Wow! FSO has become a true nightmare!
Just caught up with your story and it's miles away from the crap I experienced when I was there back in the late 80s but it was headed down that dark and evil path when I went there for the GAT release.
Thank you so much for putting this story down for us - I know how hard it is to write these sort of experiences.
The cult has truly totally gone insane if they treat people like you in that manner. That is abuse pure and simple - bullying of an outrageous degree. And, of course, you have to pay for it. Not them - they're too busy saving the planet to worry about DBs like you who've meditated once and turn up for training.
As an ex-Syd F'er myself, I know what you mean about the good folk still plugging away there thinking they're saving even us SPs from total spiritual oblivion.
Think I'll take the kids for a bike-ride down along the creek - this story brings back way too many unpleasant memories and it's a beautiful spring day outside.
Thank you for your kinds words Paul. It is a beautiful spring day outside. the best in a while. Enjoy that bike ride. bless ya