Oh, a wise guy,eh?
Nitrous Oxide and having a good huff goes back a ways...

Ok - let me ask you a question - he had gobs and gobs of money. By many peoples standards, he had made it. He smashed his name into history. Some of his children have had children, so his GE line will survive. He has a pack of Kools waiting for him at every org..
Was Hubbard "trying to regain this higher state of awareness" when he was calling book publishers (hoping for a book deal) and lying to their faces about people diving off buildings and going insane due to the earth shattering power of the (nitrous oxide) revelations in his Excalibur draft?
I will agree with you on one point. Hubbard did have a "profound religious perception"--according to his personal religious beliefs. To fully understand and appreciate that, one only need recognize the most sacred truth the reincarnate Buddha held above all others---money.
That's why after Hubbard discovered the ultimate "secrets to all life" in the 1930s ("Survive!").
After which he went on to discover the more ultimate secret in the 1940s ("Engrams are more profitable!").
Ok - let me ask you a question - he had gobs and gobs of money. By many peoples standards, he had made it. He smashed his name into history. Some of his children have had children, so his GE line will survive. He has a pack of Kools waiting for him at every org.
And yet he tells Sarge he failed?
I like my theory better, because, though I agree he was money motivated, he did audit almost daily to his final breath. Why do that, if his goal was to make money as you posit?
I like my theory better, because, though I agree he was money motivated, he did audit almost daily to his final breath. Why do that, if his goal was to make money as you posit?
This was not directed to me, but here's my response anyway.
Sarge was a true believer.
Hubbard's father lived to age 89. Hubbard envisioned living into the 21st century. He failed to do that.
He was addicted to the e-meter.
Although he promised Scientologists that there were many more upper OT levels, already written up, which would soon be released, there were no such levels.
It's interesting that Hubbard, when he telling tales or was making a show of it, liked to emphasize OT abilities but, when he was serious, brushed aside such things and depended entirely on materialistic means.
Veda's two posts on this thread describe essentially "basic-basic" about the whole Hubbard saga.This was not directed to me, but here's my response anyway.![]()
True dat!I think he wanted BOTH, not an either/or question. He clearly wanted money, and he wanted to cure his own mental issues. And he liked the adoration of his fans.
Ok - let me ask you a question - he had gobs and gobs of money. By many peoples standards, he had made it. He smashed his name into history. Some of his children have had children, so his GE line will survive. He has a pack of Kools waiting for him at every org.
And yet he tells Sarge he failed?
I like my theory better, because, though I agree he was money motivated, he did audit almost daily to his final breath. Why do that, if his goal was to make money as you posit?
Good question.
However, your question assumes facts not in evidence. To wit, that Hubbard's actions always had a logical and catalytic "cause" that could be articulated and mapped in a satisfying linear way.
However, steadfastly trying to apply reason (to find the 'reason' Hubbard did things) is often the wrong tool. We see this mistaken approach quite frequently when TV news reporters are at the scene of some unthinkably evil crime. "So far authorities state that they have recovered the bodies of 31 decapitated nuns that were buried in his basement. The police still do not have the explanation and reason why he decided to commit these horrific murders."
As if there is an explanation that will bring a pleasing conclusion to simplify the mad chaos of a deranged serial murderer's mind.
The answer to WHY Hubbard knowingly defrauded billions of dollars from innocent victims hoping for a total freedom miracle, whist continuing to search for the Holy Grail for himself as well is not hard to understand. It's the same reason that mafia murderers wear crucifixes and religiously attend church mass each Sunday. Are they confessing their sins and begging for absolution? Hardly. They are just taking out what, in their demented minds, seems like a feel-good insurance policy to hedge their bets on the afterlife.
Was Hubbard hoping to find the keys to the universe and bring about (in himself) exteriorization, immortality and the miraculous powers of postulates? Probably, yeah. But megalomania is not necessarily inconsistent with criminal fraud. Why can't a thief (or murderer for that matter) believe themselves to be the universe's (or God's) "chosen one" to deliver a divine message? Radical Islamic suicide bombers probably have a nice floating needle just before applying their detonation "tech" to mankind.
Hubbard stole others' time, money and lives with reckless abandon--at the same time he was continuing his daily research/auditing to fulfill his deified destiny as the savior of the universe.
Are we to assume that Hubbard taking himself in session--in hopes of unleashing his miraculous powers--is somehow testimony that he was sane or ethical? No. He was fully deranged. But even the insane are capable of building a suicide vest that "works" and pulling the trigger.
Thanks. I am not sure what the intelligence stuff has to do with why he kept self auditing but the point he eschewed OT abilities when push came to shove is telling.
My only puzzlement nowadays is why any of it is still being debated.![]()
Or won't.Because Mimsey can't give up?
Does anyone (besides me) think Ron's Nitrous Oxide induced "profound religious experience" was the reason he dissuaded all others from using LSD and other drugs? Fear that others may have their own "profound religious experience" and no longer need his?
The story I heard at the time was flash backs while on post were causing dev-t and so he made it policy not to recruit any people with an LSD drug history. There is a question on some correction list - seeking the same thrill as obtained on drugs. If you go to one of those sites with red vols - you can find some HCOBs about LSD.
Sure. but the SO policies are based on the flashbacks. I have read the red and white, but not any FOs on it,You have heard of shore stories, yes?![]()
Here's a fascinating excerpt on Hubbard and his motivations for Excalibur.
Forrest J. Ackerman was Hubbard's literary agent in the late 1940s. By Ackerman's account, Hubbard claimed the near-death experience had occurred not in a dentist's office but on an "operating table" sometime "during the war". Finding himself outside of his body, he was drawn to a "great ornate gate". Ackerman recalled that "on the other side of this gate spread out like an intellectual smorgasbord as the SUM TOTAL OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE!"[3]
In a 1949 letter to Ackerman, Hubbard discusses his work "DARK SWORD -cause and cure of nervous tension – properly – THE SCIENCE OF MIND, really EXCALIBUR". Hubbard promises that the work will give the reader the power to "rape women without their knowing it, communicate suicide messages to your enemies as they sleep, sell the Arroyo Seco Parkway to the mayor for cash, evolve the best way of protecting or destroying communism, and other handy house hold hints.[9] Hubbard assured Ackerman that the book had "more selling and publicity angles than any book of which I have ever heard." In the same month, he told Writers' Markets and Methods magazine that he was working on a "book of psychology".[10] Hubbard cautions his friend "If you go crazy, remember you were warned", adding that a "good publishing trick" is to require that buyers sign a legal waiver "releasing the author of all responsibilities if the reader goes nuts".[9]
...rape women without their knowing it...oh yeah...give me some of that higher awareness...
This could be a new service offered by Scientology.
TR-R (Training Routine Rape)
Student and coach lay facing each other a comfortable distance apart.
(wait, it's too grim to continue this dark satire)
Anyways the student is given a pass when they can successfully rape the coach without the coach knowing it.
It's not so new, actually. SCN registrars have drilled, passed and applied this "rape someone without their knowing it" tech for decades.