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3 answers


Gold Meritorious Patron
3 questions have been bothering me for a long time.

And since I’m not a kind of a person who would easily give up in getting posed questions answered, I persisted in trying to get them answered.

Having been a Scientologist, I could never get them answered properly, i.e. in such a way so to would feel good about the answers.
Perhaps, it was due to a lack of data from variety of sources, belief systems, science, psychology, 4chan, Internet rules…

At this point I’m not concerned with “Ethics conditions”. – It’s been just my honest attempts to find out the answers that would make sense to me.

Here they are (short versions without added applicable data and conclusions having lead to below):

1. Where am I?

In economic society. In the world of money.

While it’s pleasant to see myself in the world where everybody is good, decent and kind to each other, it’s not so. – Only in the books and films and… - but not here.

2. What are you?

A human being who has a choice of living in his imaginary world where people are good to each other, etc. or live in this one.

3. Who are you really?

Just a small part (a piece of sand) of this immense Universe. A piece that is aware and conscious. A piece that makes his choices, - and receives in direct proportion for his made choices and decisions.


I don’t feel a “win” about having answered those. Just that my mind has calmed down.


And, just in case, - No, I’m not promoting Scientology around here.

Those who believe I’m a troll, you don’t have to keep telling me that (or "warn others for the good of Mankind").

Lesolee (Sith Lord)

Patron Meritorious

I don’t feel a “win” about having answered those. Just that my mind has calmed down.


And, just in case, - No, I’m not promoting Scientology around here.

Those who believe I’m a troll, you don’t have to keep telling me that (or "warn others for the good of Mankind").

A calm mind sounds like a good thing. :clap:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Of course, those answers are my personal and subjective.

Maybe, people in general don't ask themselves these questions and don't bother about that at all.

In my experience, anyone who found himself in "lower conditions" had to ponder over those. - And since, throughout my time in SO, I spent lots of my time in those "lower conditions" (No, not so much assigned but personally felt toward the SO and being there), I thought it was of value to share with others about answers I came to.

Looking at it now, I would have left SO and Scn behind way faster that I did if I had those answers.

Hope it might help to Scientologists sitting on the fence.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Where are you?

One may be sorta confused about where he is.

I was born in USSR, and since childhood believed (was made to believe) that I lived in the best possible of the worlds.

Was it so? - You know the answer.

It was a game. Game played by Communist Party over Russians.

We lived way worse than the rest of civilized world.

Then, later we came to realize that we had been being duped. Big time! - All those years.

Where I was at the time of my childhood? - In an imaginary world that communism was good and capitalism was gong down (rotten).

You get the picture?


Gold Meritorious Patron
Where are you?

Now, after having been thru materialistic Communism, idealistic Scientology, having studied some "new age" teachings, having gone thru many changes of viewpoint, I have stopped at this: this world (human world) operates on money. Whether I like it or not, it's a business world. Some sell, some buy: be it a religion, an ideology, a belief system, a house, a car. Even friendship and love are bought and sold.

I know it's a cruel statement. But it's how it goes.

Please, forgive me for this candid statement.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Where are you?

Some still feel they are in the cozy world of theirs where everyone is good and everything is fine. Where world cares about them. Where dreams come true.

It may be so. - For them.

The world isn't like that. At all.

The world doesn't care about one more than one cares about himself.

The world has already given you and me all it could: life, air, water, food, earth, space...

- The rest is up to you. How you deal with your life... is your own business.

Nature, God, World, Planet doesn't owe you a thing.... It has already given you all you need. - Use it well or get lost.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Where are you?

One might want to live reading books and watching films that keep his ideas alive.

Or one might look around and see that this world of books and films is just imaginary.
- And he might want to look around, and see what's going on around him, what people really want, what they fight, what their real values are...

That picture might be unpleasant.

But THAT is reality.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Where are you?

You DON'T live in that wonderful world created by Hubbard for you (world where you are "at cause over matter, energy, space time and life...")

You live in THIS world, on the same terms with the rest of us.

This world doesn't care about you. Your being here doesn't matter. - You being here isn't worth it just because of you being here. - You are nothing.

You are here just a piece of sand. Like everyone of us.

Lesolee (Sith Lord)

Patron Meritorious
Where are you?

Now, after having been thru materialistic Communism, idealistic Scientology, having studied some "new age" teachings, having gone thru many changes of viewpoint, I have stopped at this: this world (human world) operates on money. Whether I like it or not, it's a business world. Some sell, some buy: be it a religion, an ideology, a belief system, a house, a car. Even friendship and love are bought and sold.
On that list, friendship and love are the only two that cannot be bought. If you thought you were buying them, in that instant you would know they were not true. :bigcry:

Yes, nowdays friendship can be sold in terms of cheque-book journalism. People will sell-out their friends for money. A sad truth.


Ordinary Human
The answer to all three questions is to be as a child; innocently and lovingly enjoying your life.

A.K. Myers

Patron with Honors
Enemy Formula: Find out who you really are.
Treason Formula: Find out that you are.
Confusion Formula: Find out where you are.

Formulas never used: Find out why you are.
Find out when you are.
Find out what you are.
