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The Overboard Ceremony

Royal Prince Xenu

Trust the Psi Corps.
I have spoken to some really bad people. Criminals, etc, in interviews.

The casual cruelty of these stories almost defies imagination. How you (the victims) can speak of these things even now, shows the strength of your inner selves. That Bastard Elron may have caused deep and painful scars, but he never broke your Spirits. (Not for lack of trying on his part)

For that, you are more than Survivors. You are heros.

I feel many emotions reading these stories. But nothing more than the complete & utter contempt for that sick Bastard, Elron.

I think it is fair to say that I hate him. I hate what he influenced others to do. I never knew the Pig. And it feels odd to hate someone I never knew.

But what he did, what is continued to be done in his name....

I am now without words.........

Oddly enough, I don't "hate" him. Jean-Paul Sartre stated that if you are going to love yourself in the NOW (PT), then you have to be able to love all that has happened to you both good and bad that brought you to this point.

Admittedly, most of what I suffered at the hands of the Co$ was psychological rather than physical, and maybe I would have weathered the storm a little more strongly if I known I was genuinely ill and being properly treated for it, but some of the things I saw and heard of other people's physical suffering, particularly in the name of "ethics", were truly disgusting.

What really makes it sick, is that people have been programmed to accept it as "normal" to share a single-sized bedroom with 20 other people, to feed on nothing but "rice and beans" and the occasional "beans and rice" for variety to spend those few hours of "liberties" fighting over a (probably broken)washing machine instead of with your family.

Although I was only tangled up with $cn for 2 1/2 years, I still had to catch up with the rest of the world when I got out. Computers had escaped my knowledge cap and I had much catching up to do. Isolate yourself from the world for a year or two and everything changes beyond what you would normally expect.

Free Will

Patron with Honors
Fantastic, Dart!
You were a hero at Saint Hill for your 'Fuck You' attitude. WE in Treasury were often set against you, but that was just us being used by old Herbie to dramatise his hatred against the SO. Many's the time you saved the day by going out on a big Wednesday night Reg cycle, so we owed our next week's pay and food to you - even though you broke a few rules here and there to do so.
I'm really enjoying all these revelations from the early days. You're completing my de-programming.
First time was when we were doing arrival sec checks. I had done one fast-flow, the person had a rockslam and I had ringed it and passed it to the Qual Sec for handling, which was what we were to do. Hubbard saw this and started screaming at me, telling me I was in Treason. I stood up to him and told him I was NOT in Treason and that I had done EXACTLY as he has instructed the Qual Sec to deal with these matters. He backed down and said I was in Liability. I told him I was not in Liability. He said ok. Instead he had the Qual Sec handcuffed to the bulkhead in the tweendecks.

Second time I was top auditor, he picked up a folder and said a list was incomplete. I told him it was, according to his bulletin. His Aides were aghast!He asked which bulletin, so I showed him. He said the bulletin was written by Jenny Edmonds and he had never seen it. He ordered about 100 tapes on listing to be added to the SHSBC level 3 checksheet.

Third time was when I was 1st Mate. He called me to his cabin and started screaming at me about some small matter. I told him not to shout at me as I had done nothing wrong. He accused me of betraying his instructions, so I showed him his own handwritten instructions which had been followed exactly. Again, he backed down and apologised.

The result was that I was transferred to the missionaire unit and a couple of days later sent to the UK.

You have to realise that most bullies are cowards. I had known Hubbard for a long time and was not going to take any of his rubbish.


Free Will

Patron with Honors

It has taken me a long time to reach this point:
What a fucking nutter Hubbard was.
And what a fucking fool I was to accept every syllable so gullibly.
Thanks to all you guys who've helped me to realise this.