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were our thetans blown up during Incident II?

Operating DB

Truman Show Dropout
Snip from Veda's post: "Much of Hubbard's cosmology ... had the dual purpose of psychologically overwhelming others..."'

I experienced a moment of ah-ha-ness when I read the part of being psychologically overwhelming. That's pretty much the feeling I had during my stint in the xult.


Patron Meritorious
I know that some on this board get impatient with people asking questions about the details of the tech, but I personally think it's part of the process of separating yourself out from cult-think. I remember when I was in Scientology, I was CONSTANTLY thinking about how bits of the tech fitted together. That process of contemplation of the tech continued after I left the church, but eventually abated. I think it's a necessary process for some - especially those who got tech trained in the church.

Mark Cab

New Member
It's been a while since I've looked at these materials, but I do recall that there was a period before 1967 OT 3, and after 1965 Clearing Course, when OT 2 was described as "another bank."

Hubbard had become annoyed with "First real Clear" John McMaster receiving such a high degree of approval from both Scientologists and the "wog world," and the appearance of "another bank" made John McMaster's status ever so slightly less significant. Hubbard would later issue his own Clear certificate with a date that preceded McMaster's and, ultimately, McMaster would be Declared an SP.

OT 2 has many similarities with the Clearing Course, and if it had been called Clearing Course part 2, I doubt if anyone would have (dared) to have objected.

There were no BTs in Scientology, and Hubbard had explained during a mid 1950s lecture (I think 1957), that there were not other thetans in the body.

People who were preoccupied with "other thetans in the body," and that it was a problem, were regarded as in very bad shape, later called PTS type 3, that is until 1967, when Hubbard decided there were other thetans in the body and that it was a problem, at which point, Scientologists en masse changed their minds, much as they would do ten years later when Hubbard announced Dianetic Clear, and, around the same time, with NOTs.

That's when I first began to notice the hypnotic (like) influence that Hubbard had over (most) Scientologists.

While I still liked the "tech," I could no longer deny that Hubbard was doing something else, something I didn't quite understand at the time.


Thanks for the historical context of BTs. I wonder if Scientologists believe “entities” were Hubbard’s early understanding of BTs.

I have never heard of PTS Type 3 but that is really interesting how it contradicts the OT levels.


Mark Cab

New Member
I recall that Hubbard, in OTIII, explained the OTII implants as being part of the R6 (I.e. OTIII incident II) implant, along with the Clearing Course implant. The dates in the implants themselves were just implanted dates, and the whole of the CC and OTII were supposed to occur just before (or was it just after) the 36 days of pictures in Incident II, 75 million years ago. I don't think he thought that through very carefully, as it begs as many questions as it answers, as a denouement of the Scientology plot. For example, if OTII is just a continuation of the CC, then why is it that a person who has the Clear cognition on NED doesn't then have to do the Clearing Course, but still has to do OTII? And why is a CC completion, on the 'alternative route to Clear', considered Clear after completing the CC, but BEFORE completing OTII?

Even for a believer, trying to figure out what all the above means, they must be struck by the fact that it is not entirely coherent.

Exactlly. Clearing Course’s placement on the bridge makes no sense according to the clear and OT Bank theories. But, the levels don’t need to make sense because it seems Hubbard attempted to fill in the gaps on the next level.... then the next level... etc.

It’s what gives Scientology a very esoteric and mystical feel because it keeps it’s followers in the dark with the promise of ultimate knowledge as the carrot.


I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
I know that some on this board get impatient with people asking questions about the details of the tech, but I personally think it's part of the process of separating yourself out from cult-think. I remember when I was in Scientology, I was CONSTANTLY thinking about how bits of the tech fitted together. That process of contemplation of the tech continued after I left the church, but eventually abated. I think it's a necessary process for some - especially those who got tech trained in the church.

I understand and I agree with you ... but it isn't the people asking questions that I get impatient bored with (unless they are blatantly trolling) ... it's the mad freezoners that like to try and keep people trapped in the madness ... just because they are still trapped in it (I know this poster asked for freezone 'help' but it still makes me sick when they actually add more BS to the madness that is scientology).



Thanks for the historical context of BTs. I wonder if Scientologists believe “entities” were Hubbard’s early understanding of BTs.

I have never heard of PTS Type 3 but that is really interesting how it contradicts the OT levels.

1952. There are entities, but they're not important and not a problem.

Approx. 1956: There are not other thetans in the body.

1965: Institution case has imaginary ghosts about him or demons that are a problem.

1967: Body Thetans are numerous and are important and a problem.

1978: Previously undetectable Body Thetans discovered and are also important and a problem.

That's some serious down trending.

It's not so much that there are other beings but that other beings are important and a problem.

Originally, early/mid 1950s, the idea was that a thetan could exteriorize from the body and take it from there.

Whatever the efficacy of these ideas and techniques at the various stages of Scientology's development, having known people from each era or stage of Scientology, those from the fifties were more intelligent and in better shape than those from the sixties who, in turn, were more intelligent and in better shape than those from the seventies, etc. Scientologists obediently down trended with Hubbard.

Scientology has become more and more solid and has now become a granite monument or mausoleum.

Scientologists, of course - having a near endless capacity to rationalize - don't see it this way and are happy to be following the "taped path" out of the labyrinth, they think.


Some background:



Was Hubbard's "Be three feet back of your head" - originally, the first step to additional actions - meant to induce a sense of vertigo, in the direction of making the person more mentally malleable and suggestible?

This is the complete quote from John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, who were editors of some of Aleister Crowley's writings, referring to a 1911 series of "processes" published in Crowley's ten volume 'Equinox':

"It ('Batra', etc.) deals with the magical practice of expanding consciousness to the stars and the planets. The word 'Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia' is made up of the Greek words for Frog Mind Ox World Battle, and is a play on the title of the Homeric mock epic, the 'Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia' or 'Battle of the Frogs and Mice'. The idea behind the use of this barbarous name, 'Batra', etc. - that is, in pronunciation or vibration - is that it is supposed to create a sense of vertigo in which the mind is freed from its ordinary bounds. Consciousness - so the theory goes - is exalted to infinity by this method."​


Warning: The "sense of vertigo" http://www.thefreedictionary.com/vertigo can also make the person vulnerable to manipulation, and more easily influenced and controllable.

Was Hubbard inducing a sense of "vertigo" with the "Be three feet back of your head" command?

The purpose of "Be three feet back of your head" would, then, not so much to place persons three feet back of their heads, but to have them agree that such a thing could be done. This places the person outside the confines of ordinary reality and is a signal to the operator that the person is open to suggestion.

Excerpt from the 1911 'Batra' (which inspired Hubbard's "Grand tour" of the book 'COHA').

(Notice that it contains actions which resemble what later were Scientology processes, such as spanning attention and mock ups, and even cautions about overrun.)
0. Let the Practicus [student] study the textbooks of astronomy, travel if need be to a place where the sun and stars are visible, and observe the heavens with the best telescopes to which he may have access.
1. Now, since the figures will leave no distinct impression with any precision upon his mind, let him begin practice A.
...A. Let the praticus be seated before a small table, and let an unknown number of small objects be thrown by the chela [teacher or trainer] from time to time upon the table, and by that chela hastily gathered up.
...Let the practicus declare at a glance, and the chela confirm by his count, the number of such objects...
...The quickness of the chela in gathering up is expected to increase with time... Care must be taken to detect the first symptom of fatigue, and to stop, if possible, even before it threatens. The practiced psychologist learns to recognize even minute hesitations that mark the forcing of attention.
2. Alternating with the above, let the practicus begin the practice B.
...B. It is assumed that he has thoroughly conquered the elementary difficulties of Dharana [concentration], and is able to prevent mental pictures from altering shape, size, and color against his will.
....Seated in the open air, let him endeavor to form a complete mental picture of himself and his immediate surroundings. It is important the he should be in the center of such a picture, and be able to look freely in all directions. The finished picture should be a complete consciousness of the whole, fixed, clear, and definite.
...Let him gradually add to the picture by including objects more and more distant, until he has an image of the whole field of vision.
...He will probably find that it is very difficult to increase the apparent size of the picture as he proceeds, and it should be his most earnest endeavor to do so. He should seek in particular to appreciate distances...
3. These practices A and B accomplished, and his studies in astronomy, let him attempt practice C.
...C. Let the practicus form a mental picture of the Earth, in particular by striving to realize the size in comparison with himself, and let him not be content until by assiduity he has well succeeded. Let him add the moon, keeping well in mind the relative sizes of, and distances between, the planet and its satellite.
...He will probably find the final trick of the mind to be a constant disappearance of the image, and the appearance upon a small scale. This trick he must outwit by constancy of endeavor.
...He will then add in turn Venus, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun. It is permissible at this stage to change the point of view to the center of the sun, and to do so may add stability...
...And thus, gathering one star after another, let his contemplation become vast as the heaven, in space and time, ever aspiring to the perception of the body of Nuit, yea the Body of Nuit [Infinity].

Compare this with the body fixated - hooked up to a machine - NOTs levels.​


A little more background known to Hubbard.

In 1937 a book titled, 'The Middle Pillar' by Israel Regardie (a student of Crowley for a time) was published.

Wrote Regardie:

[Psycho-therapeutic] Analysis is the logical precursor of spiritual attainment and Magical experiment... Not until the mind and the emotional system have been cleansed and unified by the cathartic process... can the full spiritual benefits of magical work be reflected into the mind of man.
...We should remember the parables of the archaic philosophical religions whose fundamental tenet was that within man was a spirit, a dynamic center of consciousness which, because of its contact and association with matter, had been plunged into a profound sleep, a kind of somnambulism...
By endeavoring to extend the horizon of consciousness, to enlarge the field of awareness so as to embrace what previously was unconscious, is obviously a logical method. To become aware of all our actions, our thoughts and emotions and unsuspected motives, to regard them in their true light as actually they are and not as we would like them to be or as we would wish an onlooker to perceive them. It requires, to take this step, an extraordinary degree of honesty and courage... The more of this suppressed and forgotten material stored in this at one time unknown or dormant side of our nature that can be raised to the clear light of day, by exactly so much do we awake from the inert stupor into which we have in the past been plunged.

Regardie would likely have never imagined that ideas such as these would have been merged with malevolent mind control or "brainwashing."



Hubbard practiced self hypnosis during the 1930s and the 1940s. That's another topic for another time.​


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Hubbard would later issue his own Clear certificate with a date that preceded McMaster's and, ultimately, McMaster would be Declared an SP.

I am not sure Hubbard issued his own Clear certificate.

I believe that the facts will bear out that his Clear certificate was issued by Sequoia University.

bona fides link



Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
The irony is that most scientologists can't afford to get to Clear, never mind OT, so they never hear about this bs and it is left to never-ins and ex-scientologists to discuss it.
The average median (per capita) annual income worldwide is $2,920.

With an average cost to go clear at an estimated $150,000:

-- If each person donates 30% of their yearly income to Scientology every being on the planet can go clear in only 171 years.

This is a phenomenal value, because it took 874 quadrillion years to get aberrated and it can all be handled in just the blink of an eye!

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EZ Linus

Cleared Tomato
Some background:



Was Hubbard's "Be three feet back of your head" - originally, the first step to additional actions - meant to induce a sense of vertigo, in the direction of making the person more mentally malleable and suggestible?

This is the complete quote from John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, who were editors of some of Aleister Crowley's writings, referring to a 1911 series of "processes" published in Crowley's ten volume 'Equinox':

"It ('Batra', etc.) deals with the magical practice of expanding consciousness to the stars and the planets. The word 'Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia' is made up of the Greek words for Frog Mind Ox World Battle, and is a play on the title of the Homeric mock epic, the 'Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia' or 'Battle of the Frogs and Mice'. The idea behind the use of this barbarous name, 'Batra', etc. - that is, in pronunciation or vibration - is that it is supposed to create a sense of vertigo in which the mind is freed from its ordinary bounds. Consciousness - so the theory goes - is exalted to infinity by this method."​


Warning: The "sense of vertigo" http://www.thefreedictionary.com/vertigo can also make the person vulnerable to manipulation, and more easily influenced and controllable.

Was Hubbard inducing a sense of "vertigo" with the "Be three feet back of your head" command?

The purpose of "Be three feet back of your head" would, then, not so much to place persons three feet back of their heads, but to have them agree that such a thing could be done. This places the person outside the confines of ordinary reality and is a signal to the operator that the person is open to suggestion.

Excerpt from the 1911 'Batra' (which inspired Hubbard's "Grand tour" of the book 'COHA').

(Notice that it contains actions which resemble what later were Scientology processes, such as spanning attention and mock ups, and even cautions about overrun.)
0. Let the Practicus [student] study the textbooks of astronomy, travel if need be to a place where the sun and stars are visible, and observe the heavens with the best telescopes to which he may have access.
1. Now, since the figures will leave no distinct impression with any precision upon his mind, let him begin practice A.
...A. Let the praticus be seated before a small table, and let an unknown number of small objects be thrown by the chela [teacher or trainer] from time to time upon the table, and by that chela hastily gathered up.
...Let the practicus declare at a glance, and the chela confirm by his count, the number of such objects...
...The quickness of the chela in gathering up is expected to increase with time... Care must be taken to detect the first symptom of fatigue, and to stop, if possible, even before it threatens. The practiced psychologist learns to recognize even minute hesitations that mark the forcing of attention.
2. Alternating with the above, let the practicus begin the practice B.
...B. It is assumed that he has thoroughly conquered the elementary difficulties of Dharana [concentration], and is able to prevent mental pictures from altering shape, size, and color against his will.
....Seated in the open air, let him endeavor to form a complete mental picture of himself and his immediate surroundings. It is important the he should be in the center of such a picture, and be able to look freely in all directions. The finished picture should be a complete consciousness of the whole, fixed, clear, and definite.
...Let him gradually add to the picture by including objects more and more distant, until he has an image of the whole field of vision.
...He will probably find that it is very difficult to increase the apparent size of the picture as he proceeds, and it should be his most earnest endeavor to do so. He should seek in particular to appreciate distances...
3. These practices A and B accomplished, and his studies in astronomy, let him attempt practice C.
...C. Let the practicus form a mental picture of the Earth, in particular by striving to realize the size in comparison with himself, and let him not be content until by assiduity he has well succeeded. Let him add the moon, keeping well in mind the relative sizes of, and distances between, the planet and its satellite.
...He will probably find the final trick of the mind to be a constant disappearance of the image, and the appearance upon a small scale. This trick he must outwit by constancy of endeavor.
...He will then add in turn Venus, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun. It is permissible at this stage to change the point of view to the center of the sun, and to do so may add stability...
...And thus, gathering one star after another, let his contemplation become vast as the heaven, in space and time, ever aspiring to the perception of the body of Nuit, yea the Body of Nuit [Infinity].

Compare this with the body fixated - hooked up to a machine - NOTs levels.​


A little more background known to Hubbard.

In 1937 a book titled, 'The Middle Pillar' by Israel Regardie (a student of Crowley for a time) was published.

Wrote Regardie:

[Psycho-therapeutic] Analysis is the logical precursor of spiritual attainment and Magical experiment... Not until the mind and the emotional system have been cleansed and unified by the cathartic process... can the full spiritual benefits of magical work be reflected into the mind of man.
...We should remember the parables of the archaic philosophical religions whose fundamental tenet was that within man was a spirit, a dynamic center of consciousness which, because of its contact and association with matter, had been plunged into a profound sleep, a kind of somnambulism...
By endeavoring to extend the horizon of consciousness, to enlarge the field of awareness so as to embrace what previously was unconscious, is obviously a logical method. To become aware of all our actions, our thoughts and emotions and unsuspected motives, to regard them in their true light as actually they are and not as we would like them to be or as we would wish an onlooker to perceive them. It requires, to take this step, an extraordinary degree of honesty and courage... The more of this suppressed and forgotten material stored in this at one time unknown or dormant side of our nature that can be raised to the clear light of day, by exactly so much do we awake from the inert stupor into which we have in the past been plunged.

Regardie would likely have never imagined that ideas such as these would have been merged with malevolent mind control or "brainwashing."



Hubbard practiced self hypnosis during the 1930s and the 1940s. That's another topic for another time.​
So glad you posted this Veda. I often wonder about your avatar and now I'm beginning to really see the light with you, although I don't know for sure where your head is at on the entire thing. It doesn't matter though, so don't take that the wrong way. Belief, or faith in and of itself doesn't need to be debatable as long as it's not a danger to oneself or others (IMO).

It took me a long time to discover most of Hubbard's resources for "inventing" scn, some of which weren't necessarily his resources, only for the fact that he was in the OTO. The only pieces he invented as far as what I've come to find after much research were the science fiction-type aspects, like the stuff he made up off the cuff at the OT levels.

The OTO, however, or Crowley, also plagiarized. You have brought in some of the sources here. I remember coming across the James Allen info, but forgot all about it because I was so sidetracked once I got full circle on the whole Kabbalah thing--how Hubbard basically took Crowley's take on Hermetic Qabalah (thelemic/Gnostic) and sort of twisted it to look more like a Lurianic Kabbalah (whether he knew it or not). He mish-mashed the tzimtzum concept with the Factors. Add all that to his practice of self-hypnosis and Mesmer-like studies to make people suggestible (I mean he was purposely trying everything under the sun to master hypnosis to control others long before 1950). I wouldn't doubt it if was later hired as a secret consultant for The Manchurian Candidate, once he knew how well Scientology was working on his poor, unwitting subjects.

I'm off on a tangent now.

Back to the OPs question, and the thread subject. I seem to remember something in HOM about entities (like instincts or muscle memories) that were "not dissimilar" to thetans, but I'm sure this will just be one more thing to be used as Hubbard's forethought into BTs.

But this sort of forethought thing has also been done to death by Christians with the "old testament"--trying to find clues where God spoke about something very specific to Jesus Christ. You'll find through the centuries how the texts have changed to match some of the prophecies, and if not the texts, then various preachers have altered the interpretations. On both sides actually. Rabbis have pointed out how the Jesus story doesn't add up either, or even point out why a pregnant women of nine months would make a trek across the desert to Bethlehem just to have her baby in the east. All of this based on something that was written so long ago... how can any part of it ever be scientifically proven? If it isn't written it isn't true? The word of God, or the word of L. Ron Hubbard?


Gold Meritorious Patron
The average median (per capita) annual income worldwide is $2,920.

With an average cost to go clear at an estimated $150,000:

-- If each person donates 30% of their yearly income to Scientology every being on the planet can go clear in only 171 years.

This is a phenomenal value, because it took 874 quadrillion years to get abberated and it can all be handled in the blink of an eye!

Exactly. So the only way there can be planetary clearing is if:

A) They lower their prices...a lot!

B) Scientology redistributes their income and savings to subsidize clearing. If Scientology has 3 billion in assets divided by the world population of 7.6 billion that's about .40 per person or one serving of rice and beans.

C) Other Scientologists subsidize them by paying exorbitantly high prices hoping that after enough people become Scientologists the prices will go down.

D) Non-Scientologists subsidize people becoming Scientologists.

E) People start clearing themselves without corporate Scientology.

Most Scientologists probably think that after there are enough Scientologists and the SPs have all been put in reform camps the governments of the world will pay to have all the schools and other public services oriented around Scientology Tech. In other words to believe Scientology will achieve world clearing you pretty much have to be a totalitarian redistributionist using unicorn math and there are about 1.8 billion Muslims who will argue that their Sharia trumps Scientology's KSW.


Gold Meritorious Patron
So glad you posted this Veda. I often wonder about your avatar and now I'm beginning to really see the light with you, although I don't know for sure where your head is at on the entire thing. It doesn't matter though, so don't take that the wrong way. Belief, or faith in and of itself doesn't need to be debatable as long as it's not a danger to oneself or others (IMO).

It took me a long time to discover most of Hubbard's resources for "inventing" scn, some of which weren't necessarily his resources, only for the fact that he was in the OTO. The only pieces he invented as far as what I've come to find after much research were the science fiction-type aspects, like the stuff he made up off the cuff at the OT levels.

The OTO, however, or Crowley, also plagiarized. You have brought in some of the sources here. I remember coming across the James Allen info, but forgot all about it because I was so sidetracked once I got full circle on the whole Kabbalah thing--how Hubbard basically took Crowley's take on Hermetic Qabalah (thelemic/Gnostic) and sort of twisted it to look more like a Lurianic Kabbalah (whether he knew it or not). He mish-mashed the tzimtzum concept with the Factors. Add all that to his practice of self-hypnosis and Mesmer-like studies to make people suggestible (I mean he was purposely trying everything under the sun to master hypnosis to control others long before 1950). I wouldn't doubt it if was later hired as a secret consultant for The Manchurian Candidate, once he knew how well Scientology was working on his poor, unwitting subjects.

I'm off on a tangent now.

Back to the OPs question, and the thread subject. I seem to remember something in HOM about entities (like instincts or muscle memories) that were "not dissimilar" to thetans, but I'm sure this will just be one more thing to be used as Hubbard's forethought into BTs.

But this sort of forethought thing has also been done to death by Christians with the "old testament"--trying to find clues where God spoke about something very specific to Jesus Christ. You'll find through the centuries how the texts have changed to match some of the prophecies, and if not the texts, then various preachers have altered the interpretations. On both sides actually. Rabbis have pointed out how the Jesus story doesn't add up either, or even point out why a pregnant women of nine months would make a trek across the desert to Bethlehem just to have her baby in the east. All of this based on something that was written so long ago... how can any part of it ever be scientifically proven? If it isn't written it isn't true? The word of God, or the word of L. Ron Hubbard?
I also enjoy Veda's posts that illustrate Hubbard's roots with things like OTO and the occult. If this isn't consolidated in one thread it should be.

On the body thing are you thinking of the Genetic Entity as Hubbard described in A History of Man? The GE seems to get very short shrift thereafter.


stubborn rebel sheep!
The average median (per capita) annual income worldwide is $2,920.

With an average cost to go clear at an estimated $150,000:

-- If each person donates 30% of their yearly income to Scientology every being on the planet can go clear in only 171 years.

This is a phenomenal value, because it took 874 quadrillion years to get abberated and it can all be handled in the blink of an eye!

One very basic thing we do as marketing exec, is to set a marketing strategy which is mainly to establish a working wining strategy:
  • Product
  • Public
  • Promotion
  • Price

The price
must established according to a thorough marketing study in order to set the point price..this price that will be acceptable for the public to pay and aligned with regard to our targetted public.

If you want to sell cars to hollywood famous celeb, you get the most expensive cars and set your price as high as they wish to pay. However, if you want to sell cars to the general public, you will keep an inventory that will reflect what they can afford to pay. Thus you will sell Toyota, Nissan, GM, Kia but in no way you will set the price of the Toyota Corolla as high as the price of a Lamborghini or Rolls Royce...Otherwise, soon or later, the public will cognite they have been fooled and are to never come back...

So, this it..

We never came back neither Freezoners..
And this explains why the always adopted a vulture behavior...the prospect pool is very small...reapeat sales are what should be expected...but and happening ...poeple don't come back unless they undergo a reg attack!

And they keep going on, without applying the very proven basics of marketing strategies, so they remain "on source" ...and non viable..morphing indo a real estate investment\renovations business without any strategy to run those building properly with competent paid staff neither to rent it to corporations who can afford it...
Last edited:

EZ Linus

Cleared Tomato
On the body thing are you thinking of the Genetic Entity as Hubbard described in A History of Man? The GE seems to get very short shrift thereafter.
Yes, exactly. I'm so glad I forgot that's what it was called. When I first got out of Scientology and I learned what I BT was, I hearkened back to that, like it was evidence that he knew all along what he was going to reveal to us all later. Now I don't think that. I'm just saying.


Gold Meritorious Patron
One very basic thing we do as marketing exec, is to set a marketing strategy which is mainly to establish a working wining strategy:
  • Product
  • Public
  • Promotion
  • Price

The price
must established according to a thorough marketing study in order to set the point price..this price that will be acceptable for the public to pay and aligned with regard to our targetted public.

If you want to sell cars to hollywood famous celeb, you get the most expensive cars and set your price as high as they wish to pay. However, if you want to sell cars to the general public, you will keep an inventory that will reflet what they can afford to pay. Thus you will sell Toyota, Nissan, GM, Kia but in no way you will set the price of the Toyota Corolla as high as the price of a Lamborghini or Rolls Royce...Otherwise, soon or later, the public will cognite they have been fooled and are to never come back...

So, this it..

We never came back neither Freezoners..
And this explains why the always adopted a vulture behavior...the prospect pool is very small...reapeat sales are not what should be expected...

And they keep going without applying the very proven basics of marketing strategies, so they remain "on source" ...and non viable..morphi g inti a real estate inversement\rénovation business without any stratégie To run those building properly with propre staff neither To rent it to corporations who can afford it...
Tried to find a car dealership that fit your analogy...


Pyeonghwa Motors, whose name is Korean for “peace,” was formed in 1999 out of a partnership between South Korea’s controversial Unification Church and Ryonbong General Corp., a corporation controlled by the North Korean government.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the late leader of the church, preached against communism, but saw the joint venture as a way to foster peace and reconciliation between North and South Korea, which had been locked in a tense standoff since the division of the peninsula after World War II.
In 2013, the church transferred full ownership to North Korea, following complaints about poor sales and meagre profits. Since then, information about the firm — like most things in North Korea — has been hard to come by. There's been even less official information released from the firm, and no one who has visited has been allowed to report about its internal workings.
What is certain is that Pyeonghwa’s operations are small. Abrahamian said one staff member at the dealership told him it produced 1,600 cars last year. In 2011, the carmaker, which then had a South Korean office, reported that it made 1,450 cars that year.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Yes, exactly. I'm so glad I forgot that's what it was called. When I first got out of Scientology and I learned what I BT was, I hearkened back to that, like it was evidence that he knew all along what he was going to reveal to us all later. Now I don't think that. I'm just saying.
Now we have Scientologists going around saying not that they are hungry, tired or want to have sex but it's just their annoying dev-t GE. That must be why all these Osabots look so gaunt and stressed - thay have no respect or responsibility for their GEs.

Reminds me of this old classic...



stubborn rebel sheep!
Kia and Hyundai are doing quite good in my country..they succeded to make good cars that are affordable and offers the best warranty.

It's not anymore the cheap stuf f they made 30 years ago ( actually Hyunday was my first case study in marketing success..)


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Exactly. So the only way there can be planetary clearing is if: A) They lower their prices...a lot! B) Scientology redistributes their income and savings to subsidize clearing. If Scientology has 3 billion in assets divided by the world population of 7.6 billion that's about .40 per person or one serving of rice and beans. C) Other Scientologists subsidize them by paying exorbitantly high prices hoping that after enough people become Scientologists the prices will go down. D) Non-Scientologists subsidize people becoming Scientologists.
E) People start clearing themselves without corporate Scientology.Most Scientologists probably think that after there are enough Scientologists and the SPs have all been put in reform camps the governments of the world will pay to have all the schools and other public services oriented around Scientology Tech. In other words to believe Scientology will achieve world clearing you pretty much have to be a totalitarian redistributionist using unicorn math and there are about 1.8 billion Muslims who will argue that their Sharia trumps Scientology's KSW.
You had me at "lower their prices...a lot!" However, that would be a "cutative" per the HCO Policy on, ummm, cutatives. I just realized that that might not be an English word found in any dictionary, LOL (seriously). I looked it up on Google. Nope. But it is n the SCN DICTIONARY.
*CUTATIVE**, an invented word to mean the impulse to shorten or leave out or the thing left out. (HCO PL 26 Sept 70 III)
Jeez, it doesn't even mean what I thought it meant. I thought it was one of those words to describe how SPs diminish or "cut" Hubbard's income. Oops, I mean the org's income. That was a serious "high crime", just like the time Scientologists dared to rent out a room or apartment to other Scientologists coming to Clearwater. This 'sabotaged" Scientology's income lines and was a "suppressive act" for which evil beings were summoned to Flag Ethics and threatened with declare.

Okay, back to your excellent post.

E) People start clearing themselves without corporate Scientology.
Another High Crime!!!!!!! What the hell are you thinking?!!!!!!!

Dr. Hubbard explicitly forbid Scientologist from going clear without being on a paid invoice to do auditing and the "Clear Certainty Rundown". No PC was ever allowed to attest to Clear that wasn't paid up; see HCOPL "FREE SERVICE FREE FALL!"

Dr. Hubbard NEVER allowed anyone to "start clearing themselves" because it's out tech, off policy and squirrel.

Except in DMSMH and all the scriptural materials still being endorsed, promoted and sold. It's right there in the book! You are invited and very heavily encouraged to "Go clear" without corporate Scientology, because it's so easy and cheap. Hubbard guarantees in DMSMH that anyone can go Clear in 20 or less hours of processing.

Ergo, you must NEVER try to go Clear and attest without Corporate Scientology. However, you must ALWAYS try to go Clear and attest without Corporate Scientology. Does this remind anyone besides me of the HUBBARD LAW OF COMMOTION? ("For each policy in Scientology there is an equal and opposite policy").

Finally, about your point where the "SPs have all been put in reform camps", there is a big problem. The SPs have to pay for that so that their exchange doesn't go out and they don't go all criminal and SP. Wait. Um...yeah, like I said, so they don't go SP. I clay demo'd this just now and what Ron is saying is that they aren't just an "SP" (the kind that rents out a room to another Scientologist) they are an "SP!!!!!", the kind that blows up planets, and enslaves and murders entire galactic civilizations.

The problem is, again, finance. How can all these reform camps be paid for? I mean, has anyone actually calculated the cost?! If 2.5% of the 7.4B people in the world need to be incarcerated in reform camps, that means 185 MILLION SP prisoners. At 50 per "cell", that is insanely expensive. I mean, that's 3,700,000 double wide trailers, who the hell is supposed to pay for that, Mr. SP (SmartyPants)?!
