Free Being Me
It is too late for the "Church". The time to have taken out DM and having
limited damage to clean up is now 20+ years ago.
The SP won. Everyone else lost. Hard to confront, I know.
The whole story is on the net in rather great detail. If someone
will not look at it, than they will not ever see it.
We should continue to dry up the money lines of the "Church"
by whatever means, and leave them to wither and die.
Those who do not not have the integrity to cut through the
imposed disconnections regardless of consequences should just
review their Code of Honor and be left to their fate until the "Church"
can be brought to justice.
What would make better sense is to have the Freezone actively bring
into their fold pre-GAT trained people and show them that a good
living is possible, at least as an auditor in their group and get co-audits
going with what is to hand now.
The Freezone should be the recognized power and should for starters go
straight up against the "Church" authorities and Undeclare everyone,
particularly early Missions staff. This should be done in writing and under the
auspices of a "Reform Church" official looking document.
I don't know who the Freezone are nor am I interested in a "recognized power". It's time to end cycle on the CofS, release the entire data of Sci. to world as public property. If a person finds something to help themselves with it, fine. If some one doesn't want it, fine. It's a matter of free will. Why does any person or group have to own and control this data?