Attempts to label people as SPs, Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Witches are all attempts at trying to know what goes on in another person’s mind.
It is not possible to use a label to do that.
To label someone when they are in the middle of a genuine situation (and trying to explain it and hopefully resolve it) is not right ... either try and assist or leave someone else to try but adding the label "sociopath" (or similar) is just unhelpful.
As always we have no idea who he is actually talking about
Posted by Alanzo (on Marty's board)
I agree with Alanzo on this but I also think Marty may still be needing to label people (as we all did in the cult) in order to work out (and perhaps give credibility to) what he is repulsed by or wants to dismiss from his world. I too will admit to not liking people playing for pity (the hangdog expression, the whining and the general feeling of "look at me, I've been wronged") ... but only when it goes on for years on end.
To label someone when they are in the middle of a genuine situation (and trying to explain it and hopefully resolve it) is not right ... either try and assist or leave someone else to try but adding the label "sociopath" (or similar) is just unhelpful.
As always we have no idea who he is actually talking about but Gerry Armstrong came straight to my mind as he (via Caroline) is still seemingly chasing something from Marty (and Mike) and it could be Marty's way of telling him to get fucked, but who really knows?
Whatever has stirred him to write it must be fairly important to him though.
Mike Rinder • 3 days ago
Tony -- I could not agree with you more. Paulette is living proof of the lengths scientology will go to in order to destroy a critic. Fortuitously (mostly for her, but ultimately for many others) the evidence of their crimes (correct use of the term, not "maintaining connection to someone declared SP by HCO" sort of "crime") is in their own documents seized by the FBI.
In some ways I think Paulette has given everyone who has come after her strength -- whatever they do "this is nothing compared to what they did to PC, and she endured and came out on top in the end."
I shall forever be thankful to her in a strange sort of way. And I will always admire her. It was a pleasure to meet her face to face finally, I thank you for facilitating that.
Stay tuned as the timing of this article today was a remarkable coincidence - or perhaps not. More to be revealed when I can, but I hope that what is in the planning stages will come to fruition and there will be an opportunity to do more justice to the point you have made in your piece today: If anyone in the world knows Fair Game, it is Pauletter Cooper.
I agree Marty is referring to Leah's show and the fallout therefrom. What else could his reference to "current events" possibly refer to?My first thought on reading Marty's latest mystery sandwich blog post was that it was a covert dig at Leah's show. Leah does a good job of showing how disgusting the CoS is and therefore is showing the recipients of these disgusting actions as victims of the cult.
At heart Marty is a Scientologist. He may have swung across to centre in years past but he's swung back with vengeance and is talking like a Scientologist again.
Why the mysterious & nebulous post Marty? Why not just come out and say it? Or are you "preparing the ground" for something else coming soon?
Say what you mean you coward.
Well, Mike did come out with a rather eloquent blanket apology on his blog last week.
Perhaps something is going on in the background that has nothing to do with Leah's show.
As usual Marty is so vague, but opening with "apropos of current events", certainly leave the door open to considering Leah's show, since that's the biggest current event happening regarding the cult right now.
[FONT=&]Posted on December 9, 2016 by Mark C. Rathbun | 12 comments[/FONT]
Apropos of current events, I offer for contemplation a passage from the book The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout. Ironically, after I introduced this book on my blog in 2010, some of its most fervent subsequent promoters turned out to be described to a tee within it.
Posted by Marty Rathbun on his own blog:
"Apropos of current events, I offer for contemplation a passage from the book The Sociopath Next Door. . . "
Rathbun, despite his previous and tremendous contributions to the world of Scientology whistleblowing, continues in 2016 to descend into a precipitous free-fall of ambiguity and equivocation. It began with his sudden and inexplicable abandonment of the lawsuit vs. Miscavige and COS--for which he offered no explanation to his supporters and readers. Instead of responding to sincere and concerned questions with simple courtesy, insults ensued.
Thus, rather than blogging (writing) on his blog, he put on a show instead by storming about his cyber stage with incomprehensible rhetorical tantrums that specialized in the insinuation of unspecified acts of evil to unnamed persons.
And now he returns to his blog, but nobody has any slightest clue what he means by "apropos of current events"; nor can anyone guess which of his supportive blog fans are declared (by him) to perfectly fit the description of the sociopath next door. This marks a new low in blogging wherein a blog's founder and sole essayist begins dedicating most of their efforts--not to writing-- but to trolling their own blog and readers!
Stay tuned (lest you rue) while I prepare the ground to write a book entitled "The Self-Troller Next Door".
.. I know that Leah is kicking arse and apparently has 6 more episodes to go and her sending out that sweet message about Marty (on the 26th) tells me that she has no axe to grind with him and he may even appear in one of the 6 remaining episodes, all of which I imagine were already in the can (with or without Marty) when she tweeted it.
Stay tuned (lest you rue) while I prepare the ground to write a book entitled "The Self-Troller Next Door".