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Project to put Miscavige behind bars!


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Former Senior Scientology Executives Working to put Cult’s current Leaders like David Miscavige etc., before the Criminal Justice System


It is time to tell former members and their families and friends some good news. There is a long term program being quietly done by various Scientology victim advocacy networks and former members to put Scientology’s current leader David Miscavige and its top management before the criminal justice system. Not long after the FBI raid on Scientology’s headquarters in LA that uncovered Scientology’s past criminal activities and sent senior Scientology executives to jail, a special project was begun so that whenever a top level executive left Scientology (that could be located and contacted,) they were and are asked to debrief and contribute their piece of knowledge on Scientology’s criminal activities, about:

1.) perjuries in Scientology depositions and court testimony,
2.) criminal fraud in Scientology’s IRS tax exemption filing,
3.) fraud in the Hubbard estate case,
4.) perjury in other Scientology key court cases as well as
5.) any other ongoing illegal acts by the Scientology’s leaders.

These methodical debriefings of senior executives (some who have worked closely and personally with David Miscavige and senior Scientology attorneys like William Drescher,) have been accumulating slowly but surely toward the eventual goal of providing a preponderance of evidence that presents a clear pattern of new ongoing criminal acts in and out of the court system that no district attorney or government official could ignore and not act upon. In other words a collection of evidence since the LA FBI raid that demonstrates Scientology never stopped its criminal activities, but just hid them deeper. This long term project has recently gathered a new momentum due to a new crop of new former senior Scientology executives now being willing to participate that were previously in trusted positions in some of Scientology’s most sensitive projects.

This recent increase in former senior executive participation is also because:

1.) There is a growing general opinion that if the outside world does not learn about and stop the secreted ongoing criminal behavior pattern of the world’s most dangerous cult, David Miscavige and Scientology’s key attorneys are now so far out of control with no absolutely safety checks and balances on them or, Scientology’s billions of dollars that something disastrous will inevitably happen soon to either individuals within Scientology or Scientology’s adversaries (or both.)

2.) More of Scientology’s most senior management has fallen from their positions of trust and not only have they fallen, they also have been systematically abused by the remaining leaders in some case the knowledge and approval of Scientology’s top attorneys. These attorneys now may wield as much threat and fear and control and power as David Miscavige himself.)

3.) Scientology has conclusively proven it does not know how to end a conflict with any of its significant past adversaries — even the conflicts it acts and swears it has settled! Scientology has repeatedly shown former members and executives that it never lets go if you have any potential to significant financial loss, bad media exposure or legal threat. It has continued to monitor and/or threaten former execs and former members and adversaries making many of those individuals realize that ONLY by changing Scientology’s top management through criminal proceedings and removing all profit on Scientology’s ongoing wrongdoing will their lives and their families lives ever be free and safe.

What this all means for Scientology’s darkening future:

1.) During 2007 look for a pattern in old court cases like CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL vs. STEVEN FISHMAN and UWE GEERTZ, (particularly through the DECLARATION OF DAVID MISCAVIGE of 8 February 1994,) Church of Scientology International v. Eli Lilly. et al., (all of the sworn testimony of David Miscavige,) Bent Corydon v. Church of Scientology International” (David Miscavige’s 1990 testimony,) and David Miscavige’s sworn testimony in May of 1992 in a legal proceeding in Toronto, Canada to have new life and consequences breathed back into them as criminal perjury and fraud documentation on Scientology leader and lead attorneys is presented to the appropriate district attorneys and judges. Also luckily, the still open Scientology court cases like LARRY WOLLERSHEIM vs. CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA (particularly through the DECLARATION OF DAVID MISCAVIGE 15 October 1999,) can also have a whole new life and criminal and civil consequences breathed back into them as perjury and fraud documentation is presented to both the currently sitting judges and the appropriate district attorneys.

2.) During 2007 as the preponderance of this evidence backed up by former senior Scientology executives (who have first hand knowledge and are now willing to stand up publicly against the current leadership) is presented to IRS watchdog agencies and the IRS look for increased public scrutiny and governmental review of the alleged fraud and intimidation perpetrated upon the IRS during Scientology’s fraud and perjury application process in the IRS` Form 1023 non profit church status.
Scientology’s current leader David Miscavige, key attorneys like William Drescher and its current senior management will ultimately be undone and put on trial not by any outside forces, but by the very former senior executives that they personally trusted and worked with. The very same senior executives who were actually there when the alleged criminal acts were perpetrated and the very same former executives in some cases that they themselves have ruthlessly purged and/or severely abused and threatened into a past silence.

