i hear what you are saying about viewing what i've said about GB's suicide as narrow.
now try to understand what i'm actually saying:
this is a controversy. i am not going to presume anything about these other factors you cite all of which may or may not be pertinent to GB. i take this matter very seriously therefore i give serious consideration to the reports. i tentatively affirm what i can reasonably believe to be accurate and pertinent
BirdSong..... This thread is meant to focus on Greg. Greg was a long term, very loyal member of Scientology. He died with over $300,000 worth of debt that was money he had given to Scientology. He spied for them in Chicago. He did everything "right" as a member of that organization. And now he is dead.
No matter the circumstances, no matter the tiny bits of facts or exaggerations, the truth is that Greg was someone who gave his life to Scientology, and when he needed them the most, they deserted him.
I don't need to hear another persons similar story. For myself, one death is too many.