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The Manual of Justice


Patron with Honors
From that policy:

Our punishment is not as unlimited as you might think. Dianetics and Scientology are self protecting sciences. It one attacks them one attacks all the know-how of the mind. In caves the bank. It's gruesome to see sometimes. At this instance there are men hiding in terror on Earth because they found out what they were attacking. There are men dead because they attacked us - for instance Dr Joe Winter. He simply realized what he did and died. There are men bankrupt because they attacked us - Purcell, Ridgeway, Ceppos.

So punishment almost takes care of itself. However. there is an immediacy necessary at times in some matters which makes punishment necessary.

I would love to see these claims proven. How could we research these names?

Good twin

Somehow I don't think that Terrill's cancelled certs are going to slow his production in the slightest. IMO, LRH wrote this in a much simpler time. He seems to think that just the threat of being in disfavor with Scientology is enough to stop someone from attacking and recanting. Some how I believe we have moved way beyond that. As usual the Old Man's self importance button is is glaring. I suppose he didn't realize or failed to acknowledge even the possibility that others may have some spiritual awareness and intelligence. :eyeroll: That's just how it seems.
Thanks Alonzo. It's great to have you posting regularly again. (I hope I don't suddenly get the urge to retrain my Ethics Specialist course.)
Good twin


From that policy:

I would love to see these claims proven. How could we research these names?

There's an interesting reference to Ceppos, the publisher of 1950 'Dianetics', in a Hubbard confidential "Scientology Intelligence Tech" issue, 'Intelligence Actions - Covert Data Collection':

"The objective of the enemy is to discredit... Their first blast was from the San Francisco papers, Sept. 1950, quoting the publisher (of Book One) Ceppos being critical of me (he was a communist) followed by the LA papers, pushed then by Sara Komkovadamanov (alias Northrup) 'divorce' actions, followed by attempted kidnapping of myself. Other details were pushed into it including the murder of four and so on. This was a full complete covert operation. At the back of it was Miles Hollister (psychology student), Sara Komkovadamanov (housekeeper at the place nuclear physicists stayed near Caltech), Gene Benton and his wife - president of the Young Communists League... This was a full war against Dianetics."

In the broadly publicized PR piece, 'What is Greatness?' which extols "love and forgiveness" - published on the same day that the (non-remimeo/later 'confidential') 'Fair Game Law'-applying Guardian's Office was quietly established - Hubbard couldn't resist gloating over the assassination of John F. Kennedy, which had occurred less than three years earlier.

"Were you to approach many ruling heads of state in the world and offer to set them free (as only a Scientologist can) they would go berserk, cry up their private police and generally cause unpleasantness. Indeed, one did - he was later assassinated by no desire of ours but because of the incompetence of his own followers about him. He could have tried to use Scientology. Instead, he promptly tried to shoot it down by ordering raids and various berserk actions on Scientology organizations. That he was then shot had nothing to do with us, but only demonstrated how incompetent and how mortal he really was."


Genuine Meatball
XENU.NET : SCIENTOLOGY'S SECRET SERVICE, is a most comprehensive collection of doc's about the Guardian's Office. Well worth a study.. See you in a month or so. :D

To select a doc from there.. This: LRH Aides Conference, 2 November 69 - "Covert Operations" In it Hubbard says: "My children have been kidnapped once - a girl was kidnapped!" - Presumably by the evil enemies of the cult. Consider the audience he was talking to. He told this baldfaced lie to his zealous followers in the GO who were so exited about the spy game..

In fact Hubbards daughter Alexis Valerie was kidnapped! - But the kidnapper was Hubbard himself! - He also said that his wife, Alexis mother, was a russian spy whose real name was Komkosadamanov... He does use his own 'intelligence' tech, complete with misdirection, it seems.

Here's the real story: http://www.ronthenut.org/northrup.htm



Silver Meritorious Patron
The true story of Don Purcell is that he was just another in a long line of people who trusted Hubbard and got screwed over, ripped off and fair-gamed.

Part of the story is here:

ESSAY: The Corruption of Scientology
How "the road to Total Freedom" was paved with gold.
By Chris Owen


As the Dianetics boom tailed off, the Foundations slipped inexorably into a financial crisis from which there was to be no escape. Hubbard refused to acknowledge his own responsibility for the mess and descended into a paranoid fixation on supposed convoluted plots laid against him by Soviet Russia and the American Psychiatric Association. He began writing rambling letters to the FBI accusing his wife and various Foundation staff of being Communist agents.

The freefall was halted for a while by a millionaire Dianeticist, Don Purcell, and Hubbard's operations moved to the latter's home town of Witchita, Kansas. But it soon became apparent that Hubbard had lost any sense of direction he might have possessed: staff were hired and fired arbitrarily as his attention and enthusiasm flitted from project to project, from one grandiose scheme to another. Dianetics itself was clearly a spent force - a major conference of Dianeticists organized in Wichita at the end of June 1951 only attracted 112 delegates. Hubbard desperately tried to revive income by increasing the price of a package of Dianetics books and tapes from $1,000, to $1,500, to $2,000 and finally to $5,000 within only three months, but to no avail: in February 1952, the Witchita Foundation was wound up. Its final accounts revealed an income of $142,000 and expenditure of $205,000. Hubbard had received fees amounting to nearly $22,000 while salaries for all the remaining staff only accounted for $54,000. The unfortunate Purcell found himself inundated with debts and Hubbard's unpaid bills, some going back as far as 1948. - by Chris Owen

The story of Hubbards escapades in Wichita and his ruining of his "friend" Don Purcell is here:



Chapter 11
Bankrolling and Bankruptcy

Early in 1952, a court ruled that the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation in Wichita was liable for the very considerable debts of the defunct Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey. It was a disaster. Purcell, now deeply suspicious that his partner had all along deliberately suppressed the truth about the financial situation in Elizabeth, believed the only option was to file for voluntary bankruptcy. Hubbard would not countenance such a move, but was outvoted at an emergency meeting of the board of directors held on 12 February. He resigned immediately and announced his intention to establish a 'Hubbard College' on the other side of town.

After some discussion, he shook hands on a 'gentlemen's agreement' to continue co-operating with Don Purcell and the Wichita Foundation. The 'gentlemen's agreement' was worthless, for Purcell had crossed Hubbard and had thus become an enemy to be attacked and harassed."


I agree, but I'd re-word it slightly.

That might be re-stated as: "A failure of Scientology to apply its best principles."

If Scientology were intended to be a mental-healing/enlightenment-disguised mind-policing, blackmail-collecting, slave-labor-utilizing, personality-cult/system, then using "SP Declares" would not be a failure, but standard operating procedure, and a "success." It keeps people under control in a system that - per design - is deceptive and authoritarian.

Sound crazy? Sure it is. Quite so. But it appears to be the way it's been for a long time.





Bardo Tulpa
I agree, but I'd re-word it slightly.

That might be re-stated as: "A failure of Scientology to apply its best principles."

If Scientology were intended to be a mental-healing/enlightenment-disguised mind-policing, blackmail-collecting, slave-labor-utilizing, personality-cult/system, then using "SP Declares" would not be a failure, but standard operating procedure, and a "success." It keeps people under control in a system that - per design - is deceptive and authoritarian.

Sound crazy? Sure it is. Quite so. But it appears to be the way it's been for a long time.




I agree.

What appears to be outpoints to members are pluspoints to management.

That's why outpoints never get handled in the Church of Scientology, no matter how many different kinds of reports there are for you to write on all the outpoints you see.