Even worse for Scientology, Scientology has lost its ability to credibly intimidate or strike fear in these former senior executives anymore because 1.) these executives know that fear is all that Scientology really is, but more importantly and 2.) these former executives finally get just how vulnerable David Miscavige, attorneys like William Drescher and the current senior management actually are to the lawful and proper exposure of the crimiminal acts that they have committed with these former trusted senior executives participating in and/or witnessing their acts. In perfect poetic justice Miscavige, Drescher and Scientology’s other leaders have created their own internal nemesis and personal downfall and not even their billions will insulate or stop their eventually facing the criminal penalties. The paradox for Scientology now is that every former senior executive that has ever served at the top of Scientology now must be considered either openly or secretly active in this network to bring Miscavege and the top Scientoogy lawyers before the criminal justice sytem no matter what Scientology did to silence these executives in the past.

Now you know about this very old project that many people have been keeping alive in scattered networks for many years. Now all of these pieces are being brought together to go to the proper authorities. If you know of any former senior Scientology executives who does not know about this ongoing program (the Miscavige/Scientology criminal fraud and perjury detection network, MCFPDN,) and who now need to be involved, contact the management at Factnet via [email protected] and put “Scientology Criminal activity” or “MCFPDN” in the subject line.
And, don’t be surprised to also see some of this information appearing in the media in 2007 as well…

Lawrence Wollersheim
For Factnet

Lulu Belle

I'm somewhat skeptical of this article, especially considering the souce.

Larry Wollersheim tends to be a bit looney tunes with a flair for the dramatic, from articles that I've seen that he's written in the past.

Not that I don't hope it's true....


True Ex-Scientologist
I'm somewhat skeptical of this article, especially considering the souce.

Larry Wollersheim tends to be a bit looney tunes with a flair for the dramatic, from articles that I've seen that he's written in the past.

Not that I don't hope it's true....

I would think that this would entail many separate court filings after charges are brought to courts by various Attourney's General (state and/or federal?). Of course, there must be enough solid provable evidence for anyone to proceed in an effective way.

Before I would discount this announcement, I will wait to at least see some initial actions reported.

I hope this is true.


Con te partirò
I don't think Wolly is the only one working on this type of project. Somewhere, someone, some group will pull this off.

It is inevitable.


Patron Meritorious
I also believe it is inevitable. It is a matter of time before the crimes DM has perpetrated against $cientologists and ex-$cientologists blow in his face. I know it will happen. And I know this sounds mean (my evil purps coming out :eyeroll: ) but I will be hugely relevied when that happens.


Gold Meritorious Patron
I wonder, if the heat turns up on Mr M and the authorities start to go for him, if he will do an LRH and "withdraw" from any active management and say he has not had any executive involvement in the church for the past x years. Therefore any criminal activities will have been done by other criminal infiltators who acted in his name in order to try to destroy Scn.

He did learn from the master evader and my guess is he will have contingency plans in place and be ready to say that all these things were done without his knowledge.

Let's hope this time the former execs are braver than in the past and testify against him.

He probably has current execs implicated in any illegal activities just as LRH had the GO patsies set up to carry the can for him.


Patron Meritorious
I wonder, if the heat turns up on Mr M and the authorities start to go for him, if he will do an LRH and "withdraw" from any active management and say he has not had any executive involvement in the church for the past x years. Therefore any criminal activities will have been done by other criminal infiltators who acted in his name in order to try to destroy Scn.

He did learn from the master evader and my guess is he will have contingency plans in place and be ready to say that all these things were done without his knowledge.

Let's hope this time the former execs are braver than in the past and testify against him.

He probably has current execs implicated in any illegal activities just as LRH had the GO patsies set up to carry the can for him.

hummm...lionheart. I didnt think of that one but it could happen too :ohmy:

Well, lets see what unfold in time. Hopefully as you say some former execs will speak up as well as SO members who were physically hurt by him. :mad:

Lulu Belle

Well, Larry Wollersheim was the one that put that long message on FACTnet a while back that there were "subliminal messages" implanted in the Battlefield Earth movie.

Like I said. You have to consider the source.


Patron Meritorious
Well, Larry Wollersheim was the one that put that long message on FACTnet a while back that there were "subliminal messages" implanted in the Battlefield Earth movie.

Like I said. You have to consider the source.

I dont disagree you have to 'consider the source' but what Emma has posted isnt impossible. I am considering it personnally. DM WILL have to face the music one day. You know it, I know it.

Lulu Belle

I dont disagree you have to 'consider the source' but what Emma has posted isnt impossible. I am considering it personnally. DM WILL have to face the music one day. You know it, I know it.

When I was on staff, and things got really bad, people all clung to the thought that LRH would come riding in on a white horse and fix all the injustices and everything that wasn't right.

This kind of think went on for years. Even after he'd been dead a while.

Don't mean to be too pessimistic, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


True Ex-Scientologist
Well... okay... then I suppose that Davie already has the Bluebird all refurbished and ready to go at a moment's notice? :D

(Or this could be Larry's way of bullbaiting Davie?)
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Patron Meritorious
When I was on staff, and things got really bad, people all clung to the thought that LRH would come riding in on a white horse and fix all the injustices and everything that wasn't right.

This kind of think went on for years. Even after he'd been dead a while.

Don't mean to be too pessimistic, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

What?! I wasnt even thinking of LRH. sheesh. Its ok, no need to hold your breathe. Nobody asked you too.


True Ex-Scientologist
Wouldn't it be just wonderful if Davie had to fly all over the world for back-to-back court appearances? (Several states in the U.S., Australia, U.K., Germany, France, etc.)


I tend to agree with Lulu Belle. I don't think there has been a day gone by since the net started where someone hasn't accused DM or COS of some crime. All are allegations until proven in a court of law.

Not all the nasties get what they deserve. Stalin would be a prime example.

When I see someone with the actual authority to prosecute announce something I will be more receptive. So far there is no investigation, no grand jury has been called. Even then ol' Davey would still get his day in court. I guess I'm from Missouri.


If it was going to happen, it would have happened already I believe. He'll be around for another 20 years. I don't know who will takeover thereafter or how that will be done. There are rising stars and young turks but none of them are really public-facing, it's always the same old guard.

There's a reality game show in there. SO Idol?


You may be right Rawl. I get a vision of DM being dropped of in downtown LA 20 years from now with 500 bucks and a toothbrush. Even that probably won't happen though.

The Oracle

Gold Meritorious Patron
perhaps too simple thoughts on it.

Whatever the madness, illusion, confusion, disappointments came with the Scientology package, I benefited from my involment with the Church. In fact, I have benefited in my involvment with everything I have communicated with on Earth. I have had no benefits from Larry Wollersheim personally and do not see a rewards perk attached to his mission, for me.

I don't engage in actions that have "watching others punished" as a final reward.

Also, I do not see David Miscavige as "The Church of Scientology" or "The Sea Org" or the practice of Scientology.

He probably didn't know how to fill out a lease for an apartment, or have a drivers license or social security card when he took over the Church.

Perhaps if he wrote a book now I might understand his life better.

Perhaps if there were 500,000 Sea Org members instead of 5000, he wouldn't have even had the opportunity to be in charge.

If I were willing to step in his shoes I might be more interested.

But I am not willing to be in the Sea Org and have no desire to take over running the Church, so I don't feel any urge to complain about who is.

Obviously it is not an ideal scene there but how can I complain or critisize about it if I am not willing to make the corrections?

I had a lot of self importance for many years thinking the lives of every man woman and child depended on me and what I did here and now in and with Scientology. That empowered me.

That was illusion.

David Miscavige is living the life he wants he wants to live.

I am living the life I want to live.

And the best thing about the life I am living is that I can care about the guy in front of me. That is not a burden, it is an ability and a gift.

I have noticed there are some others that do not have this gift or cannot afford this gift for reasons of their own.

And the make break point of ANY situation getting better or worse pivots on this one ability, in my view.

You cannot force people to care about the person in front of them.

And this is the basic randomity on Earth.

If I am to spend my time in protest about the people handicapped, I cannot care properly for those who want and need my help.

There is no reason at all Scientologists cannot carry on at this point, with Scientology, with the Freezone people available and the materials available on Ebay and the internet, and disreagard the disappointing situations that cannot be changed.

I never got involved with Scientology to become a militant or war or mob or loose. I got involved to win. That is my perogative. When I wasn't winning with the others, I distanced myself from the group.

I didn't buy into the other noise much as it was offerred and I was invited to listen and dance to that music.

It's my right to have fun and livingness as a reward as my goal.

The other madness are goals/games mocked up by others.

My motto: Think local, not global.

Works for me.

It is good for me to know what is mine, and what is not mine.

I managed to get through ot3, it took some effort and expense and time.

I wouldn't regress now into thinking Larry Wollersheims purposes are mine.

Either David Miscaviges.



Royal Prince Xenu

Trust the Psi Corps.
Well, Larry Wollersheim was the one that put that long message on FACTnet a while back that there were "subliminal messages" implanted in the Battlefield Earth movie.

Like I said. You have to consider the source.

I remember trying to read the book. Remembering my MU tech, and comments about not liking the author's writing style etc., I persevered. I got about 3/4 through and completely gave up. I didn't care about any of the characters and to this day I still don't care how it ended.

I did sit through the movie in an effort to end cycle on the book, but wish I hadn't. If there was subliminal material in the movie, it didn't renew my interest.