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I'm out finally


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Hi Thelma!!


Just joking... no stat pushes here :biggrin:


So happy you made it here and out of the insanity of Scientology! :thumbsup:


Patron with Honors
Hi, Thelma, and WELCOME!!


We're all glad you're out, and we value your company here. I love hearing personal stories of what inspired (or pushed) people to leave, finally, but no pressure. We all tell our stories in our own time.

One thing you will find here that you may have missed in the "Church" is understanding and compassion.

Oh, and if you happen to say something one of us doesn't like, nobody sends you to "Ethics" (a misnomer if ever there was one). :biggrin:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Ok Thelma, glad you found ESMB. We'd really like to hear your story, if ya got one. If you need an example of what we love, take a look at the Jim Faust thread :biggrin:

But welcome, either way.
Hi Thelma, It would be very helpful if you could give some basic details on where you last took Scientology services and what the reason was that you eventually left. This does not have to be long. Any information about recent doings and activities Scientology is is needed this board. We are loosing touch, fill us in.