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Upcoming book: Escaping Scientology, by Karen [Schless] Pressley


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Upcoming book: Escaping Scientology, by Karen [Schless] Pressley.

Escaping Scientology 2017: My Upcoming Book


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I made my third and final escape from Scientology’s gated, guarded International Management headquarters near Los Angeles in 1998. The doors to my world of Scientology friends and loved ones promptly slammed shut. I experienced firsthand Scientology’s cruel policy of disconnection when Peter Schless, my husband of 21 years, disconnected from me over my choice to leave the Sea Org and Scientology.

There are many ways a person who gets involved in Scientology can fall down a rabbit hole without seeing it coming, like we did. Reflecting on my twenty-something state of mind when Peter Schless and I took a detour from building our lives together with careers in the Hollywood entertainment industry to journey into Scientology, is a perplexing experience for the woman I am now.

Since I became a critic of Scientology, I’ve had experiences that shouldn’t happen in America, though many other critics’ experiences have been far worse than mine. In 2000, I attempted to tell my story in my first book, Chasing After the Wind (Broadman & Holman, Nashville), and my second, Escaping Scientology, in 2006 (New Hope Publishers, Birmingham). Both times, Scientology officials used threats and lies to overwhelm my publishers to cancel the book releases (see Chapter, Leverage). In those days, the Church of Scientology International was infamous for being a highly litigious organization with a bottomless money pit used to squash opponents. Unwilling to engage in the bloodsport of legal battles with Scientology, my publishers apologized to me and shelved my books. Had they asked, Why did Scientology not want my story to be told, or What would I reveal that could affect the organization’s reputation, they could have potentially helped a lot of people from getting involved in this cult, or could have helped many families to get their loved ones out, had they released those books.

My tango with Scientology officials who squashed my first book publication motivated me to get busy living. While finishing two college degrees, I also did media interviews on NBC Dateline, CBS, CNN and other cable shows, and spoke at more than 100 social organizations, churches, youth groups and universities about my Scientology experiences. My thinking during that period reflected a mindset still transitioning out of Scientology concepts, and just beginning to reflect any critical thinking that I had developed outside of the organization’s control. Now I’m glad my earlier books hadn’t come out, because I am now able to analyze and unleash the facts and my reflections far more freely.

I’ve written this memoir to share my personal experiences, in hopes that this helps others to learn from my journey with the cult of greed, power and celebrity spirituality.While this is my personal story, I also believe that many of my experiences in Scientology typify what people before and after me have experienced. I’ve written it from the state of mind I had at the time of the story, but I do add critiques and reflections from the perspectives I hold now. I hope this is not confusing as you move through the journal format of the book. If so, please write to me and I will answer your questions.

Nineteen years later, I have long since purged all things Scientology from myself, from language to beliefs and behaviors. It took more than a decade to recover from the uneasy balance of my Scientology life, having walked that tight rope for sixteen years. I don’t enjoy rehashing the constant dissonance of that lifestyle, but writing has helped me to heal from it—That mindset with twisted ideas about what was true or real. That ongoing questioning of beliefs, what was right, wrong, wise, foolish, normal, extreme. That alluring addiction of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre and its glorification of celebrities and artists. My intrigue with, as well as doubts about, acquiring ultimate control over life, matter, energy, space and time through the Scientology system. My dislike for much of L. Ron Hubbard’s bizarre behavior and beliefs that I couldn’t express and tried to ignore. The horrors of physical, spiritual and psychological abuse in the elite Sea Organization at the Int Base. The responsibility I felt to help make this a better world and save the planet through Scientology while having ongoing regret about being separated from my family. The ambition I had for myself outside of Scientology as a fashion designer who wanted to leave. Dissonance in my life with a gifted husband and award-winning musician-composer who wanted to stay. That constant struggle with what was the greatest good for my life and for the planet. Constant dissonance.

Our journey had escalated within the bubble of celebrity spirituality at Scientology’s temple of the gods—the Celebrity Centre, or CC as we called it. CC’s purpose is to help artists achieve greatness, to command influence and change world conditions. We found CC to be a fortress of safety in the competitive Hollywood environment, where artists are protected, understood, gratified, and revered simply for showing up. In the early 1980s, fewer seats were taken by A-list celebrities in Scientology’s course rooms and counseling chairs than by artists like Peter and me. We were not household names, but we had achieved some success in our careers. As a designer, I had a few celebrity clients and was actively building my portfolio. Our greatest achievements in music publishing at that time were our hit song, “On the Wings of Love” composed by Peter Schless, with lyrics and recording by Jeffery Osborne; and “Peace in Our Life,” the theme song to “Rambo: First Blood Part II.”

It was easy for us, and I believe for some of our friends, to become drunk with self-importance from CC’s signature cocktail: A mix of ego-boosting words from Hubbard that elevate the artist, described as a special breed of human, the most valuable in earth’s social strata, the dreamer of dreams who alone can elevate the tone of a society above all others. Add the luxury Celebrity Centre oasis with an array of celebrity followers, garnished with the attitudes, values, beliefs and lofty promises embedded in its spiritual pursuit system, and we have intoxication from daily engagement in celebrity spirituality.

Peter and I felt like we were at the top of our game as Scientologists, recruiting artists and celebrities for Scientology, before I signed my billion year contract and became Commanding Officer of the CC Network, circa 1987-1988. Being surrounded by Scientology artists and celebrities whose life’s purpose and common goal was to help salvage this sector of the universe, appealed to the good we wanted to do in the world. Nothing was more important than to ascend the bridge to total freedom, and to help others secure their keys to eternity. Those keys came at a high price, adding up to an expensive addiction that emptied our wallets and cost us decades of our lives.

Our inevitable intersection with David Miscavige, L. Ron Hubbard’s successor, happened through a fall down another rabbit hole to Golden Era Productions, the front name for the Church of Scientology’s International Management base. At its highest level of leadership, I expected to find the ultimate Operating Thetans, the most superior and able beings demonstrating the highest tone levels as they worked to achieve the aims of Scientology: a world without war, insanity and criminality. I did find a beautifully groomed estate—albeit behind chain-link fences topped with barbed wire—with certain luxurious interiors, but they belied the Int base’s dystopian world, where cruelty and callous attitudes and behavior were normalized within a totalist system.

The Int base culture confused power with truth, and abuse was cloaked as ecclesiastical discipline. Int base rules normalized the desecration of family life, contrary to anything you can find in LRH books and policies that espouse familial love, health and importance (which isn’t much). From the day I arrived, our marriage was under attack, not surprising in a place where divorces were popular to prove loyalty to Miscavige. Parents lived separate from their children who were considered distractions to production. Children were either shunted to the camp at Castille Canyon Ranch/Happy Valley, or kept in Los Angeles with Sea Org personnel. Getting pregnant was a treasonous act, so abortions were rampant.

Realizing we had relinquished power over our own autonomy to the organization, Peter and I had become captives in a gilded cage, but Peter wouldn’t see the cage. Apart from my first two failed attempts to escape in 1990 and 1993, we morphed into radicalized members of Scientology’s extremist group, the Int base Sea Organization, that was unlike any other Sea Org unit. Here, leaders lacked a moral compass, thereby creating a culture where juniors followed suit to parrot the leader. I didn’t often observe the basic elements of healthy communication between seniors and juniors, such as reason, logic or empathy. Others, like David Miscavige, seemed to derive satisfaction from creating chaos, while blaming everyone around him for the chaos. It was common for execs to parrot and bark Hubbard’s policies and purposes, with the intent to get their product no matter what they had to do. These Sea Org execs and members appeared to be blissfully unaware of the negativity they spread through their inhumane tactics, such as cold arrogance and attitudes of entitlement from rank or post title, ordering people around with disregard to their humanity; dishing criticism that lacked affinity, indifferent to other’s feelings; use of threats, fear and invalidation to drive up statistics; use of extremist tactics such as interrogations, overboarding, sleep deprivation, public humiliation; standing by dispassionately while others were subjected to abuse; and on.

This culture of madness skewered my life with unthinkable acts and attitudes that I explained away through the eyes of a fanatical insider. I felt like I was living someone else’s life for nine years. I wanted it to be a movie that I wasn’t real and I didn’t have a role in. I survived by maintaining my secret self that kept me from being totally smothered by the cult personality that seemed to cloak so many of us.

For years after, I plagued myself with questions like, was I so gullible and naive or just plain stupid to fall for this? I knew nothing about undue influence before I got involved, unaware of being induced to do anything outside of my own free will. Disguised as religious teachings, this Orwellian double-speak Scientology world of control over our freedom of thought, speech and mobility taught us what to do, what to think, and even what to say; yet in the classrooms and spiritual counseling sessions, we believed we were learning total spiritual freedom and how to become in full control over all aspects of our lives.

In the mid-2000s, the Scientology-critic world shifted. A steady flow of Sea Org members from Miscavige-land and other Scientology bases began the exodus that hasn’t stopped since. An onslaught of books and magazine articles, documentaries, news reporting, video testimonies, legal affidavits, blogs, and live TV interviews with former Sea Org members revealed alleged abuse, forced abortions, and human trafficking previously unknown to the public.

The online message boards and Facebook groups that formed communities of like-minded people who left the Sea Org and Scientology, have been especially helpful toward my post-Scientology healing. There are many people to thank, but I especially thank Karen de la Carriere, Leah Remini, Tony Ortega, Mike Rinder, and Chuck Beatty for every word you’ve ever posted or every kind gesture you have extended that has helped expose the dangers of the organization, or that has helped me and others to heal. These groups gather together the exes—the recovered, accomplished, opinionated people to do the radical—to exercise our right of free speech and in doing so, defy Scientology’s rules: Rules of speaking in public against the organization. Of the joys and challenges of recovering our lives after the cult, and owning our lives outside Scientology’s control. Of reconnecting with people we had disconnected from or who disconnected from us. Of getting to know families and friends again. Of sustaining our lives with new jobs and careers after working for the organization for so long and having no marketable resume. Of seeking out roles in society with careers that illuminate our skills and talents. I’ve seen, and have expressed, varying degrees of hurt, anger and defiance on these boards that is met with compassion, understanding as well as challenging ideas. All of us are living proof that we can survive and thrive outside of Scientology, despite the stigma the organization tried to implant that anyone who leaves it is a degraded, suppressive being. And we keep communicating.

I contributed to Andrew Morton’s Unauthorized Biography of Tom Cruise (2005) and Janet Reitman’s book, Inside Scientology (2011). Numerous ex-members who left about five years after me contributed to the Tampa Bay Times’ “Inside Scientology” and “Truth Rundown” series by Joe Childs and Thomas Tobin that exposed the worsened culture at the Int base, with violent behavior and human rights violations committed by Miscavige and his minions. Two bad-ass executives I used to fear—ex-Int base Sea Org members Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun—became the major go-to’s for media and exposed inside stories never previously revealed to major media outlets. Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief” (2013) and Alex Gibney’s HBO documentary of the same title broke new ground exposing Scientology’s dangerous and destructive policies and effects on members and staff. All these interviews and publications had a tremendous healing effect on me. They corroborated so much of what I had experienced, and helped to bring closure on many details I wondered about. I could also say to myself, it wasn’t just me who felt this way.

In late 2016, Hurricane Leah touched ground: The A&E Channel aired eight episodes of Leah Remini: Scientology and The Aftermath. This groundbreaking reality-documentary had a seismic effect on me and on public insight into the organization. It provides true stories told by former members, executive produced by Leah and moderated with her fiery commentary. Leah partnered with Mike Rinder, former Scientology spokesperson, as a consultant for the show. Rinder draws from a deep well of experiences as a second generation Scientologist. He adds keen insight and laser-focused communication skills to help Leah expose the organization.

Aftermath has served as a call to action, causing a major upheaval in Scientology’s previously untouchable empire. The testimonies about forced abortions, physical abuse of staff, and family disconnections opened the floodgates for me and for more ex-members to feel safer to tell our stories. Many have already filed eye-witness reports with authorities about trafficking, child and adult labor violations, sexual misconduct, and physical and mental abuse, in hopes for justice, and also with hopes to spare more people from abuse at the hands of Scientology leaders, policies and practices. A growing network of people “never in” joined with ex-Scientologists online to form a new voice outside of Scientology that can speak up for those remaining trapped inside.

I deeply appreciate Leah Remini for her public statements that people who are trapped in Scientology, or who finally break free of it, should not be ridiculed for their involvement, since they joined Scientology believing it was a way to help mankind. I share her views, and add that there is a big difference between harmful and healthy belief systems (religions, cults, whatever) and not all people who have religious beliefs are trapped or are being psychologically or physically harmed, as are people involved in Scientology. There are various syndromes that come close to identifying some of this harm, such as Religious Trauma Syndrome or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Scientology causes trauma in some people because it is highly controlling and prevents people from thinking for themselves and from trusting their own feelings. Leaders and policies demand obedience and conformity, and this produces fear and dependence, not love, growth, or freedom. The Scientology system requires constant self-judgment and judgment of others, with systems in place to enforce that (such as snitching by writing knowledge reports).

Scientology didn’t work for me and many people who left. On Aftermath, Tom DeVocht simply and emphatically stated, “Scientology doesn’t work.” I concur. It’s not easy to discover that our inability to heal issues through Scientology’s mechanisms is not a function of our own deficiency, but deficiencies in Scientology itself. That’s the biggest WTF to overcome. Then there’s the challenge of re-acclimating to a society that you haven’t been part of for years. Exes are limited in our ability to reach out and trust new information, read books, listen to teachers and thought leaders. For me, trusting other people’s educational materials, or anyone in a teaching or leadership capacity was, at times, psychological torture. But at least that process builds critical thinking skills.

