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Silver Meritorious Patron
Goodness me Scoots ... you and Caz must both have the patience of Job.

It is incredible to hear the real story about what was going on behind the scenes because we normally would only hear the "PR" version of events (lies).

It really does read like a Tarantino script.


I second this.



Patron with Honors
Scooter , when you write the book ...

Why not send it directly to Quentin Tarintino ? - He would love it , and the film based on it would be a hit world wide ... Or directly to Micheal Moore ? .... :)


Gold Meritorious Patron
The day of the move came and we started to haul all our stuff out of Narconon and up to our new home. The kids now had their own room and we had no constant interruptions from staff and students at all hours of the day and night. But there was still no pay and I made it plain that I would be looking for other work if Narconon couldn’t at least pay me enough to cover rent, food and basics. I got a letter from the ED stating that I was only doing volunteer work and went to the local unemployment bureau and registered.

I also went to the org and the AO that weekend with my wife and caught up on quite a few friends. One of them told me that her and her sister had just told the AO crew about them being molested constantly by their father since they turned 12. And he was an OT IV in good standing with the Church. They’d finally come out about it because their younger sister was about to turn 12 and that was the age that their father started to molest them so they hoped the AO would handle him so it wouldn’t happen to their sister.

I saw him that night coming out of an auditing room with two Sea Org members – he looked like he’d been shaken badly. I was gobsmacked. I was also very down on myself because years before her sister had told me one night after the Academy had closed and I was chatting to her and a few others that she had “Sex Education” that night and she wasn’t looking forward to it. She was maybe 16 at the time and I now thought that if only I’d asked her for more info about it instead of the robotic acknowledgements that I’d been taught, maybe I could have saved her and her sisters from that a lot sooner. It was my biggest regret about my Scientology career and really still is.

I got work of sorts picking Australian bush flowers and selling them – I managed to get a permit to collect them from the Narconon property and a few other places. I was still dropping in and doing the C/Sing but wasn’t willing to do much more on the wages I was being paid, and noisily said so.

After a few weeks of this, The ED went off at me about not turning up on Saturdays to do folders any more. It was the final straw as far as I was concerned. I was paying for the petrol to drive to and from Narconon five days a week and getting nothing for it. I had a family to feed, rent and utilities to pay for, nappies to buy and here was someone who had all their basics covered by Narconon telling me I should be sacrificing even more for the cause?

The immediate reaction was to get the folders delivered to me on a daily basis – at dinnertime when the “shop run” was done. I didn’t mind but my wife did, because every night when we sat down for dinner as a family, a car would pull up and a couple of Narconon staff and students would wander in to give me some folders to do and then they’d drive off to the shops. If I hadn’t finished the folders by the time they returned, they’d have to wait for them. And I still was receiving little or no pay for my time. And I was threatening that when I got a real paying job, I wouldn’t be doing the folders at all except at my own convenience, not Narconon’s.

Somehow all of this got through and the Narconon Board voted to pay me $50 an hour for my C/Sing time, which meant I earned about $300 a week. Not enough to live on, but we could stretch it with other moneys we had coming in. It was bare poverty level for now but that was a step up from where we’d been since starting at Narconon. My wife understandably was still not pleased and we ended up at the AO for a “handling” over this – after many many arguments. Surprisingly for me, the AO terminals took her side of it and demanded I get better paying work to support my family.

But we had a more immediate problem. A large bushfire had been burning towards us for a week and had jumped every attempt to stop it. One morning I noticed it growing very large and by lunchtime it was only a few hours away. I had to go to the nearest town briefly and arrived home a few hours later to find seven fire trucks on our front lawn. Caz and the kids evacuated to her parents – about an hour away. I stayed with the dogs and parked my car where I could push-start it if needs be and rolled out the hoses and waited. Helicopters and planes were dropping water around us and fire trucks were stopping regularly at the dam near the house to fill up their tanks.

By nighttime the place was covered in smoke and visibility was 50 meters at the most. I was patrolling the grounds every ten minutes looking for embers to extinguish and checking the roof and gutters as well. The whole western sky had an unhealthy glow to it and the air was full of burning embers and falling ash. I patrolled all night, my only company was the dogs in the laundry.

Occasionally fire trucks patrolled the track along the boundary of the property only 50 meters from the house. On the other side of that was bush and it was all alight. If the fire got past this line, there was no stopping it from suburbs several kilometres away as there was nothing but tinder-dry bush between us and the towns and suburbs closer to the coast. There’d been several attempts by the fire crews to stop the fire reaching this last line but they’d had to drop it and run when the fire jumped their lines each time. Now it was being hit with everything the fire service had – the alternative was a major disaster.

The morning was the strangest one I’d ever experienced. There was no birdsong nor sunlight, just a slow lightening of the gloom and the occasional flashing lights of the firetrucks on patrol. Around lunchtime, two police turned up and were surprised I was there – they’d blocked off our access road several kilometres away and thought that everyone had left our place. We chatted for a bit and they went off, promising to keep an eye out for me if conditions worsened. They told me that all the roads were basically blocked in the area and I asked them about Narconon’s condition – they assured me the fire hadn’t jumped lines down there but they’d be under the same smoke but probably not as much ember attack as I was.

The helicopters and planes were flying again and the smoke was lessening a bit. I was snatching brief “rests” here and there but couldn’t obviously sleep. I had so much adrenaline flooding me I doubt I would have been able to anyway. I still had power and telephone as they all came from the east, the side away from the fire. If I lost them, I’d probably have already lost the house as the fire would’ve had to go around me to get there. I don’t know why I decided I could fight this by myself, probably some fool idea about my “OT Powers” being superior to mere bushfires.

Night came and around 8pm I got a fright when I found that the fire had come across the line and was burning through a grove of trees maybe 100 meters north of the house. I tried calling the emergency number but they had so many calls they put me on wait with an answering service, promising to get to my call soon. I called my wife and gave her instructions on calling up and what to say and went back to trying to keep this blaze from coming to the house. After a tense ten minutes or so, a small truck turned up with one man in it who sat and watched the blaze until a bigger truck arrived and they extinguished the blaze. I went back to patrolling.

The next morning the smoke had lessened and the ember attack was a lot less too. There was even some blue in the sky now. One of the Narconon staff turned up – he’d been able to drive in to see me and we sat on the roof and chatted for a bit then he spelled me so I could snatch some sleep before he returned to Narconon later that afternoon. I awoke feeling much better and he went back to work.

The next day the danger was basically gone – just a lot of blackened bush and drifting smoke. Where our ash-covered but still greenish lawn ended was a track and then a grey and black nightmare landscape, drifts of smoke eddying everywhere. Property had been burnt to the north and south of me and houses lost but ours was intact. Lives had been lost maybe fifty kilometres away as the crow flies in the outer suburbs of Sydney. I slept like a dead man that night.


This story is really good because it shows that Scooter cared about scientology and cared about the people he worked with at the Sydney church. I have only read half of this thread so far but it gives me understanding about where my brothers head is at. Thanks Scooter.:)
I want my brother to read this story so that he knows that his Sydney church is not full of godfellows and that he should look at his own life in perspective. (My brother has cut me out of his life).


I’d been “promoted” from C/S to “Senior Director for Production” – which meant I was over Treasury, Technical and Qual divisions. SDP was the Narconon equivalent of OES in an org, and just as thankless a task. One of my juniors was the course sup and he got very sick (of course “everybody knew” it was just his case) and he’d wanted to go back onto his program because he felt his Objectives were unflat and thus he wasn’t allowed to be staff per Narconon policy because he hadn’t completed his Narconon program. So I was now also the Course Sup.

I decided to go ask him myself what was happening and I walked into his room and asked him if he were dead yet. He was obviously ill and we chatted briefly about how we could somehow get all of his stuff done without me having to take over his job for the months it would take to get him through all of this. He went back to work a few days later.

Then we had some idiot turn up across the valley and set fire to the place. All night long fire trucks were turning up on the property to fill up with water and then go back to fighting the fire – the kids loved the excitement but for me it just meant less sleep.

That week was yet another week of no money in and the place was imploding. The child-care centre we’d set up was also collapsing so Caz went off to try to handle that. Our business partner wasn’t friends with us any more which didn’t help – we had no money and were totally at the mercy of Narconon for our necessities like power and water. And it got worse rather than better.

Our new registrar had been trying to leave staff but having no success, so he went and reverted to heroin and then told everybody. Of course this meant he could no longer be on staff but he had to hang around for the obligatory “handlings.” And our business partner and my wife were rapidly becoming the worst of enemies. She wanted to buy us out at a low rate or sell to us at a high one and we could do nothing about it. We had no income from either of our jobs but had a high loan repayment to be met on our business, and our “partner” knew she had us over a barrel.

Then we had yet another week of no pay and the ED NN ANZO ordered us all to have a game of football to make us feel better. I refused to join in but eventually got talked into doing it, only to have my ankle broken by a student who thought I was someone else and hacked wildly at me.

So I got to be taken across very bumpy roads for an hour and then wait in a hospital for seven hours to see a doctor. Sometime after midnight I got my ankle set in a cast and I went back to Narconon the following day, and straight back to work. Within two days I’d physically collapsed but I was still expected to at least do folders on demand. It got even worse.

A few weeks after this, we had a whole bunch of people from CLO and NN ANZO plus others come to “inspect” the place because there was still no money coming in. My wife got hold of some of them and put it to them that the ED needed training and that I should be ED temporarily while the ED was trained up and then could come back and take over again. I was willing to go along with this ONLY if I wasn’t left on the ED post but it was made very plain I was temporary.

This immediately became I was mutinous and trying to take over from the ED and thus I must be the “GI Why.” So I was ordered to do ethics (which I refused) and attempts were made to isolate my wife and I from the “loyal” staff. But of course I could still be badgered at all hours to C/S folders “as needed.”

One of our staff blew, scored drugs and took them and did so with a student he was supposed to taking to the doctors. They both arrived back late at night and the student was telling us that the staff member had forced him to take drugs but he’d tried to talk him out of it. Of course all the students and staff knew about it and began to question whether the program was actually worth doing if the staff would take you out to score drugs.

Then one of the staff got coerced into having an abortion - she was young and her and her partner were both on staff and they’d have to leave to support the child so the greatest good of course was to abort the child. My wife was livid about it, I was numb. It was all so insane as to be unbelieveable. The ED actually drove this girl to have the termination after being one of those who’d spent time “convincing” her of the rightness of the situation.

Shortly after this, the ED’s husband arrived from the US. He was a nice enough fellow and had been on and off Narconon staff for many years and done the program a few times as he’d reverted after the program at least three times that he told me. He was a trained C/S but for some reason wasn’t going to be C/Sing at all. I didn’t question this although I didn’t understand why at the time.

Then came a bombshell that was hushed up as much as possible and few around at the time ever found out about it. All the time we’d had no money coming in, our main reg (a long-time scientologist) had been trying to get a girl from England to come over and do the Narconon program here as it was a lot cheaper even with airfares taken into account. He’d spent hours on the phone to her and run up huge phone bills and was supposedly handling her on the phone day and night to get her here, and often not on post in the mornings because he’d supposedly been talking to her at 3am in the morning or some such.

What had been occurring is they’d started a long distance relationship and were basically having phone sex – literally. Sitting around masturbating and telling the other person what you are doing because you are thinking of them can’t be classified as anything else.

What really pissed me off was there was no apology for me for having been labelled as the person “stopping the GI” – the whole attention was now on keeping all this quiet. The ED wanted to sack the guy, her senior (ED NN ANZO) wanted to ship him off to Narconon Melbourne because they needed staff down there and he was being pressured to get some. I tried to get some sense put in where the guy could go to Melbourne temporarily but come back once this girl from England had done the program and gone home. She was to arrive in a few weeks and maybe it could be put that our senior reg was going to help out Melbourne for six months then come back? The guy was shipped out and never came back. And one of the new staff found out about it anyway and left in disgust soon after.

My wife had now found a place for us to live and we were getting ready to move to it – it was on acres several miles away from Narconon and it was relatively cheap rent. We were finally getting out of our tiny place and getting a real house with bedrooms and a bathtub and a yard that wasn’t shared with people withdrawing from drugs.

Two days before we actually moved, the course sup called me to the courseroom to confirm his suspicions about a student. This guy had been to Sydney the day before and was now in the courseroom with pupils like pinheads and he was scratching himself constantly.. I went and had a quick chat to the guy and to a few others so as not to make it too obvious and then we pulled him out of the courseroom and off to a quiet office for an interview – he was off his head on heroin.

