessary action - or the potential client will have so many
violations that he keeps himself from getting better.

One of the most common ways a person stops him or herself in life is to remain


There are twelve vital areas that must at all times be fully cleaned up and kept in an
optimum condition. If any one of these is left unflat, mishandled or unhandled, the client
will develop too many in life problems and can possibly crash.

These twelve areas are listed in order of importance and need to be handled in their
exact order.

All processors must know these twelve areas and their causes verbatim, and become
expert in handling them to Cause Indicators.

The twelve vital areas are:

1. YOU.












Any one of these twelve points can go out and ruin the session or the client's life.

Naturally, brand-new clients have almost all areas out, so your first action on beginning
clients is to handle each area in this sequence.

At the lower levels, we are interested only in de-access types of processes. The idea is
to de-access the client's immediate life and bring their life in alignment and thus up to a
consistent high Green Zone operating level.

Usually, if this is done correctly, the person's income and ability to handle time and
energy improves so much they can easily afford to continue processing and training.

When the client is ready to handle the main line processes, you can then put them on

It has taken many people over a period of almost 50 years and millions of hours, on
hundreds of thousands of clients, to uncover these exact sequences of how a Being's set
ups became out of alignment.

The way for full restoration of self is with the correct technology and procedures aimed
at the correct area.

Truth, when found, has very specific phenomena. They are covered in the Truth
Phenomena bulletin. Out-tech shows up by manifestation of bad or effect indicators.

To be a consistent champion master processor demands the ability to be truth, act truth,
and own truth. It takes great bravery and honesty to become a master processor.


1. YOU. The Spiritual Being:

The reason that this is the most important vital fundamental is that it's the source point of
everything in and connected to your life. Should this source point be less than its full
capacity, then everything else is less than it can be.

If you cannot fully three-dimensionally, holographically define something, then you
cannot be it, do it, own or have it.

Thus potentially the single most misunderstood term for everybody is the word YOU.

This also makes it the most confused subject because many people and subjects have a
different or conflicting erroneous belief system upon this vital term, YOU.

Not knowing the full three-dimensional holographic definition of the word YOU can
enter in confusion, stupidity, delusions, weird ideas, hate, mis-emotion, upsets, conflicts,
hidden agendas, huge communication difficulties, dishonesty, dishonor, dependency,
immobility, restraints of self, success reluctances, fear of failure, embarrassment, short or
no attention span, poor or no concentration, poor or no focus, shyness, and a
tremendous restriction of drive, action, size of games, levels of achievement, feelings,
pleasures, abilities, and accuracy of perception, thus causing many Red Zone and
Yellow Zone phenomena.

Should two or more people who connect together do not comprehend what YOU mean
and who cannot be themselves, you set up an automatic reinforcement and an
empowerment of the above liabilities. Thus you get a multiplicity of the above

The failure to fully three-dimensionally, holographically define the word YOU is possibly
the single, most basic, reason education does not work properly throughout the world.

Without full and total three-dimensional holographic comprehension of the word and the
subject, YOU, you have a barrier to being able to fully and totally comprehending any
other words, subjects, or actions.

The ability to see and own the truth will be flawed because you will not be able to fully
observe and permeate the true who, what, where, or when, or be able to experience the
higher moods. Your perceptions and permeation will be limited to the lower Yellow and
Red Zone areas. When the YOU is not fully comprehended, it is very easy to make it
not important, thus putting the YOU under outside control and making your own and
others' identities more important than YOU.


Uncertainty of self,
Low self-esteem,
Low self-respect,
Reluctance to take a position,
Reluctance to be responsible,
Reluctance to create,
Reluctance to own,
Reluctance to be,
Reluctance to act,
Reluctance to be known,
Reluctance to promote,
Reluctance to concentrate,
Reluctance to commit,
Reluctance to lead,
Continuous waffling,
Can't make up one's mind,
No focus,
No personality,
A nonentity,
No dynamism,
Out of communication,
Very poor listening skills,
Very poor data assimilation,
Very poor data retention,
Very poor reading habits,
Very poor people-handling skills,
Very poor relationships,
Extremely argumentative, and
Very possessive.


Grim features,
Sad look,
No fun,
Has beaten look,
No pleasure,
Moves and acts like life is an ordeal,
Walks and acts slowly,
Blank look in eyes,
Very little laughter,
Very serious outlook,
Lifeless, and
Ponderous actions.

Grunts, groans, and sighs when doing something, and when anyone is watching, (as if to
say, "see what a martyr I am; what a noble beast of burden. Oh, my, poor me!")


The reason this is the next most important vital fundamental is that when the client has a
threat of loss it is usually accompanied with an area of fear.

Fear is an indicator of an area containing threat of loss.

Threats of loss cause continuous obsessive/compulsive solving of problems and, unless
found, will prevent the client or processes from working.

These "threats of loss solutions" act as a hidden agenda and can be quite destructive.

This seems to be what lies behind most client's chronic failures, areas of poverty and

Threats of loss can cause the Being to involuntarily mock-up full three-dimensional,
holographic images, which act as very unusual solutions. The most common being "I'll
never do that again." It very much puts the being into "scarcity" in an area.

What makes the fears and threats of loss most difficult to handle is the fact they exist out
of time and space, thus you must directly ask for them. They otherwise probably won't
come up in ordinary processing, as they have already been "solved". But the solution is
often causing tremendous obsessive present-time problems.

A threat of loss creates a destructive, impulsive desperate need to solve things now. A
threat of loss can cause the being to create alien objects and items, which can really
mess up their lives.

A threat of loss creates unstable "states of mind."

If you process over an area of fear, the client will not be able to maintain his gains as
you have not found the threat of loss that preceded the fear. There can be multitudes of
areas of threat of loss/fear, so which area is the most important?

A. Threat of Loss/Fear or being (yourself) Self.

B. Anything to do with the session:

The processor,
The room,
Things in the room,
Being asked questions,
Being acknowledged,
Talking to someone,
The chair,
The table,
The process,
The terms,
Making an appointment, and
Being on time.

C. The next area of threat of loss/fear could then be the subject of
where they are now:

The staff,
The executives,
The books,
Key personnel,
Life Planning, and

D. The next area of threat of loss/fear would be similar practices:

Negative processes, and
Ascension states.

E. The next area threat of loss/fear would be present-time connections
or relationships:

Girl friend,
Boy friend,
Job-related fears,
Public speaking,
Asking for money,
Success, and

Any area of threat of loss/fear represents an area of withdrawal and can ruin the client's
life. A client without any areas of threat of loss/fear is a client who is free and who can
be incredibly effective.

As you handle a client's areas of threats of loss/fear, you will also handle many of the
other vital fundamentals.


Inability to handle time,
Inability to handle space,
Inability to handle energy,
Inability to handle force,
Inability to handle objects,
Inability to handle people,
Inability to handle money,
Inability to be fully in session,
Puts off sessions,
Reluctance to communicate,
Reluctance to trust processor,
Reluctance to trust life-planner,
Reluctance to work,
Reluctance to produce,
Reluctance to be known,
Reluctance to succeed,
Reluctance to train fully,
Reluctance to know fully,
Reluctance to become a master, and
Reluctance to trust self.

The next area of importance is:


The reason this is the next most important area is that it is also a prime area of threats of

When the client experiences a very high surge of awareness, he sometimes experiences
too many areas that need repair and handling. This is too much truth too suddenly and
causes great threats of loss/fear within the client.

The client doesn't have the skills and vocabulary to express or handle what has come to
view. This causes him to unknowingly pull in old solutions to handle problems. These old
solutions are the reason the client lost his awareness and ability in the first place.

There are two major products of handling past ascension experiences:

One, by rehabilitating the ascension experience and allowing the client to permeate and
own it, you add tremendous certainty and stability to the basic truth of who and what the
client really is.

The second major product is you help the client uncover involuntary replications that are
ruining his present existence.


Super-high mood levels, then dreadful lower mood levels.
Experiencing hugeness of self spiritually.
Very accurate but overwhelming perception. (Too much truth,)
Inability to make things go right.
Unsolvable problems.
Some area of life in high green zone.
Some area of life in low red zone.
Sudden bursts of awareness.
Energy level greatly exceeding knowledge.
Loss of games.
End of games.
Doesn't know what to do with self.
Knowledge fanatic.
Sudden increase in abilities.


The reason this is the fourth most important area is if the client is running their life with
these wrong answers and/or wrong items this automatically puts the wrong things in the
wrong place or causes the client to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you don't
locate the wrong answers and/or wrong items and get the client to get the true answers
or true items, his life will not change and he'll continue to operate in a low zone or level
of existence.

Wrong answers lead to more questions, which lead to more wrong answers, then more
questions. When this happens, the client becomes very introspective and very

Introspection is a sure sign of too many wrong answers.

Chronic mis-emotion is another sure sign of too many wrong answers.

The client who is constantly self-processing is a client with too many wrong answers.

Wrong answers can cause a client to refuse processing, and refuse to act in life
especially if the session or life has caused him to be given more wrong answers.

Wrong answers process the client and their life downscale.


Upset - mis-emotional.
Doesn't want processing.
Can't make life work.
No interest in life - feels trapped.
Chronically wants to be elsewhere.
Can't get in session even during session.
People problems.
Wrong place, wrong time.
Wrong who's.
Wrong what's.
Wrong games.
In a daze.
Session not going right.
Chronic low mood level.
Answers don't fit processing questions.
Will not take charge of life.
Will not lead.
Will not wear hat.
Will not study.
Will not work.


This is the fifth most important area.

What makes PARADIGM CRASHES/UPSETS so important is that doing anything
over the top of this makes you and anything you do in your life worse.

The client will be running his life in a negative manner because of past paradigm crashes
and perceives only negatively, thus negatively processes the environment and those
around him. Paradigm crashes cause upsets. When a client is upset, his life gets worse.

Unhandled upsets can wreck the lives of the client and his friends. This level of client
cannot be friendly, thus makes life very hard for him.

Freedom from upsets and paradigm crashes allows the client to operate continuously in
the Green Zone.

Optimum Paradigms include the full operating Set Ups that allow a Being to create and
bring into existence in the physical universe their wants.

One not only handles the upset, but also restores the Positive Set Up, the Targets and
Optimum Operating Paradigms.


No interest in life or session.
No Goals.
No wants.
Attention constantly focused on what is bad, wrong or negative about life, self or
Life not working.
Facial characteristics grim or glum.
Little or no laughter.
Stressed out.
Feeling old.
Poor communication skills.
Cut communication.
Degraded games.
Refusing to communication.
Refusing to be involved.
Refusing to win.
Can't win.
Looking only at negativity.


The reason this is the sixth most important area is because continuous recurring
problems tie up all the client's attention and life-force particles in trying to solve the

Failure to handle continuous recurring problems causes the client to experience no case
or life improvement.


Continuously bringing up same subject or person.
Doesn't feel good at end of session.
No gain.
Life is a problem.
Sessions are problems.
You are a problem.
Grim facial expressions.
Little laughter.
Feels hopeless.
Negative toward life.
No wins.
No cognitions.
No cause indicators.
Everything is a problem.


The reason this is seventh in importance is that the above six often have at their source a
kept/restraint or many kepts/restraints.

Kepts contain a great deal of fear, shame, embarrassment, remorse, and guilt. This
forces the client into disguising themselves and denying their You-ness.

Client with known kepts cannot attain the higher states because higher states require a
fuller "You".

Clients will refuse processing because of KEPTS. Fear of being found out is a major
reason for most people's refusal of processing.

Clients with kepts often become very critical of those around them because they can't
trust anyone enough to tell their kepts. That a client blames everyone for his fixed
condition is an immediate giveaway that the client has kepts.


Extremely critical.
Constantly upset.
Gets upset easily.
Cannot look you in the eyes.
Sees only negativity.
Looks for what's wrong in others.
Runs shallowly.
Won't go into session easily.
Doesn't want to know.
Has study difficulties.
Breaks communication.
Is bad-tempered.


The reason harmful acts are eighth in importance is that they block perception,
knowledge, permeation, ownership, and cause. Unhandled harmful acts keep the client
from rising up the zones.

The most important harmful acts to handle are those that recur continuously because
they cause the client to pull in punishment and penalties and create a continuous
dangerous environment and climate of neurotic, self-created fear.

Fear of being punished or ridiculed for having committed a harmful act is a major reason
behind fear of being fully themselves; they are in hiding and in disguise.


Continuously complaining about someone or something.
At effect.
Accident prone.
Very red zone.
Destructive games.
Penalty and punishment prone.
Afraid to reach out.
Heavy denial.


This is ninth in order of importance because your client's new abilities and case gain can
be severely negated by someone or something actively putting the client down.

The major process that the negative processor is running on the client is wrong answers,
wrong perceptions, wrong who's, what's, where's, moods, and how's. Untruths are the
weapons of the negative processor.


Loss of gains.
Client experiencing ups and downs.
Client has constant recurring problems.
Client constantly creating future problems and bad life conditions.
Client not winning in life.
Client not winning in session.
Client immobilized.
Client overwhelmed.
Loss of dreams.
Loss of games.
Loss of aspirations.
Loss of liveliness.


