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L. Ron Hubbard Hagiography

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There is a new post up at the Mike Rinder's Blog

L. Ron Hubbard Hagiography

Though there has been an “official L. Ron Hubbard biographer” since I first hired him in 1991, there is still no L. Ron Hubbard biography. “LRH biographer” or more often now “The Biographer”, Dan Sherman spends his days penning prolix fluffery for David Miscavige to read from a teleprompter at his “international events” and Ideal[.......]

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So much negativity about the being saving mankind and all of the universe!

I prefer to look at the positive side of things. . .

Ron was "misunderstood", because he was way ahead of his time. Thus, others nattered about and committed overts on him, exactly as he predicted in the study tech audiotapes.

Example of Ron being way ahead of his time--Mike Rinder notes: "The LRH biography people have tried for years to come up with any proof that Sarah was in fact a Russian spy as Hubbard claimed." You see? Russians did it! Just like the Russians rigged the 2016 election and destroyed our democracy. Ron knew all this was going to happen, we should have listened to him!

So, dear readers, you see? It's not all bad, the glass is half full. Moreover, the cult is also half full.

Of bullshit.

The other half is not bullshit, it's sociopathically sanctimonious hypocrisy.