After my last book was shut down in 2006, I withdrew as an activist. I had stopped believing that my story would still be relevant or matter to anyone. I rarely visited message boards and did not encourage relationships to many people who reached out to me. I apologize to anyone I offended. I was just really trying to keep anything to do with Scientology out of my life. But Leah and Mike’s courageous efforts, along with the many contributors who shared their stories in Aftermath, inspired me to re-engage as an activist and get my book into your hands.

I share Leah’s convictions about not being able to let Scientology’s harmful practices damage people’s lives and do nothing about it. I also agree with her that every story matters, no matter when it happened. Every true story is another significant thread to be woven in the tapestry of testimonies, hanging in the gallery of the public eye. If my story can help just one person break free of Scientology or any other cult, or help one family get back together after being destroyed by Scientology’s disconnection practices, then the efforts to publish this book were worth it.

This book has achieved its purpose if you understand that escaping Scientology is more than just a one-time event of leaving (like a prison break-out), but is a process, like peeling layers of an onion, or forging through layers of entanglements before, during and after the physical escape. If you know someone in Scientology or in any cult, I encourage you to be supportive and understanding as they move through their escape process. Please give them a copy of this book. I hope it helps.

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Bitter defrocked apostate
This sounds very promising. More cult kryptonite!

The key to a successful book is not to see publication as the endpoint. The author needs to be out there, on the radio, on social media, and so on. A book is about half finished when it's written: all this remains to be done if it's to become a bestseller.

I hope Karen does it right... and then brings out a sequel.


Gold Meritorious Patron
One point that sometimes gets short shrift is an appreciation for how very long it's taken many people, myself included, to overcome the self imposed, Scientology induced, fear and paralysis.

Scientology is a mental and spiritual swamp, filled with quicksand.

But never has the cliche, "Better late than never" been more true.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Thanks for that huge excerpt. I scanned the whole thing, went to the link, poked around.....couldn't find any info about WHEN the book will be available or from WHERE?

did I miss it?

I would like to support her and buy it.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Karen Pressley, author of this book would like to jump in on this thread.
She is an ESMB member.

Can a MOD or adviser help...she has lost her password.
Thanks !

Moderator 3375

Karen Pressley, author of this book would like to jump in on this thread.
She is an ESMB member.

Can a MOD or adviser help...she has lost her password.
Thanks !

I've passed your post to Ethercat, can you or Karen let her know the previous log in info.


Gold Meritorious Patron
I've passed your post to Ethercat, can you or Karen let her know the previous log in info.

I might be misunderstanding, but she cannot write to Ethercat as she cannot sign on to ESMB i.e. she does not have her previous log in info.
She is not even sure her user ID was Karen Pressley but she is kind of sure it was.
Thanks for your fast help !

Moderator 3375

I might be misunderstanding, but she cannot write to Ethercat as she cannot sign on to ESMB i.e. she does not have her previous log in info.
She is not even sure her user ID was Karen Pressley but she is kind of sure it was.
Thanks for your fast help !

The fastest thing to do is for Karen to sign up again, then we can work out details of her past account by PM.


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Upcoming book: Escaping Scientology, by Karen Schless Pressley.

NOTE: I am posting this here, rather than in either of the threads about Commodore's Messenger by Janis Gillham Grady, for the purpose of proper Google indexing, to avoid confusion, and because I believe the book deserves its own thread.

First, by way of background, and because it reveals a very cool book cover, I again cross-post a prior UB comment from Intergalactic Walrus.

Via Intergalactic Walrus on Tony Ortega's blog: https://tonyortega.org/2017/08/20/h...g-back-the-universe-corps/#comment-3478827876




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August 28, 2017 – Well, it’s been a long haul since I first started this blog and didn’t let anyone know about it. Meanwhile, we completed two major publication projects:

– We edited Janis Gillham Grady’s book, Commodore’s Messenger: A Child Adrift in the Sea Organization – Book One. She released it in late July 2017!

– I wrote an 800-page version of Escaping Scientology: An Insider’s True Story without paying attention to word count or page count. My associate called and asked if I really wanted to publish a book as long as War and Peace, since the manuscript I sent him for interior layout came to 238,000 words and 800 pages. It took me almost as long to abridge the book as it did to write it. I came up with the idea to post stories from my original book content on my book website, which enabled me to produce a book that was more manageable for readers at 400 pages, with more information available at http://www.escapingscientology.com.

– Jeff Hawkins at Skyhawk Studios designed a stunning cover for the hardback, print and e-book formats.

– It’s going through the finishing process now and should be out within two weeks!

– Also went to Los Angeles twice this summer, once in June to join Janis Gillham Grady at her awesome Reconnect event for ex-Sea Org and ex-Scientologists. Again in late July for an opportunity to contribute to A&E’s Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. I’ll be writing about this experience in an upcoming blog post. Looks like the episode I am in will be aired Sept. 19, 2017. Can’t wait to see the final cut.

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@IndieScieNews on Twitter
NOW AVAILABLE - Escaping Scientology: An Insider's True Story, by Karen Schless Pressley


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *


Escaping Scientology: An Insider's True Story: My Journey With the Cult of Celebrity Spirituality, Greed and Power

Kindle Edition

by Karen Schless Pressley (Author), Mike Rinder (Foreword), Steven Hassan (Foreword)

Kindle $9.99

Artists Peter and Karen Schless were seduced by Scientology's celebrity spirituality, and detoured from Hollywood careers to join its extremist group, the Sea Org. In leader David Miscavige's inner sanctum, they built their mental prison as they melded into its radicalized lifestyle where danger, captivity and abuse were normalized. After three escapes, Karen chose between two unbearable options.

Escaping Scientology Part I sweeps you into the lives of two young adults filled with hope and love as designer Karen and her award-winning musician-composer husband Peter overcome obstacles to succeed in the music and fashion industries together. Scientology re-focuses their goals toward the importance of clearing the planet and recruiting celebrities to build Scientology's social capital. Karen portrays the basic beliefs of Scientology that led to her radicalization into the Sea Org at the Celebrity Centre, a fortress where artists aspire to achieve greatness while attaining spiritual freedom through L. Ron Hubbard’s teachings. Karen shows how celebrities are lured into Scientology and develop a co-dependent relationship from which few break out.

Part II reveals Karen as a flawed and complex woman when she and Peter move to the secretive International Management headquarters, where they join 800 fanatical Sea Org members that made billion-year commitments to make this a Scientology world without war, criminality, or insanity. Karen finds the dystopian outpost and its global operations to be proof that Time magazine’s 1991 article, “The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power” captures the essence of Scientology’s mindset, that she describes as “war is everything and everything is war.” She is no passive victim as she attempts to stay in the driver’s seat and keep their marriage intact while fighting the pressures of the Int base culture that attempt to break them apart. Scientology goes under “Cruise Control” as Miscavige becomes obsessed with his biggest trophy, Tom Cruise, and stiffens his control and abusive punishment methods on the Int base staff. Karen rebels against regulations and spends time in Scientology’s prison camp. After two attempts to escape the Int base, she is trailed by security guards and coerced into returning. Failing to escape, she questions the evidence of her own senses, and makes a mind-twisting re-commitment to become the best version of a Sea Org member she can be. Karen carves out a world she can live within as she is promoted into the highest echelons of management, appointed by the Chairman of the Board RTC to Int Management Public Relations Officer and later to take charge of the image of Sea Org staff internationally from the Int Finance Office. While working on special projects under David and Shelley Miscavige, she travels to Scientology bases around the world where she sees human rights violations set in place by Hubbard’s policies that cause her to conclude Scientology is a for-profit business that builds billions of dollars of assets on the backs of Sea Org slave labor, while hiding behind the banner of the First Amendment, claiming benefits and protection as a non-profit religion.

The epilogue of Part III portrays the mind-wrenching process of physical escape, and psychological anguish as Karen plies herself out of Scientology’s grip and endures its cruel disconnection policy. She re-acclimates herself to life on the outside while, brick by brick, she disassembles the walls of the mental prison she had built, and survives with the help of her accomplice and the love and support of her family.

Karen's narrative memoir shows that Scientology's plan, authored by L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige, is filled with flaws: While the leaders impose their will on members who follow blindly and spend exorbitant amounts of money or dedicate their lives to achieve spiritual freedom, they grossly underestimate the power of individual free will in those brave enough to escape and speak out.

Length: 426 pages
Word Wise: Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Page Flip: Enabled

Product details

File Size: 5884 KB
Print Length: 426 pages
Publisher: Bayshore Publications - Nokomis, FL; 1 edition (September 17, 2017)
Publication Date: September 17, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #9,163 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Occult > Cults & Demonism
#5 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > Other Religions, Practices & Sacred Texts > Cults
#113 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Biographies & Memoirs > Memoirs

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@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Chris Shelton interviews Karen Pressley, author of the new book Escaping Scientology.

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