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River of Life


Gold Meritorious Patron
What you think or view in your head - is it real or imagined.

Each moment of life begins now.

The past is gone, thus any attention or pictures are at best imaginary replications of what was once.

That they persist in any form - indicates you are creating them for some reason.

I wrote this many years ago.....I hope it makes sense.


"All things, going upwards or
downwards, are in perpetual flux."
Heraclitus (540-475 B.C.)



Approximately 2500 years ago, the great Greek philosopher Heraclitus made his famous observation, "You cannot step in the same river twice." The reason for this is that the river is the water that flows between the banks, and that water is constantly being replaced by new water as it rushes toward its destination.

The water of the river that you stepped into is no longer there; it has been replaced with new water or some other particle or form such as a tree trunk, fish, or silt.

This analogy illustrates the recursive nature of Paradigm Matrices and holds true for all Paradigm Matrices of life.

A corporation is like a river; its people and particles are forever changing. People get hired and promoted. Others change companies. Others get replaced, or they retire and still others take their positions. Particles such as information, customers, money, raw materials, inventory, etc., flow in, are served or serviced, and sent on their way to be replaced by new particles. There is a constant flow of people, subjects, locations, and things that change forever the nature of the internal flow of the company.

This hit home to me when I contacted the Tenneco Corporation of Houston. In 1965 I trained eighty-five of their top executives, managers and salesmen. Not one of the people I trained is still active with Tenneco. Some had died. The rest had retired or left the company; most are now unknown in the company. The Tenneco of 1992 is not the Tenneco of 1965. The river of life continued to flow through the company and had renewed itself with newer people, places, subjects, and things.

If you follow a football team, or any sporting team, for a long period of time, then lose contact for a period of five or more years, in looking at the current team you will find that you know hardly any of the players. The "river effect" has taken place; the flow of life has replaced the old with the new.

Your body acts in much the same manner. If you could see your body exactly as it is, you would see the "river effect" at work. Blink your eyes and the body has changed. Twelve months ago, ninety-eight percent of the atoms in your body were not there. The river of atoms and cells flowing in and out, constantly renewing themselves, causes a complete replacement of the body so that over a period of seven years, the body has replaced itself with new atoms and cells.

Different parts of the body take different lengths of time to replace themselves. The skin is new every month; a new liver takes six weeks. The stomach lining is renewed every four days, and the stomach's surface cells, those that contact the food, are renewed every five minutes. Even your skeleton replaces itself over a period of three months.

A river, a company, a nation, a planet, and your success, health, wealth, and happiness all are totally dependent upon the rivers of life. Should the wrong atoms or the wrong cells be introduced into the body it could easily become sick and cease to function. The same applies to a country, a company, a river, or the planet.

Analysis of a river finds it is part of a sequence of events that keep the flow constantly happening. Minute particles of water form vapor and become clouds. The temperature drops and the vapor condenses and becomes droplets. The droplets are heavier than the air and so fall to earth as rain or, if frozen, as snow or hail. These in turn splash over the earth, run together and form rivulets, which in turn run together to become rivers. The rivers run together to form lakes and seas. These get heated and the surface droplets return to their vapor state and rise in the air to begin the cycle again. This happens over and over again unless something interrupts the cycle.

Three elements, heat, cold, and electricity, have a great deal of effect on life. Give too much or too little of any one of the three to any life form and you alter that life form's ability to survive; it will become sick and die.

The key to health, prosperity, and happiness for any life form depends on the correct balance of heat, cold, electricity, and particles that flow along its river of life.

We've long known that what you eat, drink, the quality of air, and the amount of heat or cold have an immense effect on all aspects of life. Too much heat, and you have drought, famines, and fevers. Too much cold, and you have blizzards, famines, and frostbite. Acid rain causes trees, grass, and fish to die and a million other bad effects to occur. Foods devoid of the correct nutrients cause debilitating illness. Soil that lacks the correct nutrients becomes barren, which leads to erosion.

Until recently, very little has been understood or researched about the effects of electricity on our environment and our bodies. We do know that too much electricity put into anything will destroy it. Too little, and it will not work properly; if left too long, it will cause death.

Electricity is a specific type of particle moving from a negative zone to a positive zone, or vice versa. Energy is a form of electricity, or better still, electricity is a form of energy.

Life forces contain a certain amount of electricity. The brain functions by the passage of millivolts of electrical charge. So do the nerve channels along which electricity travels, bringing with it electronically-coded messages and commands. Even a river has within it minute electrical particles.

Let us analyze the cycle of the river. A river flows between two banks. It arrives at a lake or sea which is contained by land that is higher than it is and which is capable of exerting more pressure against the water than the water can exert against it. When the water is heated and vaporizes, it transcends in a column of heat that is surrounded by a column or amount of cooler air. As the cloud forms, it also is surrounded by areas of cooler or higher-density air. One can observe the automatic, machine-like activity taking place.

Each of the outside pressures pushing against the inside particles and forces acts as a matrix or mold that shapes the form and direction the life force or water particles travel. This paradigm matrix cycle is a natural law.

Understanding paradigm matrix cycles and laws can pay off with greater success in life. For example, I used my knowledge of what keeps a glider in the air when I flew my own plane, a single-engine, turbo-charged Bonanza.

One extremely hot day, I flew non-stop from Columbus, Ohio, to Van Nuys, California. The temperature was 102, which meant, because the air was thin, it would take much longer to reach altitude.

I was flying east to west, so I could expect to run into normal head winds of 20-30 mph. Luckily, I overheard a pilot who had just flown east from Salt Lake City say that he had encountered 50-60 mph head winds between 14,000 and 16,000 feet. Since I was flying west, I could fly at 15,500 feet and benefit from the 50-60 mph tail wind.

The problem was, in that heat and with my aircraft fully-laden, I'd be lucky to climb 200 to 300 feet per minute until, at 6,000 feet, I could fully engage my turbo-charger. Even then I would be lucky to climb 400 feet a minute; it would take nearly an hour to climb to my target altitude, and I'd use a tremendous amount of fuel, approximately 230 gallons, in the process. At that rate, I would have to refuel the plane after 900 miles. At $2 a gallon, I would use about $460 worth of fuel.

As I took off from Columbus, I spied and headed toward a white cloud approximately ten miles to the northwest. There, I put the plane into the thermal current that rose between the earth and the cloud. I set the plane so that I could do the tightest-possible 360o turns. When I looked at my altitude indicator, it showed me rising between 2,500 and 3,500 feet per minute. I was at an altitude of 14,500 within four minutes, and three minutes later I was at 15,500. I had a 50 mph tail wind as I headed west, and my ground speed increased to 230 mph.

5 1/2 hours later, with plenty of fuel to spare from one fill up, I landed at Van Nuys airport. A flight that normally would have taken eleven hours and cost $460 for fuel, took only half that time and cost.

I estimate that I have saved myself hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars by understanding and working with the natural laws connected to air current forces, and so being more efficient.

I've applied the same understanding to life and business. The secret is in recognizing that there is a flow of force, the direction of that flow of force, where the flow of force emanates, where the flow of force arrives, what the paradigm matrices are that hold and channel the flow of force, and what transceivers relay or alter the force in a new form or direction.

A transceiver is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as a module consisting of a radio receiver and transmitter (TRANSMITTER + RECEIVER). I have expanded upon this definition to include any person, place, object, or subject that can receive and transmit.

A transceiver occupies a fixed position and contains mass that allows particles to flow into, through, and out of itself. Quite often the transceiver alters the form of particles taken in. When they pass through the module, they may take on different forms, shapes, or directions.

For example, a body ingests food, water, and air. Air is pumped into the lungs and used to oxygenate and aerate the body. Food is broken down into minute particles of chemical substances and used throughout the body to replace the old and dead cells and waste products. Water is used to replace lost water and to flush the waste, dead cells, and excess chemicals out of the body.

Air that's exhaled comes out carbon dioxide-rich; water that's eliminated is called urine, and unusable or indigestible food is eliminated as feces. The rest of the air, food, and water is used to give the body energy, heat, coolness, and rebuilding materials.

Each part of a paradigm is a transceiver.

A complete paradigm matrix is a transceiver.

A computer is a paradigm transceiver; input data, the output is data.

A river is a paradigm transceiver; both input and output are water.

A factory is a paradigm transceiver; input is raw materials, the output is products.

All identities are paradigm transceivers. For example, a salesman's output is data and products, future business and cash are his input. Visions and directions are a leader's output; products, achievements, and profit are the input. An executive's output is what's needed and the accomplished result is the input. Communication particles are a secretary's input. She rearranges their form to output letters or products.

A team is a series of paradigm transceivers that interact to produce a specific outcome.

A corporation is a series of paradigm transceivers that interrelate and interact to produce products that can be exchanged for something of equivalent value.

A nation is a series of paradigm transceivers that interrelate and interact to produce products that can be exchanged for something of equivalent value.

A family consists of paradigm transceivers that interrelate and interact to produce products that can be exchanged for something of equivalent value.

THE TRANSCEIVER IS THE MATRIX that molds and sculpts the input of life-force particles and transforms them to output products or outcomes that can be exchanged for something of equivalent value.
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