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Scientologists of Earth, Unite!

Terril park

Is it just me, or does anyone else notice a certain irony in a bunch of people calling another "obese" on a public forum, when those badmouthing their target haven't the courage to post photos of themselves? Explain that one to me, instead of avoiding the topic, please.

I've seen what Veda looks like, and he is as ripe for criticism of his appearance as anyone, but that's hardly an excuse to publicly rip him. If it was, frankly, one way or another, we are all vulnerable.

Don't try to dismiss this as knee-jerk protectionism among Scn's or freezoners. Pierre and I have expressed some strong disagreements and criticisms toward each other from time to time- we just didn't stoop down to dramatizing these for a public audience, or even lower, to personally offensive bleatings.

What's next, this one "can't dance"? That one is "too short"? has a messy house? A menial job? Needs a haircut?(hey, shut up!:D) Throws like a girl? Chews with his mouth open? Can't accessorize?

All I'm saying is, let's raise the bar, Veda and the rest. Shouldn't be too much to ask.

Love, Dex

It is too much to ask from Veda IMO.

I drove Pierre from airport to his south coast destination UK recently,
and treated him to lunch.

He is overweight, I guess genetic. He was given very good foods for his stay, took along Stevia, a wonderful sugar substitute.

He is very cheerful and communicates excellently. Havn't been audited by
him but reported results are terrific.

How does this go?

Burn Witch Burn!! Lol

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Is it just me, or does anyone else notice a certain irony in a bunch of people calling another "obese" on a public forum, when those badmouthing their target haven't the courage to post photos of themselves? Explain that one to me, instead of avoiding the topic, please.

I've seen what Veda looks like, and he is as ripe for criticism of his appearance as anyone, but that's hardly an excuse to publicly rip him. If it was, frankly, one way or another, we are all vulnerable.

Don't try to dismiss this as knee-jerk protectionism among Scn's or freezoners. Pierre and I have expressed some strong disagreements and criticisms toward each other from time to time- we just didn't stoop down to dramatizing these for a public audience, or even lower, to personally offensive bleatings.

What's next, this one "can't dance"? That one is "too short"? has a messy house? A menial job? Needs a haircut?(hey, shut up!:D) Throws like a girl? Chews with his mouth open? Can't accessorize?

All I'm saying is, let's raise the bar, Veda and the rest. Shouldn't be too much to ask.

Love, Dex

Gotta love that irony ...


I don't have to explain anything to you Dexter.