It went like this – a NN ANZO staffer had taken him to Sydney the day before to renew his visa and, as she worked in the org at nights, had taken him into the org with her. He’d asked if he could go across the road to MacDonalds by himself for some food and she’d said OK – a big no-no in Narconon policy as students are NEVER supposed to go anywhere without a staff member present. But the girl was a course sup at the org and had to stay with her students, didn’t she?

So our guy had gone across to Maccas and been standing in the queue when the guy behind him pulls out a cell phone and organizes a heroin deal. Our guy suddenly gets cravings, gets his food and collars this other guy outside and convinces him he’s legitimate and needs to score too. Being from another country and having the accent to prove it makes it easier. They agree to meet in 40 minutes. So back to the courserooom goes our student.

Now another firm Narconon policy is that students never have more than 5 dollars on them at a time – our friend had almost one hundred. He’d needed it to pay for his visa etc. and had kept the change as he hadn’t been asked for it back, had he?

But now he’s “thirsty” – so he needs to go to Maccas again. Sure, not a problem, says his minder. He goes and meets this guy, catches a cab somewhere, does a deal in a back alley somewhere with a dealer, gets a cab back to the org, sits in the courseroom with his deal until course is over and he gets a lift back to Narconon. Hides his drugs and gets up early in the morning and has a hit. Then goes on course. And is spotted.

Our guy is now scared he’ll be shipped off home as he’s failed at the program. He’s put back into Withdraw for a few days then back into the sauna, after doing some “amends” for his sins. He “graduated” several months later, went home and promptly relapsed into heroin usage again.

It's too bad that the folks at Marty's place, ex scientology DM style, don't read what you wrote above and earlier on Narconon. Maybe they would be able to connect some outpoints in their thinking, straightwire it I guess based on what each individual knows, but I do not wish to go there with the tech of it all. I just wish to point out your story of having been a C/S in Narconon vs what people think or hear or read the PR of it all over at Marty's place, their comments.


Quite interesting, if they only knew the actual truth, if we all knew the actual truth, which I gather now is unknown, it's a mystery and thus people keep looking into it I guess.


Gold Meritorious Patron
wow, sure would like to hear the rest of your story up to you're leaving.

Yeah Scooter! Me too! When you've got some time and inclination how about writing a few more words?

Please. :)

Gosh my manners suck sometimes. Off to qual I go for cramming on manners policy.

"No! Won't go! Stick it up your ****!"

Oh no! I've just reminded myself about the last time I was in qual. Oh god someone just shoot me! All these memories are coming back....hand me the gin! :melodramatic:
great stuff scoots...

have you given further thought to christianity? you certainly come off as a good enough christian in my book.

we are...



Gold Meritorious Patron
Well thanx for the nice comments.:thumbsup:

I'm getting some time in on writing more (now that I'm not doing media or watching boards like this one much at all) and I'll hopefully wrap my time "in" sometime soon.:yes:

After that, I'll start on the story since I left the cult - the bit with the happy ending.:happydance:

So, if there's any publishers out there who want a $ciloontology story that's currently over 70,000 words long and expanding ...:coolwink:
Well thanx for the nice comments.:thumbsup:

I'm getting some time in on writing more (now that I'm not doing media or watching boards like this one much at all) and I'll hopefully wrap my time "in" sometime soon.:yes:

After that, I'll start on the story since I left the cult - the bit with the happy ending.:happydance:

So, if there's any publishers out there who want a $ciloontology story that's currently over 70,000 words long and expanding ...:coolwink:

happy ending?

what happy ending?

"...and then he/she died" is a happy ending?


Well thanx for the nice comments.:thumbsup:

I'm getting some time in on writing more (now that I'm not doing media or watching boards like this one much at all) and I'll hopefully wrap my time "in" sometime soon.:yes:

After that, I'll start on the story since I left the cult - the bit with the happy ending.:happydance:

So, if there's any publishers out there who want a $ciloontology story that's currently over 70,000 words long and expanding ...:coolwink:

Scooter, your NN story with the fire was sensational. Holy crap, wasn't that terrifying for you?

You and your family have been through so, so much. Things really started turning around after you left and it just keeps getting better now, doesn't it?

