Patron with Honors
Did anyone consider the racial component in the hearings? Mosey Rathbun is African-American. Of the 15 Scientoilogy attorneys, only one is African-America & was the one that was front & center today. The cult has their token black man on their team... they should be so proud. The fact that he was earning a bundle of legal fees from this doesn't mean we can't call Lamont Jefferson out for selling out his integrity & playing the race card against a fellow African-America, in return for alot of cash.
Lamont's brother is Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court.
Erm, maybe I'm just showing myself as coming from a civilised eastern hemisphere country rather than letshaveawartokeepslaveryland, but how is this dude "playing the race card" by basically not being white?
Off topic but you guys really need to sort yourselves out because all ndications are you are a ridiculously "race-aware" country and with less than half your new borns being white you are basically setting yiurself up for civil war 2.0 until you recognise itreally doesn't matter.
Then again it seems half the republicans hate 90% of democrats and vice versa. Try getting along with each other maybe?