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The OT III Quiz, Level 1 -- by Dave Touretzky

1. The old name for Earth was:

a. Teegeeack
b. Ipecac
c. Hackensack

2. The head of the galactic federation, who took drastic means to solve the
overpopulation problems of 76 worlds, was named:

a. Xenix
b. Xenu
c. Zima

3. Incident II, in which trillions of beings were captured, brought to Earth,
and killed, occurred how long ago?

a. 75,000 years
b. 75 million years
c. 75 light years

4. What chemical mixture was injected into these beings to render them
helpless before they were brought to Earth?

a. sodium hypochlorite and NaOH
b. pyrethrins
c. water and glycol

5. How were the people killed when they arrived on Earth?

a. Deposited in volcanos and blown up with H-bombs.
b. Electrocuted by ribbons of pure energy.
c. Force-fed beans and rice until they exploded.

6. Where were the now-disembodied spirits (thetans) taken for brainwashing?

a. a captured space station with a pretty cool bar
b. a secret workshop at the north pole
c. Hawaii

7. How were the thetans brainwashed?

a. forced to study Dianetics for 36 weeks
b. forced to read awful science fiction novels for 36 hours
c. forced to watch confusing movies for 36 days

8. What are body thetans?

a. living lingerie for the full-figured megalomaniac
b. disembodied spirits who become attached to us and our pets
c. intelligent lice

9. Which of these is a body thetan most likely to believe?

a. it is your liver
b. it is your lover
c. it is your lawyer

10. What medical mishap will befall a normal person who attempts to solve
the OT III implant without Scientology's (trade secret) training?

a. pneumonia
b. allergies
c. stroke



1: a. Earth was called Teegeeack. Ipecac is an emetic: a medicine used to
induce vomiting. Hackensack is a town in New Jersey.

2: b. The ruler's name was Xenu. Xenix is a Unix-like operating system.
Zima is an adult malt beverage.

3: b. Incident II occurred 75 million years ago. A mere 75,000 years ago,
the Earth was pretty much the same as it is today. Light years are a
measure of distance, not time.

4: c. The beings were injected with a water and glycol mixture. Sodium
hypochlorite and NaOH are the main ingredients of Liquid Plumr, a drain
unclogger. Pyrethrins are the active ingredient in Raid, a household

5: a. Xenu deposited the bodies on 20 volcanos around the planet, and blew
them up with H-bombs. Ribbons of pure energy were used to collect the
thetans afterward. Beans and rice are served in the RPF, Scientology's
version of a prison camp.

6: c. The implanting was done in Hawaii (and also Las Palmas.) The space
station with the cool bar is, of course, Deep Space 9. Lots of weird
things are located at the norh pole, but the only known workshop there is

7: c. The thetans were forced by Xenu's henchmen to watch confusing movies
for 36 days. Studying Dianetics and reading awful science fiction are two
of the practices of the Church of Scientology. Of course, the
Scientologists aren't told it's fiction.

8: b. Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, was not known to wear
lingerie. Body thetans are disembodied spirits, though in some ways they
can be considered the spiritual equivalent of lice.

9: a. Body thetans think they are parts of our bodies, such as a liver.
They also sometimes think they are other body thetans.

10: a. "Freewheeling through the implant" can supposedly cause pneumonia.
Allergies were one of Hubbard's own afflictions, and a stroke is what
finally killed him.



10 points: Attest to OT III, level 1. You are a God among men. On to level 2.

9 points: Potential Sea Org material. Continue auditing.

8 points: Clam in training. You may buy another book or tape.

5-7 points: Preclear. Keep reading. And no yawning!!

2-4 points: You are in a condition of Liability. For amends, wash my car.

0-1 points: Raw meat. Would you like to take a free personality test?

OT III Quiz, Level 2

by David S. Touretzky

The previous quiz in this sequence, "OT III Quiz level 1", was a humorous
look at the story of Xenu and the body thetans. The Church of Scientology
no longer claims this as confidential or a trade secret. The heart of OT
III, which is still supposed to be secret, is the process by which one can
rid oneself of these body thetans. Thousands of people have read the OT
III document since it was first posted to the Internet, but only a few have
fully mastered the secret/sacred technique it reveals. Are you one of

Here is a chance to prove your OT III scholarship. If necessary, you may
refer to a copy of OT III (currently available at over 100 sites in the
Netherlands; see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Fishman) while taking this
quiz. But anyone who has ever APPLIED this "tech" (or tried to) should be
able to complete the quiz from memory. Good luck.

1. What is the thetan's primary error?

(a) Running Incident II on one entity and Incident I on another.
(b) Trying to speak with body thetans, instead of just mentally
"intending" to them.
(c) Believing that he is "one".

2. How does a thetan get stuck?

(a) Encounters a collision of two thetans' pictures.
(b) Encounters a picture of two thetans colliding.
(c) Collides with an encounter of two thetans picturing.

3. What is a black theta body?

(a) A cluster of thetans radiating energy with a uniform spectrum.
(b) A thetan with a nonzero Schwarzschild radius.
(c) Thetans stuck to thetans plus pictures of thetans stuck to a thetan.

4. Incident II contains the following events.

Indicate their correct order from 1-9:
(a) getting shipped to Earth (possibly via some transfer station)
(b) getting mental implants, including a scene with "the pilot"
(c) getting shipped to Hawaii or Las Palmas, and packaged into clusters
(d) getting 36 days of picture implants containing God, the Devil,
helicopters, trains, gorillas, space opera, etc.
(e) getting dumped in the vicinity of a volcano
(f) getting frozen (with a water and glycol mixture)
(g) getting implanted with various picture sequences
(h) getting implanted with confusing concepts known as "the 7s",
"C. C.", and the OT II materials
(i) getting captured and shot

5. Incident I contains the following events.
Indicate their correct order from 1 to 8:

(a) enveloping blackness
(b) a loud snap
(c) an angel appears
(d) waves of light
(e) the angel blows a horn and approaches
(f) a chariot appears, turning left and right
(g) the angel retreats (fades back)
(h) a series of very loud ("shattering") snaps

6. How do you get a BT to blow?

(a) Overinflate him.
(b) Run incident II, then if necessary, run incident I.
(c) Run incident I, then if necessary, run incident II.

7. What is the remedy for a suppressive body thetan you can't audit?

(a) Offer him a free personality test.
(b) Run Grades IV and V on him.
(c) Disconnect from him.

8. If your meter reads "Overrun on III", what should you do?

(a) Conclude your auditing and attest to OT III.
(b) Change to a fresh meter and recharge the one indicating an overrun.
(c) Look for a BT who's been overrun on Incident I.

9. "Effort to stop" and "effort to withdraw" are symptoms of what?

(a) Coitus interruptus.
(b) Thoughts a thetan had while experiencing incident II.
(c) Failure to sec check a BT before running Power Processes on him.

10. Which of these is NOT a common auditing error on OT III?

(a) Wrong number.
(b) Wrong incident.
(c) Wrong volcano.



1. (c) "Thetans believed they were one. This is the primary error." [OT
III, p. 77 of the Fishman Declaration.] The other items listed are also
considered errors according to OT III, but they are errors committed during
auditing, not errors intrinsic to being a thetan. Compare this "believed
they are one" comment with the Jewish prayer known as the "Shemah", which
says "Hear O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is One." In eliminating
body thetans, the Scientologist makes himself "one", hence more God-like.

2. (b) "A thetan collides with another. That one makes a picture of being
collided with. Other BT's get stuck to the picture" [OT III, p. 81 of the
Fishman Declaration.] Of course, this explains nothing. By what process
can an immortal spiritual being become "stuck to" something? And what
exactly does Hubbard mean by a "picture", anyway? In Scientology's
metaphysical system, one's mental imagery is apparently not purely mental.

