Free to shine
Shiny & Free
An interesting article from The Undergound Bunker on the subject that is my constant companion.
Scientology rips apart families with its ‘disconnection’ policy — but why?
I refused to stop posting about scientology. I know I'm not alone in this, let's revisit some stories on this subject.
Scientology rips apart families with its ‘disconnection’ policy — but why?
Hubbard feared PTS Scientologists because they were capable of suppressive acts. In 1965 he wrote: “Until the environment is handled, nothing beneficial can happen. Quite the contrary. In the most flagrant of such cases, the Scientologist’s case worsened and the suppressive person or group sent endless distorted or false reports to press, police, authorities and the public in general.”
We now begin to zero in on Hubbard’s real fear and that of his Church: The PTS Scientologist is likely to tell an “SP” what is really going on inside the organization, which then can get out to the press and the public. Hubbard additionally makes it a “high crime” for any Scientologist to report the church to police or the courts. to shine
Something that is not often discussed is that beyond the immediate disconnection of a scientologist from the “SP” is the misinformation and manipulation used on extended families. The “SP” becomes Fair Game within that family, mostly as a way to explain the disconnection. The scientologist will use anything they can, whatever they know of past issues the “SP” may have had to stir up bad feeling against them. There is no recourse, because it’s all done secretly with the appropriate smiles and ‘empathy’ towards a family member who had ever AT ANY TIME had a personal problem with that “SP”. You suddenly find that family members just fade away out of contact for no apparent reason, or worse still do things like block your email or Facebook or even rage at you for something that has no basis in reality. It is shocking and truly evil.
I refused to stop posting about scientology. I know I'm not alone in this, let's revisit some stories on this subject.