If you reject every bit of the tech, then you are also rejecting some good ideas that Hubbard stole from others or, perhaps, even came up with himself (the man was many not-so-good things but he was not an idiot). It will not serve you well to dogmatically reject every concept in $cn. Personally, I will stop someone who is telling me something and uses a word I don't understand, and ask them what that word means. I think that is showing respect to the person by letting them know that you want to understand what they are saying. I didn't do that prior to $cn.
Also, and this is a little weird, I had, during my $cn days, some powerful reactions to being made aware of missed withholds. Even today when I have a reaction to something that seems stronger than it should be, I will look at myself and think about a withhold maybe being missed and sometimes I am right.
Finally, there was some concept that I can't remember the shorthand for, but it had to do with mentally creating a fault in a person who has done something you think was against you in order to make it OK to do something against them. Maybe that was the overt/motivator sequence (oh how happy I am to have that phrase pop into my mind after many years.)
The only problem I have with using bits of the "tech" is that when I am aware of making use of it, it reminds me of where I picked it up and that does not take me to a good place.