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What did you do to save yourself and others?

Hello all!

While on staff there were many horrors happening all the time. Of course there was the bullying and intimidation that sometimes was stood up to. Then of course there was more serious stuff.

I remember when two of the top execs of our org were being Comm Ev'ed (short for Committee of Evidence - a serious justice action because of supposed crimes against Scn having been committed). I've seen it written on another post that being Comm Ev'ed basically meant that you were going to be declared a Suppressive Person.

Well these two executives were being found guilty of anything that those at the top could find (the ED and D/ED). I remember having to be the messenger for one of 'boss' who had "realised" that the stats were going down in Div 6 becasue the exec in question had started a 2D with the course sup. It was date co-incident. (While I'm killing her - I'm gonna kill her relationship too!)

I went to the course sup with this "Rush" communication. He read it and said it's not true because they had started their relationship a long time before the stats had started to go down. He was always so cool. ( I remember thinking then that I would never just blindly do something like that again!)

Anyway (I didn't know this at the time) the top 'bosses' continued their merciless fight to destroy the two exes and sent up the Comm Ev with all their findings and recommendations.

Well in the meantime while the Comm Ev was being perused by the powers that be the other of the top 'bosses' posted her own "declares" (a piece of paper stating the person's name and what their status was, for example, "Suppressive Person", and why) on them on the staff notice board. OMG!

So, I pulled it down!

The 'boss' that had posted it came up to me and asked who had done this and I said, "I had - because they hadn't been found giuilty." She was very annoyed. She stormed off in a huff BUT DIDN'T REPOST THEM!!!!

My son always asks me, "Why does good always win in movies and I answer him - becasue it does! (It's just easier to do when the bad guys are overt.)

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Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
My observation is that people play politics and often act like assholes in any venue in which they are involved. Some senior executives in my office (NOT a Scn company) recently did played some politics (totally legal, I hasten to add) that absolutely infuriated me.

People play the hands they're given in the situations in which they are involved. If they join a cult, some of them will start screwing people over and jockeying for position there. If they become active in politics, they may do that there. At the workplace? Yep. Happens all the time. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mean or irresponsible people make mean or irresponsible Scn'ists. The fact that not everyone in CofS is as vicious as everyone else in the same positions or areas is proof positive of that. We have free will.

Of course the cult puts pressure on people and indoctrinates them. Of course it's an extraordinary situation and people end up compromising themselves. Of course those pressures and insane situations and decrees should not be allowed to happen and be foisted on people. The church does have to shoulder some of the blame, for sure.

But not all of it.

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
My observation is that people play politics and often act like assholes in any venue in which they are involved. Some senior executives in my office (NOT a Scn company) recently did played some politics (totally legal, I hasten to add) that absolutely infuriated me.

People play the hands they're given in the situations in which they are involved. If they join a cult, some of them will start screwing people over and jockeying for position there. If they become active in politics, they may do that there. At the workplace? Yep. Happens all the time. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mean or irresponsible people make mean or irresponsible Scn'ists. The fact that not everyone in CofS is as vicious as everyone else in the same positions or areas is proof positive of that. We have free will.

Of course the cult puts pressure on people and indoctrinates them. Of course it's an extraordinary situation and people end up compromising themselves. Of course those pressures and insane situations and decrees should not be allowed to happen and be foisted on people. The church does have to shoulder some of the blame, for sure.

But not all of it.

I totally agree with you on this ... someone who is a tosser/bitch who then joins staff/SO can always find some 'tech' to justify being an even bigger tosser/bitch ... the ones that are having to snarl at others 'to get compliance' (or whatever) and don't like doing it because it isn't the way they really are ... usually end up in trouble themselves ... really horrible to observe.

Sadly, its the women usually that make the most revolting and spiteful execs (I noticed).


Ya got that right!

....deleted text......
Sadly, its the women usually that make the most revolting and spiteful execs (I noticed).
Certainly in ANZO this was the case. We had some real doozies, and some of them are still there.....making life a real torment for so many. Nasty pieces of work - just like the ones Mares talked about!


Sadly, its the women usually that make the most revolting and spiteful execs (I noticed).

Unfortunately this is a very true statement. They let the side down completely and have no respect for their fellow sisters. Women have a hard enough time in this life without making it impossible for other with their bitchiness and nastiness. It's very sad and totally unecessary. I was brought up to believe by my grandmother that one was always to support other women... :no: but even in real life we see these kinds of things. Revolting just about covers it. :eyeroll:

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Unfortunately this is a very true statement. They let the side down completely and have no respect for their fellow sisters. Women have a hard enough time in this life without making it impossible for other with their bitchiness and nastiness. It's very sad and totally unecessary. I was brought up to believe by my grandmother that one was always to support other women... :no: but even in real life we see these kinds of things. Revolting just about covers it. :eyeroll:

Ah but dear one, there are some nice wimin too. :D

I think I was lucky to never be targetted by female execs, particularly. Only when I walked out.


Gold Meritorious Patron
My observation is that people play politics and often act like assholes in any venue in which they are involved. Some senior executives in my office (NOT a Scn company) recently did played some politics (totally legal, I hasten to add) that absolutely infuriated me.

People play the hands they're given in the situations in which they are involved. If they join a cult, some of them will start screwing people over and jockeying for position there. If they become active in politics, they may do that there. At the workplace? Yep. Happens all the time. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mean or irresponsible people make mean or irresponsible Scn'ists. The fact that not everyone in CofS is as vicious as everyone else in the same positions or areas is proof positive of that. We have free will.

Of course the cult puts pressure on people and indoctrinates them. Of course it's an extraordinary situation and people end up compromising themselves. Of course those pressures and insane situations and decrees should not be allowed to happen and be foisted on people. The church does have to shoulder some of the blame, for sure.

But not all of it.

How about 99% of it???

Yes people are fu*ked up and have their issues... but were not talking about normal 'wogs' here, were talking about a church that declares itself the most ethical group on the planet- that has the 'tech' to handle these 'abberations' and puts these people on post to service the public... when they are not sufficiently enabled to to handle the job. Here you compare them to situations in the normal work place- fair enough, yes it occurs in various places... but the 'church' has a 'higher purpose' and sells it for a mint. So the church is completely responsible for what occurs within it's domain. But now... don't they need these excuses to fulfill the reasoning behind 'conditions' and 'management tech' where the never possible ever rising 'stat' must constantly go up?

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill

It would depend on which issue (as to how much blame CofS would have to shoulder). There are some issues, where I would give them 100% of the blame and some where I'd say it's less.

I knew such mean mean people in CofS right next to some absolutely darling ones. So, for me, it's not 99% as far as the way one's seniors or other staff behave or misbehave.

As to the other commentary- very interesting comments. I've seen female execs in just ordinary non Scn companies sell other women down the river, too. But in both CofS and in corporations, I've seen truly vicious and catty men, as well. I really think the abuses by staff upon staff in CofS are a highly amplified version of what we can find in non Scn companies. Much worse in CofS, of course, which is why I said "amplified" but quite quite reminiscent of some of the politicking I've seen elsewhere.


Ah but dear one, there are some nice wimin too. :D

I think I was lucky to never be targetted by female execs, particularly. Only when I walked out.

Well of course I know that FTS! :eyeroll: If I thought they were all bad I'd not have any friends! And I have loads of wonderful female friends and we all adore each other. :yes:

Wisened One

I don't know if I did too much to save others, being that I was the jr of the div 6 group, but I DO remember my fellow staff being kind and trying to cover and save ME, MANY times!

One incident: Our bt-eyed ED called yet another special staff meeting (as many of the org's stats were down or something). It was a VERY LATE one. Didn't even start till about 10 pm or so and we had to be back on post at 8 am the next morning.

Well, these types of meetings, I usually wasn't requested to. Only the Execs/Div Heads went to 'em. But THIS one, I was.

Our ED was MAD and on a war path. :storm:

Well my Seniors (bobthesp the Div 6a sec, 6b sec, and the PES) were VERY worried for me, on how I would 'take' this meeting. Apparently the ED says/behaves in even WORSE ways than I'd already seen of her in our 'regular' staff meetings.

Well, the meeting starts and bobthesp and PES and my direct Senior (the 6b sec) kept nervously glancing my way as it got started. :nervous:

THIS scared me more than the meeting, itself. As my Seniors didn't scare easily.

Well, boy did I understand WHY they were so worried for my well-being and fortitude! :unsure:

:omg: Our ED proceeded to RIP everyone a new a$$hole and then some!

I'd NEVER heard stuff like this come out of another human being's mouth!

She talked about every person in that room publicly and degraded the hell out of them!

She went up to this one really sweet staffmember. She was a Qual terminal. Everyone liked this girl. She was sooo nice. Well, our ED says something like:

And YOU! YOU'RE not even FIT to CLEAN a TOILET with! Some really, weird degrading insult like that. (She also called her a whore for no reason at another staff meeting, and dumped an ashtray all over another staffmember, but that's another story). I almost gasped aloud. I quickly hid behind my TR's (as it were).

She THEN goes to another sweet staffmember the Treas Sec at the time and tell the entire room that her tone level is Fear and Grief and no wonder why our stats are down, etc.

THEN she comes over to ME and says something like: And YOU! What have YOU been doing?! Huh?! I expect YOU to make HALF of this Org's GI!
(I was Dir Pub Reg by title but bodyrouter and eval'er by action).

I blanched, but didn't move or say anything. Her intensity pinned me to my chair, like a helpless bug. :blink: :splat:

I could fairly feeeel my Senior's gazes behind me, holding me up with their theta, alone. Guess they thought I was very delicate and would crumble.
I didn't (believe it or not), but it did shake me up a little bit.

The meeting lasted till about 1 or 2 am.

We shuffled home. :sad sigh:

Yeah, I'd say I had some help and support thrown my way. :hug:
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Good twin

Michelle was it kinda like this?

I don't know if I did too much to save others, being that I was the jr of the div 6 group, but I DO remember my fellow staff being kind and trying to cover and save ME, MANY times!

One incident: Our bt-eyed ED called yet another special staff meeting (as many of the org's stats were down or something). It was a VERY LATE one. Didn't even start till about 10 pm or so and we had to be back on post at 8 am the next morning.

Well, these types of meetings, I usually wasn't requested to. Only the Execs/Div Heads went to 'em. But THIS one, I was.

Our ED was MAD and on a war path. :storm:

Well my Seniors (bobthesp the Div 6a sec, 6b sec, and the PES) were VERY worried for me, on how I would 'take' this meeting. Apparently the ED says/behaves in even WORSE ways than I'd already seen of her in our 'regular' staff meetings.

Well, the meeting starts and bobthesp and PES and my direct Senior (the 6b sec) kept nervously glancing my way as it got started. :nervous:

THIS scared me more than the meeting, itself. As my Seniors didn't scare easily.

Well, boy did I understand WHY they were so worried for my well-being and fortitude! :unsure:

:omg: Our ED proceeded to RIP everyone a new a$$hole and then some!

I'd NEVER heard stuff like this come out of another human being's mouth!

She talked about every person in that room publicly and degraded the hell out of them!

She went up to this one really sweet staffmember. She was a Qual terminal. Everyone liked this girl. She was sooo nice. Well, our ED says something like:

And YOU! YOU'RE not even FIT to CLEAN a TOILET with! Some really, weird degrading insult like that. (She also called her a whore for no reason at another staff meeting, and dumped an ashtray all over another staffmember, but that's another story). I almost gasped aloud. I quickly hid behind my TR's (as it were).

She THEN goes to another sweet staffmember the Treas Sec at the time and tell the entire room that her tone level is Fear and Grief and no wonder why our stats are down, etc.

THEN she comes over to ME and says something like: And YOU! What have YOU been doing?! Huh?! I expect YOU to make HALF of this Org's GI!
(I was Dir Pub Reg by title but bodyrouter and eval'er by action).

I blanched, but didn't move or say anything. Her intensity pinned me to my chair, like a helpless bug. :blink: :splat:

I could fairly feeeel my Senior's gazes behind me, holding me up with their theta, alone. Guess they thought I was very delicate and would crumble.
I didn't (believe it or not), but it did shake me up a little bit.

The meeting lasted till about 1 or 2 am.

We shuffled home. :sad sigh:

Yeah, I'd say I had some help and support thrown my way. :hug:


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
The most important thing you both did to save others was getting out. That you also talked was gravy. Tasty gravy


Good twin

The most important thing you both did to save others was getting out. That you also talked was gravy. Tasty gravy


Oh Zinj. We (Wisened One and I) are having such wins because of our big mouths. More n more of our peeps are finding us every day. I was starting to feel jealous of the ANZO crowd. But there is good news all over. Plenty to go around. :thumbsup:

Wisened One

Here, here, GT! Yeah! And finding our peeps has been giving me wins like CRAZY! To be able to hear from them and that they are ok and didn't hate me for deserting them n'all....you know.....:yes:

Oh Zinj. We (Wisened One and I) are having such wins because of our big mouths. More n more of our peeps are finding us every day. I was starting to feel jealous of the ANZO crowd. But there is good news all over. Plenty to go around. :thumbsup:

Good twin

Yes, Michelle. But we must be patient Dear. There will be more good news as time goes on. :whistling:
Here, here, GT! Yeah! And finding our peeps has been giving me wins like CRAZY! To be able to hear from them and that they are ok and didn't hate me for deserting them n'all....you know.....:yes: