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Okay, anyone who thinks Rathbun plans to Clear the Planet, raise your hand!


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Marty's latest glowing recruit is "Blower Du Jour" Tom Martiniano, a hard core dedicated former Sea Org member. Link at:


He is bold enough to actually SAY what Marty and the rest of his "independents" are hesitant to reveal. Reading his story and commitment to Rathbun and "the cause" is refreshingly revealing. Carthartic in fact.

Rathbun's ambiguity and shifting sands have taken on remarkable clarity when reading Martiniano's words:

"When I finished OT III I realized that I was free, out of jail. My next cognition was not so simple – I realized all of my brothers and sisters were still in jail and I needed to get them out. I actually felt that I had to go back into the prison and get them out while also looking like and going through the motions of being a prisoner. Then I had to remember that I was free and could walk out any time."

Now it’s the same; we have escaped suppression and entrapment by DM by getting out of the Sea Org and out here in the field, but we’re not all the way out until our brethrens are out. Remember, we made oaths to LRH and we are still the cream of the crop, the ones who cannot be sold a bill of goods to. We will get Scientology back and we will clear this planet. It’s RJ 67 folks and we are all part of the new game to defeat suppression, get ethics in and then clear this mud ball.

There you have it!

Delusion personified.

He actually believes that:

* Beings are "in prison" trapped by OT III. And he actually believes he is "free and could walk out any time." And he actually believes he is rescuing beings.

* He needs to keep his oath to LRH.

* We are still the cream of the crop.

* We are the ones who cannot be sold a bill of goods to.

* We will get Scientology back.

* We will clear this planet.

* We will defeat suppression, get ethics in and clear this mudball.​

Sad, ridiculous and stupid-as-hell.

So, this is the Ideal Scientologist that Rathbun welcomes into his army.

So, this is what they are trying to do.

Exactly as some here on ESMB suspected.

Conclusion? Easy.They are completely out of their minds.

We are watching the formation of a new cult.

Most of them are too secretive to tell you what they are doing or planning to do.

Enjoy this rare peek behind the lying facade of the Independent Bridge.

Ye shall know them by their lies and delusions of grandeur.

If you can stomach it, take a look at the celebratory comments by Marty's faithful readers.

I stopped on the one that said:


Okay the last stuff in green was a joke. But not as funny as the joke of grown adults dedicating their lives to clearing a mudball.


Patron Meritorious
Exactly my thoughts when I read that dribble yesterday.

Clear the planet...they can clear my behind if they want to.


Patron Meritorious
"When I finished OT III I realized that I was free, out of jail. My next cognition was not so simple – I realized all of my brothers and sisters were still in jail and I needed to get them out. I actually felt that I had to go back into the prison and get them out while also looking like and going through the motions of being a prisoner. Then I had to remember that I was free and could walk out any time."

Somewhere, there should be a quote from Hubbard where he talks about how it perfectly ok to whack a prisoner over the head and physically drag him out of prison, and the prisoner will thank you later after he realizes he is free. It might be on a taped lecture, and not an HCOB.

Tom Martiniano's quote above reminds me of that Hubbard quote. Anyone know the tape or reference where Ron said it was perfectly ok to whack a prisoner over the head and make him unconscious in order to free him?


Gold Meritorious Patron
Tom Martiniano talks of his "successful" mission into ANZO in 1984 where he got "some affluences."

Problem was, in 1983 there was a "mission" which decimated ANZO so virtually any action taken would result in "stats going up" as they'd been forced WAY down by the previous mission.

Some of the victims of the previous mission were "recovered" and the AOSH ANZO began to take off as well - it was started in Sydney in mid-1983.

But there was never a hint of returning to the numbers and the glory of Scientology in Sydney pre-1983. Tom's mission was just more of the same but not quite as rough and overall the stats continued the decline that was started the year before. The AO expanded at the expense of the Sydney orgs.

I remain unconvinced.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Same bullshit differant camp.

My god next thing they will be organizing a uniform and lanyards, the same bullshit straight from LRH in the Rathbun camp. In Tom Martinano exists Rathbun's Rathbun...he can be the head of RTC (R athbuns T echnology C enter).

Pop corn please.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Yes deluded they are but sociopathic is a different animal. So far I haven't seen these guys just totally screw somebody. Not that they didn't when they were still in.


Genuine Meatball
<snip> So far I haven't seen these guys just totally screw somebody. <snip>
Well.. 'So far' is right.. I suspect that Hubbardology will be applied in full later, when they have 'reorganized' Scientology.

The acid test will be: When a customer (mark) says no thank's to more auditing/services.. Will he be respected and will they let him go in peace?



Genuine Meatball
Tom Martiniano at Marty's site said:
When I finished OT III I realized that I was free, out of jail. My next cognition was not so simple – I realized all of my brothers and sisters were still in jail and I needed to get them out. I actually felt that I had to go back into the prison and get them out while also looking like and going through the motions of being a prisoner. Then I had to remember that I was free and could walk out any time."<snip>
This is priceless!! - So the reason that these exalted OT's stay in this despicable and useless physical universe at all is just to help all us DB's! - Oh the suffering and sacrifices that they must endure!!!

Someone give the man an R-factor!

Feel free to leave as you please! - Don't hang around for the sake of us. We like it just fine here! - Go right ahead! - Elevate spiritually out the top of your head and ascend to a higher existence!


Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
This is priceless!! - So the reason that these exalted OT's stay in this despicable and useless physical universe at all is just to help all us DB's! - Oh the suffering and sacrifices that they must endure!!!

Someone give the man an R-factor!

Feel free to leave as you please! - Don't hang around for the sake of us. We like it just fine here! - Go right ahead! - Elevate spiritually out the top of your head and ascend to a higher existence!


wot he said!!!


Rogue male
There's a lack of uniformity in Marty's camp that needs to be mentioned.

I have numerous personal friends among them now. One independent that's a good mate is less of a Scientologist than Mick Wenlock, another who is loyal to Marty is on a par with me when it comes to reverence of Hubbard. Also just a few weeks ago Silvia K posted here that she'd seen a social worker for her depression. She's an independent too!

Doesn't sound like a uniform bunch to me!

One other thing, when I read something like Tom Martiniano's little rave about clearing this "mud ball" I just get the Heeby fucking Geebies.

Seriously, that's the "spirit" of zealotism that visited the carnage upon so many Scios lives.

Save it for the History Channel, eh Tom?


Gold Meritorious Patron
miniscule shadow

Marty's latest glowing recruit is "Blower Du Jour" Tom Martiniano, a hard core dedicated former Sea Org member. Link at:


He is bold enough to actually SAY what Marty and the rest of his "independents" are hesitant to reveal. Reading his story and commitment to Rathbun and "the cause" is refreshingly revealing. Carthartic in fact.

Rathbun's ambiguity and shifting sands have taken on remarkable clarity when reading Martiniano's words:



There you have it!

Delusion personified.

He actually believes that:

* Beings are "in prison" trapped by OT III. And he actually believes he is "free and could walk out any time." And he actually believes he is rescuing beings.

* He needs to keep his oath to LRH.

* We are still the cream of the crop.

* We are the ones who cannot be sold a bill of goods to.

* We will get Scientology back.

* We will clear this planet.

* We will defeat suppression, get ethics in and clear this mudball.​

Sad, ridiculous and stupid-as-hell.

So, this is the Ideal Scientologist that Rathbun welcomes into his army.

So, this is what they are trying to do.

Exactly as some here on ESMB suspected.

Conclusion? Easy.They are completely out of their minds.

We are watching the formation of a new cult.

Most of them are too secretive to tell you what they are doing or planning to do.

Enjoy this rare peek behind the lying facade of the Independent Bridge.

Ye shall know them by their lies and delusions of grandeur.

If you can stomach it, take a look at the celebratory comments by Marty's faithful readers.

I stopped on the one that said:

Okay the last stuff in green was a joke. But not as funny as the joke of grown adults dedicating their lives to clearing a mudball.

What you say is true, HH, they are still true believers in the cause, and true believers in all of the beetee nonsense. They want to be leading the parade of the Scientology movement. HOWEVER ... in order for them to be leading the parade, there will need to be some major continued dwindling down of the Cof$ and perhaps some sort of final event ... either a Coolaide party, or the Bulgravian Boogie, or DM doing his rendition of Adolph in the bunker, or the awakening of/considerable bad PR wrath of Tom Cruise or some other such event that nobody could predict that would be the last straw. Suppose that happens ... what in the way of pieces will there be for Rathbun and his merry men to pick up?

The internet will still be there. All of the "new" OT part of the bridge will remain, chasing beetees ad nauseum. Even the old OT levels are on the web if you look for them. The belief system still makes them a laughing stock. By its very nature, the "religion" requires a much greater degree of adherence and money from its devotees than any conventional sort of religion. True, prices could be way lower, but, logistics/accounting/the nuts and bolts of it all simply require a certain price structure for it to work, especially if staff is to be paid minimum wage and have a cap on hours. It will still be a hard sell and there will be continued questions as to all of the abuse done under the old regime even if they are very, very good about avoiding any and all future abuses of a similar nature.

The bottom line ... they are going no where. Their presence for the time being is helping bring down the official Cof$. Once Cof$ folds its tent, the
M&M brigade will still go nowhere, even if they somehow become the honchos of what is left of Cof$. Cof$/IAS will be forced to part with lots of assets and bargain basement prices in order to achieve some sort of sane realignment to sell its insane shit ... and that is what it is seen as by the public, so, who are they going to sell it to? That there will be some remnant of Scientology AFTER DM is no longer at the helm, held together by M&M only means that they it all goes out with a whimper as opposed to a bang.



This Tom fellow sounds like he has no idea that there is an OT4,5,6,7 and 8.:screwy:

Marty is either out of his mind or just stupid to let that go to his blog,
that's gonna scare alot of his so called supporters away with just one statement,
" We will get Scientology back".:duh:

Yep sounds like the whole money and power trip has just hooked one more Bot.:faceslap:

Holy shit he even footbullets like the CofS.:shithitfan:

Such bad form.


Gold Meritorious Patron
There's a lack of uniformity in Marty's camp that needs to be mentioned.

I have numerous personal friends among them now. One independent that's a good mate is less of a Scientologist than Mick Wenlock, another who is loyal to Marty is on a par with me when it comes to reverence of Hubbard. Also just a few weeks ago Silvia K posted here that she'd seen a social worker for her depression. She's an independent too!

Doesn't sound like a uniform bunch to me!

One other thing, when I read something like Tom Martiniano's little rave about clearing this "mud ball" I just get the Heeby fucking Geebies.

Seriously, that's the "spirit" of zealotism that visited the carnage upon so many Scios lives.

Save it for the History Channel, eh Tom?

The problem is that the non-heeby-fucking-geeby commentators on Marty's site are sprayed on, and overshadowed by, the frothy and verbose lot.

Somedays, I feel I need some garlic and silver bullets before opening that blog, but truthfully I feel the same around fire and brimstone fundamentalist Christians.
But fundamentalist Christians aren't trying to be taken seriously and trying to stop a cult.

Scientologists usually believe that they are the cream of the crop.

The cream is in different bowls.
The Int base bowl
the sea org bowl
the OT bowl
the staff bowl
the IAS bowl
the clear bowl
the independent bowl
the freezone bowl
the individualistic bowl

They all think that their cream is more delicious than someone else's because
And they flavour it with their own arrogance;
The indies cream is so delicious because they know best how to use Ron's creamy delicious cream

Marty's having a cream party.
The cream of the crop sit round licking each other,
but the cream is not as well blended as Mother Marty thinks it is.
There's something sour in the cream,
the cream is curdling,
see the little curdles in The Cream Of The Crop.
The Cream is separating.

The Cream is going off a bit.


What's telling is that nothing gets posted on Marty's blog without his approval, and he approved this one.

Thankfully Marty hasn't lived up to his reputation of being a good PR man, cuz his PR clearly sucks........This is a fuck up for him, but it's good for everyone else to get to see where he is currently at and/or what he is supporting.

Like Feral, I too have some mates associated with Marty who are not of this ilk at all. I don't believe that all is as it seems (after Tom's blurb), but it's certainly a helluva "red flag".......just awful stuff.

Mrs Pattycake

Patron with Honors
Hey Hoaxy,

Yeh I have real trouble with the whole concept of the Independents re estabilishing Scientology. I just don't get how they think they can do that and have some wonderful religion without removing a whole bunch of PLs and HCOBs that are downright WRONG.

And that would of course violate KSW#1 the very first and one of the most WRONG ones amongst them !

Apart from that there is the fact that Marty and Mike as very senior persons in the Church seem to have a blind spot on taking responsibility for the other "crimes" of the Church. It is not just a matter of some violent outbreaks at INT , or DM living like a billionare whilst all other SO live below the poverty line.

No this is the matter of families being ruined, deaths covered up, forced abortions, coersion of funds, fraud, blatent lies, incorrect tech being knowingly applied . You only need to look as far as Rex Fowler to see the majority of these - yet there are thousands of victims.



Ordinary Human
What's telling is that nothing gets posted on Marty's blog without his approval, and he approved this one.

Thankfully Marty hasn't lived up to his reputation of being a good PR man, cuz his PR clearly sucks........This is a fuck up for him, but it's good for everyone else to get to see where he is currently at and/or what he is supporting.

Like Feral, I too have some mates associated with Marty who are not of this ilk at all. I don't believe that all is as it seems (after Tom's blurb), but it's certainly a helluva "red flag".......just awful stuff.
I agree Carmel. PR won't help Scientology. It never did. The public at large consider Scientology to be weird and dangerous. There's no way of changing that now, not for any flavor of Scientology. A few fanatics will hang on until the bitter end, but they are really yesterday's people.

Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
What's telling is that nothing gets posted on Marty's blog without his approval, and he approved this one.

Thankfully Marty hasn't lived up to his reputation of being a good PR man, cuz his PR clearly sucks........This is a fuck up for him, but it's good for everyone else to get to see where he is currently at and/or what he is supporting.

Like Feral, I too have some mates associated with Marty who are not of this ilk at all. I don't believe that all is as it seems (after Tom's blurb), but it's certainly a helluva "red flag".......just awful stuff.

I suspect, Carm, that Rathbun let it through because of the respect that Martiniano has among SO members who knew him.