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Stop Work Order at Hemet - fines ensue



"David Miscavige's interpretation of L.Ron Hubbard's dream, "clearing the planet", was brought to a grinding halt at Scientology's Golden Era Productions faculty near Hemet, Calif. by the Code Enforcement Dept. of Riverside County, with the help of some keen-eyed residents and anonymous (including not so anonymous) protesters.

Unapproved Grading/Clearing: note~"Billing for administrative costs at $109.00 per man-hour" (and a possible fine of $500 per day if not rectified by 19 January) and must "Stop all work/grading and must comply with your grading restoration assessment permit (which happened to come to $2,596.90)."

Here is a scan of the violation notice:


which you may note has been signed by Muriel DuFresne...

They just can't get a break....


Gold Meritorious Patron
While DM probably wanted this done, and it is a PR flap, it is unfortunate that someone else will probably get thier ass kicked for it.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Now that I look at the notice...

It appears that this was a negotiated resolution.
Two observations;
Weekend visit of the inspector is off normal hours.
Perhaps as a special punishment time period.
Perhaps at the pressure from the public (anons/AOrange).

The Violation Notice cites a Restoration Assessment Permit number.
Are restoration permits given a number prior to their creation/engineering review?
The Signature of Muriel does not include her Drivers License, Date Of Birth, or Telephone Number (which could have been any number she chose to give).

The last indicates to me that she was expected and known to the inspector.
Just watch for the after math where they dispute the amount and have the Supervisors reduce or remove the assessment.

Still, another good Anon Win.
And a very down stat for OSA.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Second aftermath warning;
The engineering done for the Restoration Assessment was at a less cost than a formal engineering with the end result what the INT base had planned?


Good on keeping on top of this Div6. I'd like to see all the contractors they owe money to collect as well.

"David Miscavige's interpretation of L.Ron Hubbard's dream, "clearing the planet", was brought to a grinding halt at Scientology's Golden Era Productions faculty near Hemet, Calif. by the Code Enforcement Dept. of Riverside County, with the help of some keen-eyed residents and anonymous (including not so anonymous) protesters.

Unapproved Grading/Clearing: note~"Billing for administrative costs at $109.00 per man-hour" (and a possible fine of $500 per day if not rectified by 19 January) and must "Stop all work/grading and must comply with your grading restoration assessment permit (which happened to come to $2,596.90)."

Here is a scan of the violation notice:


which you may note has been signed by Muriel DuFresne...

They just can't get a break....