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Scientology: Have you completed the Purification Rundown taking up to 5000mg Niacin?
Mike Rinder: Berndt Mottl Pitches Super Power
As always, please go to Mike's blog for his analysis.
Mike Rinder: Berndt Mottl Pitches Super Power
As always, please go to Mike's blog for his analysis.
From: Berndt Mottl <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:40 PM
Long time no talk!
I just completed SUPER POWER!!!
And I decided to get 100 people onto Super Power and you have been selected as one of them!!!
And here is why:
You might have seen success stories about Super Power. Most of them are “beyond words” and more than ever it is now clear: The English language has literally no vocabulary to describe what has happened with the advent of this Rundown (and Cause Resurgence Rundown which is similarly miraculous per reports and which I will do next).
We have not been in comm enough for me to know where you are at with your Bridge right now… but we have been in comm enough for me to know that you would not only LOVE this Rundwon, it would not only BLOW YOU AWAY, it will (notice I said WILL not WOULD?) give you the biggest Thetan rocket booster you ever got NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE ON THE BRIDGE – EVEN OTVIII’S PROCLAIM SUPERLATIVES LIKE NEVER BEFORE ABOUT SUPER POWER
Here are a few highlights what Super Power did for me:
1) It made clear to me what Scientology actually IS, what it can DO and HOW it can do it.
2) It showed me why in the past we sometimes had some losses in terms of people or own understanding and grasping of the full magnitude of what LRH actually says when he talks about “Clearing the Planet” and how it can actually be DONE.
3) It showed me exactly how I as a spiritual being I am contributing and creating down to the atomic level every split second of this universe, my life and the future.
4) It showed me how there is NOTHING that happens to me which I have not either created myself or agreed to be the effect of from others – and, more importantly, it showed me how I can CAUSE my ideal and aesthetic life.
5) It took ALL my past auditing and “dusted it off” and polished it into brand new shining states and abilities.
I wrote 60 pages of success stories during the rundown – here is the last one I wrote the day I attested:
I have decided to get 100 people onto Super Power!
Now I do have a few questions below and I want to say this to you: PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!
I don’t CARE what the answer is – not at all. But I want to help 100 people onto Super Power and I can held as an FSM or not (if you already have an FSM) – and I can help in ways I didn’t even conceive of 3 weeks ago!!! But OT or not, the universe runs on DATA and without data no amount of Tone 40 and “help” is possible:
So here are my survey questions:
1) Considering the above and everything else you have heard about Super Power, do you intend to do this Rundown sometime in the future?
2) Do you have an FSM who is actively helping you move up the Bridge? I am not trying to be everyone’s FSM… I don’t CARE about that. Super Power shows you how you are causing the flowers to grow!!! I am not worried about pieces of papers with numbers on it!!!
3) No-one will make it through Super Power without Purif and Objectives fully done: Have you completed the Purification Rundown taking up to 5000mg Niacin and when did you do that Rundown? Have you completed a full battery of Objectives or the new Golden Age of Tech II Survival Rundown?
The best way I can describe Super Power is, that this is 8th dynamic auditing! It looks at life from the top down. Where before you confronted a quarter you can now confront the Federal Reserve! And with CONFRONT I don’t mean “able to stand the pain” but “be there COMFORTABLY and PERCEIVE” (and not with 5 but with 57 perceptions).
The word “love” has been mis-used and abused and means today not much more than 2D.
Well, I always loved you as my fellow men… but Super Power brought to light a much deeper love and admiration. That for whole-track freedom fighters who need a hand to recover their strength after many battles against insanity.
If there ever was a God he gave LRH the insight and enlightenment that made him able to develop Super Power!
Much love,