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The USA and Russia are at war


stubborn rebel sheep!
Emma has certainly more to post that she was privileged to know of.
Will probably come right at the end
As a bang..as she said.

( I tried to speculate and always come back to one same figure but no certainty..only impression)

We'll, an unpleasant load is soon to come!


Even if you told New Yorkers about it they wouldn't believe you. And then when the bomb went off, anyone still alive would believe the government that earnestly told them it was an earthquake. Naah I'll shut up and hope New York is ok.
If you gave the location they would believe you because they could go and look. If they were prevented from going there that would be validation as well.

In order to know about it you would have to have evidence of it, otherwise, why would you believe it.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
If you gave the location they would believe you because they could go and look. If they were prevented from going there that would be validation as well.

In order to know about it you would have to have evidence of it, otherwise, why would you believe it.
People believe it because the mainstream media says so. To accept they are lying about something so big, so important -- even though they have been caught out so many times before -- would shatter their comfortable worldview. For example, Putin has said many times Russia has no interest in invading anyone -- Russia stretches across 9 time zones and has adequate resources -- and yet the US MSM portrays Russia as dangerous and NATO runs war games on Russian borders. Why? To feed the insane military-industrial complex, scare the shit out of everyone, and more.

Now the game is changing to China bad, Russia not so much.



Class Clown
Even if you told New Yorkers about it they wouldn't believe you. And then when the bomb went off, anyone still alive would believe the government that earnestly told them it was an earthquake. Naah I'll shut up and hope New York is ok.
Maybe the bomb would tidy the place up a bit???

Helena Handbasket

Gold Meritorious Patron
Even if you told New Yorkers about it they wouldn't believe you. And then when the bomb went off, anyone still alive would believe the government that earnestly told them it was an earthquake. Naah I'll shut up and hope New York is ok.
There have been SO MANY disaster warnings that people deon't take them seriously any more. Things like the planet lining up in 1975 (the world was supposed to be destroyed by earthquakes), computers were supposed to crash in the year 2000, the Mayan calendar ended in 2012, and so on.

I think "they" are warning us about disasters so that when the REAL disaster comes along, and people try to warn people to take action to protect themselves, it will all just be ignored -- until the disaster hits them smack in the face.



Gold Meritorious Patron
On Dec 21, 2012, I awoke very early. There was not a soul stirring. Internet quiet, FB quiet. For a moment I thought I was in the twilight zone, that the world had ended. :nailbighting:Then my cats started meowing for breakfast, and I knew all was OK. :buzzin: