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Scientology pitches a fit about sensible mental health reform in wake of Parkland shooting

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Scientology pitches a fit about sensible mental health reform in wake of Parkland shooting

[CCHR Florida President Diane Klein, center]

Rod Keller keeps us up to date on Scientology’s latest anti-psychiatry antics…

A new article from Scientology front group Citizens Commission on Human Rights opposes implementing mental health screenings to combat school shootings. This comes to us from the Florida chapter of CCHR, which in[.......]

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Gold Meritorious Patron
For decades the Scientology cult has taken in huge sums of money promising the eradication and death of psychiatry.
This video depicts the recurring *Battle cry* of the *Church*of Scientology which is to *OBLITERATE*
This *Battle cry* has been sung for some 40 years.
However, the "Church" does not want to accept into its ranks anyone with even a mild psychiatric background.
This story shows a story of a 19 year old who lost his way while his parents served in the Sea Org.
His parents stayed on in the "Sea Organization" while he lived on the streets in Hollywood in a complete melt-down.
Fraudulent claim and outright LIE. See opening statement by El Chapo Miscavige.
