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Not sure I qualify



I don't even know where to start and not sure that I qualify to be on here as my experience was barely anything in comparison to some.

I know someone who has been on here and he is having a real 'win' for a better word, just finding out that he himself was not nuts!

In a nutshell (for now at least) I was introduced to scn through a boyfriend who incidentally didnt want to tell me at first but I kind of made him! lol first mistake!.:duh: From walking through the door as someone who had NEVER ever heard of it or read about it or anything I was as green as they come, I was almost suprised I didnt get WOG stamped on my forehead as I entered reception, anyway I digress...from walking through the door to being signed staff took 2 visits. from that second visit to being placed as Tres Sec (oh yeah not just any post) was about 4 weeks.not permanent training oh no just every spare minute I had from my job, running my house, to looking after my child, and driving the hour and half to get to the org.

I wont go into details as yet but the whole process was hilarious at times down right ridulous at others and constantly stressful.. I even got on post before I had finished training. although i use the word training very very loosely. I didnt even know what words were like for example what OT stood for! what out ethics meant! what devT meant! but I sure as hell learnt what a quiksilver was!!!!

I will leave it there for now. I dont know if I should ramble on, I was not a patron, or even really anything. only had a tiny audit session to clear an ARC with with previous tres sec, I have however been KR'd !!!, I never finished a course, i told the sup that i didnt get the course but she was under instruction to just push me through. I lied on the cans to get the 'floating needle' that she was looking for that was when i had my first doubt. so im not sure I qualify to share.

I do however have a lot of anger at the whole thing as although my relationship ended because of my own actions, the church certainly had a fair hand in it. I was on staff he was just about on course therefore down stat! i had money - i was loved he did not - he was not! you get the picture???

for now possibly i will leave it. It makes me soo angry when I look back.:angry:

Wisened One

:ohmy: Goodness, Quickied! They slapped ya into the Tres Sec Post just whizz, bang, boom? :no: :faceslap:

Well, I don't think you're rambling at all!

If it makes you feel any better, I joined Staff after only two courses, and was put into Div 6 explaining to new people what dn and scn were when I was still a new person, myself! :lol:

Sorry to hear of your relationship ending! Would like to hear more of your stories, if you don't mind sharing! :drama:

And :welcome: to ESMB, btw!


EP - Ethics Particle

Gold Meritorious Patron
Not to worry - you're qualified!

We're mostly ethics particles, SPs, DBs and assorted "Jokers & Degraders" here, Quicked! :nervous: :coolwink:

Some of us have pretty well got over the anger...some have not! :no:

Join right in - it'll do ya a world of good...or I'm not...

The EP's EP :p


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
You qualify. Welcome aboard. Pull up a chair and tell some stories; argue with the loudmouths or just relax :)


Kathy (ImOut)

Gold Meritorious Patron
Welcome, Quickied. You don't have to have been in for any length of time to qualify for this board. You qualify just by being you. What an interesting tale so far.

How long did you last on staff? That was a very short runway to being on staff.

Terril park


I don't even know where to start and not sure that I qualify to be on here as my experience was barely anything in comparison to some.

I know someone who has been on here and he is having a real 'win' for a better word, just finding out that he himself was not nuts!

In a nutshell (for now at least) I was introduced to scn through a boyfriend who incidentally didnt want to tell me at first but I kind of made him! lol first mistake!.:duh: From walking through the door as someone who had NEVER ever heard of it or read about it or anything I was as green as they come, I was almost suprised I didnt get WOG stamped on my forehead as I entered reception, anyway I digress...from walking through the door to being signed staff took 2 visits. from that second visit to being placed as Tres Sec (oh yeah not just any post) was about 4 weeks.not permanent training oh no just every spare minute I had from my job, running my house, to looking after my child, and driving the hour and half to get to the org.

I wont go into details as yet but the whole process was hilarious at times down right ridulous at others and constantly stressful.. I even got on post before I had finished training. although i use the word training very very loosely. I didnt even know what words were like for example what OT stood for! what out ethics meant! what devT meant! but I sure as hell learnt what a quiksilver was!!!!

I will leave it there for now. I dont know if I should ramble on, I was not a patron, or even really anything. only had a tiny audit session to clear an ARC with with previous tres sec, I have however been KR'd !!!, I never finished a course, i told the sup that i didnt get the course but she was under instruction to just push me through. I lied on the cans to get the 'floating needle' that she was looking for that was when i had my first doubt. so im not sure I qualify to share.

I do however have a lot of anger at the whole thing as although my relationship ended because of my own actions, the church certainly had a fair hand in it. I was on staff he was just about on course therefore down stat! i had money - i was loved he did not - he was not! you get the picture???

for now possibly i will leave it. It makes me soo angry when I look back.:angry:

I think you may have a fairly unusual viewpoint which is probably of interest. You seem to have decided to join staff without experiencing any "scientology" at all.

Why was that?

Tiger Lily

Gold Meritorious Patron
Hi Quickied,


Anyone who has been hurt by Scn qualifies. . . You will find people here who understand that anger you feel like nobody else can, and if you read the posts you will get great insights and help in understanding what in the world happened.

We're glad you are here and we like stories too. I'd be interested in knowing how you ended up on post before you even knew the basics -- that must have been a rush, and how you got out of it.

Glad you're here,


Bardo Tulpa
Sure you qualify!

Just look around... there are people like Zinjifar here.

If we'll take Zinj then we'll take anybody!


Genuine Meatball
<snip> Anyone who has been hurt by Scn qualifies. . <snip>
And anyone who's pissed at Scn is also qualified!

Which reminds me.. There was an 'org' in Copenhagen that had vindows into the basement... Open in the summer.. Someone, probably a pissed off former staff, peed downthere once..

Welcome to ESMB!

Last edited:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Welcome to ESMB!!!

That's an unusual experience in Scientology but at least you were able to see what so many others went through as well.

Lesolee (Sith Lord)

Patron Meritorious


You are certainly qualified to join in. :yes:

I, for one, am interested to know how come you joined staff so quickly. Did they Reg you incessantly for hours?

One KR is nothing. It's when you get so many that your Ethics folder is fat that you are in big trouble. :nervous:


Gold Meritorious Patron

Hi there Quickied!

I’d say that you definitely qualify as being an ex-Scientologist.

Please make yourself at home – I’m sure you’ll enjoy being around here. I look forward to hearing more from you.



Gold Meritorious Patron
And anyone who's pissed at Scn is also qualified!

Which reminds me.. There was an 'org' in Copenhagen that had vindows into the basement... Open in the summer.. Someone, probably a pissed off former staff, peed downthere once..

Welcome to ESMB!


Thank you for this little anecdote Schwimmy. It has a pleasing symmetry to it.

Pissed off at Scientology – so pissed on them!

Makes sense to me. :yes:


Tim Skog

Silver Meritorious Patron
Quickied, of course you qualify. Hell, they'll let anyone on this board. Look at me for example.:whistling:

Human Again

Silver Meritorious Patron
HI QUickied, There is really no such thing as qualified here. It's basically if you'd like to be here, we'd like to have you. :thumbsup:

I really like your writing style and look forward to hearing more anecdotes. I absolutely get the difference between how you were treated and your boyfriend - sick wasn't it?

And this is supposed to be a cult that belives that everyone is a static! Hah!

Quicksilver is a word I leatrned all too well in my years too, and unhatted people being oushed for stats! Eeek ! The stuff of my nightmares.

ANyhow, welcome into out chat club, see you 'round liek a rissole.


:welcome: Welcome Quickied. Glad you're here.

Please fill in some of the details, when you feel like it. :drama: