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What Questions Should I ask When THEY Call?

A.K. Myers

Patron with Honors
What Questions Should I ask When THEY Call?

Last week a young lady called from ASHO in LA asking
questions about my family to “update her records.” She
was rather pleasant and chatty. My initial response was
to attempt to help her wake up and get out. I began giving
her facts, but she seemed to have been drilled with pat

When it became apparent she wasn't getting any family
info, she turned her attention to me and began selling
“the basics.” We left it at she was going to send me a
data pack. So, I expect that she will call again to inquire
if I got the info.

I really want to help these poor deluded staffers that call,
but they are drilled and supervised. I was thinking that I
should use my experience as an auditor to ask questions
that may crack the cult veneer.

What Questions might make a sea ogre start to wake up
and see the trap they are in?

Here are some I thought of:

It was reported Flag made ten clears last week. That works
out to 500 clears a year. At that rate how long will it take
to clear just the city of Clearwater? Answer: 200 years

How many people went clear this week in LA?

Have you seen the info pack on Leah Remini and her
family yet. You know she blew over the way she was
treated after she asked David Miscavige why Shelly
wasn't with him at Tom Cruises wedding?

Any idea why Shelly hasn't been seen in public
since 2007?

What kind of religion has to assemble packages of
dirt to share on anybody who speaks out or leaves?
Do you realize a lot of this dirt comes from their PC
folders? Are you all right with that?

Are you allowed to have a cell phone?
How about a TV set?

When was the last time you saw your parents?
Brothers or sisters?

Please suggest other questions That I should ask.


Should I just tell them “RUN!!!!” ?
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Gold Meritorious Patron
I was thinking that I should use my experience as an auditor to ask questions that may crack the cult veneer.

What Questions might make a sea ogre start to wake up and see the trap they are in?

Now if you apply your experience as an auditor, than the result is:

Short questions (not more than 10 words) where the meaning of the question is placed at the end - otherwise she will interrupt you before you can ask your question fully.

Are you allowed to have a cell phone?

How about a TV set?

not so good:
[STRIKE]How many people went clear this week in LA?[/STRIKE]

In this week, how many people went clear in LA ?

Maybe you want to specify to get a better result because probably she will not know how many went clear in whole LA, so the question will not hit her:

In this week, how many people went clear in LA org ?


In this week, how many people went clear in FLAG ?


In this week, how many people went clear in your org ?

And always keep in mind that a PC has to be "in session" to achieve a result. "In session" means: interested in own [STRIKE]case[/STRIKE] situation and willing to talk to the "auditor". When this definition describes the session in progress, then of course the pc will be able to as-is and will cognite. (HCOB 26 Apr 73 I)
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La La Lou Lou

What Questions Should I ask When THEY Call?

Last week a young lady called from ASHO in LA asking
questions about my family to “update her records.” She
was rather pleasant and chatty. My initial response was
to attempt to help her wake up and get out. I began giving
her facts, but she seemed to have been drilled with pat

When it became apparent she wasn't getting any family
info, she turned her attention to me and began selling
“the basics.” We left it at she was going to send me a
data pack. So, I expect that she will call again to inquire
if I got the info.

I really want to help these poor deluded staffers that call,
but they are drilled and supervised. I was thinking that I
should use my experience as an auditor to ask questions
that may crack the cult veneer.

What Questions might make a sea ogre start to wake up
and see the trap they are in?

Here are some I thought of:

It was reported Flag made ten clears last week. That works
out to 500 clears a year. At that rate how long will it take
to clear just the city of Clearwater? Answer: 200 years

How many people went clear this week in LA?

Have you seen the info pack on Leah Remini and her
family yet. You know she blew over the way she was
treated after she asked David Miscavige why Shelly
wasn't with him at Tom Cruises wedding?

Any idea why Shelly hasn't been seen in public
since 2007?

What kind of religion has to assemble packages of
dirt to share on anybody who speaks out or leaves?
Do you realize a lot of this dirt comes from their PC
folders? Are you all right with that?

Are you allowed to have a cell phone?
How about a TV set?

When was the last time you saw your parents?
Brothers or sisters?

Please suggest other questions That I should ask.


Should I just tell them “RUN!!!!” ?

Ask her, innocently, if it's true that Shelley Miss Cabbage has completed Super Power now and that Heber will be next, sound really enthusiastic, you might start a rumour and eventually someone will have to tell them not to talk to people who might be disinfected.:unsure:

Lone Star

Tell her that it's been reported that CoB has been seen hanging out on Hollywood Blvd a lot lately. Ask her if he's running an overt-motivator-sequence program. Then ask her why he doesn't just grab on to his grounded copper wire whenever he feels the urge to hang out on Hollywood Blvd. :biggrin:

Then be sure to tell her that CoB has been witholding his breakthrough Copper Wire Process from the rest of the church.


Patron with Honors
It was reported Flag made ten clears last week. That works out to 500
clears a year. At that rate how long will it take to clear just the city of
Clearwater? Answer: 200 years

And even that's dramatically overoptimistic. Their leaky boat is taking on 10 gallons of water a second, and they're bailing it out with a teaspoon, and acting like they're making big strides towards staying afloat.

Florida's population grows by 2.7% per year. Unless the culties manage to drive people away from the Clearwater area, they would need to clear 3% of the population every year just to squeak above the break even point. That's 3200 clears a year, or 62 a week, just to clear that one town eventually.

I like your point, though. I think a lot of people leave staff when they realize that, no matter how hard they slave away, no matter how much they sacrifice, there's still no progress being made towards a clear planet.

I also like some Hubbard quotes. Ones like these, from common CoS-sanctioned materials, where true things came out of his mouth.
DMSMH said:
...if anyone wants a monopoly on Dianetics, be assured that he wants it for reasons which have to do not with Dianetics but with profit.
The Fact of Clearing said:
We had in Book One simply no more, no less, than a rather adequate description of the reactive mind, the mental image picture, the engram, secondary, and so forth. We had ways to run these things but those ways were not the ways used to Clear. Now, that’s very interesting, that I could be guilty of an oversight to that degree. And only, having accomplished the fact again and communicated it successfully, can I bring up this much guilt. I have a guilt complex, of course.
People used to come romping into the Foundation and they used to say, “Where are all the Clears?” I don’t know what they expected. In truth, if I just point down to an empty space in the air of the hall and say, “There’s one now,” we probably would have started a great religious revival in America, but it wouldn’t have been based on any truth...

If there's no thread yet for statements like these, maybe I'll scrape up some more quotes and get one started.
ask if they have heard of esmb and tell them to plug in on it

and before that ask if thy are familiar with the dmsmh concept of "a held down seven" then explain that the Co$ "scieno filter" is a classic example of a held down seven, that it is an example of a long list of actions by Co$ that are the exact opposite of the tech and she can just look at the 3.0 - 4.0 band of the chart of human evaluation to generate her own list of these outpoints and tell her everyone who ever grasps the basics leaves and she wants to actually study dianetics she should too

La La Lou Lou

And even that's dramatically overoptimistic. Their leaky boat is taking on 10 gallons of water a second, and they're bailing it out with a teaspoon, and acting like they're making big strides towards staying afloat.

Florida's population grows by 2.7% per year. Unless the culties manage to drive people away from the Clearwater area, they would need to clear 3% of the population every year just to squeak above the break even point. That's 3200 clears a year, or 62 a week, just to clear that one town eventually.

I like your point, though. I think a lot of people leave staff when they realize that, no matter how hard they slave away, no matter how much they sacrifice, there's still no progress being made towards a clear planet.

I also like some Hubbard quotes. Ones like these, from common CoS-sanctioned materials, where true things came out of his mouth.

If there's no thread yet for statements like these, maybe I'll scrape up some more quotes and get one started.

Internationally 370,000 babies are born each day. How many clears are there?


Patron with Honors
Maybe you could mention several out points that you observed that caused you to question the current state of Scientology. Tell her that you find the current conditions so very sad and wish Scientology and her the best.

Captain Koolaid

Patron Meritorious
If she's chirpy when she calls again, tell her to cut it out, because Scientology is a deadly serious activity. You might also ask her how many Scientologists there are. She'll say about 15 million. :)biggrin:) Tell her that there are 7.5 billion wogs on planet earth, which means after more than 60 years of disseminating Scientology has managed to get 0.2% of the earth's population to get on the bridge. Not to mention that the wogs expand a lot faster at a ratio of more than 200:1.


Ask them the same questions they ask you.

Ask them how long they have been a Scientologist.

Ask them where they are on the Bridge.

Ask them when the last time was they did a major grade chart action to completion.

Ask them what abilities they have recovered.

Ask them when they do a Doubt Condition, do they honestly inform themselves of the intentions of the other group (meaning exes) by reading what they put on the web.

Ask why all their information about those who have left only comes from Scientology and what the person themselves says is not valid or is always lies.

Ask them if they ever considered leaving and if they did, did they consider their overts big enough to cause them to leave. Did they really have overts they felt they had and not what someone told them.

Ask them if they really believe OT's can become SP's and how that is possible.

Ask them how many SP's they have personally shattered using the tech and what were their names. They should be able to tell you because SP's are not protected by Scientology in any way including confidentiality.

Ask them how much bigger their org is than when they started.

Ask why SP's can stop OT's and exactly what is it that they restimulate on someone without a case.

Ask how many clears would have to be made on a daily basis to clear the planet in one lifetime.
What Questions Should I ask When THEY Call?

Last week a young lady called from ASHO in LA asking
questions about my family to “update her records.” She
was rather pleasant and chatty. My initial response was
to attempt to help her wake up and get out. I began giving
her facts, but she seemed to have been drilled with pat

When it became apparent she wasn't getting any family
info, she turned her attention to me and began selling
“the basics.” We left it at she was going to send me a
data pack. So, I expect that she will call again to inquire
if I got the info.

I really want to help these poor deluded staffers that call,
but they are drilled and supervised. I was thinking that I
should use my experience as an auditor to ask questions
that may crack the cult veneer.

What Questions might make a sea ogre start to wake up
and see the trap they are in?

Here are some I thought of:

It was reported Flag made ten clears last week. That works
out to 500 clears a year. At that rate how long will it take
to clear just the city of Clearwater? Answer: 200 years

How many people went clear this week in LA?

Have you seen the info pack on Leah Remini and her
family yet. You know she blew over the way she was
treated after she asked David Miscavige why Shelly
wasn't with him at Tom Cruises wedding?

Any idea why Shelly hasn't been seen in public
since 2007?

What kind of religion has to assemble packages of
dirt to share on anybody who speaks out or leaves?
Do you realize a lot of this dirt comes from their PC
folders? Are you all right with that?

Are you allowed to have a cell phone?
How about a TV set?

When was the last time you saw your parents?
Brothers or sisters?

Please suggest other questions That I should ask.


Should I just tell them “RUN!!!!” ?

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
You could ask her if it's true that Hubbard wrote that 20% of the population is Suppressive. If that's true, how come 80% of scientologists have left the CofS leaving the 20% holding the fort? Just an idea. :)


You could ask her if it's true that Hubbard wrote that 20% of the population is Suppressive. If that's true, how come 80% of scientologists have left the CofS leaving the 20% holding the fort? Just an idea. :)

That's one of the questions I asked myself,

where are the old timers who first got involved with dianetics and scientology?


Gold Meritorious Patron
Folks in the SO won't know wtf you are talking about with Shelley... that's an "outside button". One thing that has got some response is how I've had so many basic sets sent to me for free. Also, if they are old enough to remember the LRH 'death' event, when all the tech was great.

I have also told them I am surprised they call me, because from what they've been taught, they'd probably think me and SP. Boy, that got me a ton of calls back and some people cracking a little. More talking--not so much questioning. A bit how I've met a bunch of people who have left who were OTs and found they didn't get the promised OT, and I also had to tell them that life outside was wonderful for a lot of folks, and if they ever changed their minds, there would be a bunch of folks welcoming them.

When I heard confusion and possible questioning was telling them they would consider me an SP, and then talking rationally and caring for them. The 'outside' evil influences they think we are become humanized.

There are other times I've mentioned my son who has disconnected and said how much I loved and missed him and that if that was it was his choice, I didn't understand why he couldn't speak to me as I haven't gone out to do anything to actually attack the cult.

Other folks, yeah, I've been sort of a dick and laying out how Anons have helped me, etc. and kind of acting surprised that they actually had these weird ideas and how odd that was.

Mentioning that I had read the OT Levels from recommendations others who had left who had gone OT VIII, and I don't remember what I said exactly... and that I respected the person had certain beliefs, so I would not disclose anything so I wouldn't enterbulate him. That one got me passed onto on OT who was a something whatever auditor who just kind of fell apart and couldn't even talk---MY "TRs" were in, and he audited folks on OT V...

AHA!!! WOG COG!!! There isn't a particular 'handling'... it really is just talking the guy and listening to him. Frak... scripts are for the other side:clap:

OK, but really, I think that the stuff I've read from Steve Hassan really always made sense to me. And, I trust the experience and research from him. So, kinda go with what I feel from the person, and Hassan's stuff. Can you tell I went through a spate of a bunch of recent calls? They disappeared again... and I did talk when I had time and could, but if I was just really busy or had my own life to deal with (as in more than a broken nail), I'd blow them off.

I spent so many years trying to "save everyone", that if I don't have it in me that day... I just don't. Sucks, but true.

La La Lou Lou

Folks in the SO won't know wtf you are talking about with Shelley... that's an "outside button". One thing that has got some response is how I've had so many basic sets sent to me for free. Also, if they are old enough to remember the LRH 'death' event, when all the tech was great.

I have also told them I am surprised they call me, because from what they've been taught, they'd probably think me and SP. Boy, that got me a ton of calls back and some people cracking a little. More talking--not so much questioning. A bit how I've met a bunch of people who have left who were OTs and found they didn't get the promised OT, and I also had to tell them that life outside was wonderful for a lot of folks, and if they ever changed their minds, there would be a bunch of folks welcoming them.

When I heard confusion and possible questioning was telling them they would consider me an SP, and then talking rationally and caring for them. The 'outside' evil influences they think we are become humanized.

There are other times I've mentioned my son who has disconnected and said how much I loved and missed him and that if that was it was his choice, I didn't understand why he couldn't speak to me as I haven't gone out to do anything to actually attack the cult.

Other folks, yeah, I've been sort of a dick and laying out how Anons have helped me, etc. and kind of acting surprised that they actually had these weird ideas and how odd that was.

Mentioning that I had read the OT Levels from recommendations others who had left who had gone OT VIII, and I don't remember what I said exactly... and that I respected the person had certain beliefs, so I would not disclose anything so I wouldn't enterbulate him. That one got me passed onto on OT who was a something whatever auditor who just kind of fell apart and couldn't even talk---MY "TRs" were in, and he audited folks on OT V...

AHA!!! WOG COG!!! There isn't a particular 'handling'... it really is just talking the guy and listening to him. Frak... scripts are for the other side:clap:

OK, but really, I think that the stuff I've read from Steve Hassan really always made sense to me. And, I trust the experience and research from him. So, kinda go with what I feel from the person, and Hassan's stuff. Can you tell I went through a spate of a bunch of recent calls? They disappeared again... and I did talk when I had time and could, but if I was just really busy or had my own life to deal with (as in more than a broken nail), I'd blow them off.

I spent so many years trying to "save everyone", that if I don't have it in me that day... I just don't. Sucks, but true.

It's interesting looking back, if someone was not declared even if he blew or committed murder he was regable unless there was golden rod. Any Reg would visit him at 10 at night to get some dosh. Being suppressive was always OK, it was being declared that cut you off. Actually I think it was also considered OK to sell books to declared SPs, though some where I remember reading about having to hand in your materials, certs and insignia if you were declared or expelled or something.

You're right folks won't know about Shelley and only some will remember Heber and Guillaume etc, all the more reasons to get them to ask their bosses about them, but they mustn't know that you are being overtly hostile, keep it suppressive, keep it covert. ''I hear Heber is doing really well since he graduated from that new rundown that's soon to be released!'' The staff member proudly passes the message on and eventually someone in the know hears it and queries it with their boss and twenty people have heard the forbidden name. Some of them will wonder why they are being told not to mention this to anyone else, is the rundown secret, why is it secret, who is Heber.

God I'm so sneaky!

Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
I think you should get the focus on HER! Here is a successful convo I had -

Tell her you have a friend whose son is thinking about joining the Sea Org. Ask her if you could ask some questions to help him decide.

When you decided to join the Sea Org - what did you think you were going to achieve - what post were you told you would have and what did you think your living conditions would be like?

Tell me about your goals in life? What are your personal goals? How is joining the Sea Org helping you with that?

Why don't you have a cell phone, internet or access to call home whenever you want to? Do you feel you are living freely, thinking for yourself and practicing your religion freely?

How is your bridge progress going? What auditing Bridge actions have you received for the exchange of you hard labor?

How much do you make a week? Do you have health insurance, dental care, retirement program?

Have you been to any Class 5 orgs? Do you see the Church expanding by your own observation? How many Clears were made last year? There are 7 billion people on the planet - how long will it take to clear the planet in your estimation? How do you know we "come back" - where is Ron?

La La Lou Lou

I think you should get the focus on HER! Here is a successful convo I had -

Tell her you have a friend whose son is thinking about joining the Sea Org. Ask her if you could ask some questions to help him decide.

When you decided to join the Sea Org - what did you think you were going to achieve - what post were you told you would have and what did you think your living conditions would be like?

Tell me about your goals in life? What are your personal goals? How is joining the Sea Org helping you with that?

Why don't you have a cell phone, internet or access to call home whenever you want to? Do you feel you are living freely, thinking for yourself and practicing your religion freely?

How is your bridge progress going? What auditing Bridge actions have you received for the exchange of you hard labor?

How much do you make a week? Do you have health insurance, dental care, retirement program?

Have you been to any Class 5 orgs? Do you see the Church expanding by your own observation? How many Clears were made last year? There are 7 billion people on the planet - how long will it take to clear the planet in your estimation? How do you know we "come back" - where is Ron?

A barrage of awkward questions will just shut the firewall down, sprinkle theta in there too, ask her for wonderful expansion news, false of course, but she'll believe it's true and be proud about it. When she says Flag produced a clear last year it's possible to say how common that was when you were in, there were clears made all over the world then.

Small seeds of doubt not crashing stuff that will just make her defensive.


Master of Disaster
And even that's dramatically overoptimistic. Their leaky boat is taking on 10 gallons of water a second, and they're bailing it out with a teaspoon, and acting like they're making big strides towards staying afloat.

Florida's population grows by 2.7% per year. Unless the culties manage to drive people away from the Clearwater area, they would need to clear 3% of the population every year just to squeak above the break even point. That's 3200 clears a year, or 62 a week, just to clear that one town eventually.

I like your point, though. I think a lot of people leave staff when they realize that, no matter how hard they slave away, no matter how much they sacrifice, there's still no progress being made towards a clear planet.

If the stuff had actually worked, then producing a cleared planet would have been workable.

If auditing had actually raised abilities, then there would have been lots of people wanting auditing, without any need for regging, and willing to pay lots of money. The more auditing they got, the higher their earning potential would have been, and the more auditing they could have afforded. If field auditors could have made lots of money auditing those people, then the academies and ASHO would have been full to bursting, producing more auditors, and things would have grown by geometric progression.

But it didn't really produce results, and here we are.