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Active Scientologists filing bankrupcy and on the dole

Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
I know a family that donated $100,000 to the Idle Morgue (part of their "ammends" for leaving SEA ORG to have kids. They refinanced their home at the peak of the real estate bubble - to give $100K to an empty building!

In exchange - they received a PLAQUE that sits in an empty building with no admiration except from the other bankrupt Scientologists!!

Then I watched the regg get them for another $100K (CREDIT CARD DEBT) for their "training package" after I witnessed one of them stall on PTS/SP course - and not come back. This family has 4 children.

About a year or two ago - they filed bankrupcy and then lost their house to foreclosure and then one spouse ended up in the hospital for months very sick. (here is the clue - CONNECTED TO A SUPPRESSIVE GROUP?)

They were bragging on how the "tech" worked so well because they got the hospital to WRITE OFF their $80K hospital bill....due to their financial position.

Scientology helped create the economic disaster by encouraging people to take on huge amounts of debt. The number of bankrupt Scientologist's is staggering! And they really think they are helping.

Oh, by the way...the Idle Morgue is completely IDLE! Wow - now that is clearing the planet of criminality?


Silver Meritorious Patron
I'd love to see a list: On one side, Scientologists who have given money, how much and on the other side how they got the money.

Ho Tai

Patron Meritorious
Who makes up the cost to the hospital when it gives out free care to the likes of scientologists who can't afford insurance and can't afford to pay their medical bills? It's the people who pay taxes and health insurance premiums. And who makes up the difference to the creditors who were stiffed by the bankruptcy of these scientologists? You and I, through higher prices. Your boastful scientologist friends are on a free ride socially. How can that behavior be seen as ethical?:angry: