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The Self-affirmations of L. Ron Hubbard

It's also a form of 'auto-hypnosis' and, from my point of view, potentially dangerous, which is why, for the most part, I got out of auto-hypnosis many moon ago :)

Believe it or not, even telling yourself 'every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better' can be a problem...

Since, sometimes, it's not true


Just about everything is potentially dangerous. I could get bitten by a poisonous spider while I sleep but that doesn't prevent me from going to bed at night. I could smash my thumb with a hammer but that doesn't prevent me from using one to hang pictures or build something.

Affirmations are a tool for directing your focus and/or changing beliefs that don't serve you, in order to experience more of the things you WANT to experience, so, when you are using an affirmation it is often because it is not true (yet) but you would like it to be. Telling yourself 'every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better' would not be effective if you were unable to find any aspect of that statement that was true for you because then the only thing you would most likely be focusing on, and therefore attracting more of, would be how totally 'un-better' you are!
he did the affirmations wrong, most of them are stated in the negative


You are not a coward. Fist fighting had no bearing on your courage

the rigth way is

im a corageous man, i face my fears

by this affirmations you know hubbard, his fears, what he was doing, what he hate about him, what he want, everything


You have no urge to talk about your navy life. You do not like to talk of it. You never illustrate
your point with bogus stories. It is not necessary for you to lie to be amusing and witty

who would writte this affirmation?

someone who lies alot, and hates that, but cannt help it, he lies and tell bogus storys, so he come up with affirmattions as this

but again, are stated in the negative, so he was programing himself to lie, to tell bogus stories

what if he has said

your have many topics to talks, youre always true to people, you are amusing and witty
the ones that worked was the ones that was stated in the positive as

I can write. I need not think commercially about writing.

is stated in the positive and can be real, becouse he was practicing it

not as

You will live to be 200 years old, both because you are calm and because of modern discoveries
to be made in your lifetime.

is stated in the positive, but its unreal, and not likely to happen and migth turn you insane, becouse youre creating a reality in your mind that doesnt fit, and will not fit the reality

Extremely well said!!!
Endnote by Frater Belarion (Jack Parsons)
Somewhere in the world today there is a woman for whom the Sword is forged. Somewhere there is one who has heard the trumpets of the New Age and who will respond. She will respond, this new woman, to the high clamor of those sar-trumpets; she will come as a perilous flame and a devious song, a voice in the judgement halls, a banner before armies. She will come girt with the Sword of Freedom. Before her, kings and priests will tremble, cities and empires will fall, and she will be called BABALON, The Scarlet Woman. She will be lustful and proud, subtle and deadly forthright and invincible as a naked blade. Women will respond to her war cry, throwing off their chains, men will respond to her challenge, forsaking foolish ways. She will shine as the ruddy Evening Star in the lurid sunset of Gotterdamerung. She will shine again as a Morning Star when the night has passed and a new dawn breaks over the garden of Pan. To you, oh unknown woman, is The Sword of Freedom pledged.

Soderqvist1: Jack Parsons was a ladies man and his poetry is beautiful!

I agree (that Jack Parsons was a ladies man and his poetry is beautiful)!

I had a friend who always called me Babalon, but that was just because it rhymed with Avalon, which is my given name. Although it's true that I am a scarlet woman. Hahahahaha...
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Hubbard's 'Affirmations' can be spread out on a overt/covert grid, as can the subject of Scientology or, for example, its "PR tech," which publicly announces, "Never tell lies in PR,"

then, further in, instructs on how to embellish, and then on how to tell believable lies,

then becomes Propaganda tech, Black Propaganda tech (covert),

and - now deeply in the area of the covert - "Intelligence tech," where one category of "Intelligence tech" is manufacturing threat, or documents that are (become) "real," by appearing authentic and being "agreed upon," this becoming "true,"

which circles around back to "Never tell lies in PR," as the Scientology PR person is handed a (covertly manufactured) "truth," which is "provable" (a very convincing lie), and can safely use that "agreed upon reality" as "truth," and even believe it to be the truth, while he tells the "homo saps" that Scientology "PR tech" is "the first honest Public Relations technology," and quotes Hubbard saying, "Never tell lies in PR."

Excerpts from the 'Affirmations':

"You have no urge to talk about your navy life. You do not like to talk of it. You never illustrate your point with bogus stories. It is not necessary for you to lie to be amusing and witty."

"No matter what lies you tell others, they have no physical effect on you of any kind." And, "You can tell all the romantic tales you wish. You will remember them. But you know which ones were lies. You are so logical, you will tell nothing that cannot be believed."​

Hubbard then goes on to explain how he can take the adventures of others and adopt them as his own - in other words, prevaricate and misrepresent - and yet, he "tells the truth," etc.

"You are light and you are good. You have the wisdom of all and never doubt your wisdom."

He adds, "You have magnificent power but you are humble and calm and patient in that power. For you control all forces under you as you wish."

"You can be merciless when your will is crossed and have a right to be merciless."

And, then, "Men are your slaves."

And, "Your writing has a deep hypnotic effect on people and they are always pleased with what you write."

"Your psychology is advanced and true and wonderful. It hypnotizes people. It predicts their emotions, for you are their ruler."

These are just some lines from the 'Affirmations' that were handy, but all the 'Affirmations' could be assembled - stretched out - in an overt (visible)/covert order, similar to the 'Onion' format, and that would be interesting.
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Welcome I like your name, thank you for digging up this old thread.

I'm happy that you like my username, I do to. In fact I LOVE it! :biggrin: But actually I am not the one who dug up this old thread, I think it was uniquemand.

Where are you in the Netherlands? I am part Dutch myself. I sometimes think that Belgium would be the perfect place to live because you have Amsterdam on one hand, London on the other and Paris at your feet.


I'm happy that you like my username, I do to. In fact I LOVE it! :biggrin: But actually I am not the one who dug up this old thread, I think it was uniquemand.

Where are you in the Netherlands? I am part Dutch myself. I sometimes think that Belgium would be the perfect place to live because you have Amsterdam on one hand, London on the other and Paris at your feet.

Groningen, once the dewlling place of Boris Korscak in the 70ties.
