Good job, Emma.
I support you all the way in this.
I agree wholeheartedly !!!
Good job, Emma.
I support you all the way in this.
Just thought I'd bump, after reading all the posts today.
For those who have not read Emma's original post - it's one that's worth reading.
Is this stickied asa reminder because of the politics thread, the smitty's new book 4 sale thread, the 2-3 and 4 word post threads, the movie threads....etc etc... or the other off topic threads we all seem to be immersed in lately?
um er... what posts are you referring to specifically?
To be fair, I have been reading a fair few posts today and I don't really see anything that appear to be counter to Emma's post
There appears to be some great posts, in fact! Supporting and enhancing the great values that ESMB is becoming well known for.
The spirit of play is alive and well
I think the point is that ESMB actually HAS a purpose, it's not here for entertainment value or the amusement of "interesting" people.
IMHO, it would serve that purpose better if we try to stick to helping others, supporting each other, answering genuine questions and spreading the word about the destructive nature of the actual intentions and activities of the CofS.
Just my thoughts on it, Panda.
I agree entirely, there are forums on this board for that purpose alone. There are, however, also forums for humour, off topic discussion, and various other subjects,
these forums were put there for a purpose too, and they are attracting an audience as well. This can also help in the support and help that the other forums on this board give.
To say that we should stay inside the scn framework is to say that there is only one way to help and support people. I get comfort and support here and enjoy being here, I get entertainment from the humour forum and also offer and get support and help in other forums.
I am curious as to why this has become an issue when there are very few flame wars happening and there has been little or no upset around the various forums??
As far as I can tell, everyone is supporting Emma in providing a safe and helpful environment.
I think the point is that ESMB actually HAS a purpose, it's not here for entertainment value or the amusement of "interesting" people.
IMHO, it would serve that purpose better if we try to stick to helping others, supporting each other, answering genuine questions and spreading the word about the destructive nature of the actual intentions and activities of the CofS.
Just my thoughts on it, Panda.
I understand, mate, but to illustrate my point, consider this;
If I sent a wavering scn'ist in Doubt a link to ESMB, what impression might that person get from reading, say, Today's Posts on any given day?
Try to think like a scn'ist for a moment; is ESMB a reasoned forum about scientology or is it full of natterers, flamers, "Jokers and Degraders" and witty personalities?
I think it strives to be the former but who knows what the newbie thinks?
That's all I'm talking about. Many new people are coming here in ever-increasing numbers to find out about CofS, read the Ex's stories and find out how they're experiencing life and coping with being out, only OSA is coming here to find out about Ex's peccadilloes.
Believe me, I appreciate fun and humour as much as anyone and enjoy the levity here. I regularly spray coffee on my monitor from laughing at things I read on ESMB (some of which are even intentionally funny).
I'm not trying to be the fun-police, I'm just giving my opinion about what I see.
And what I see is a wealth of VERY valuable data about actual experience in scn, drowning in a sea of pap!
Please Note: This opinion is not intended to denigrate the very fine work of ESMB and is not aimed at anyone in particular so there's really nothing to defend.
Love, Panda
OK - I'll be more specific!
This morning I read all the posts (that I hadn't already read in the last 48 hours) - that were on the threads specifically relating to Scientology. FYI, that did not include any of the "off topic", word threads, pub thread, or the likes of - so their content was not what prompted me to bump this thread of Emma's, today.
What prompted me was the volume of 'personal' criticism and/or scathing responses from some members to others - because of some apparent disagreement with another's opinion.
In Emma's OP on this thread, she states "If you had to characterise this board in any way I would suggest it could be called a "support" or "recovery" board."
Totally fine to disagree with or slam an idea or concept - but firing bullets at an individual for voicing that idea or concept, is an entirley different matter, and hardly in alignment with "support" and "recovery" (especially when done to those new or relatively new on the board).