3. (c) A black theta body is composed of stuck thetans plus pictures of
stuck thetans [OT III, p. 81 of the Fishman Declaration.] Since pictures
supposedly exist in the mind of the thetan, this would appear to be a
category error, but remember that in Scientology pictures can have
measurable "mass". So who knows?

4. Incident II: 1i, 2f, 3a, 4e, 5b, 6g, 7h, 8d, 9c.

5. Incident I: 1b, 2d, 3f, 4c, 5e, 6h, 7g, 8a.

6. (b) "Run Incident II. If the BT does not blow off or the group break up
and blow, then run Incident I on individual BT's." [OT III, p. 82 in the
Fishman Declaration.] Running an incident means getting the BT to recall
the incident, by communicating with it the way an auditor would communicate
with a preclear.

7. (b) "A suppressive body thetan sometimes isn't auditable. The remedy is
to run Grades IV or V on him." [OT III, p. 93 of the Fishman Declaration.]
Grades IV and V are part of the Power Processes, the first level of the
"Advanced Technology" claimed as trade secrets by the Church. The OT
levels come next.

8. (c) "The only way you can get a read on `Overrun on III' is to have
accidentally run Incident I out, and then later run it out again on the
same thetan..." [OT III, p. 87 of the Fishman Declaration.] Of course, the
thetan was supposed to have departed after Incident I was run on it, so how
could it still be hanging around to have it run again? This can happen if
Incident I was not run fully and cleanly the first time, so the BT did not
depart as it was supposed to. The person then finds it again (not
recognizing it as the same BT) and runs Incidents on it again, causing an
overrun. The solution is to recognize the overrun and audit that event,
thus "getting the charge off of it" so the thetan can depart.

9. (b) "These were actions - thoughts - the thetan had during the Incident
and are picked up only when the incident doesn't run well." [OT III, p. 85
of the Fishman Declaration.] The effect of this bit of doctrine is to make
it impossible for someone doing the OT III course to validly decide to
quit. Any attempt to abandon the exorcism process is seen as a symptom of
some reactionary body thetan. Since this symptom only appears when the
process wasn't "run well", expressing a desire to stop is tantamount to
giving incriminating evidence that one has not been applying the tech
correctly -- for which one can be punished.

10. (a) "Wrong number" is a common error when using the telephone.
(Hubbard talks about how a thetan picks up a telephone in one of the Pro TR
Course tapes.) Wrong incident and wrong volcano are errors associated with
OT III auditing. Since the space alien could have been blown up at any one
of the 20 volcanos used by Xenu and his henchmen, it's necessary to locate
the correct volcano in order to run Incident II successfully on it. It's
also important to run the Incidents in the correct order: first Incident
II, then if necessary, Incident I. However, sometimes you have to go back
afterward and run Incident II some more, as in an "Overrun on III"
situation [OT III, p. 87 of the Fishman Declaration.]



10 points: Attest to OT III, level 2 -- and seek professional help.

5 - 9 points: you may be invited to join the ARS Central Committee.

2 - 4 points: read alt.religion.scientology for a month, and try again.

0 - 1 points: watch out! Do you know the symptoms of pneumonia?

Terril park

This quiz is faulty and shows ignorance of the OT 3 materials
and scientology basics. :duh:

"5. How were the people killed when they arrived on Earth?

a. Deposited in volcanos and blown up with H-bombs."

Note that they were transported to earth by freezing them in alcohol
and glycol and then sent on a long interstellar journey on DC 8s.

This would have killed them obviating the wasteful use of H-bombs.:melodramatic::duh:

Note that a thetan can per basic axioms not be frozen:-

"Axiom 1 Life is basically a static.

DEFINITION: A life static has no mass, no motion, no wavelength, no location in space or in time. It has the ability to postulate and to perceive.

Axiom 2 The static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions.

Axiom 3 Space, energy, objects, form and time are the result of considerations made and/or agreed upon by the static and are perceived solely because the static considers that it can perceive them."

Now we need to get on to the more important question of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin!


Squirrel Extraordinaire
Dart and Terril - come on, play the game. Of course a non-Scio is not likely to see the same nuances that a Class VIII would. But I think he did pretty well considering. How well could you write a non-trivial 20 question quiz on some technical subject in which you aren't experienced?


Operating DB

Truman Show Dropout
Gawd! Reading the OP, I'm even more glad I never got that far on the Bridge. What a mind fuck! (I did get all the right answers in section One of the OP but section Two I failed miserably.)

I'm wondering did people who did OT III in the cult actually think it was legit at the time? Then I thought that when I got involved in scio at a Mission that the ED and the ED's sibling were both OT III and that's what they went through and I had no idea what a farce it all was? I'm pretty sure I would have reacted with a big "WTF" if I had made it onto OT III. But I think I would have been WTF-ed on OT II as well. And I know I would have been pissed off on OT I paying that much money for a self locational!



Squirrel Extraordinaire
I'm wondering did people who did OT III in the cult actually think it was legit at the time?

Some did, some didn't; some voiced their doubts and many said nothing. As a sup, I never insisted that students swallow it whole. I just said try auditing it and see how it works out. It usually worked out just fine, i.e. the meter read on what it was supposed to, and things F/N'd and seemed completed. Now, as I keep saying here, that the procedure seems to work is completely independent of the truth/falsity of the theory, but I hadn't thought of that back then when I was sup'ing. :)



Angelic Poster
Paul, remind me, please, when you were supervising the OTIII theory classroom at AO?



Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
Gosh - I have not had a Scientology quiz for a couple of years yet - this is sorta fun!

I am not going to peek - I will test my Oat Tea abilities that I never obtained from Scientology - I already had them!!

1. a. Teegeeack
2. b. Xenu
3. c. 75 million years ago
4. c. Water and glycol
5. a. Deposited in volcanos and blown up with H-boms...although I was really leaning to

c. Force-fed beans and rice until they exploded.

Then I recalled that c. was El Wrong's method to destroy defrocked and bitter Sea Org Slaves...

6. c. Hawaii - Now I know why I get so restimulated there - Well I'll be! Damn!
7. It's a toss between a. and c. but I will go with
c. Forced to watch confusing Sea Org events for 36 days- WAT? Not an option..but that would sure make one forget their own name in this lifetime for petesake!
8. b. disembodied spirits who become attached to us and our pets WAT? OUR PETS? Oh, I get it - we finish OT 8 and then El wrong has a Bridge for our pets.

9. b. Lover - guessing here but thinking how Ron would think and he would think this due to his failed marriages, bigotry and assorted sundries of unethical 2-D behavior.

10. a. pneumonia (although I did not get it)

Do I get a Cert or somethin...I don't feel any different...I didn't have any cogs. How much do they charge for this again???
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Squirrel Extraordinaire
Paul, remind me, please, when you were supervising the OTIII theory classroom at AO?



Around 1982 to the end of 1985 at AOSHUK, and on and off from roughly 1991-1993 at ITO. Nowhere else (in the CofS).


Terril park

Dart and Terril - come on, play the game. Of course a non-Scio is not likely to see the same nuances that a Class VIII would. But I think he did pretty well considering. How well could you write a non-trivial 20 question quiz on some technical subject in which you aren't experienced?


I'd do brilliantly as I've done the student hat, and note am not class VIII
but merely a lowly NED interne.

Dave Touretzky is not only a professor but a research professor
at Carnegie Melon and must have tenure and a PhD.

And professes to be expert re Scn.

He needs to do the student hat.:coolwink:


Terril park


This is actually quite stupid to have to explain - and doubly stupid by reason of having to explain to someone who, in the year 2013, is still a Scientologist - but, according to Hubbard, a "thetan" has a small amount of mass. "Thetan" does not equal "static."

Thetan: def 2. the awareness of awareness unit which has all potentialities
but no mass, no wavelength, and no location. Tech Dict.

Def 7:- energy space production unit

Def 10 :- a static that can consider, and can produce space and energy
and objects.

Dumkopf!! Redo student hat.

When you find one and freeze it get back to us. :duh:

Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
Some did, some didn't; some voiced their doubts and many said nothing. As a sup, I never insisted that students swallow it whole. I just said try auditing it and see how it works out. It usually worked out just fine, i.e. the meter read on what it was supposed to, and things F/N'd and seemed completed. Now, as I keep saying here, that the procedure seems to work is completely independent of the truth/falsity of the theory, but I hadn't thought of that back then when I was sup'ing. :)


One of the many pins that pricked my Scientological Bubble - was when I stayed out at AOLA in one of the local flop houses complete with paper sheets, threadbare towels, scummy carpet, no hot water - you know - just really OT Accomo's!

A Sea Org kid would ride his bike to the flop house and would stand outside the doors of the flop house. I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he was there to make sure none of the people blow that are receiving the confidential OT III materials - he told me many get really pissed and BLOW!:omg:

Not kidding!


Thetan: def 2. the awareness of awareness unit which has all potentialities
but no mass, no wavelength, and no location. Tech Dict.

Def 7:- energy space production unit

Def 10 :- a static that can consider, and can produce space and energy
and objects.

Dumkopf!! Redo student hat.

When you find one and freeze it get back to us. :duh:

"A thetan is very, very close to being a pure Static. He has practically no wavelength. Actually a thetan is in a very, very small amount of mass. From some experiments conducted about fifteen or twenty years ago - a thetan weighed about 1.5 ounces!"

From the explanation of Axiom One from the Phoenix Lectures, 1954.

"A thetan can feel pain. He can be crippled and dismembered, but this requires force that would blow half a town off the map."

From 'What to Audit', a.k.a. 'History of Man', 1952.

Argue with the ghost of Hubbard, not me. It was Hubbard who asserted that a "thetan" can be affected by electronics, and even frozen - in a body - with alcohol-glycol.


Operating teatime
Lots of weird
things are located at the norh pole, but the only known workshop there is

What about Superman's ice-cave??? :duh:

This quiz is suppressive.


Isn't the answer to question 3 Part I supposed to be 76 million. A million year error is pretty significant, you might come out all wrinkled.


just another son of God
Will I guess the ridicule is about to begin: All bullshit aside, I just read the sequence for Incident 1 and it is disturbingly familiar. Remembering dreams and flashbacks. :ohmy:
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"A thetan is very, very close to being a pure Static. He has practically no wavelength. Actually a thetan is in a very, very small amount of mass. From some experiments conducted about fifteen or twenty years ago - a thetan weighed about 1.5 ounces!"

From the explanation of Axiom One from the Phoenix Lectures, 1954.

"A thetan can feel pain. He can be crippled and dismembered, but this requires force that would blow half a town off the map."

From 'What to Audit', a.k.a. 'History of Man', 1952.

Argue with the ghost of Hubbard, not me. It was Hubbard who asserted that a "thetan" can be affected by electronics, and even frozen - in a body - with alcohol-glycol.

Too funny, Veda, what hubbard writes. :yes:

From some experiments conducted about fifteen or twenty years ago - a thetan weighed about 1.5 ounces!"

Too funny that no source is given on these experiments to prove what he says. :laugh:

"A thetan can feel pain. He can be crippled and dismembered, but this requires force that would blow half a town off the map."

How can a thetan be crippled and dismembered,

if he/she is without a body?

And once again, how do we know this to be true as spoken by hubbard? :laugh: