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Where's the Barnes' and Stacey?

Wisened One

Hey there:

Haven't heard or seen any of these people that were on xenutv vids and stuff.

Anyone hear of or see them, lately?

They all ok?

Wisened One


Patron with Honors
Was in touch with Greg and Deb for a while, they have separated and he was still living in the area whereas she supposedly went to Europe. Not sure how accurate that is now, because I lost contact quite some time ago.:unsure:


I knew a Barnes in California, had a private practice. You'll want to give more details to see if details click. . . and it's the right one...


Patron with Honors
Thank you to everyone in this video! You were all a great help to me.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I will remember you forever,
Greg and Deb Barnes, Tory (Magoo) and Peter Alexander.


I would love to hear from the Barnes and Peter. :)
I hope to see Tory very soon.

Wisened One

I knew a Barnes in California, had a private practice. You'll want to give more details to see if details click. . . and it's the right one...

:welcome: to ESMB and thank you for your post, boldhawk.

I personally didn't know or meet the Barnes'. I saw a great vid they did that was a large part to waking me and hubby up and OUT of scn back in 2004.

So..haven't seen any new vids or news of them and was wondering where they were now, if they were ok and most of all, someday to thank them (including Tory and Astra) for changing our lives for the better! :yes;

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
I had the impression that Stacey Brooks ditched the whole Scn critical thing once Minton was subverted by the cult. But I always did wonder about Greg and Debra Barnes.

Kathy (ImOut)

Gold Meritorious Patron
Hey there:

Haven't heard or seen any of these people that were on xenutv vids and stuff.

Anyone hear of or see them, lately?

They all ok?

Wisened One

Our friend spoke to Greg last week. Yes, he's still in the Clw area to the best of my knowledge.


Patron with Honors
Cool. I found Greg and Debra's videos extremely helpful in understanding how the most ethical people on the planet (Flag) were actually truly corrupt and criminal.

Wish them both the best!

Wisened One

Our friend spoke to Greg last week. Yes, he's still in the Clw area to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks for the update, ImOut! :hug:

So....I'd sure love to know more...what are they thinking of Anon and all the Protests? I wish they'd so some new vids on how they're doing, etc! :yes: