At the outer edges of the co$, were the staff who handled the public. They were generally well-meaning individuals who believed in $cn and the services. They worked hard to give you for the services or handle the paperwork.
They were generally uninformed as what was being done at the inner core of $cn. They weren't privy to what the GO/OSA were doing/planning. They didn't know about where exactly the money all went or to whom or what corporation or how it was spent. They just did their scientology thing and tried to follow the rules. They were kept in the dark about the abuses of Sea org members. All was good and right with scn. (mind you, I am framing this as the past, since my experience is dated to the '80's)
Of course they experienced the constant indoctrination of who their enemies were (psychs, the media, etc.) And they are told that alll is good in scn.
The inner core of $cn made sure that the outer core didn't know what they were doing in terms of moving money to Swiss bank accounts, etc. or attacking their enemies in dirty ways through Fair Game or all the other questionable practices that have since been brought to light by the $cn critics and opponents. But the money was really always the thing.
The US govt. has its workers, too. There's nice people who work in govt bureaucratic offices. They do their job, they handle the public, the paperwork, or the money that runs things. They listen to the news and rally around the govt when it tells us the enemy is in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. etc.
But the US govt. has its dark side too--the dirty deeds done by CIA or FBI.
The workers in the office traditionally don't know about the CIA black ops, etc. What motivates the US govt to use black ops? Is it money and financially stability? The need to control and have power? What motivates any government leader to sanction evil things and human rights abuses?
What motivates the head of $cn to sanction evil things and human rights abuses? But does DM want the average newbie to scn to know what is going on within the RPF at Flag & Big Blue? Is he putting out policy that explains where the money is going and how much of it he spends on parties at the FreeWinds?
What motivates large corporations and their leaders to sanction or allow mis-handlings of people and money, or corporate espionage or behind-the-scenes operations that make money illegally, milk retirement funds, etc?
We're really not talking about who knows what history here, are we? History has always been written by those who are in charge/those who won/those who hold the power.....and then sold to the general public.
I am sure that DM's version of the history of $cn and how he took power differs from that of the outsider and the dissenter. And how is that he still to this day holds the power. What are the factors that keep him in power?
And do you think these factors that keep DM in power are not used in this world on the population as a whole?
Why would the owners of the world's largest corporations, largest banks, largest anything leave it to chance to let the world population decide the course of human events that could ultimately remove the power and money they hold?? What would have to happen for them to keep their power, money and financial stability?
Let's see: educate the population as a whole? Prevent war and create civilizations that value aesthetics and history and honesty? Create fair governments that protect and care about the welfare of every individual?
But is it not true that "Power corrupts.........................