Little Bear Victor
Silver Meritorious Patron
While we can easily laugh about Tom Cruise and his video and especially about the parodies spawned from it, there are two things of a more serious note:
1) Tom Cruise has been educated into Scientology so that he really believes what he says is true. He is not acting this part, he is living it.
2) What he says is the Church propaganda line of PR of how it wants the world to see Scientology and it's effectiveness. Not the truth.
So what about the "information" Tom Cruise is giving the world about Scientology?
Please post here any information of outright CoS lies that TC is forwarding, without him even realizing he is doing so.
The first thing that sticks out in my mind is his statement that "we can get people off drugs."
That would be in reference to Narconon, with it's "over 90%" success rate. Lo and behold, that success rate ONLY counts those people who have graduated the Narconon program, the secret "End Phenomenon" of which is that the person now announces that he is a Scientologist! And since Scientologists are forbidden to use any drugs, what do you expect. Well, you would expect to know what percentage never completes the program to the end result of saying they are now a Scientologist, wouldn't you?
That statement is also referencing those quarter-of-a-million people that Scientology "has helped get off drugs." That figure (accuracy aside) mostly consists of the people who have done the Purification Rundown, which is, in most cases -- drug user or not -- the first requirement before any other Grade Chart actions are taken. So, per this logic, any and every Scientologist was a drug user before getting into Scientology. For the purposes of the Church of Scientology: Acceptable truth.
1) Tom Cruise has been educated into Scientology so that he really believes what he says is true. He is not acting this part, he is living it.
2) What he says is the Church propaganda line of PR of how it wants the world to see Scientology and it's effectiveness. Not the truth.
So what about the "information" Tom Cruise is giving the world about Scientology?
Please post here any information of outright CoS lies that TC is forwarding, without him even realizing he is doing so.
The first thing that sticks out in my mind is his statement that "we can get people off drugs."
That would be in reference to Narconon, with it's "over 90%" success rate. Lo and behold, that success rate ONLY counts those people who have graduated the Narconon program, the secret "End Phenomenon" of which is that the person now announces that he is a Scientologist! And since Scientologists are forbidden to use any drugs, what do you expect. Well, you would expect to know what percentage never completes the program to the end result of saying they are now a Scientologist, wouldn't you?
That statement is also referencing those quarter-of-a-million people that Scientology "has helped get off drugs." That figure (accuracy aside) mostly consists of the people who have done the Purification Rundown, which is, in most cases -- drug user or not -- the first requirement before any other Grade Chart actions are taken. So, per this logic, any and every Scientologist was a drug user before getting into Scientology. For the purposes of the Church of Scientology: Acceptable truth.