Patron with Honors
Reasons Why I’m Out & Other Thoughts About The Con
Late in 2004 a friend of mine told me that he left the church and he told me about tech alterations. He did this at great risk as he knew I might disconnect from him. We had known each other for probably 20 years or more. I had been in for about 19 years, ot5, perm class IV auditor, former staff, full hated Div 2 reg., patron with honors (over $200k to the IAS). I hung up the phone and dug out my oldest scn books and started comparing to the newest versions. The alterations were there. The tech was being altered right in front of us. I went online and searched for more data. I decided to get out within hours of that phone call. Over the ensuing months, I discovered more & more outpoints. Not just altered tech but everything! With my experience from being a reg at a mission and then at LADAY, all of the green on white that I studied and all of the red on white, my auditing internship, and the ot levels that I did, I am now of the belief that scn is a con & a cult. I think that Ron started it with that intention. From inside with blinders on you can not see this. Regarding Miscavage, I think he is doing what he was taught by Ron and he is carrying out Ron’s original intention: gain power & money though the scn con. If you can step back and LOOK, you can see it.
I think that most scientologists are good people and that they are pursuing spiritual freedom and trying to save the planet. It is truly evil for Ron to have set up this con to take advantage of people this way.
You can’t buy spiritual freedom. Thus you shouldn’t try to sell it to someone.
I have a lot to say so I will just keep posting bits and pieces as they come to mind. No particular order, just a running log of my thoughts, opinions, experiences and conclusions. I’m not very up to date with using message boards or forums so forgive me if my form is not perfect.
In dmsmh Ron defines clear at length. I do not know a clear who measures up to this definition. Do you? Are you one? I doubt it. This seems like a glaring outpoint to me since dmsmh is the first book on this subject and it is the way many people get into the cult. Doesn’t anyone notice? Over the last few years the church has even turned this to their favor. Many OT’s are being told that they are not clear and must do another ccrd or whatever. They are using this to get money from the public. Of course anyone who objects can be made to read the definition of clear and they will see that they must not be clear and they pay up.
Most people don’t know that the reg offices in orgs are bugged. They don’t know because in most states, it’s illegal. When I was a reg at LADAY, the offices were bugged. When the reg has a hot prospect in front of him the Dir of Registration is listening in his office. Often the CO of the org is there as well as any other terminal who may be able to “help” close the public person. Remember being regged and the reg would get a phone call, or your auditor would show up, or the CO would step in or the C/S or an opinion leader etc.? They were likely summoned to get in there and help based on what was being heard in the Dir of Reg office. They call the reg and tell him what to say. They send in your auditor or C/S as authority tags. They send in whoever is necessary to get you sufficiently ruined and then closed. This is illegal and highly unethical. It is also very effective.
Ron wrote the policy, I think it was called Registration; lost line. It basically tells the reg to get the money then send the guy back to the d of p where he is then told that he didn’t buy enough and that he needs to buy more for his TE (technical estimate). Then he is routed back to the reg and the reg start all over again. Ron talks about how income went down whenever this was not being done. We have all been on the receiving end of this. It is on the routing form when you complete a course or auditing action. From the outside it doesn’t seem right, does it? With scn, enough is never enough.
How about this. Some of the purported goals of courses & auditing are to make one feel better. Upon completion you are routed to the examiner to attest that you feel better. You most often do feel better so there is nothing wrong up to this point. Here’s where it goes astray. First if you leave the church and sue claiming that it didn’t work, they have a huge pile of attestations (exam reports) where you said it did work. Here is the day to day handling that I don’t like. You just finished an action, you do in fact feel good or even great. You are at some point routed to the reg. the reg acknowledges your win. Then his job is to RUIN you. Find your next ruin and cave you in. This is in policy and it is drilled into every reg. It is Ron’s policy form way back. The reg needs to make you feel bad so that you buy and start the next thing right now. You are not encouraged to go home and enjoy that you are feeling great. You are ruined and regged to within an inch of your life to pay again and do more. Tis is within minutes of finishing a course or auditing action. You are allowed to enjoy the win only briefly until you get to the reg. Now if one believes Ron’s tech on suppression, which most people being regged do, then how come they don’t notice that this is suppressive? If you don’t believe in Ron’s tech of suppression it is just as bad. It’s all part of the control that Ron set up. Anchor points out, slam them back in, get the money. Repeat until the guy is broke. It is the same way that torture works. Ron did this on purpose, not to better the person or the planet but to enrich himself. Interesting. I did it to others when I was a reg and I had it done to me and my family to the tune of probably $500,000 while I was in. What a shame. What a sham.
Late in 2004 a friend of mine told me that he left the church and he told me about tech alterations. He did this at great risk as he knew I might disconnect from him. We had known each other for probably 20 years or more. I had been in for about 19 years, ot5, perm class IV auditor, former staff, full hated Div 2 reg., patron with honors (over $200k to the IAS). I hung up the phone and dug out my oldest scn books and started comparing to the newest versions. The alterations were there. The tech was being altered right in front of us. I went online and searched for more data. I decided to get out within hours of that phone call. Over the ensuing months, I discovered more & more outpoints. Not just altered tech but everything! With my experience from being a reg at a mission and then at LADAY, all of the green on white that I studied and all of the red on white, my auditing internship, and the ot levels that I did, I am now of the belief that scn is a con & a cult. I think that Ron started it with that intention. From inside with blinders on you can not see this. Regarding Miscavage, I think he is doing what he was taught by Ron and he is carrying out Ron’s original intention: gain power & money though the scn con. If you can step back and LOOK, you can see it.
I think that most scientologists are good people and that they are pursuing spiritual freedom and trying to save the planet. It is truly evil for Ron to have set up this con to take advantage of people this way.
You can’t buy spiritual freedom. Thus you shouldn’t try to sell it to someone.
I have a lot to say so I will just keep posting bits and pieces as they come to mind. No particular order, just a running log of my thoughts, opinions, experiences and conclusions. I’m not very up to date with using message boards or forums so forgive me if my form is not perfect.
In dmsmh Ron defines clear at length. I do not know a clear who measures up to this definition. Do you? Are you one? I doubt it. This seems like a glaring outpoint to me since dmsmh is the first book on this subject and it is the way many people get into the cult. Doesn’t anyone notice? Over the last few years the church has even turned this to their favor. Many OT’s are being told that they are not clear and must do another ccrd or whatever. They are using this to get money from the public. Of course anyone who objects can be made to read the definition of clear and they will see that they must not be clear and they pay up.
Most people don’t know that the reg offices in orgs are bugged. They don’t know because in most states, it’s illegal. When I was a reg at LADAY, the offices were bugged. When the reg has a hot prospect in front of him the Dir of Registration is listening in his office. Often the CO of the org is there as well as any other terminal who may be able to “help” close the public person. Remember being regged and the reg would get a phone call, or your auditor would show up, or the CO would step in or the C/S or an opinion leader etc.? They were likely summoned to get in there and help based on what was being heard in the Dir of Reg office. They call the reg and tell him what to say. They send in your auditor or C/S as authority tags. They send in whoever is necessary to get you sufficiently ruined and then closed. This is illegal and highly unethical. It is also very effective.
Ron wrote the policy, I think it was called Registration; lost line. It basically tells the reg to get the money then send the guy back to the d of p where he is then told that he didn’t buy enough and that he needs to buy more for his TE (technical estimate). Then he is routed back to the reg and the reg start all over again. Ron talks about how income went down whenever this was not being done. We have all been on the receiving end of this. It is on the routing form when you complete a course or auditing action. From the outside it doesn’t seem right, does it? With scn, enough is never enough.
How about this. Some of the purported goals of courses & auditing are to make one feel better. Upon completion you are routed to the examiner to attest that you feel better. You most often do feel better so there is nothing wrong up to this point. Here’s where it goes astray. First if you leave the church and sue claiming that it didn’t work, they have a huge pile of attestations (exam reports) where you said it did work. Here is the day to day handling that I don’t like. You just finished an action, you do in fact feel good or even great. You are at some point routed to the reg. the reg acknowledges your win. Then his job is to RUIN you. Find your next ruin and cave you in. This is in policy and it is drilled into every reg. It is Ron’s policy form way back. The reg needs to make you feel bad so that you buy and start the next thing right now. You are not encouraged to go home and enjoy that you are feeling great. You are ruined and regged to within an inch of your life to pay again and do more. Tis is within minutes of finishing a course or auditing action. You are allowed to enjoy the win only briefly until you get to the reg. Now if one believes Ron’s tech on suppression, which most people being regged do, then how come they don’t notice that this is suppressive? If you don’t believe in Ron’s tech of suppression it is just as bad. It’s all part of the control that Ron set up. Anchor points out, slam them back in, get the money. Repeat until the guy is broke. It is the same way that torture works. Ron did this on purpose, not to better the person or the planet but to enrich himself. Interesting. I did it to others when I was a reg and I had it done to me and my family to the tune of probably $500,000 while I was in. What a shame. What a sham.