Glad to hear you're writing again. :thumbsup: :clap: :clap:

Sure miss you two. :biglove: Hope to visit again soon. :)


Patron with Honors
Great Scooter, I remember this evolution well and it is so cool to hear it from your side.

Scientology life was always like this, hard times, then the next big thing, this was going to be IT! A constant state of it's not great now but look what we've got for you next and a series of carrots in your face.
Looking forward to the next chunk.

HI Melbourn-ite,

I know this post was written years ago, but wanted to say you have hit the nail on the head. The way with Scientology was always 'the next idea / rundown / level was going to be the BIG ONE. Then the amazing case gain would blow your mind etc etc etc. Low and behold when I signed up for the next new thing and started service I could not believe how basic many of the services were. I can put it all on my youth and external forces to suck me into this nutcase organisation. :melodramatic:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Hi folks:biggrin:

Just an update - I'm in the process of gathering various anecdotes for the expanded version of "scooterstory" and maybe will find some time soon to start on it for real.

Problem is, I'm enjoying life sooooo much these days that my "spare time" is usually spent outdoors photographing birds, flowers, turtles etc etc in the amazing country around where we live that sitting down and trawling through my past cult experiences is like a prison sentence.:bigcry:

We've just fixed up our vegie garden and my orchid collection has done really well this year - so many flowers. And the kids are doing amazingly well and so is my wife. Chooks, ducks, rabbit, finches, budgies and cats are all doing well. Life cult-free is a grand thing.

I'm off for a bike ride along Dora Creek with the kids - it's a beautiful day here on the east coast of Oz and we're bound to see lots of amazing wildlife.

Would you be interested in a blog featuring my amateur photography? If I can work out how to do it, I'l keep you informed and hopefully entertained with Scooter's amazing new life.:happydance:

Life is just soooo f#&king great without a cult.:woohoo:

So, just because I can:


Enjoy your soulless day spent in the bowels of Dundas (or wherever you're bunkered down these days.) :devil:

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Hi folks:biggrin:

Just an update - I'm in the process of gathering various anecdotes for the expanded version of "scooterstory" and maybe will find some time soon to start on it for real.

Problem is, I'm enjoying life sooooo much these days that my "spare time" is usually spent outdoors photographing birds, flowers, turtles etc etc in the amazing country around where we live that sitting down and trawling through my past cult experiences is like a prison sentence.:bigcry:

We've just fixed up our vegie garden and my orchid collection has done really well this year - so many flowers. And the kids are doing amazingly well and so is my wife. Chooks, ducks, rabbit, finches, budgies and cats are all doing well. Life cult-free is a grand thing.

I'm off for a bike ride along Dora Creek with the kids - it's a beautiful day here on the east coast of Oz and we're bound to see lots of amazing wildlife.

Would you be interested in a blog featuring my amateur photography? If I can work out how to do it, I'l keep you informed and hopefully entertained with Scooter's amazing new life.:happydance:

Life is just soooo f#&king great without a cult.:woohoo:

So, just because I can:


Enjoy your soulless day spent in the bowels of Dundas (or wherever you're bunkered down these days.) :devil:

Yes please!

I'd be genuinely interested, partly because I love the way you write and due also to a shared loved of nature.

You sound blissfully happy and free and many of us are reaching a similar state ... (lol) and it would be encouraging to read about your adventures with your little ones. It can take a few years IMO to start to relax properly and observe things again just for the joy of it, the 'rush rush rush/produce produce produce' indoc can take some beating no matter how long ago that indoc happened.

So if you have the time do do a blog with your photos and thoughts ... it's the many little things that make us smile in a day that are what real life is actually about.

Its fantastic to hear from you Scoots, love to the family.

I'm off to the river now with my furry babies ...


PS You sound so alive when you write about the things you really love ... it makes me go all soppy eyed.

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
Good on ya Scooter.... Life is so bloody fantastic out of the clutches of the cult ... we have more love, peace, pleasure, health and happiness with ample time and money, just living life. Regardless of the cult still having my girl we are getting on with it so I'm with you on:

Life is just soooo f#&king great without a cult.

So, just because I can:


Enjoy your soulless day spent in the bowels of Dundas (or wherever you're bunkered down these days.) ... end quote... :biggrin:

:happydance::happydance::thumbsup:to you and your family and enjoy all that life has to offer .... cause your worth it :yes::yes: