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Seeking volunteers to share stories

I'm wondering if you can help me with a project by referring me to others who have survived Scientology and may be eager to share their stories. I work at a small, non profit mental health clinic, Jewish Family Services, in West Hartford, CT. I am on a cultural wellness committee, and each year we bring in volunteer speakers to share their stories on a variety of topics. We have had veterans, LGBT seniors, people with autism, homeless individuals, etc. This year we would like to have a panel of a few people who have recovered from a cult-like experience and/or spiritual abuse.

The event will be on April 2, in our West Hartford office. Do you happen to know anyone in the Hartford area who might be interested in speaking out about Scientology in the hopes of educating others?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Nancy Lichtenberg
860-236-1927 X 7116
[email protected]
[email protected]


Diamond Invictus SP
Hi Nancy,

While no longer in the area, I grew up in West Hartford. I just sent off an email to you a few minutes ago.

Chris Shelton

Patron with Honors
I'm wondering if you can help me with a project by referring me to others who have survived Scientology and may be eager to share their stories. I work at a small, non profit mental health clinic, Jewish Family Services, in West Hartford, CT. I am on a cultural wellness committee, and each year we bring in volunteer speakers to share their stories on a variety of topics. We have had veterans, LGBT seniors, people with autism, homeless individuals, etc. This year we would like to have a panel of a few people who have recovered from a cult-like experience and/or spiritual abuse.

The event will be on April 2, in our West Hartford office. Do you happen to know anyone in the Hartford area who might be interested in speaking out about Scientology in the hopes of educating others?
Thanks in advance for your help!

Nancy Lichtenberg
860-236-1927 X 7116
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hi Nancy. I'm emailing you to see if I might be of some assistance.


Idiot Bastardson

It took an event similar to this to deliver me from the clutches of that cult.

Maybe others will be more forthcoming. I wish you luck, I just can't do much more than bump your thread at the moment.