The reason this is tenth in order of importance is that a client can become extremely
over-accessed by having past incidents accessed. Too many untruths are being put into
the client's environment, mind, and spiritual space.

Some past incidents have the power to control the client; to make them do things they
don't want to do. It can be very upsetting for the client to have these past incidents


Not present.
Looks "out of it".
In a trance.
In wrong place and wrong time.
Can't study.
Can't train.
Accident prone.
Red Zone.


The reason this is eleventh in importance is that when the client has non-comprehended
terms and actions, he will not run the processes correctly. Worse, he will add
tremendous confusion and potential upsets in the session.

If there are too many non-comprehended terms and actions, the client will not return for

It is vital that the client comprehend what is going on in sessions and what you are doing.
If there are too many non-comprehended terms and actions, the client will feel totally
overwhelmed, then extremely stupid. He won't make gains and may well refuse to ever
get processing again.


Feels stupid.
Bad indicators.
Can't answer process questions.
Blank look on face.
Wants to leave.
Dislikes you.
Dislikes practice or practitioner
Dislikes processing.
Dislikes subject being studied.
Feels unconscious.


The reason this is number twelve is that the client has won at something, or ended a
game or relationship but has not acknowledged that it has ended, thus over-running it.
This sets up a feeling of resistance, resentment and, ultimately, protest.

When something goes on too long, the life is withdrawn and there is a feeling of grinding
and hopelessness. This shows up on the Attention Bit Locator as the Resistance Value
reading stuck above 4.0.

When a process goes past the Cause Indicator point, you have run the process too
long. This shows up as no-change, Resistance Value rising above 4.0 and sticking, and
the client looking grim.

Sometimes you'll run into an area that has been processed for too long. I once had a
client who had been in therapy and been running a rape incident for three years.

She had blown the incident in the first session, and the next 1000 hours were a waste of
time and money. Worse, it made her believe she couldn't handle her case or vanish
anything. This transferred into her life and she felt continuously overwhelmed and

She lived her life the way she ran her incidents-everything was an ordeal, nothing was
fun, and nothing made her better.


No interest.
Session is an ordeal.
Life is an ordeal.
Grinding at everything they do.
High stuck resistance, 4.0 or above.
No gains.
No cause indicators.
No life.

All processors and clients should be Clean Slated on this bulletin. You can save a client
thousands of hours by correct application of the correct handling at the correct time.

Leaders, executives, coaches, parents, and processors should know verbatim the
Twelve Vital Fundamentals and their manifestations, in their correct order.

Strict adherence to this bulletin will guarantee that your friends, staff, children, partners,
and clients will get massive wins in their sessions and life, and your own certainty,
confidence, and competency in handling people will expand tremendously.


The heights, by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upwards in the night."

-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882)


DEFINITIONS: Professionalism: n.

1. Professional status, methods, character, or standards. : -- American
Heritage Dictionary -- 2. The characteristic behavior, state, condition or
quality of one who practices, practices, practices until a high degree level of
mastery, standards or ideals have been met.

-- Alan C. Walter

"SHAM-ATEUR": n. One who plays half-heartedly, inconsistently, takes the
easy way out, rarely practices, resents authority, and pretends to go through
the motions. "Sham-ateurs" are those who never really commit and really give
their all.

-- Alan C. Walter

Picture yourself and every member of your team winning at everything you do.
Winning award after award as the best producers internationally.

This requires professionalism and mastery.

The difference between a professional and a "sham-ateur" is how they play their game
and their approach to mastering their game.

Professionals inspect, originate, study, and practice to master their skills.

They attend seminars on the latest developments in the techniques of their skills.

They will spend years to master and hone their skills to be champions and major-league

The "sham-ateurs" just follow along, doing the barest minimum necessary to get by.

They are mediocre people living mediocre lives; producing mediocre results; just
struggling along and eking out a living.

They pass on explanations and rationalizations of how outside forces caused their
failures as truth.

They nearly always blame others for their bad conditions and failures.

The "sham-ateur" fears failure and often will not even attempt something if it might mean
failure or risk of loss.

The "sham-ateurs" always tend to make other non-important, often destructive, activities
more important than their career.

They constantly make the unimportant, important.

Professionals embrace failure knowing they are one step closer to success; that there
are some unknowns to be found and handled.

The professional is responsible, honest, and disciplined, and seldom if ever blames

Rather, if something does not work out, professionals inspect themselves and what they
did, then originate a better way.

They seek and listen to the best mentors or coaches in their fields.

A professional prioritizes his career and treats it as a source of reaching for and having
all that he wants out of life.

He constantly inspects his values and maintains an order of importance, keeping the
most important and the less important in a proper sequence with appropriate priority.

The fundamental difference between the "sham-ateur" and the professional is that the
"sham-ateur" doesn't know or understand what it is that really works to create the
successful action, therefore cannot replicate or effectively apply what really works and
recreate the successful action.

Whereas the professional practices and studies until he has achieved mastery, knowing
what causes the successful action. He therefore can knowingly replicate it over and over
and over, creating a series of consistent successful actions that produce spectacular
results, for which he is well rewarded.

If you could double, triple, or expand your income and success levels many times, how
much is that worth to you over your life span?

How much time, effort, and money are you willing to invest to attain those increases in
levels of knowledge, ability, skill, income and success?


The highest Green Zone level of existence is MASTERY. (The Green Zone is defined
as being in the right place, at the right time, making things go right.)

The reason for this is:

At Mastery the individual maintains his integrity, knowledge, action, awareness,
perception, empathy, responsibility, communication and harmony with the subject or
subjects he has mastered.

The technology of mastery is the high quality training that moves an individual up the
Ladder of Existence on a subject.

Any individual, team or corporation can expand, prosper, and succeed enormously by
learning and applying our incredible new technology.


To MASTER ANY SUBJECT you have to master the pieces or parts. The mastered
pieces or parts meld together to make you a MASTER OF A SUBJECT.


They mastered the pieces or parts and thus were able to master the whole.

INTEGRITY is enhanced and is caused by mastering the pieces or parts.
Amateurs in most cases have very little integrity and destroy themselves by failing to
master all the pieces or parts.

The term that defines a great work of art, writing, music, craft, or superlative action is

A MASTER-PIECE is composed of mastered pieces.

Take the great master painters of the Renaissance: Raphael, da Vinci, Michelangelo,
etc. These great artists served long apprenticeships learning to make their own paints,
brushes, and canvases. They did such arduous and menial tasks as sweeping out the
studios, getting the food and running errands, carrying out garbage and disposing of

They learned to market their paintings and get sponsors as well as learning the skills of
their art. So masterful were they at doing all these pieces that their masterpieces have
lasted hundreds of years.

Raphael was perfect at drawing a circle freehand. When he called on friends and found
them not at home, he would leave a drawing of a perfect circle. Thus they would know
that Raphael had been by.

That is what professionalism and being all you can be, is all about: It is mastering the
pieces and never, never, never settling for mediocrity, quitting or failing to master each


In May, 1961, I came to the most important moment of my life. It was the moment in
time when I realized that if I was to live my life the way I wanted, I would have to have
the freedom, the space, the time, and the money I needed.

I also realized that I had in my hands the way to achieve my needs.

I was in the game of Leadership, coaching and marketing.

My problem was, I was a very mediocre, second rate leader, coach and an even worse

But I also had been a very mediocre football player.

I had mastered the game of football and played major league, so why couldn't I master
the game of leadership, coaching and marketing and become major league?

If I applied the same dedication, the same commitment level, the same amount of
practice, practice, practice to each element of the game of leadership, coaching and
marketing as I had to each element of the game of football, I could also master those

If I mastered the game of leadership, coaching and marketing, I could work anywhere at
any time and earn whatever I needed. I would be free to create any future I wanted at
any level I desired.

Making the commitment to master the games of leadership, coaching and marketing was
relatively easy.

Achieving mastery was another story altogether.

Learning the techniques of leadership, coaching and marketing was also relatively easy.
There were plenty of books written by master leaders, coaches and marketers that, if
followed closely, would provide you with much of what you needed to know to be

I quickly discovered the main secret of leadership, coaching and marketing, which was:

To see as many qualified prospects or potential recruits as possible and effectively tell or
teach them about my game, products, company and teammates.

That looks easy and it sounds easy, yet it was the most difficult thing I had ever
attempted to do. And it is where a great percentage of leaders, coaches and marketers

"After one has discovered what he is made for, he should
surrender all of the power in his being to the achievement of
this. He should seek to do it so well that nobody could do
it better."

-- Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968


There are five basic reasons leaders, coaches and marketing people fail. Only one of
these reasons is directly related to the technology of leading or marketing.

By handling the five basic reasons for failure, I brought my leadership income from $40
a week in 1961, to $49,500 a week during 1969.
My income increased substantially each year for eight consecutive years as I mastered
yearly more and more parts of my leadership, coaching and marketing skills repertoire.

What are the five basic reasons for failure at the game of leading, coaching and


This includes fear of people, fear of rejection, fear of failure, and fear of ridicule.

Fear creates reluctances.

I suffered deeply from call reluctance, success reluctance, and communication

Fear is the source of scarcity.

I had a scarcity of money, people, clients, space, time, and interest.

Fear always is accompanied by WITHDRAWAL, or avoidance of and pulling away
from the area that you fear.

When you are free of fear in an area, you attack effectively and move toward the area
that needs to be handled.


A vital basic tool of leadership, coaching and marketing is effective communication, yet
few, if any, leaders or marketing people really know the techniques and skills of
effective communication.

Most people believe they are communicating because they make noises with their

Effective communication is one of those areas that the majority of people don't know
they don't know.

Most people don't know what a people is, let alone what a person is.

Effective communicators can use communication in such a manner that no one can say
"NO" to them.

Effective communication is a vital basic tool of effective people-handling skills.


This was one of my biggest problem areas.

Prior to taking a leadership position, I dealt only with objects, thus I tended to treat
people as objects.

I could not handle people who disagreed with me, plus I had a basic hatred of people,
an excellent attribute for a pro-footballer to have, but a definite liability in leadership,
coaching and marketing.

Another massive problem I had was my fear of other executives, leaders, and
high-status people such as bank managers or heads of corporations.

All of these being the major decision makers, this fear of high profile people seriously
curtailed the number of those I could contact because I avoided them like the plague.

Because I avoided people, I did not know I had a problem with handling people.

I had so many people-avoidance tricks that I tricked even myself.

Those avoidance tricks became self-evident once I started seeing from ten to thirty
people a day and found myself floundering and failing totally.

So powerful were my destructive people-handling tricks that I could cause someone to
hate me without saying a word.

I literally drove or positioned the potential recruit, client or teammate against me.

So defeated was I by my inability to handle myself and people that I almost quit and
went back to being a compositor and earning $40 a week.

I would have ended up trapped in a fixed income job, in a place I didn't want to be, and
doing a job I didn't want to do instead of having a life of adventure, international travel,
freedom, success, prosperity, and happiness.

Without the ability to effectively handle people, I could not master the game of
leadership, coaching and marketing; I could not master anything.

I invested several hundred thousand dollars and several years of training and practice
learning to master people-handling skills.

The return on my investment was several tens of millions of dollars and an immense
personal growth.


The one major skill all champions in all fields have is the ability to maintain discipline and

The secret to being a champion and having an abundance of what you want requires
exact discipline of the application of a successful action done consistently and precisely
the same way, over and over and over again.

Great golfers use exactly the same swing over and over again.

Great musicians use exactly the same placement of hands and fingers over and over

Great investors apply the same principle over and over again.

Most people cannot follow a schedule and they do not repeat what worked.

Most of the time they did not correctly recognize what worked, let alone apply
discipline and consistency.


To be able to apply the technology of leadership, coaching and marketing, such as the
contacting, the interview, the presentation, the close, and acquiring product knowledge,
requires the ability to study, practice, and apply.

Most ineffective mediocre people study halfheartedly, never practice, and give up when
something does not work.


No one can really succeed in the game of leadership, coaching and marketing over a
long period of time unless they have the five basic reasons for failure handled and can
demonstrate competence in the following 5 areas:

Masters of the games of life, leadership, coaching and marketing demonstrate:


Unconditional forward motion toward any potential customer or recruit, any time,
The absence of fear.
The absence of contact or call reluctance.
The absence of money reluctance.
The absence of success reluctance.
Willingness to communicate effectively to powerful, high profile decision makers.

Masters of the game of life have:


Can communicate to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Can follow communication lines upward and handle anyone.
Never feel less than any client even if the client is a billionaire or has great status.
Constantly increasing vocabulary level.

Masters of the game of life have:


The one ability that demonstrates effective handling of people: The ability to cause
people to be "Green Zone".

This requires very special abilities and masterful communication skills.

It also requires that the effective person be subject literate on people, have a supreme
level of honesty, and be a superb listener.

To be able to handle people successfully they must be able to occupy the high Green
Zone levels of existence.

Masters of the games of life:


Rarely waste their time.
Rarely get distracted.
Use their time effectively; apply Time Management.
Use their space effectively.
Stay focused.
Stay committed.
Always keep their promises.
Are totally honest.
Make a plan and implement that plan.
Duplicate exactly successful actions and repeat them over and over.
Practice. Practice. Practice.

Masters of the games of life:


Most masters keep themselves up to date by reading every "how to" book they can get
their hands on. Attend every leadership, coaching and marketing seminar possible.

Always keep vast quantities of "life-force particles" available. (Life-force particles are
fragments of the life-force known as You. A person's power is determined by the
quantity of life-force particles they have available.)

Are honest.
Keep and honor all promises.
Always write a script and continuously upgrade it until it produces successfully.
Always set and maintain a daily schedule.
Always handle any upsets
Always maintain responsibility for every part of their areas of influence.
Rarely make the people wrong.
Always practice, practice, practice.

Any organization that has a team of masters never needs to fear recessions or
depressions. Their biggest problem will be delivering what the sales masters promised,
and keeping up with the expansion they caused in the organization.


This six-week course is designed to give you the secrets of how to become a Master
Processor of people and life.

While it's ideal to complete the whole course at once, it may also be completed in
stages, with 8 day segments a recommended minimum.

New powerful Breakthrough Material and Public Handling Steps will only be on this

It will only be delivered at our new ranch facility:

The Advanced Coaching & Leadership Center

This is a realigning of much of the research done over the past 40 years.-Including
several missing vital pieces which have stopped people from fully getting their full gains.

The key to building a powerful practice is in "how to get and handle new clients."

Learn how to effortlessly introduce the technology.

Learn how to start brand new clients.

Learn how to clean up old clients or clients who have quit other practices.

Learn how to upgrade your client base.

Learn how to build a big successful practice.

Learn and master a two command process that creates an almost instant better "Now &
Future" for almost any being you run it on, especially you.

Once this is mastered there should be no problem expanding your prosperity, success
and happiness for yourself and your teammates.

I have found the secret to goals processing, and, for the first time, will share with you on
this course.

more from Alan Walter (RIP)


As more and more Beings learn the Power Restoration – Charge Erasure Technology a new state of Being and a new type of life player and a new type of quality of game playing emerges in the Games of Life.

Holographic processing and training is producing co-creative, knowing holographic living life players. This holographic state allows for much greater passion, joy, power, strength, intelligence, more powerful communication abilities and greater more precise life and people handling skills. But like anything new it takes quite a bit to get used to, plus old habits die hard, and the holographic player still lives amongst non-holographic players.

What causes a holographic player to have problems maintaining their new holographic living state are UNKNOWNS.

Holographic living requires holographic communication. Surprisingly those around you will begin to communicate holographically if you are patient and stay on top of not letting UNKNOWNS pile up.

This requires strong discipline, patience and a willingness to demand exact who, what, where, when, etc., on the part of the holographic player.

UNKNOWNS are a form of not here – no responsibility – omitted scenes – invisibility.

Being’s get and increase their Power from KNOWLEDGE of exact who, what, where, when, how, etc. These specific pieces of KNOWLEDGE expand and strengthen the Beings ability to hold an even more powerful position. An UNKNOWN causes an instant inability to take a position, thus greatly weakening the Being and shutting down the ability to project holographically.


A generality is a vague or inadequate statement. It does not contain exact who, what, where, when, how, why, mood levels that match the body language or words, etc. Thus, the generality immediately destroys the ability for the Being to hold a position and will shut down the ability to communicate holographically.

A typical generality is non specific as to the exact who, what, where, when, how, etc.; such statements as “everyone thinks your silly,” “they think it is a bad idea,” “I’m going to meet a friend,” “the what’s-it,” “get me the thing-a-me-jig will you please.”

A generality puts a not here in the present or future - instead of a present here or future here that exact specifics create.

A generality turns an area invisible.

A generality causes a dispersal of life force particles and destroys focus.

Too many generalities destroy concentration.

A generality destroys reach and forward motion.

A generality will stop case gain.

Too many generalities will prevent case gain all together.

A generality will destroy your ability to create futures.

Too many generalities will cause you to live in the past.

Too many generalities will shut down your ability to be intelligent and causes confusions and stupidity.

A person living in pretence or an immoral or deceitful life will attempt to obscure their actions by talking generalities.

The use of generalities is the most used destructive psychic weapon of the abuser. “Everyone thinks your stupid” can destroy a person’s life and leave him or her stuck in the past trying to find out whom everyone is.

Too many generalities destroy your ability to control your mind as a generality causes too many files to open, thus locking up your ability to retrieve specific memories or pieces of information.

Generalities put unknowable questions, and create impossible-to-answer-questions in your universe and mind, thus causing incredible introspection as you search for unobtainable answers. This causes great uncertainty and doubt as to you, your ability to solve life’s problems, your memory, and ability to know.

Generalities can destroy relationships, companies, and careers, and rob you of your ability to live life at even a minor level of happiness, fun, adventure and joy.

Generalities enrage Beings, causing them to want to destroy.

Generalities create wrong or destructive targets, wrong or destructive intentions, destroy purposes, and cause mis-direction.

Bad processors let their clients talk in generalities.

Great processors DEMAND exact who, what, where, when, how, etc.

The only answer to the use of generalities is to DEMAND and ASK for specifics – the specific and exact who, what, where, when, how, why, what specifically happened, the exact mood level to match the words and actions, etc. This takes great discipline, integrity, honor and persistence.

Effective holographic co-creating communication demands the exact and specific who, what, where, when, how, why, what specifically happened, the exact mood level to match the words and actions.


* * *



Intention; the dream, goal, purpose, aim, decision, precept, etc. you are going toward.

Vision; the holographic image of what the attained intention will look like.

It is right here that the Being is operating in a holographic manner.

Unknowns; the use of generalities, the lack of knowledge, skill, ability, experience, or agreement, or the illiteracy, secrecy, kepts, withholds, hidden agendas, opponents or hostilities you can run into when going for your intention. When a Being has too many of these the Being will be afraid to find out and be afraid of being found out and try to obscure things by using generalities.

Pain; the unpleasant sensation, hate, rage, anger, fury, resentment, hidden hatreds, etc. you get when you can’t make things go the way you intended.

Problems and solutions; the opposing intentions, other intentions, hidden agendas, etc. that stop you from getting what you intended and your desperate and often harmful attempts to overcome them.

Upsets and shocks; that exact moment when there is an implosion or explosion of your holographic vision or creation that occurs when all attempts fail to attain what you want, or when you are attacked for your desperate or harmful acts that are solutions to attain what you intended. Many people get stuck in the area of upset or shock.

Mass; that pile of rubble you feel you’re buried under after your intention and vision are shattered by too big a shock or you have too many problems, solutions, upsets and shocks.

Inert; the stopped, immobilized, frozen, dead, apathetic, quit, given up, hopelessly failed, overwhelmed, etc. condition you find yourself in from being buried under too many shocks and too much mass.

Elsewhere; the place you go to try and get away from all the above.

Silence; you go out of or cut communication with the area or life; you disconnect from people; you push people away; you become shy, introverted, withdrawn; you avoid people and all forms of communication with people. You go silent.

You must maintain a high level of Truth, Love, Honesty, Honor, and Integrity, and Be True to Your Codes in order to keep your abilities to holographically co-create and holographically communicate.

At the last Codees Event we turned on the ability to do holographic co-creative processing and holographic communication with a vengeance……it was electrifying and exhilarating.

It is worth all the cost, time and effort to do the above. For You not only get YOU back but you get so many other YOU’s back who become multiple lifetime friends.


27 May 2001
Revised 12 February 2002

Copyright © 2001, 2002
Alan C. Walter

HP Aradia

And THAT... gentlemen.. is called auditing the pc in front of you....

There are those that have pain, to be sure. I do not, nor will I ever, belittle or invalidate that.
I have many friends still connected to the C of S that are in their own prisons.
Perhaps, one day, they will awaken. When they do, I will greet them with open arms.

Still, the tech of olde works when applied to the individual sitting in the chair.
One doesn't run "The Grade Chart". One observes and listens. Yes?

I've had the C of S parked in front of my home. I've seen the tactics.

The C of S and the TECH are, in my eyes, two separate items.
One is a machine, one can break it if applied with sanity, logic, and observation.

I prefer to pour the coals into the fire of create for now.

I plan on reading...SO MUCH READING HERE...lol.

Interjecting a shot in the arm from a newbie is what may be needed now and then... to recall the days, as such may have been, when the powers that "were" used them for good and not evil...

Love the pictures! My oldest just got married in November. My youngest travels the world when she can.

Life is an utterly amazing and wondrous game!


That's fantastic, Carmelo. I don't have time to read all of it this second (I'm about to take someone in session), but what I read on the S&D was great, and I always thought it was wrong to force it into a "who". After all, very often, getting off what your overts/withholds, justifications and patterns are can often ease the relationship you have with another person (make them stop being "suppressive").

I like it!