Many of us have felt angst (or still do) about the CofS and/or Scientology. The members on the board aren't the cause of that though, and shouldn't be incorrectly targeted for it.
Well said Panda - and obviously I agree!
There'll always be varying degrees of the different types of contribution on the board. I don't like seeing how the scales have tipped recently, because I find it somewhat contra to the purpose of the board and to the potential benefits for the many.
I think the point is that ESMB actually HAS a purpose, it's not here for entertainment value or the amusement of "interesting" people.
IMHO, it would serve that purpose better if we try to stick to helping others, supporting each other, answering genuine questions and spreading the word about the destructive nature of the actual intentions and activities of the CofS.
Just my thoughts on it, Panda.
I don't think Panda or anyone is saying or advocating that we should only "stay inside the scn framework", while on the board. We all enjoy at least a bit of fun - in this forum there for is plenty of room for that and at times it can be a very pleasant activity and/or distraction.
However, one could argue that too much of anything can spoil the flavour - so food for thought.
I like what you are saying but I am confused about this 'seeing how the scales have tipped recently' statement. I not saying that it hasn't BUT by what determination has it been judged to have tipped so. This generality is now being treated as a 'fact'.
Please be very specific about how this conclusion has been drawn.
Ok, first off - here's the "purpose of the board" per FAQ
"What is the purpose of the board?
The board is for Ex Scientologists of all "denominations" to get together and talk things over.
Some leave the church because they are forced out by some insane ethics order yet remain true believers; some left of their own accord because it stopped making sense; some find the tech truly workable but management corrupt; some find the earlier tech workable but call the Golden Age of Tech the "work of squirrels"; some don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and some feel that there is no baby at all.
Some practice Scientology alternatives, some practice Freezone Scientology, some use bits and pieces in their daily lives and some want nothing more to do with it.
It is likely that most people are happy where they sit in regards to Scientology. They have their minds made up about it and no amount of discussion will change that. This board is not meant to be a vehicle to plead your case, reconvert the fallen or preach your brand. It is designed to allow people to connect up, gain some understanding of our differences, learn to respect each others opinions and find some peace with it and hopefully within ourselves. "
When I first came to this board (only a few months ago now), I considered that mostly the board was in alignment with it's stated purpose. Currently I have the consideration, that it seems to have gone off that track somewhat.
Specifics as to why:
- Today a newbie posted his first post, on the anti scn = anti life thread. I consider that he was slammed for it, in a very disrespectful manner.
- Yesterday, I read a chat (after the fact), that was a shocker! The offender was later banned, but the fact that she was given the stage and the audience for the length of time that she was - was surprizing and disappointing.
- Having someone log into chat with something like "any 'fuck pigs' around here today" (as an introduction), when members were mid chatting - would/could arguably be considered direspectful and rudely offensive.
- Reading the two word/three word threads and seeing stuff like "suk fuk yoo" with reply "anytime kv anytime" would/could be the same - and in addition, render those threads exclusive to a minority.
- Reading or receiving stuff like "One need only examine your Freezone discussion groups to see what a bunch of Elron space cadets you guys are." is an example of a personal affront.
If these instances were just "one off's", they would probably just be like water off a ducks back, but in recent days/weeks - not so! They appear to be on the increase and are hence affecting the vibe/flavour/tone of the board.
In my mind those who have kept up to speed with the daily posts, would have also observed the change.
I get what you are saying. And I see most everybody working towards getting better and working out their post scn 'mental disorders'. If you've got a magical way of making us all happily follow the rules in a set manner I bid you good luck. I know the board has some problems but I don't see that there is any major problem or even a looming one. It appears to me that it is very healthy and better than it was when I arrived her six week ago.
I appreciate your viewpoint and am glad that you've stated it.
I think that if the 'boards health' were in serious question that we'd see ramifications of that. If we want to accurately judge whether the board is offering a healthy experience to members then administrative surveys could be done and the results posted.