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Scientologist and their offspring

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Another thing I've noticed in regard to Scientologist and their offspring, is an overblown anxiety about public schools. In their minds school psychologist are lurking around every dark corner, ready to pump them full of psyche drugs.

My son had a friend who was the child of local Scientologist. He was regularly on course. The kid was TERRIFIED of going to a public school for fear of the psyches and illegal drugs. In truth, Minnesota has some of the best public schools in the country. Yes there are drugs in schools, but his fears were over blown. As he got older and from what I hear, he really has developed some anxiety issues, which is sad. He is growing up with a fear of the "Wog" world with a them against us mentality.

There have been other kids I've seen that were more balanced and well adjusted, who were the kids of Scientologist. Interestingly, these kids were the ones who were not brought around the Org much.

That's very sad really.
I helped start a scientology school here in Melbourne, because at that time I was worried about my 3 kids going to a public school, the threat of drugs and psych inflenced education.

The scio school imploded - the KRs alone would probably have filled a truck - and the damage done to both parents and children because of the infighting was horrendous. I had no choice but to put my kids back in normal school and cope with whatever happened, as I would not subject my kids to the 'ethics' of the parents who took over the school. And it was 90% OK, (my son didn't recover well from missing reading skills) and they had a wonderful, normal education experience from then on. And as a parent I was also introduced to normality, to wonderful new friends and a new outlook on life.

They did run into drugs in later years in high school and their negotiation of that minefield was not helped by having a scientologist father who loved to tell stories of his drug days and said "Do as I say not as I did". That's like a red flag to a bull ... so we did have some tricky periods. One day I wil be free to write more on all this, not at the moment.

It was my children who helped me break away from the cult and my multi generational scio family's influence. I protected them from recruitment as best I could, with one unfortunate slip-up that was done behind my back, but we did survive and they have helped me so much in the last years. I am truly blessed.
That's very sad really.
I helped start a scientology school here in Melbourne, because at that time I was worried about my 3 kids going to a public school, the threat of drugs and psych inflenced education.

The scio school imploded - the KRs alone would probably have filled a truck - and the damage done to both parents and children because of the infighting was horrendous. I had no choice but to put my kids back in normal school and cope with whatever happened, as I would not subject my kids to the 'ethics' of the parents who took over the school. And it was 90% OK, (my son didn't recover well from missing reading skills) and they had a wonderful, normal education experience from then on. And as a parent I was also introduced to normality, to wonderful new friends and a new outlook on life.

They did run into drugs in later years in high school and their negotiation of that minefield was not helped by having a scientologist father who loved to tell stories of his drug days and said "Do as I say not as I did". That's like a red flag to a bull ... so we did have some tricky periods. One day I wil be free to write more on all this, not at the moment.

It was my children who helped me break away from the cult and my multi generational scio family's influence. I protected them from recruitment as best I could, with one unfortunate slip-up that was done behind my back, but we did survive and they have helped me so much in the last years. I am truly blessed.

My wife started a school ** loosely based** with Scientology principles, around 1973, because the kids were not doing well in public school (western US). It is K-12, still in business, with her chairman of the board, but no longer running it day by day.

Her Scio history included the Vlll course, Solo Course supe, Founding Scientologist status, and having started and run some centers.

When the Co$ started pressuring her for 10% of the gross from the school in 1976, she just quietly cut all ties with the Co$. We raised our kids with Scio tech, but the two of us had gotten enough greed from the Co$ to completely alienate us from the organizations.

Oh, and I was one of those fathers, who talked about my drug use (a flower child in San Francisco in the sixties), I wasn't going to say it was bad, or "don't do it."

I hadn't done dope since I was 17 in 1968.

Most of our kids experimented with drugs, not all. They told and still talk freely about the subject. I'd rather have free flowing communication than enforced witholding.

I was in Mendocino , CA a couple of years ago. There was a kid smoking grass on a corner. I commented on how good it smelled. He gave me a few hits. It was good and it was fun to do it again. Viva freedom of choice.

That said, the biggest drug in our family is still homegrown adrenalin.

Horseback riding, skiing, scuba, surfing, skate boarding, rock climbing, travel, fun stuff






I'm an Ex-Scientologist and I support the Independent Scientologist in their choice to practice Scientology.

That's my stance, as well. I remember watching a heartfelt video of you talking about how your experience wasn't the way your religion (Scientology) was supposed to be.

This was an expression on how Scientology had been perverted by Miscavige and such and was released around the time of your Declaration of Independence.

I'm curious as to what you think of L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology now.

This is in no way intended or meant to be accusative or morally superior or anything at all...I'm just curious as to what you consider of these things now.

This is the path I walked, initially. I felt that the enterprise had been corrupted from Ron's initial intent.

Then I peeled the onion.

Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
When I was in - I brought them there a few times. I have two kids.

They told me "Scientology is just common sense -they only did a few courses - one of them: "how to study" or whatever it is called - they told me they already learned this in school - and they are not learning anything new or interesting and besides that - no one is there (they were the only ones in the course room) and it is not fun. They also told me they did not like the Course Room Sup hovering over them...every time they moved .. they were grilled on "where is your MU". They would make fun of this at home.

Later they told me they did not want to go to the Org ever again - I did not push it.

Then they told me they read the internet and had no interest - that their friends at school think Scientology is a cult and a total scam! This is a few years ago.

I left them alone (thank god and did not write up KR's on them) and now I agree with them...it is a cult and it is a scam!!

I was worried about the Sea Org - and that kept me from pushing them to go to the Org - I was so right!! It feels good to be soooooo right!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:


Patron with Honors
That's my stance, as well. I remember watching a heartfelt video of you talking about how your experience wasn't the way your religion (Scientology) was supposed to be.

This was an expression on how Scientology had been perverted by Miscavige and such and was released around the time of your Declaration of Independence.

I'm curious as to what you think of L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology now.

This is in no way intended or meant to be accusative or morally superior or anything at all...I'm just curious as to what you consider of these things now.

This is the path I walked, initially. I felt that the enterprise had been corrupted from Ron's initial intent.

Then I peeled the onion.

Honestly, I don't dwell on it much. Growing up in Scientology does a number on you. I'm focused on figuring out who I am without it :coolwink: I think LRH had some good stable datums, but at the same time he was messed up himself. I'm not bothered by others who choose to see him as a great man or choose to see Scientology as their salvation. I have no desire to change anyone's mind about that.

In a way I think LRH was a victim of his own genius. No man can command and maintain the level of control he had over others and still see themselves as a mere man. When you loose sight of your own mortality and humility, I think you begin to loose who you are. Did he start off well intentioned or with the intention to defraud and control? I honestly don't know, but I don't need to know to move on myself.

I've seen more harm and long term negative effects come out of the Church of Scientology than good. I can't say the same about the Indies. So far, the friends I have who still practice Scientology are happy and content with their lives. Again, I don't have an issue with anyone who wants to train and audit outside of the cult. It's not for me, but who am I to judge what is right for someone else?

When I first left the cult I still considered myself a Scientologist, more out of habit. It's all I ever was in terms of religion. Shortly after, that changed. I realized I didn't practice Scientology nor had I for awhile. The stable datums I did agree with and use were available and taught elsewhere. They weren't unique to Scientology.

Miscavige definitely made things worse for Scientology and Scientologist. The man is a sociopath. Do I think he is the sole source of the problem? No, I don't. LRH did have some messed up viewpoints, but only a cruel being would perpetuate the bad and add in his own personal touch of cruelty.

Like I said,I'm still figuring out who I am without Scientology.

Claire Swazey

Spokeshole, fence sitter
That's my stance, as well. I remember watching a heartfelt video of you talking about how your experience wasn't the way your religion (Scientology) was supposed to be.

This was an expression on how Scientology had been perverted by Miscavige and such and was released around the time of your Declaration of Independence.

I'm curious as to what you think of L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology now.

This is in no way intended or meant to be accusative or morally superior or anything at all...I'm just curious as to what you consider of these things now.

This is the path I walked, initially. I felt that the enterprise had been corrupted from Ron's initial intent.

Then I peeled the onion.

And it's always been my stance. Supporting the rights of others to pursue study of Scn outside CofS does not make a person a Scientologist, and it does not mean the person is leading others into perdition and it does not mean that anyone's working against anyone else.

There are a number of non or ex Scn'ists (who are not FZers, Churchies or Indies) who are live and let live about the choices of others while disagreeing with them.

To me, it seems quite simple.
Honestly, I don't dwell on it much. Growing up in Scientology does a number on you. I'm focused on figuring out who I am without it :coolwink: I think LRH had some good stable datums, but at the same time he was messed up himself. I'm not bothered by others who choose to see him as a great man or choose to see Scientology as their salvation. I have no desire to change anyone's mind about that.

In a way I think LRH was a victim of his own genius. No man can command and maintain the level of control he had over others and still see themselves as a mere man. When you loose sight of your own mortality and humility, I think you begin to loose who you are. Did he start off well intentioned or with the intention to defraud and control? I honestly don't know, but I don't need to know to move on myself.

I've seen more harm and long term negative effects come out of the Church of Scientology than good. I can't say the same about the Indies. So far, the friends I have who still practice Scientology are happy and content with their lives. Again, I don't have an issue with anyone who wants to train and audit outside of the cult. It's not for me, but who am I to judge what is right for someone else?

When I first left the cult I still considered myself a Scientologist, more out of habit. It's all I ever was in terms of religion. Shortly after, that changed. I realized I didn't practice Scientology nor had I for awhile. The stable datums I did agree with and use were available and taught elsewhere. They weren't unique to Scientology.

Miscavige definitely made things worse for Scientology and Scientologist. The man is a sociopath. Do I think he is the sole source of the problem? No, I don't. LRH did have some messed up viewpoints, but only a cruel being would perpetuate the bad and add in his own personal touch of cruelty.

Like I said,I'm still figuring out who I am without Scientology.

well not only am i not going to try to define who you are, neither should you. your statements suggest you, like many others, allowed the CoS culture to define you in some degree. i had a firmer self sense and would not compromise the judeochristian ideals nor the ideals of the constitution. and these are the same sort of ideals i found in the materials... and commonly in those many good people we knew

but one aspect of who you are now is you are a member of the great community of those who have studied hubbbard's work


"a mind once stretched by a new idea will never return to it's former shape"