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What techniques, habits, practices help YOU?


Angelic Poster
On another thread (at at http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?27609-Martyworld-Tech&p=710770&viewfull=1#post710770), secretiveoldfag thought it would be interesting to compile a list of ESMBers' "... techniques which have helped people and which have nothing to do with [Scientology] ...."

I agree!

Surely, this has been done before on ESMB. But if not -- or, if so, for those who haven't seen that thread -- I would love to see what ESMBers have discovered "works for them" -- to become more able, less stressed, happier, get them through the night -- or whatever floats your boat.

I'll start with 20 things that really, really, really help me:

  1. Take Ambien when I can’t sleep.
  2. Get dressed every morning.
  3. Plan and schedule the day.
  4. Leave the house daily.
  5. Make lists about everything.
  6. Spend less money than we make.
  7. Spend time outdoors.
  8. Remember to breathe deeply and slowly.
  9. Drink lots of water.
  10. Walk with my dog.
  11. Do aquarobics.
  12. Smile on purpose.
  13. Do housecleaning.
  14. Take long baths.
  15. Drink strong coffee.
  16. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  17. Drink wine.
  18. Vacation with hubby.
  19. Have date nights with hubby.
  20. Imagine our life when we win the lottery.



Gold Meritorious Patron
There are heaps of things I do to calm my chattering mind and lift my mood but a few that come to mind right now are:

1. Reading out loud. Anything. Just reading out loud. It sharpens the focus and acts to quieten the mind. Done daily, over period of week or two this has a powerful effect on calming the mental chatter. I was advised to do this by a healer and at first thought "pff..." but it worked for me.

2. Laughing. Watching comedies and getting lost in a few good belly laughs. Last night it was Absolutely Fabulous - Joanna Lumley and Jennifer Saunders are deliciously funny, wicked and wild.

3. Random acts of kindness. Gifting them, as graciously as possible and then not talking about them.

4. Eating really good organic chocolate as a special treat. I make a small ceremony of this, placing chocolate on pretty plate and enjoying nice music/setting. Indulgence!

5. Gratitude. Even when its all dark and full of misery, finding things to be grateful for is powerful. :)

6. Being silent. Not having to have an opinion about everything and just observing quietly.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Ho, what good lists! Mine is very ordinary.

1 I try not to worry about what people think about me. Maybe they don't think about me at all.
2 I don't drive if I can phone.
3 I enjoy every day, considering the options.
4 I never complain about the weather. There is nothing I can do about it anyway.
5 I refuse to take on a burden of cosmic guilt. Starving orphans and the melting ice cap are not my fault.
6 I help people if they ask for help.
7 I don't expect anyone ever to help me, so it's nice when they do.
8 I stay away from doctors. They are liable to find something I don't know I have.
9 I try to be rational while not ruling out the power of prayer.
10 I am patient with problems, disturbance, noise and slow builders. Eventually they stop or finish the job.
11 I realise my family and friends are not perfect, and neither am I.
12 I forgot the laughs. Old videos, Cheezeburger cats, even in ESMB (a very serious place on the whole).

Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud
Not in any order..

Spending time making love.

Laughter ! Laughter is my key to long & happy healthy life... as is love.

Meditate...I do 15 minutes a day.

Spending time with those I love and designing my life so tacky people are not in it.

I do like to drink wine. It is a must with the evening meal.
Excerise.. from a half hour walk minimum to going to the gym to work out.

Taking GOOD vitamins & minerals.

Prolly more, those are the quick answers.


Ordinary Human
1. Floating (in an isolation tank) 3-4 times a week.
2. Swimming most days.
3. Yoga half an hour everyday, with one day a week off.
4. A massage twice a week.
6. Talking to my kids everyday - they are at school in another country, so this is important to me.
7. Very good organic, near vegan diet. I eat a little sheep's milk cheese occasionally as a treat.
8. Violin practice, about 2 hours a day, with one day a week off.
9. Discovering and listening to new music.
10. Drinking enough spring water everyday.
11. Taking ORMUS.
12. A run twice a week.
13. Reading - lots of poetry.
14. Spending time outdoors.
15. Keeping up to date with our adopted charities.

That's about it.


Great thread, yeh I know its been done before but hell, it is always nice to read what folk's rules of the road are.

Here are a few of mine~

1. Wake up and smell the roses/coffee/, be glad to be alive despite de slings and arrows blah-blah-blah.

2. Treat all things endowed with life with the respect they deserve.

3. Judge not without healthy investigation, if at all, unless your a judge of course :p

4. Use the words, don't let them use you/ don't over think the simple shit. Or another way of looking at it is to be yourself rather than trying to be how you think you are. Ignore for the most part the parts of you that concern themselves with how others view you, sure some might be valid and bear looking into, but ffs don't beat yourself up about it!

5. Just get on up and do it! Don't waste your time thinking about all the stuff ya have to do when you could be just out there getting it done!

6. Conquer fears, and don't be afraid to stand up for justice, you'd be surprized how many allies crawl out of the wood-work at the most opportune times, hm, sometimes not but wtf, at least ya tried!

7. Love your family regardless.

8. Eat well.

9. Have fun, even if you have to make your own.

10. Be your own best friend.

11. A good dose of skeptism can save ya a tonne of grief later.

12. Above all, do no harm.

We are children of the universe, so frikken grow up already! :biggrin:

I have many other things that make up what is me, these are some of the very basics.



Angelic Poster
I already LOVE this thread. :) Thank you, all who've thrown down so far.



P.S. Smilla, what is that ORMUS you take?


Silver Meritorious Patron
I like this thread!

1. I take Celexa, an SSRI inhibitor. A psych drug! :omg: I suffer from depression and PTSD, neither as a result of time in the cult, but neither fixed, reduced or in any other way improved (in many ways worsened) by time in the cult. I truly believe that taking it has changed my life for the better.

2. I indulge in pet therapy. Animals have a way of bringing out the best in me, so I devote part of my day to my cats and if the cats aren't around, anyone's pet will do. :)

3. I rant. Natter up a frigging storm to one of my besties. It may not fix anything but it makes me feel better and usually ends in some reference to gators and the Everglades... and giggles. :coolwink:


Patron with Honors
This is a GREAT thread!

I think of a few things:

This may seem odd or even insulting, depending on how it's taken, but honestly, I like to think. Just think about things until I get to sort of a good point. Helps me.

I also do best when I plot things out for the day, though half the time I don't.

Feeding the two cats my former neighbor abandoned. Briefly socializing with them.

Checking on the growth of veggies in my back yard. Also eating them or giving them away.

woodworking and sculpture


very long hikes were great and I hope to get back to being able to do this again

good conversations

listening to old blues recordings (on the net)

not feeling I have to pretend to have a unified theory of existence as one sort of did in the cult (I don't even have a disunified theory)

Oh yeah--watching classic movies

All I can think of now, but the thread is inspirational. Thanks.



Patron with Honors
Yes, that, too.

Add : Toke J every once in awhile.

Add 2 : Accept farts are normal & everyone has 'em.

Hi toad,

I don't toke, but thank you for 2. I'M surprised the subject was missed in all of my many sec checks. No wonder I've been so critical of poor old ron.



Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on

Eliminating stressful things, like being responsible for salvaging this sector of the Galaxy.

Indulging passions of any sort that life kindly places within my gravitational orbit.

Applying the HCOB "Pleasure & Sex".

Surrendering to creative delights like writing, designing or launching a new business venture.

Buying (only) things that I truly love.

Occasionally rewarding myself with something lavishly expensive and knowing when the time is right--as if clashing cymbals in a symphony orchestra as written on the score and precisely on the director's cue.

Finding beautiful things that are hidden in front of my eyes and relishing those equally valuable moments of discovery whether they appear eternal or fleeting.

Sometimes touching the majesty of invisible worlds where things are connected & ordered in some other way than ordinary life...and feeling happy that there is yet some magic out there. And with only an intuitive map, looking for portals that may lead me in that direction....

The alchemy of using whatever resources are available and making something good happen with them.

Surprising people with something cool.

Exercising my mind by daily swimming in the ocean of knowledge.

Marveling at art of all kinds.

Indulging in thinking about or occasionally undertaking some folly of grand plan scale.

Rebooting my mind with anything that might work...a motorcycle ride, amorous frivolities with someone ridiculously too young, sleeping whenever I feel like it and waking up any time I just happen to wake up, 3-4 hour massages where I do not have to think about anything at all, a surreal mini-adventure that ends up up in an Asian Kareoke club, buying books even if only sometimes open to one or two pages that might connect to something....

Finding movies I can not only watch and adore, but be inside of for a couple hours.

Not caring.

Watering a big house plant and noticing that it is still growing and depends on me.

Love, infatuation, liking or even the exchange of a smile with another.

The sweetness of people.
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Patron Meritorious
- The countryside; visiting it, exploring it, making love in it

- Music; making it, watching it and making love to it

- Travelling all around the world

- Reading and analysing the work of many writers

- Taking up all hobbies and habits that gave me much joy before Scientology

- Throwing away and doing away with the mediocrity and slave to the wage lifestyle that Scientology as a culture adores.

- Standing up to the people in Scientology when they try and berate and attack you in public

- Lifelong learning

- Smiles and laughter


Gold Meritorious Patron
- Hugging and kissing my wife and telling her that I love her.
- Visiting relatives in the Italian countryside and being treated like royalty.
- Traveling to distant countries and experiencing their people, culture, food and art.
- Sitting outside in the early morning, sipping hot coffee and enjoying the cool air
- Watching my grandchildren at play
- Watching my daughter transform from a rebellious teenager to a wonderful, caring mother.
- Drinking fine Italian wine
- Enjoying Australian rules football that I can finally get on US television.
- Reading the 100 Top Stupid Moments in Scientology thread.

EP - Ethics Particle

Gold Meritorious Patron
This just came to me as I read through this thread and liked pretty much every post...nothing in this thread to not like! :thumbsup:

I try to NEVER do anything I do not want to do, not to be too hasty and be on time when humanly possible. :ohmy:

(This runs deeper that you might think...I think.) :confused2::wink2:

YMMV, of course. :)